PAGE FOURTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1925 ) THE MICHIGAN DATI .Y ~TINDAY MAPIC'FT 22 1~2~ k.7 VS'i L.CI 1 ST111i4 VS.4 N(i; .S aa4 x! _.... _ V Former Dean of Women Honored! Dr. Eliza M. Mosher, '75-M, To Be Tendered Banquet in, Brooklyn, New York, By Medical Admirers i .trav rnntaininsr a natiininsrir"at c~l inr+fi S Nirl-T Moor y A r .JOH JU, eyer L y ULealndng a painoVigi c suUJe't, At 7 o'clock Wednesday, March 25, which had been sent Dr. Palmer by at the hotel Roosevelt in Brooklyn a another physician in the state. It had large dinner will be given in honor of not yet been examined, and the doc- Dr. Eliza M. Mosher, '75M, who will tor, saying that he was 'a little out. of have completed 50 years of medical training in anatomical work,' asked practice on that day. The dinner, a Miss Mosher to look the material over. tribute to the work of Dr. Mosher, At his request, she demonstrated it will be attended by all of her friends to the women's class, and when she and by the official representation of had finished, said to Dr. Palmer, 'If 25 institutions. The committee for the you can let me have this specimen dinner includes James Rowland An- for half an hour, I will prepare it so gell, '90, president of Yale university, that you can demonstrate it to the and among the speakers will be Hon. men's class much more clearly than Royal. S. Copeland, Dr. Stephen Pil- I have here.' cher, William Seaman Bainbridge, "At the end of an hour, the janitor Henry Nobel, president of Vassar col- returned, with a request from Dr. lege, and Hon. Arthur S. Somers, pres- Palmer that Miss Mosher should come ident of the Brooklyn Chamber of to him in his private room. Little Commerce. thinking of the ordeal to which she Such is the distinction which has was about to be subjected, Miss Mosh- coie to Dr. Mosher who is noted in er complied with his request. When the annals of the University as the she entered the room, he said, 'Now first lean .of women. The duties of Miss Mosher, you have worked this the first Dean of Women began in thing out, and know much more of it October of 1896. The Michigan Alum- than I do, and I want you to come in nus of April 1896 speaks of the ap- and demonstrate it to the men's class.' pointment of a "full Professor of She immediately refused, but he Hygiene and Women's dean of the would not listen to her refusal. 'Do literary department whos-e counsel it for me,' he begged and before she would be ofvalue to the women o the really was aware of what she was Universior." doing, she found herself hurried into Eliza Maria Mosher, was born in the lecture room. Dr. McLean was Cayuga county, New York, in 1846. still speaking. She was the daughter of Augustus "She felt a great questioning Mosher and Maria (Sutton) Mosher. throughout the amphitheater as she, a Her ealy ducafipn was begun at woman student, appeared with the Friends' academy at Union Springs, t professor on a clinic morning. She New York, Dr. i osher was graduat- recalls the horror which settled upon ed fromthis nstitution in 1862. She her as she glanced upward at the sea began her study of medicine in Bos- of faces, and realized that in a mom- ton in 1869,under the direction of ent she must arise and address the Dr. Lucy E. Sewall, at that time class. Professor Palmer introduced resident physician at the New Eng- her, saying, 'I have here a very in- land Hospitl for Women and Chil- teresting pathological specimen, which dren. In 1871 she entered the medi- Miss Mosher has been good enough to cal department at the University of prepare for demonstration, and I' Michigan. Dr. Mosher had planned have persuaded her with very great for herself a more graded course than difficulty to explain it to you because the two year course, which was then she can do it so much better than I.' given iii the Medical School at that "Dr. Mosher does not remember time, but at the beginning of her see- what she said, she only recalls the ond year; 'Ijijwas asked to serve as fact that the room was painfully still, assistant to the demonstrator of anat- while she was speaking and when she oimy and,to ponduct a women's quizz was through, she felt, rather than saw, section.: Dr: Mosher consented and the class preparing to applaud andl gave up the year almost entirely to wished she could run away from it. that work, allowing only one fourth 'Do you hear that?' said Dr. Palmer, of the year for study. as he followed her into the side room, Some of the incidents of Dr. 'That applause is for you.' Mosher's 'college days at Michigan Dr. Mosher was graduated from the prove interesting, both in regard to University of Michigan in 1875. She showing the talent which she then began her practice in Poughkeepsie, possessed and as a promise of the N. Y., and in 1877 she was appointed brilliant future which was before her. by the governor of Massachusetts Sarah Spencer Brown, '97, in the resident physician of the Massachu- April issue of the Inlander for 1896, setts Reformatory prison for women. tells the following incidents of Dr. For two years, Dr. Mosher filled up M'osher's college life: "One day, dur- and conducted a hospital of 90 beds ing Dr. Mosher's last year at the Uni- and a nursery of 60 beds. versity, Professor Alonzo Palmer In 1879 Dr. Mosher visited London asked some one in the women's class and Paris for the purpose of study. to give him an epitome of his teach- 'She returned in 1880, and Governor ing on pneumonia. No one volunteer- Long of Massachusetts persuaded her ed. Ile called on several by name to become superintendent of the Mass- but they. begged to be excused. Final- achusetts Reformatory prison for ly he said, iss Mosher, will you do women, which office she filled with it?' Feeling that the reputation of her marked success until 1884 when she class was at, stake, Miss Mosher be- accepted the appointment of proes- gan. Fortunately, she was able to sor of. physiology and resident physi- recall the doctor's own definitions and cian at Vassar College. She became special teachings on this, his favorite dean of women at -the University in subject with sufficient exactness to 1896 which office she held until 1902. please him greatly. When she While at Michigan, Dr. Mosher ac- stopped, he said, 'Well done, Miss complished a great deal. Her work Mosher! You shall e a professor.' was entirely new, as there were no' "On another ocasion, Dr. Palmer precedents for her to follow, she was came into class one morning preceed- obliged to establish her own pro- ed by the janitor, who bore a large cedure. Mrs. Joseph Markley, who knows1 Dr. Mosher personally, describes her4 as a tall, strongly built woman with a commanding presence. Her hair is) gray, her voice strong and sweet. Her charming personality and animationl are her distinguishing characteristics. Dr. Mosher was one of the incor- porators of the Chautauqua School of Physical Education and has lectured for the school since 1888. From 1903' G o o d are given occupational work. This A Notable W ork for ood child and includes weaving, modelling, basketry,_paper-cutting, drawing, de- sign, sewing, and numerous other 3 handicrafts.: Each child is given Departments of Social Service and Occupational Theraupy"abaut toouEscraft work each ay 171o Splendid W ork For- Cnhildrenthe South department of the Uni- riyhospital, there is a special craft shop for this kind of -work. Seasonal work is always consider- By Ratherine F. Fitch dents taught a total of 500 hours, the ing their (are such as "Why must I' ed. At Christmas time each child Little four-year-old Mary, confined time given by individuals anging lie lown ?" and "Why should I not made three Christmas gifts for his for weeks in theUnvstyhsiafrmh fanmily at home:-a match scratcher fo{ eksi h Un iversity hospitalI from three to sixty hours each. TheE eat sugar?" are answered through faiyathm:- mtc srthe while men of science strive to give her y for father, a picture frame for mother, health and strength. that sstudent teachers usually give di- s. and a ring-toss toy for brother or romp and play as other children, vidual instruction in some study in One of the cleverest games the hos- {sister. Near St. Patrick's day, paper spends many hours each day with a which the pupil needs special work. pital children play is that of the suit- caps and appropriate paper toys were doll sent to her as a Christmas gift. The lessons are given either in the case theater. By means of stories, made and before Easter, eggs will be The little girl has crippled feet and school room or in the ward depending mechanical teys and impersonation, colored and Easter decorations for the she has never been able to walk. She on the health and strength of the the life and work of little Mary Day wards will be constructed by the chil- thinks her doll can walk, however, and child to be taught. is represeted on a toy theatre stage.I dren. Youngsters compelled to lie to 1906, Miss Mosher lectured on has spent much time and patiencer hygiene for Adelphi College in Brook- moving leer back and forth on theI lyn. She is a frequent contributor to counterpane, teaching her to' step. medical journals and is the author of1 Walking seems a great accomplish- "Health and Happiness," first publish- ment to Mary and she is anxious that' ed in 1911. 0 her doll shall acquire it.I Dr. Mosher has spent the major por- It is a game of patience,-waitingI tion of her time on corrective work for health, and it seems especially among young people. She has always hard for the little ones whose active maintained a warm interest in young minds create hundreds of things for women. She never gave up her prac- inactive bodies to do. Most of the tice and her vital energy has made it- children are not ill all of the time. self felt during the past fifty years. Their minds must be kept active and I Miss Mosher's interest in correct pos- alert so that the efforts toward physi- ture, lead her to design some seats for cal well-being shall not have been ex- school children which were used in pen'ded uselessly. Therefore, it is Ann Arbor for many years. During necessary to provide studies and en- the war, Dr. Mosher-kept extra office tertainment. hours for the war workers so that In the University hospital an effi- those who were not able to consult cient corps of workers in the social her during her regular hours, might service department and a department receive aid. of occupational theraupy care for the mental training and recreation of the boys and girls. Their minds are kept busy, their fingers occupied and they are contented and happy. (Continued from Page Thirteen) Each child who is well enough for' a new one, and very precious, ?rought school work is kept at study in an es- g pecially equipped school room for and then put by, the ideas to be two hours each day. There is a daily kneaded over and over. Itisa very attendance of from 75 to 80 children a'in the schools. Although the major seci'et thing. It is mostintriguing to think of Mrs.k portion of the instruction Js indivk- Craig and himself and their boy and 'ual, the work given follows the gener- I Crai df i m f t r a al outlines used in puSlic schools. efore it. Many teachers are recruited from the I aItly, Rapallo, that beautiful little women students of the University for villa! I cannot write An Interview help in the hospital school. In the with Gordon Craig. first semester of the year 1924-25 stu-I I Paint Aflm..I Special attention has been given this year to patients bf the high schoola age, from 15 to 20 years. Although the younger children will probably go; on to school after they leave the has- pital, the majority of the older chil- dren are having their education com- pleted now. The high school ifistrue- tion to the young patients is, there- fore, very important. Increased at- tendance and awakening interestj within the hospital and outside, attest the success of the hospital school. Children who are ill are difficult to handle so hospital children are not forced to do things that are for their In Mary's life there enters a dragon,-- a three-headed dragon. One head is' "I don't know," another is "I (don't care": and a third is "Too much tIroUile." Some children like the dragon with t1he three heads, but the wise child sucessiu/ly combats it and cuts off all three. The chil ren enjoy the game and listmn untiringly to the tales of Mary Day and her way of living. Thus they learn by suggestion the reasons for the care they are receiving. A desire is created in them to emulate the wisdom of the mythical Mary. Throughout the year the youngsters quite still for weeks can keep idle hands and immature minds busily oc- cupied with such means of entertain- ment. When the warm days come the chil- dren will be out-of-doors as much as possible. Even during the winter an attempt is made to get each child into the open air for a short time every day, but in the summer the children go for walks and romp and play in the big swings in the playground provid- ed for them. Holidays and birthdays are often -the occasion for real fes- tivities for which the children make (Continued on Page Fifteen) .&. m'fi/ U . .... rL---ten months to pay own good; instead they are taught to want to do these things. Various do- - _ vices are employed to interest thefm in.2 their own welfare. Since a large number of patients come from rural homes, a farmyard is something with nes M eansS m artness which they are familiar, so a minia- ture farmyard was constructed forwa their amusement and education. Sma Thewoman who slips into an enchantig houses, barns, windmills, and silas Ensemble may feel secure in the knowledge that were built and various uses assigned ' to each part as it was added to the she's chosen an ultra-smart costume. Her mirror equipment. For example, in the course will vouch for its becomingness, and admiring of the farmyard game, the childrenwd find out that milk is good food be- glances will testify to its distinction. 5o fashion- cause it is wholesome and nourishmingble h En blebeh and are, therefore, more willing to ae as the nsembe ecome that various ver- drink it. In similar ways, other ques ions of it are seen on every occasion where well tions which the children ask concern- I dressed women gather. 2 - _ They're "Worn at Teas The Ensemble is the very thing 2 to accompany her to gay after- noon affairs. A number of these are especially smart, -Or for Sports As blithe as their vivacious Ma ' Twearers are the Ensembles for Moinformal sports wear. Gay colors Essentials 2 inspired by the clear tones of pie- are not numerous. But they = cious jewels, youthful lines with usteoo adtr t piquanther e diumt flares appearing in unex- offer the kind that will fit har- Snoniously in a gentlema nos pected manner-indeed, here's traxelling outfit, or on his w smartness for you! dresser. The few wants that a man permits himislf can be best selected from the well-chosen i assortment awaiting his inspec-- tion here. . F. W. Wilkinson LEATHER GOODS Main at Liberty 8 Ni:kels Arcade 325 South Main St.\ 2 Paint your home now. Pay later. Get the advantage of the new business plan of the Sherwin-Williams Company, the world's largest paint and varnish makers. Keep your property in first class condi- tion all the time with no financial strain at all. You enjoy the new paint on the house as you go along-pay for it as you go along, too. Very simple arrangement-no trouble at all -no red tape. If you delight in having your house look second to none in the street and well protected at the same time, come tothis storeand ~we will give you details. Or if you prefer, phone us and we'll come to you. This store is known as "PAINT HEADQUARTERS." We have the famous Sherwin-Williams Household Painting Guide that tells the correct finish for each surface. Our business is to help home lavers to STOP )IISTAKES IN PAINTINW1G Conie in and get a free copy of the S-W Painting Guide. Paint Veadquarters el'ma 4 207 East Liberty ANN ARBOR YPSILANTI lI 'I Y - - - --- - _ i um zg .YV1rr.rtv5m7 It' more than the cut that counts m -- ---it's cleanliness that means comfort Such a suite as this makes of a room a thoroughly enjoyable place in which to spend the evening or other leisure time-- in short, such furniture makes it HOME! t4u2 _V _[P( j~L~z. ~} -4 The leading clothing tablishments advertise es- re- peatedly the importance of the cut in clothes for A Living Room Suite that comfort, but it is not the Makes a Room Inviting only essential. True cqm- fort is first derived from cleanliness. Clean laundry work which the Varsity provides. $132 A -Karpen Suite, guaranteed construction, upholstered in blue figured velom', including the davenport with soft spring cushion seat, spring edge and sring back and an easy chair to match may be purchased for only $132. (THIRD FLOOR) litII 7 iii A Phone 2076-2077 TI'S ' 11111I 1IlI I I 1 I 11