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March 24, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-24

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VOL. XXXV. No. 130





_. _.

Ullilan and Peruvian Representatives
Still '1*0 Be Selected by
Their Governments
Washington March 23, (By A. P.)--
General John J. Pershing was for-
mally designated by President Coolidge
as president of the Tacna Arica pleb-
iscite commission on which the ex-
ecputive relies to end the 40-year-old
dispute between Chile and Peru under
his recent award as arbitrator.
The former commander of the Am-
erican expiditionary forces thus was
called once more to active, patriotic!
service for an undertaking he knows
will involve heavy responsibilities and
much labor, deferring indefinitely the
retirement he has enjoyed in nameI
only since he relinquished his post
as chief of staff of the army.
In a brief statement issued after
the announcement of his appointment
at the White House, Gbneral Persh-
ing made evident the spirit which
prompted him to accept his new task:
"My very deep interest in the wel-;
fare of the American republics to the
south and my desire for the maintain-,
once of friendly relations among us'
all make it a pleasure to be of any
possible service towards these ends.
I consider the duties of the mission
to which the president has assigned
rne very important and most sincerely
hope that they may be performed to
the satisfaction of all concerned.
General Pershing is the first to be
named of the three members of the
commission which will supervise the
determination by popular vote and
under suitable safeguards of the sov-
ereignity of the two disputed terri-
tor': The Chilian and Peruvian

Relief Work Progresses Rapidly
In Area Devastated By Tornado
Chicago, March 23.-(By A. P.) listed as hurt probably did not in-

Warm, summer weather prevailed
over the area in southern Illinois and
Indiana, devastated by the tornado
last Wednesday, and relief work pro-
gressed rapidly along with the burial
of the dead and the housing of the
homeless. Rebuilding saws and ham-
mers glinted in the sun light, while
doctors and nurses worked hard to
save the lives of the injured.
Rechecking of the casualty list with
additional dead from wounds raisedI
the total in some places and reducedi
the figures in others leaving the toll
tonight at 810 without including a
score supposed to have been inciner-
ated at Murphysboro, where 150
blocks were blown down and the
debrist partly burned. Red Cross'
workers also announced that the 2,9391

elude hundreds of persons who had
been injured, but who had failed to
report the fact owing to the excite-!
ment and necessity of aiding others
more severely injured.I
The total property loss has not
been compiled but will likely be more
than $12,000,000 in Illinois alone. With
some $3,000,000 in Indiana and about
$1,000,000 in Missourt, Tennessee and
Kentucky the property loss is likely
to exceed $18,000,000. This figure is
more serious than its size indicates
for most of the loss was sustained by
families of moderate circumstances
and meant the wiping out of all tan-
gible possessions.
Relief work not only proceeded with
celerity in the affected region but col--1
lection of funds to aid the sufferers
went on at an amazing pace.

Realize Need For Bond to Replace
Geneva Protocol; Common
Basis Sought
London,Mar ch 23, (By A. P.)-
Another European conference, similarI
to that held in London last summer
to put the iDawes reparation plan into
effect, but this year loking towards
European political reconstruction

Chicago, Ill., Mar. 23-Alumni
of the Uiniversity of Chicago met
tonight to inaugurate a cam-
paign to raise a $17,000,000 de-
velopment fund for that Institu-
tion. Chicago alumni will en-
deavor to secure $1,320,000 of
that amount.
Gift From Wife of E. W. Pendleton
Includes Volumes From
Private Collection

List Hundred
B. M. 0. C.'s In
New Magazine
Bristling vyith awe-inspiring names,
the first B. M. 0. C. Bluebeeok ap-
peared on the campus yesterday. At
a late hour last night the editors were
still unidentified, despite a collection
of rumors of supposed authenticity.
The book consisted of information
regarding one hundred of the leaders
of campus activities, and specialized
in athletes and members of the staff,
of the various student publications.


Declares Bolshevism Under
Impossible As Form of





Leyton Richards Will Oppose
Geology Professor On
War Question

Prof. W. H. Iiobbs of the geology
department and Rev. Leyton Richards,
of Birmingham, England, will debate
at 7:30 o'clock Thursday in the Con-
gregational church on the subject;
Resolved, that war should be abolished
as a means for the settlement of inter-
national disputes. Reverend Richards,
who is a well known pacifist of Eng-
land, will uphold the affirmative side
of the question.
Professor Hobbs has appeared in
debates dealing with questions in-
volving pacifism and war in this city
several timesin the past. Reverend
Richards is pastor of the Carrs Lane
church in Birmingham England, the I
largset Congregational church in that*
country. He has delivered many

Ann Arbor Students Arrange to Hold
State Convention Here
April 2 and 3
Under the initiative of the Student
council of the Ann Arbor High School
and L. L. Forsythe, principal of that
institution, a convention of the stu-
dent councils of the high schools of
Michigan will be held in Ann Arbor.
April 2 and 3.
Acting under the supposition that
all high schools have the same prob-
lems to deal with, a committee con-
sisting of Paul Kern, Edward Robare,
Sigrid Christenson, and Vernon Dick,
Ann Arbor High school students are
arranging the program to include'
prominent speakers as well as to pro-
vide for sessions in which the prob-
lems of various high school governing
bodies can be discussed.


rather than economic rehabilitation, With a reception and formal opening,
isthe subject of negotiations between the new Pendleton library on the sec-
is the subject of negotiations between ond floor of the Union will be offi-
Preliminary plans for such a con- cially turned over to the Union this
ference, which would be held in Aug- afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock. The
ust were revealed today as a result library was made possible through the
of much week-end newspaper specula- gift of Mrs. Catherine B. Pendleton of
tion which intimated that new sub- Detroit in memory of her husband, thej
jects of disagreement had arisen be- late Edward Waldo Pendleton, '72. The
tween London, and Paris on the sub- room is to be called the Edward Waldo
ject of European securities. Pendleton Memorial library.
Realization by both France and Since the completion of the Union
England of the necessity for finding this room has been a bare, unfinished
a common basis upon which to build room used largely for meetings of,
a new European security pact to re- various campus organizations and as
place the abandoned Geneva protocol, a place for orchestras to practice.
is responsible for the move towards With the completion of the library
the gathering of statesmen in the every department of the Union will
British capitol. The absence of the be finished making - the building a
strong support of the United States, complete unit.
which was the greatest factor in the At the reception this afternoonl
London conference of 1924, will be President Emeritus Harry B. Hutchins
felt greatly by the British but it is and Mrs. Hutchins, Acting-President
hoped it would not prevent carrying Alfred H. Lloyd and Mrs. Lloyd, anda
out the plan now being considered. Regent J. E. Beal and Mrs. Beal will'
In allaying fears of new differences be in the receiving line. Mrs. J. A.I
between France and Great Britain, it Bursley, Mrs. J. R. Effinger, Mrs. H.
was authoritatively asserted that the M. Bates, and Mrs. A. E. Whitney will
discussion relating to the proposed assist as hostesses.
conference has as yet reached only a The Union has sent invitations to
preliminary stage. The attitude of both all members of the facultyand their
governments seems to be that some wives requesting them to be present
definite program for European securi- I the i and al members oft
ties, must be ready for presentation Union are invited to attend.mLadies
to the League of Nations assembly in accompanied by Union members and


mebers are still to be selected by t few years Thn convention, whih i e
teir reti goe ets. P y on pacifism and has become an au- of its kind to be held in this state will September.1
their respective governments. Prompt thority on that subject in England. be attended by delegates from all of
action by President Coolidge nom- iHe has filled pastorates in Scotland the state high schools that are govern- I
alo e eidnt fheom isio n iand Australia previous to occupying ed by student councils. ! Com edy Cl -b
also be president of the commission the pulpit of the church he is now The delegates will register Thurs- W ill Present
is regarded as indicating a desire on day afternoon April 3 at the Union
hs part as arbritrator that there should The debate will be open to the gen- where all the sessions will be held; Au
be n unyecesar dely i exeutig ge A n ualPlay!,
hi awnn ssaryhic al fou mxouths eral public. Rev. Herbert Jump of and at the opening session at 4 o'clock
his award which allows four month the Congregational church arranged a committee will be appointed to for-
from March 4 for the naming of the debate. At 6 o'clock Wednesday, mulate definite plans of organization.
comission. Reverend Richards will address the At 6 o'clock the delegates will ban- As its fti ann outwon
annual Congregational banquet in the quet atnthe Union at which Charles Comedy ut w Vane at the Whit-
Gets Prison Tern" Masonic Temple on "Why John Bull Novak, principal of Detroit North- Bnd tton Van at the Whit-
Loves Uncle Sam." Tickets will not eastern high school and John Craig, ney theatre on April 1 and 3. The play
tbe sold for the debate but a silver principal of Muskegon high school wel knownaon of the most
In ~o& dfl i~&~will give addresses. At 8 o'clock the markable presentations of the last
offering will be taken up during the elegates will attend a complimentary season in New York. During its longJ
John Fairbairn on trial for theft of evening. performance of the "Mikado" at the I run there it aroused wide comment
men's clothing from Wagner and com-r Masonic templekd t from the press as well as the pulpit.
pamy, State St. clothiers, was sentenc- ., i7'T 7 7~' The Comedy club is the first amateur _
Wr S in UNcr VI N R ULESL The Student council of the Univer-Ts
ed by Judge George W.Sampe i is ity will work in connection with the organization in this country to be
cuit court Friday to serve from one UP FOR VOTE 'committee and assist in arranging the given the right to produce it, accord-
to five years in the state prison at itdcheconenion ing to a letter received from Sam. H.
Jackson, with the recommendation of A T A SSEMBL Y "so groups. hA
1.1.L 11- 2~~II~VI1I~d will close with a meeting at 8 o'clock I Harris, who controls the American
the minimum term. Charles Murray, _ _Friday night and during their stay it h a rights of the piece.
Harry 1B. Bryan, and Proctor Gilbert, i At a meeting of all Union members is expected the delegates will be en- The play is being directed by Paul
charged with the same offense, were the campus at 7:15 tomorrow night tertained at the local fraternity and phenson and Daniel L. Quirk, the
placed on probation for five years and in the main assembly hall a proposed sorority houses. directors of the Ypsilanti players. The
taxed costs of $25 each. change in the constitution will be cast, which was chosen before Christ-I
After a circuit court jury had been mas vacation from tryouts of the en-
drawn and testimony taken in the' voted upon. At least 600 members Expects Increase tire club, consists of John Hassber-
case, ger,25M, as Prior; Lillian Bronson constitute a quorum and two-thirds In Atendance At
tiot guilty to guilty. Murray and Gil- cosiueaqouiadtotid n. i& n~neA 27, as Mrs. Cliveden-Banks; Eliza-I
bert had also pleaded guilty. of the number present and voting S s beth Strauss, '26, as Ann; Barre Hill,
must favor the proposed change to 3ummer Sesso as Henry Phyllis rnbul 25,
Athens, Ga., March 23.-(By A. P.) make the amendment effective. as Mrs. Midget; Robert Henderson,
-Ohio State's Varsity baseball team The amendment proposes that the Close to 3,400 students are expect- '26, as Rev. Wm. Duke; Paul Vickers,
lost the first game of its Southern trip constutin be cng n raddto ed to attend the summer term this Grad., as Lingley; Valentine Davies,
to Georgia here today, 7-0. The Geor- td'27, as Scrubby; and Dale Shafer,;
gians had the better of the game from for the various student offices in the year, Dean E. H. Kraus, of the Suim- ,26, as Thomson. Many members of
the third inning on, the Buckeyes Union. At present, candidates are mer session, said yesterday. The at- the cast have appeared in past pro-
being unable to hit the offerings of chosen by a nominating committee tendance last year was 3,147. ductions of the Comedy club. The cast
Sam Henderson, lanky Southern appointed by the president of the "Great expansion which has been has been in rehearsal for several
hurler. Union and candidates may also run, made in all departments," Dean weeks.
on a petition of 200 names. Accord- Kraus said, "and particularly the ad- _ __
- ing to thoa new plan, all names pro- dition of special teaching methods
O~t' ' reai "1,e posedl by the nominating committee courses should bring to the Univer siy H US EK 4
,,, VTeVher andl also names of mnen running onI scores of teachers whlo formerly hia'SY A i EK A E
petitions must be approved by the attended large universities in the l 1
- -- ~Board of IDirectors of the Union. The taught by men directing teaching iIIiI ~ M
eeI Board of directors is composed of rep- East. Demonstration courses will be T LLIISI iII
resentatives of the student body, the methods classes, which also will be a I--~
faculty and the Alumni association. I great advantage." Urbana, Illionis, March 23.-Syra-
icuse university desires to play the
d A thlet s' G "University of " Illinois football and
tudy Ohetes Grades basketball team next season.
The offers of games was made to
-foreseeswarmth withincreasingoVes No Ser ousa dicap Coach Zuppke who returned today
loudness oday. Cones rotxtraacti. . after speaking to the Big Ten club+
cloudiness today. Conies From E x'tra A cti ty and at the "S" banquet for Syracuse1
athletes. Syracuse basketball five
wants to come west. Illinois athletic,
LATE ARRIVAL Participation in college athletics is average of non-participating students. authorities have not yet acted on theE
not fatal to good grades, study of the The football squad is second on the request.
Jimmie has signed off Athletic association's records of Var- list with a mark of -77.9 per cent.
for a bit, andmhas per- sity athletes' grades for the semester for nearly forty men. The baseball W. E
suaded Uncle Amos to aW .E. Blair Dies
assume the responsijust past shows. and basketball squads follow closelyI
asuetersos- . wr~,r ,,nrrsaxrtnfriii~ rontininonrao 2} D I' 4 f,4

ether ladies who have guest cards may

be present also. From 3 o'clock to 5
o'clock the new room will be openn
for inspection by these women. a
After today the library will be forV
the exclusive use of members of the!
Union and will become a reading ;
room and study in charge of an at-A
tendant. The room will be open every !
day from 11 o'clock until the same

hour at night. Magazines will be plac-
ed in the room and the books which
were formerly in Mr. Pendleton's own
library will be set on the shelves.
Report Lauds !
Student Work
At Camp Davis
In a reportissued late last week,
and (directed to Dean M. 'E. Cooley of !
the Engineering college, work ac-;
complished at Camp Davis on Douglas
lake last summer, is outlined.
Prof. C. T. Johnston, camp director,
speaks highly of the work of the,671
student surveyors, and for their
scholastic "ability offers evidence.
During the 1924 summer camp the
percentage of A's given was 10.54,
and of B's 35.62, while during the
year previous, but 5.84 per cent re-
ceived A's and 25.55 per cent B's. At
the same time, the percentage of D's
last year was 7.46 as compared with
8.03 the year before.f
"Two sessions were held during the
summers of 1921, '22, and '23, while
but one was necessary in 1924" due
to increased facilities afforded by they
The report also includes detailed}
financial statements, accounts of vai-
ous camp activities, and many large
photographs of the camp.
jIn addition to the student body of
67, the teaching staff numbered 20, in-
cluding Professors Johnston, C. O.!
Carey, Hugh Brodie, Harry Bouchard,
T. J. Mitchell, three instructors, one
teaching assistant, eight student as-
sistants, the instrument keeper, and
Doctors Warren E. Forsythe and E.
W. Sink, camp physicians.
Preparations are already being
made for this summer's camp which
will be attended by approximately the
same number as in 1924. Professor
Johnston will again serve as director.

} I

sven suerh inside iormation as "en-I
aged" or "chronically unattached" "The only solution of the Russian
was published.
All the bookstores reported large problem must be a spirituals one;
sales, which means a heavy financial there must be a change of heart," de-
ilvidend for the originators of the clared Tom Skeyhill in his presenta-
editon. tion of the subject, "Soviet Russia To-
day," at Hill auditorium last night.
Report M ore "The ills of 'Russia and Europe are
not embodied in the freedom of the
Engineers On seas,'in boundary changes, but in the
All "A " List Greed, hatred, fear, mistrust-while
these are rampant there will be suf-
fering in spite of all changes in gov-
Twenty one engineering students ernment and economic systems, as-
serted the speaker. With terln
were reported by Secretary Louis A. tsg the p ea Wt he mli-
Hopkin's office to have earned a grade quishing of the ideal of communism
Iand the substitution o ytmo
f "A" in all of their courses for the modified capital, Russia is coming
irst semesterof the year. Last year back to common sense and the degree
t this time there were 19 students t omnsneadtedge
in the all "A" list. I to which it will be recognized is
the lst"for"thisye independent upon the degree to which
The list for this year includes: S.it swings back, Mr. Skeyhill further
L. Burgwin '26, C. E. Center '27, G. maintained.
R. Chadwick '26,. C. C. Driscoll '25, "Bolshevism as a form of govern-
C. E. A. Ebendick '28, R. B. Ehlers I ment is impossible; it has failed and
'27, R.E.Fisher '25, R.W.Higbie '27, moreover has been a grave experi-
H. W. Hinkley '26, R. Likert '26, E. ment. It has failed because Russia
3. Merry '28, R. W. Miller '27, G. B. has failed to digest it." Mr. Skeyhill
Page '25, W. J. Poch '27, E. A. Ravens- attributed this failure to two distincli
;ort '28, W. E. Renner '27, E. Ronds elements in their system, the first of
26, D. Van Osenbruggen '25, L.aCI which was the removal of incentive
Vere. '27, R. R. Whipple '25, and to work and the latter, the equal
. F. Wyllie '26. treatment of unequal men. "The
Soviet leaders, Lenine and Trotzsky,
Twenty N am es were among the first to realize the
ultimate failure and reversed their
For economic policy which has started
Russia on the road to common sense.
NP sd t With reference to Bolshevism Mr.
Skeyhill stated its power and present
position in government is due to the
Recomendations from leading alum- fact that "it has safeguarded the
i, from the faculty and several others fruits of the revolution and will there-
are pouring in on the committees of for stay in power." Bolshevism is
he Regents and the University Sen- accepted rather passively by most
ate, which were appointed to report people in Russia who believe a bad
on the selection of a new President. government better than no govern-
More than twenty names have already ment at all, Mr. Skeyhill continued.
been suggested, according to Regent "400,000 red fanatics rule the country,"
Junius Beal yesterday. and it is the prediction of the lecturer
A meeting of the committee has that the world will some day regard
been called tentatively for this week, these men as the followers of Oliver
it is understood, but definite action Cromwell were regarded.
is not expected for some time. Mr. Skeyhill characterized the Rus-
Leaders from all sections of the sian revolution as one of the greatest
country, both in political and educa-.I political revolutions in the world, in
tional as wellas administrative fields, I which an attempt was made to rule
are among the men suggested for the a people honestly without capital.
post. None of these names have been I "The Russian revolution should not
released for publication, have come during the war; we get
a wrong view of it. When we realized
that the revolution was hindering us
M arch Technic in the war we rejected it."
rm~ usdy!Pointing t Petrograd a a signif-'
Out Thursdaycant example, Mr. Skeyhillportrayed
the suffering in that city which was
formerly the gayest place in Russia,
Due to a delay in printing, the Mar- er e t bottl of cha
ch issue of the Michigan Technic will as eervescenaft asth w eofl a
be placed on sale Thursday, instead she of what it had benar.Enuter-
of today, as we previously announced. ating tth aseobten.trageth
This edition, the first to be produced spakr ate causes of thetragediilte
by the new staff and the largest ever t ther exerted by ism, com
published, will feature an article by munistic capitalism, nihilism, the
pro . . e H Reed, of the political m n si ai ai m i ii m h
scien. T.prtment, of"Engheersta World War, and finally the revolution
science department, on "Engineers as itself.
City Managers."' "The revolution was no accident,"
he continued, "and those who revolted
l Q uknew what they wanted." Their pro-
[INO VSI VILL IVE gram consisted in a plea for the fol-
lowing changes In the system: fac-
tories for the workers, land for the
peasants, and feally peace for the
soldiers. To Alexander Kerensky, Mr.
Prof.Erik Lindquist of the Univer- Skeyhill attributed the irony of the
sity of Stockholm, Sweden, will do- revolution, "a man possessed of plati-
liver two illustrated lectures on "The tudles that were platitudes before
Hydraulic Laboratories of Europe," Helen went to Troy. He couldn't say
one at 10 o'clock today and the other no."
at 9 o'clock tomorrow in room 445 of t 4:00 o'clock this afternoon, In
the West Engineering building. ( University hall, Mr. Skeyhill will lee-
Professor Lindquist has made a ture on the subject, "The Coming Ren-
study of the European hydraulic la- aissance of Youth." The address will
boratories and has a collection of be given under the joint auspices of
slides illustrating the work carried on I the Oratorical association and the
in the various countries, particularly Round Table club. There will be no
the methods and work carried on in admission charge and the public is
Sweden. invited to attend.
At present Professor Lindquist is on
a year's leave of absence and is mak- Vancouver, B. C., March 23.-Mes-
ing a tour of the United States to in- sages received in. Vancouver from
spect the engineering institutions. Winnipeg, state that a large pack of
starving wolves has besieged Vilna,
a settlement northeast of Edmonton,
Must Order Caps, Alberta.

Gowns, By Ap-rilt 1 Cambridge, Mass., March 23.-Prof.
-- Scott Nearing will make an address

1 ,

"Anatole France"
Is Lecture Topic

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