f ~PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tt'E- DA.Y. MaR_1 E:( 1 i_9J _. + FOREIGN TUDENTS CLUB PLANSTRIP Twenty Hembers Of Eight Naions Will Visit Michigan Cities I Week Of April 13 IS ANNUAL AFFAIR Morc Than 20 foreign students, rep- resenting eight different nations, will participate in the annual spring trip of the Cosmopolitan club which is to begin on Monday, April 13 and last throughout the entire week. The same itinerary as in former years will be followed by the club. Beginning with Battle Creek, the club will also spend one day in Kalamazoo, Gran~d Rapids, Lansing, and Flint, returning to Ann Arbor on Saturday afternoon. The students will be the guests at homes in each city. Whizle in the "k'oocl City" the club wil visit the Postum Cereal plant and the Battle Creek sanitarium. The next stop will- be at Kalamazoo where' they will visit the Western State 'Nor- mal school and the Kalamazoo college' in the morning, and the Vegetable Parchment company, th.a second lar- gest in the United States, in the after- noon. Wednesday the party w~l visit Grand Rapids. The students will spend the morning in the show-rooms of the Berkey and Gy Furniture com- pany. In the afternoon they will probably inspect a modern :filtration plant and several other industries Lansing will be host to the group on Thursday. The Reo Motor car company, the Michigan Agricultural college, and the state capitol will be visited by the club. On Friday the Cosmopolitans will spend the day in Flint. They intend to inspect the Chevrolet Motor Car company, and the Flint Varnish company. In each city the party will give its own pogram in return for the hos- pitality of its hosts. Speeches will be made, songs will be sung, and various acts will be given. Mr. Carlton Wells of the Rhetoric department and Prof. Jonathan Hild- ner of the German department will have charge of the trip. NONINCOME DEPARTME YTS COST UNIONX $70,000 YEARLY It costs the Union $70,000 a year to operate the non-income producing departments and to carry on various activities. OnlyII I$36,000 is taken in each year on tlife membership subscriptions. A shortage of $3,000 must e Itaken from the income-bearingI Jor commercial departments and used to defray the other ex- Ipenses. As a result, at the end of each year there is little left to apply on the $306,364 debt Istill standing against the Un- ion. A mortgage of $200,000 will be due in August, and banks which Ihold the mortgage, will not re- new it. If the debt is to be paid Iit will have to be paid with Jrnoney raised on past-due sub-I" scriptions. As a result, Union officials urge that Union mnem -j jhers who owe money on their memberships settle their debts, in order that the Union may be !relieved of a critical financial I situation. -J Read the Want Adsi Carries Rambling Prince On Latest Jaunt This Month Classification Methods Topic Of Discussion ('hanging the classification methodls of the I. niversitv was the major dis- (uiIfl at the meeting of the faculty of the College ofLtrar, :~n~ andl the mArts yesterday , t nGOn. rpwoiproblems we re( considred,. namely, whether the elassitic "' ion shoul1(1extend toI ('juniors iandLIsenliors in the calle ge, and ]low the mcxc'han- ical1 work is to0 be ca rried1 o; t ill th e future. The whole ,natter 1' as laidl on the table pending the a ppointment of a new Registrar. It was decided not to bind his hands by any raguilat ions on his taking office., Prof. W. D. H-enderson, head of tihe extension division of the University, gave a report on that department and the work it is carrying en among the people in the state. -ead the Want Ads 1 ' i i i t' t 1 1 r l . I ANN ARBOR'S LEADING CLOTHIERS 209 S. MAIN ST. . ,..e.e..,. Featuring I, STEIN-BLOCI-I martClothes M ICI-ALS-ST1ERN V/aue-First Clothes .;! .mot F :, Igh Gradle Turnishings Ya 1 ' 1k. The battleship Repulse is being prepared at Portsmouth, EnDg., to carrythe rambling Prince of Wales on his next jaunt, a tour of South Afm lea andlsome of the South American countries, on which lhe will ernhati March 28. In his party will be two dozen' valets anA a jazz band. Experienced Officers Soughita For Summer Camp At Custeri i es with them, such as Gall Lake, at Officers on ,the campus who have whichli cottages are always. availale seen egneigservice as (aptains ~~tr ess i A pi a ols a d n o m t o, n - or first lieutenants in the Rteser ve; ga id ig the camp may br. seenured at. Corps may take advantage of the' Capt amin[olnn's ofiice in the Anrune cv fifteen day summer training camp at! ---- --- Camp Custer wli4 is to be offered'C a h YotB c the 357th Engineer Regiment, accord- ing to a statement m~adle yesterday F o rpE . by Capt. Ion C. -Holm, United States- Cavalry. There are, however, no va-i cancies left for second1 lieutenants. I ';einu H. Yost., direct or of ini v Twenty officers from the 357t h En- col legiate( at hietics, returned I . gineers are to be sent to Camp Custer " "Mondlay frcm nanm extend~ed iEasl em a Padlock Used To PreventJ Parking I Log-Chain and padlock is he ,\ ap- con Which is hemmg usd by t he Bail d- a ad C rounds deCpartmniyt In its; tt 10 I': to revenlt.p kfl~of Illto- tnmcailes ill rc<;t rited arweas eonthe S''( '5tO :VaimaI' it 0lioblilo parked(} Sa!.tls t l rca y 0 the Will jam lI~. (Cmen- eats li bra ry wlis"caird"prkn g J i#p rollhited in t his space. Pay i'r your u Subscription itoday. GuARDs CA NEW A R- R-OW UOLLAR- Style- KYul 1:1--c~L tic more advanc- vw ed Englh4h lines o this ,., 's rrtzxlels, -especially i the many distinctly indi- vidui411 patterns we have se- lcted. 302 S. State St. Over HVailer's Jeivelrv / . / .:k 1 C- 'V.- ,0 i u 'aYer + T..+ 'mead'v~+. mrapr .. a +w .r .er'.o ,rra ap. sava ar. '+ca..r'aiw ur..wiac Read The Daily "Classified" Columns I engneering unit of the regular army, thus having an opportunity to obtain practical experience. 'those ordered qnthis dutty ill- receive' regular pay in their grade, as well as recei-ing travel pay to arid from their homes, and will also be furnished necessary quarters and conveniences. Camp Custer is well situated for officers who desire to take their [ami- t rip). Coacah Yost, spienIr ;ve cf al flay in New vYork de(voted to l~uu iaess H 1'conneetion wih it i spwsitiOn. (on t11h r' etiiuu trin, (Ceach Ycs. slopped -at ,Lawrelce i? nliCi sit y wli ere 1ewtI li v em-ed shagrt tailks.; ie al-~o was a gu (1 'at the "letter' imi!'IiI cerealoimcs a S:d ri-llllse lmll' (Wsity. douur Suhscrtption is payable now. p too J 4 f Ntpp Ci ii ., ,f.....,..p,.,.., . ..., ., ,,,....a. .., ' a 4 r~ li O/// *I ~4..~ Select New Ties From This Display 95C An excellent opportunity to select an array of ties for the en- tire spring from this special showing of silk and wool neckwear at 95c. (MAIN FLOIR) 8 EX . REMEDIES I-i 11ex nll 'it":all lle'Nall II4'x-~11 ('larb lcCa_-eclal Tablets... ... ('iarboli Sailve ............2 ('old Tabllets...........2 (Corn Solvent...........' F~oot Powderi...........2 h id lu ey P ills . . . . . r a l G ( a i r g h . . . . . . 2 Tol~the Stop~per ........2 for forl for for for' for for for for for 26c' 20,c 268 1 6e .SIc ' neway YRoundTripe175 The entire modern, comfortable Tourist Class for the following Sailings has been reserved for 'rLACHERS, PROFESSORS and STUDENTS. To Europe From Europe S. Ventana June';13 Bremen Aug. 15 Bremen June 25 Muenchen Aug. 20 Muenchen June 30 36 Day Tour All Expenses 27 5 To the shrines of the great in Art, Literature and Music with sight- seeing trips in care of academic guides. Your opportunity to com- bine a bracing sea voyage with re- 50V' J eiter ('old ( reaii............. ,w Witeriax Tollic Laxative ....,....2 ___________________________________________________ s .tnnnainasL~ ii I'." i f ESTABLISHED 1918 MADISON~ AVENUE COR. FORTY-FOUn~TH STREST NE1W YORKI .t , i1 , I' ' ' : a II "@t ji=F ! [; ',0 Syrup of llypohosphites ......2 for $1.01 " .'IeciiicatC(I Shin Soap...........2 for 26c ON-' Raty Rum (S or,. size).........2 for 6kc ~,tI( R1iher's Brilliantinie............2 for ic 50c ('oroa Buttecr Cold Cre'am .....2 for 51c i c' xl lumving('ream ........2 for 36c' '5c hhss a'f ar Sampoo........... 2 for 24k .iii (%uinmhieflair Tonic........2 for $1.01 501' B~~et la-doline ..............2 for. 51c 2!''c 1 iizc, Denital (Crem ..........2 for 26v $1.15 iPure VTirgi'n Olive Oil ........2 for $1.16 I ~~l(*(~acid Powder..........2 for iGc f Liijimd Anitisepti c........2 for Sic 0t!w Xine Oxidie Oint mient...........2 for 2I( o~ Q; 'th Acting' Plaster ...........2 for PsIc 3'~~ ~.'~"~i E tca~r 1Dry (Cleanemr ... 2for :wc t2wv t4 ,iii,.,5s Tooth Brushies ........2 for 28c b.5 A dt ',a;fToothIiBrushes ...........2 _$for 36ec a ' 1inlet ale U ICCf &ljjjum............ 2 for iii 3-ve ts !''arg'R woe T'alcum ..........2 foa. t. {, rae Wdt'r rBottles or 'eye rig ...2 foin.:,)226 Q o. cyBark ('nigh Syrup ......2 for 31c .., 3 Zic Stemrate................. 2 for 116t _20e INmi' l i''mtem' Softenier............. ?for 21c 2 ) Hint k I~ativXI es .................2 for 28.! 1 $1.1101iHousehlod llub 'r 4loves 2 p irs $u1,6 :)c1 (; ,wce Lmineal'Paper ( polunds) . ..2 for «Sic -10c ('oscadeiieni Etvehoiw-,{(Sf) . ..2for41c 40~c Mdrw lkdiil') &herrh's (S ow.)'. . ..2 for 41c x;,111 1 ge Si;,(Sutima ry........v for $1,01 h~f I W'iir' Thimets;...............:2 for 1ic "Oe~ F n 1 i h oth mi'1' .......2for Sic 5:' Lead Per-cil; .....................2 for 6C' /ilk- Svi- ,nm9'iy, Ass~orted i............2 for :Sl.c tGr)e Oieho Cfee (,;1v 7'('iA lprice) . . ..2 113x. 89,- 7,)e 1" R ta' Ilw iehuolhiAprons ...... 2 for 76- 7Fc bSta ticonery, Assorted...........2 for 76c! (11) ox.)............... .......W for 41c ;;,c Porma vanlla, Extr'nact;...........2 1for 51c ilkc Paure l 1114)1 a1: f>iracdf:............2 fOi' Ic 3ltle Ilowdeied ('ovfta (s (Z)........2forie 14cw A ssorited Sices~, (4Idmw.......o° lt soy 'I '1 1 t , iti aw (t lmiay lii 1-el') . ..2 for SIc( i4)t _ .-; f; btwbi l;.125 i'..........2 ?for i11c c l'ig'e1 11 f. .. .. . . fr 3. .'c l. brs)..1.... .)......r7.for 'mac p *s.1 3. rIt' .c lexall 'shamunporfo Pmst( ... .. .2for 36c ;f c & f'psYToiklt (meanm m(8 oz.) ......2 for i,~c .ie leall 'Toilet soap .............2It),for i6c 30c Ilex all Cold! Creamau.............2? for 311 ,)c i4~xaall Tooth Paste............ 2 for 20)c 2,-),, Jwommeel -sNil Poish ...............for -(PC :;(9e'inteel v mnaishmbmg I'rxeam a..... ,...' for Sc stye Aluua Zaiila, Face Powder .....2 for Si.e 0v J' it, IIaef il~a tiec'Ta lcumu .... .2for Sc c 'reaani o Almonds ..............2for 3 6c a° ' ocfwaaanad QOil .'iuntaluo Stump.......2 for a";c 1.te 1 Itos ft or et f :(Juismc oap . ..2 'S, .' 14k St' Rex Al Shaa ."inn LotilODi..........2 fayIf6 i$;1 ' JofSnt i° . .aa ;(u11 j Eb' Solett . . . . . . for3,u $1.60 Bolviuct 140 nee Far l' oiwder . .2 for $.0 $1.4) tl uueve ( 'tl omma(1 ~cPowsder .,.2 o 10 (lO' Rollaing 'll mu ;aauge (teeman.. ...2 1for' (ie 25c t'ocoanumat slanmmpool'lfnad .... .-Do 2 35c Ji)ont:&'l Nall('z'eamh...... ...2 4r 1h Pfo51 hptluc i ampe c Toile Wate'r. . . 2,for $1.51 F s i lt ~' [ -n.. ...?~d....... ..l ;;.iJ) S';e Egnfaim d xaabtP'~ile t Soap...........2 for ic ~ ,wt Naa l Files .....................2 for 211' $1.130 Toilet I.Vat er (Six odors) ......2 'Ior $1L01 l D Palo T'oild So)ap ..............t? 0) ?lie I cIo i'2 mbhi ~s.......2 l' ';r7 .. 4t4 lad D'ossiug i s . ..)2f3a2for 4 4YJ(. .1 'ia'S 1m,-"'k('l ( 'm h.''- ......2 for 1I(' fGle 4)m'o '"kca (tlhir*: _nds') ........2 f or ( )v c~ lmdsoap li( ............... 2 fur:' 2' l Wash Clot h ....................2 for2ic 3 ,' 'l ndiiira Am hi a;w ;Ta Icuma. ... -..)for 2 >v Tele j.hone1Mu)ray Hill 8800 Our Representative will be at the FIOTEL STATILER, Detroit Today and Tomorrow Mairch 24 aid 2:) y LL TOOTH PASTE F~J~ ~' S HL WATER TL y _. t m, 5('l~tic and (Lt'itU ora nt. v Mau-ch 25, 26, 27, 28 The larm nest selling bottle intshet; 11 1it 1111 I fill