SUNDAY, MARCH 22, I f;25 PG ITE TI-I MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIFTEEN ' ',.. {' j" . SChurches St. Andrew's tEisccopal ('liiii'eb Holy commfuion and Church school will be lieIcl at the usual hour. Rev- erend Sainuel S. Drury, D).D., head master of St. Paul's Episcopal School, Concord, New Hampshire, will deliver the morning sermon. The sp;jeaker of the young people's meeting , which will be held in, the old chapel ;pack of the church will be Perry Hayden. The students will meet at 6 o'clock for the discussion hour and1 supper. Rev- erend H-. H. Lonsdale will speak at the evening service oq ".Pontius Pilate." Di ving;." Student classes at noon are Lionel Crocker will speak at the stu- conducted by Professor A. L. Trout. (lent social and discussion meeting. Christian endeavor at 6:30 o'clock is, The Lenton sermon at 7:30 o'clock immedihately precedled by the young will be upon the topic "Without people's social hour and lunch. The! Blemish." pastor will speak at the evening wor-i Odll on "Who Condemns Us?". Every- iSt. Paul's iLtherani (Churchi c r, ,Is invited to a Bible study to be! A service conducted in German will 1he,;d Wednesday evening at 7: 30 be held at 9: 30 o'clock. The English o'clock. sermon at 11:30 o'clock will be on tho' I- I subject " Glorifled Through the Cross." I ti. ri~u Chueb IThe student club will meet at the par-E ' "TheChristian Gioal in Life" will be sonage, where Rae A. Clemo, '25, will the theme of the morning's sermon. have charge of the discussion. The fAt 6:30 o'clock Professor Z. C. Dick- i topic will be "lRoes a College Educa- inson will sp)eak on "Why a Church?" tion Play IHavoc w ith a Weak Faith'?" EI ? il u h r n ( l n r l J s s i - s C u c f x o " w l ~ h Trri~u".Jsujecion h es eveningi Leon i s emon. The sermon for the morning wvor- -_________ ship will be entitled "What Is It to { T~~T YRep~ent?" Lionel Crocker will lead the A INotable W~ork student fellowship hour and forum meeting. The topic will lbe3 "Captives themselves p~aper caps and favors. of Concepts." A sp~ecial Lenten ser- Parties are the biggest celebrations vice will be held Wednesday evening of all. at 7:30 o'clock. The subject of the3 Women students of the University talk will beC "Joseph 'of Arimathea."I hell) the hospital social service de -j partment ')y taking charge of groupsj Zion bithersan (Church Ito go walking or by helping supervise The topic and text of the morning gamnes. Most women give a few hours sermon will 'be "Thou Shalt not Kill." I each week ibut sonme put in a great (deal of time helping to entertain the with the children think they are very little cripples. (lear and we learn to love them. If "The results of the work are, on the their minds are' allowed to stagnate, whole, most happy," says Mliss Doro- there is small use in healing their, thy Ketchum of the social service do- !bodies, and so helping them mentally, part ment. "Of course, we who wvorkI is our work." '! FOOD-- Home-cooked 'PAS TRY-- Home.-made &semble Suits AT TUTTLE' S 4 t k 4, 4' r r a f- i ' ' First Bipjtist O(irch The sermon topic for the m orning will be "Hlow Shall We Think of' Sin ?" Mr. Chapman and lDr.' Watermlan con- duct the student classes which arel held at noon in the guildI house. ]Re- freshments will be served at t'he guild house (luring friendship hour, after which Maynard helps will lead the devotional meeting. His subject willI be "A Review of Principal Jacks' book, 'A Living Universe.'" Bet Idelie in1' vanIgelical Cliureli The pastor's subject for the mnorning; ~will be "A. Congregation Under the Cross." The topic for the young p~eople's discussion hour, held at 6: 0 o'clock, will-be "Christian Unity." 33 8 Maynard LUNCH ROOM 4 Step on the Yo 'l fn u Suits unusual in style, and priced very reasonably. This week our - New York starter - Jour motor t one Just Time to Make starts immediately. That's ju~ Our Fountain BETWEEN CLASSES of thie a High Tie, d vantages of STAR OLINE mauwfacturers .have Sent us 4-, C'oiigregalion al Church "Volstead and Jesus'' is the subjectj Reverend Jump has, chosen for his sermon this morning. The North Side Church group will meet at the Church at 2:30 -o'clock this afternoon. Professor Norman A. Wood will give --an illustrated lecture on "Birds" be- fore the high, school federation. A report of the movie survey of the Ann Arbor theatres will be made at the firesidle chat following the student, sulpper. Tlhe screen adaptation of Clara Louise Burnham's novel "A. Chapter in Her JLife" will be present- ed1 at the motion picture service. March 25 at 6 o'clock a Congregational banquett will be held in the Masonic Tem ple. Reverendl Leyton Richards of London, England will' speak on "Why 'John Bull Loves Uncle Sam." The banquet will be followed by dlancing.I Crippen's Drug Stoi 21.) South i ia 723 North University ".A MSore in Every Shopping Di)strict." res st Gasoline,. It 's Polver---not mere gasoline ADU"OTT -GASOLINE 'cO Distributors are especially several new numbers wAhich ;Otracti.~ Picture a long, stylish: coat thlat can be used for a ep- . a rate sprinfg coat, cloat p er - First Church of Cbrist Scientists The topic for the mnorning servic~e Swill be "Matter." At 11:30 o'clock Sfollowing the morning sermon, Sunday school services will be held. Regular testimonial meeting is Wednesday at 7:30 'o'clock. ;, w F4irst M~ethiiodist, lElis~oIII l CIIIlI TIhe subject of thfe morning sermon will be "Law and Religion." The stut- (ent Bible cla2ses meri in Wcsley hall at noon. The social half hour will be followed by the Wesleyan guild meet- ing at Wesley hall. The topic for the evening will be a study of revalua- tion - "Some Rnsponsibilities of' Church People." D)r. Joseph Fort Newton, pastor of the Chur'ch of the Divine Paternity. New York City, will speak at the evening service. His subject will be "The Science of Jesus." Mtemorial Cliricl of Christ The pastor's topic for' the morning worshil) will be "The High Art of ~Now on at 209-211 E. Washington St. All high grade, good weight g' oods Tea Kettles at $1.15, $1.63 and Lipped Sauce Palls, '5c, 35c, =I $l~tc4, 54c, 65e - -.Percolators at $1.19 and $1.57 Dlishi Pans, $1.10 and $1.63 = Palls at $'1. 5 Fry Pans, 98c, 5, $1.69 = C'onvexyIRettles at $1.15 and Pudding .Panis, r32c, 37c, 54c, 59c $1.14 Wnd 67c 1)oule Boilers at $1.44, $1.19 'Jeapot Bal l Tapots, $1.65 = _ 1.'e .ad $1.65 Coffee Pots, $1.35, $1.54, $1.69 Preserving' Kettles at 95e, $1.19, Coffee Boilers, °$4.540. $1.37 and $1.63 And miany other articles in- Roasters, $1.25 up Aluiuim e Phone 112 Free Delivery Complete Radio Outfits I. Radio Parts and AccessoriesI Anything Radio For sale at° LYNDON & COMPANY 719 N. University Ave. ComareGuiranenMusic With Anything Else Y ou Hoar .. .. w, . that matches the fectly, atnd yet .one tha-tca be used for all informal occasions. separately they are cqpally desirable as a coat and a dress for all occasions; This C~mbied they -make explains the Not Cheaper But Better Twenty-seven Years Satisfactory Service mendous semble-it meets a practical need which no suit for years has met. And here you eind your Ensemble Suit; the season's best at prices unexpectedly attractive. present : tre- Q, ofth En- vogu( ' h tt FEducat e the Hair. I *A few drops before school° keeps -the hair combed all day.. Refresh- ing, pleasing. At drug counters and barber shops everywhere. prv Ii(Gloss-Comb) TIHItORIGINAL LIQUID HAIR DRIESS J °.~ n. r -1 $65 $75 s85 FAWW .'- I 4r Every housewife can banish the drudgery of washday by getting And also .a number of E nlined Ensembes in very practical materials at $29.50, $39,50, $45 {+ Heore, indleed, is thme ideal 1mu- sical instrument for thee home. It provids the best of piano music whenever you want it. It supplies whatever types of music you p~refer. And you play it, with your own expres- sion andh feeling. The Gulbransen Registering Piano is a permanent invest- ment in good piano music, eas- %ily played. It does not go out of style. It requires no expen- sive upkeep. It is just as up- to-date as the latest roll you p~lay on it. Tfhe Gulbransen costs little, if any, more than other forms of inusical entertainment for time home. It knits folks close- ly together. Gives each omne something that lio other imnstru- mont (oes-the thrill and pleas- use of p~ersonally playing piano music with real expression. It is not an expense at all. Rather an investment that daily pays big returns" in entertainment amid accomlplishrment worth while. The Gulbransen can be bought on convenient terms of pay- ment. Your silent piano has a cash value When traded in on a mnodern grand or up~righit Gui- bransen Registering PIiano. Let us tell you what it is. an electric washer. Only $5 down during the moth of March! !m