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March 22, 1925 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-22

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The Arcade
Today marks the beginning of syn-
copation week at the Arcade theatre,
when a combination stage and screen
feature will be presented. .Kennedy's'
"Six of Diamonds" with Phil Diamond'
at the piano have been sel-ected for
their ability and the popularity theyI
have attained while furnishing the
music for local dances, as the firstj
stage attraction scheduled at thisi
theatre. The feature picture billed
for the first four days is "Inez of Hol-
lywood" starring Anna Q. Nilsson. The
story has to do with a movie vampire
who has the name of being the worst
woman in the picture world but is,
after the, day's work is completed, a,
very human and likable young woman.
The vampire has a little sister who is
more innocent than the most unsophis-
ticated ingenue. Good human inter-
est stuff is found in the. sacriflee she
makes to keep the sister respectable'
and respected. Anna Q. Nilsson plays
the role of the home wrecking siren,
and Mary Astor as the younger sister
is the picture of youth and innocence.3
Lewis Stone is co-featured with the
star, and Lawrence Wheat and Rose
Dione are included in the supporting'
cast. In addition Antonio Moreno,'
Ben Lyon, Lloyd Hughes, Wallace
Beery, and Ford Sterling appear in a
luncheon scene in Miss Nilsson's stu-
dio dressing .room. A Mack Sennettt
comedy "Bull and Sand," humorous
sayings from the press and news
events will complete the program.
The King Vidr production of Cyril
Hume's novel 9Thp Wife of the Cen-l
taur" will beo shown Thursday and
run the remainder of the week. The
novel, written by a young Yale grad-f
uate, is modern in: thought and treat-
ment with fascinating characteriza-
tions. Johnm. Gilbert takes the part
of Jeffrey Dwiyer, the poet and writer,
a handsome and attractive person
whose character is likened to the
fabled centaur-half man and half
beast. He falls in love at various
times and with various people, but
finally .marries, Eleanor Boardman-
who has loved him for years, only to
be fascinated,aggi, a short time laterc

\ hich iH larper, have just pbihlished, in
California in order that distance might
lend enchant ment to the familiar New<
rn gland scenes ameung which he has
pas'd y'arvs of his life. Another ad-'
_ nta' of Cfornia for a State ofl
la ne Yankhee,, he says, is the lack of
raily dys. Instead of, gossiping With
the neighboi s about the changes of
we ther, he could (direct that energy
end time oward ltihe real job of
fin hing his novel.
I; II i i' pr of Stanford
i -i si v, "li I i lyv Jlo Alto," in
r( 1 n1l.'\ it i hen d Iaccin's :nttack iln
veo 0 1)pon schlarShip at .any price,
in his j:X pi >.hei "Ii. s" (iar
y ) says: "it is worth while read-
ing the book to) imagine the effect
: hot slho' ,had on the 1920 Chap-
t or of JIi i t Kuplia at Stanford . -
Pacon ni:-t have given hi,, audience
of v( y e ltir Jl purists a wholly un-.
comfortable afternoon. This book
should be on every student's desk.
Thero is rehief from the memory of
Iho lowest grade vithin its covers.'
WI IJ)MS13 by James C. Dunton,

SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1925
a Harvard '23 man, deserves some that this great University, which is laid. This setting and the situa-
mention. "The fact that the name of gathers its sons from the four cor- tions laid against it must be taken as
a much loved alma mater of thousands ners of the world, must be consider- representative of American college
of men is mentiened throughout the ed as a cosmopolitan city, meyely the life in general and not as features
story should in dicate only that the locale in which the action of the story peculiar to this particular setting."
rIst1'ss searchinas of the modern
youth herein depicted are general, and

6. !

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"Ilie Wo (gets Slappedl"--ait 4te Ma.estie

cerns an English girl educated in T they stopped. They did not talk or
England and living in Shanghai where laugh.
her father is British Consular Agent. They were a little weary with their
She is loved by two men whom she walking, I daresay; and besides this,
met on the boat to China and also by a man full of wine was coming from
a sinister Chinese nobleman who re- the direction in which they were go-
sorts to all manner of cunning to I ing, gesticulating and lurching and
win the girl. The picture is distinc- making those bursting blatant noises
tive for the new types and settings which come from the drinkers wxho
which it brings to the screen. Chi- are less gay than gloomy.
nese house-boats, gardens, temples, lHe was addressing the heavens, and
bronze idols all furnish their part of called on them to witness to the,
the oriental background. Pola Negri misery that mankind and the govern-
as the persecuted heroine shows her ment had brought him to.
usual vigor of characterization. Ed- A.
mund Lowe, Rockeliffe Fellows, and And then this happened. rhe three
Wallace Beery all have important young men with the music, who had
Wallce Bery ll ave mporantsat down by the roadside, stood up
parts. In addition, a Christie comedy at wen thearoadim surroup
"Love Mania" and the usual news andj and went towards him surroundingj
"Lvewswllbe showna.dt staewsact him on thre sides, hemming him in
reviews will be shown. The stage like three of Robin Hood's outlaws
for the week will be Gus Bartram and
Vertner Saxton, "Two Kentuckians" would once have hemmed in some
witn-eprgraxt on, uTw r K ngukns.rich farmer. And before you could
with a program of popular songs. count nine they had begun to pIlay
music. They played it around him,
all over him and into him; and( will
you believe me,) he stopped dead still,
yT A ;uttered never a sound, stood steady
TH EA T Ewith head depressed and turned on
one side listening.
J__They played on for over five min-
.utes. Then without a word they pass-
Detroit will have "Rain" for an- ed on towards Roma. The drunkard
other week, and that isn't a forecast of' assed bv house eevinethem:not

.. .

Ernst Brothers
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Phone 281 4-M



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503 East W Iliams

4:00 to 9:30


9:30 to 1:00

'by a former ..Weetheart. Alieen weatherman Conger, either. This
Pringle plays the latter part very phenomenal success, adapted from W.
capably. The comedy will be Bobby Somersetliaugham's story, "Miss
Vernon in "French Pastry," and a Thompson," by John Colton andl
Felixx Cat cartoon and News reels will Clemence Randolph has proved to be
be shown also. a real drawing card in spite of the
absence of Jeanne Eagels, playingt
The Wuerth Sadie Thompson steadily for over two
"Fools in the Dark" shown at the years. Miriam Cordell has shown
Wuerth theatre the first of the week, herself an able substitute for the star.
is advertised as a farce comedy and Hassard Short's "Ritz Revue,"
mystery melodrama. Matt Moore and too, will occupy the Shubert-Detroit.
Patsy Ruth Miller take the leading for another week. Charlette Green-.
roles, and the supporting cast is ade- wood and her bath-tub skit are tear-z
quate, especially "Diploma" a colored ing down the house nine times a week
comedian. The characters suip f'rom regularly. There are others in the
one trying adventure to another when cast, too.
Matt Moore asra youngrscenario writ- And still another week does "The
er has to. perform more daring feats Goose Hangs High" remain at the
than he had ever, imagined to save Bonstelle Playhouse, the fourth, if I
the lady in ,the story. Dropping from remember correctly. Everything thatf
an airplane,;, to,, the topmast of a can be said of this comedy of Ameri-
schnrl tln thgang tofthgst in acan life has been said and repeated.
schooner, fighting a gang of thugs in .p.
a New York dive, escaping an ava- All you can do is go and see it your-
lanche where contractors are blowing
up a hillside, are only a few of the lit- The Garrick will house "Wings of
tie incidents which hazard our hero. Chance," by Hugh S. Stange. It is
heralded as a story "vivid with color
ia~esticand romance of the South Seas."
The dmajestice Sounds rather like a movie. It is be-
The glamor and, romance of an Eu- ing presented by Adolph Kilauber, whor
ropean circus provides the background is responsible for the Jane Cowl pro-
for "He Who Gets Slapped" the pic- ductions, but, alas! this play does not_
ture which will play at the Majestic boast so famous an actress.
through Wednesday. This production "Clarence" is to be back at the Ma-
is practieally .th: only attempt to jestic in the hands of the Woodward
screen Russian literature, but was players for a week. Booth Tarking-
filmed after; ,the :success the play ton's delightful comedy never grows
achieved, on the lggitimate stage. "He tiresome.
Who Gets Slapped" is the story of a Tuesday night is to be a gala night
brilliant scientist, who is deserted by at Orchestra hall, for on that evening
his wife and, whose research work Mendelssohn's great oratorio, "Eli-
comprising the efforts of years, is jah," is to be given by the Detroit
stolen by a friend. Embittered he Symphony orchestra and the Detroit
seeks forgetfulness in the work in a Symphony choir combined under the
French circusi 'where he becomes a direction of Ossip Gabrilowitsch.
clown. From this point the story is dould any music-lover ask more? {
carried back stage in the circus and
is told by clowns, acrobats and other TheNed Fr us
performers of the hippodrome. The e Ne or USIC
plot is rich in color and atmosphere (Continued from Page Thirteen)
characteristic of Russian tales. Prac- town, they were going towards Roma.
tically an all star cast has been se- As they came along they were play-
lected for the roles. . Lon Chaney in ing a strange song of the north. I
the part of the scientist and clown stopped in my work to listen; and
does a straight characterization with listening, I put down my pencil and
his usual forcefulness, and without rose up quickly and ran to call the
the aid of his gruesome talent for others. "Did you hear the music?"
assuming physical deformities. Norma "Yes, isn't it lovely."
Shearer and John Gilbert play the ro- It was indeed very lovely. Noth-
mantic leads. The supporting cast in- ing wonderful like Strauss or De-;
eludes Tully Marshall, Ford Sterling, bussy perhaps; nor like Beethoven;
Marc MacDermott and others. The but in the open air and coming
screen program in full will include an I towards us, these strange wild notes
Our Gang comedy entitled "Commence- sounded perfectly lovely and there an
ment Day", a new= Aesop fable car- end- to argument,.
toon, Pathe review and Kinograms. I ran out into the garden and leaned!
Pola Negri in her latest production over the wall;-they had passed, and
"East of the Suez" will be presented getting fifty paces away, had come to
the last of the week. The story con- the end of their delicious piece. And

a sound, not a stagger, no lurching.
The days of miracles are nast I
know, but the day of music will never
We stand in great need of music
today. Is there no one who will bring
it to us?
I his and That
IHE' ARTISTIC talet in Rafael
Sabatini author of T HE 'CAIIOLINIAN
was a matter of inherit snce. I1is
mother sent to Italy at the age of fif-
teen to become a nai it. became in-
stead a Prmima Donnai. At [hle OperaC
louse in Ma nila in to Philippines
she mt t young s ces sul Tenor,
Vincenzo Sabatini. A fteor a, success-
ful career of twenty-seven years,
when his eldest son was seven yearns
old, Sabatini Senior turned from the
stage anmd settled in Portugal. The
early schooling of Iaf to h Sabatini
was in the Lycee of Oporto, Portugal,

Complete St( ck of Groceries
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After strenuous exercise of any sort, what
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College teams and many other athletic
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