PACE TWEI.VE THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 192) +~ + * * ooks and Writers JI .L L +i7g *' ' i W t 01 Course... THE G RE EN HAT, by Michael Arlen. George It. Doran Co., $2.00. Those among us in these Hechtic and opaque days who would like to blossom forth into the realm of the novelist will find it to their advantage to jot down with care the vagaries and most disconnected of our usual thought. It will be found that such an accumulation, stretching over a period of say two months, will be an Undeniably effective nucleus for the development of our novel. Michael Arlen deserves credit for having thus produced a book that has for weeks rated among the best sel- lers far and wide. He has sandwich- ed in sufficient adhesive material be- tween sections of his mental wander-I ing, to the extent of some three hun- dred and three pages, to seize upon his public, and we have another mag- nificent addition to the modern litera- ture. It would appear that the old days of transition and like mechanics of writ- ing have been supplanted by an in- genious, and modern, device consist- ing chiefly of the use of three periods at the close of 1Asentence, paragraph, or chapter, as' the artist wills. This contrivance, 'which Arlen employs freely and boringly, is the author's means of showing that there is so much to say, so many waves on the ocean of thought, that they cannot possibly be expressed. As a little example of the above, we quote from page 218 of Mr. Ar- Ien's perpetration: "'Iris,' I said, 'I like you. Of course, if I didn't. ." "'Of course,' she said, 'he doesn't know..' "'Of course;' i-said. "'Anddhe'll never know .." "'Good,' I said. "As for me,' she whispered....." This quotation serves as a fair, example of the way friend Arlen man- ages to fill un the void between mom-. ents of action, and at times, he even inserts them at critical points. The effect is remarkable: it keeps the reader on edge, for he hopes that just around the turn of the next page will lie some tangible statement that will put him on the track once more. Suffice it to say that he doesn't, with the exception of the last five pages. Briefly, the gist of the whole book lies in these final five pages, and to' enjoy the book, prospective 'readers are advised tostart at that point, then revert to the beginning and know what is what. -- I Cynic's Paradise OORPHAN ISLAND By Rose Macaulay, Boni and Iveright, $2.00. One of the strongest recommenda- tions that could be made of "Orphan Island" is the statement that it is a worthy successor to "Told by an Idiot" and "Dangerous Ages," two of the most brilliant of Miss Macaulay's previous books. "Orphan Island" is, however, (if it be possible) more in- genious in design and execution than these other works. The first chapter is one of the most ruthless and masterly pieces of trap- setting we have ever seen between covers. Miss Macaulay, faced with the problem of presenting a hypothe- tical, sociological situation to her Micha~el Arlen Unreality oozes from every sentence reader, goes about the task with the in the book; the chi3f character- most charming sort of cynicism- we have read the book twice, and b murdering, ruining and wrecking lieve ourselves reasonably safe in without a qualm. Her task is to fill a desert island with children under this statement-is one Iris Storm,I ten years of age-without the encum- March, and Fenwick-you see, she had brance of parents to bring them up in a maiden name and two husbands. the Wa tet tod Go." Thisuphe She is, one might say, the motif of the accomplishes by wrecking thesship title, for inconspicuously enough, she that is carrying a load of orphans wears the green hat that titles the from England to America-and then book. She also keeps the other by luring away and killing off all the characters in an English hubbub adults of the party except two Puri- throughout, what with, as she ex- tanical women and one profane andI presses it, "her pagan body and Chis- dru'nken ship's doctor. She then lehurst mind." As it turns out in the leads the women into sin, kills off end, she has been the purest of the the doctor, and abandons the island lot, and avenges herself upon the mis-: fore about seventy years. tration of her mockery. The aristo-- Bred Men," says: "Am I coming to be cracy, the press, the judiciary, the ! a traitor to our creed if I wonder medical profession, the tonsorial art- jawhether a college education really one and all are beautifully and totally; crossword MurderThIS and That adds anything at all to a man? If devast atened. Mur rit is e fective it helps him to find.and As Laurence Stalling said of her, Ito organize what he has got. Aside "She must be the w ittiert woman --__-- j from that, I suspect there comes out alive." TIHE LONG GREEN GAZE, A cross- A Man Walking of the mill exactly what went into it. N. K.y Vincent TIf I am right, then a college owes the _er p . W.zzle mystery, bYnew The gates of hell are very small; quality of its graduates very largely Fuller. B. W. Ruebscli, Inc., New To get inside a man must crawl to the character of its sub-freshmen. or.$..Upon his belly, like a snake, Assembled alumni should not so gen- Writes the publisher in his blurb And grovel there, for hell's own erally boast that Major-General IJTow- Track and Field concerning this book, "Here is amys- sake. itzer graduated from dea r al s can be the chief detective." And so Of all 'the many gates there be }shrewd old father had chosen it as in "The Long Green Gaze," we have a That lead to hell, you could not see' the place for his boy. book in which blank crossword puz- In all your years one gate s0 high zles are scattered promiscuously That a man walking could get by. TRACK AND FIELD, by T. E. Jones, throughout. The reader solves the -fromJohn Russell McCarthy's COINCIDENT with the resignation 1925, New York.. Publslhed by puzzles-and he solves the mystery. "For the Morning." of Dean Briggs of Harvard College, Charles Scribner and Sons, $2.00. . . The book should be quite the thipg *Il oughton lifflin Company, his pub- In this book, T. E. Jones, physical for those readers who like slueths BURGESS JOHNSON, writing in lishers, announce the publication next director at the University of Wiscon- and murders and Hindus mixed up in the "Lion's Mouth" of the April "lar- fall of a volume of his essays on col- sin and a recognized authority on their fiction reading. The story of per's" under the title of "We College- lege life and teaching. athletics in general, has given one of the book-one that we could not fath- the most complete discussions of the om after the first three or four chap- -.................................... principles and details of training for ters-has, of course, the invariable track and field athletics ever made. American mystery story murder at the Primarily intended to provide a outset. There is a wealthy aunt, own- C thorough course of instruction for the er of a bizarre emerald, who keels budding track coach and high school over at breakfast after tasting an supervisor, it actually describes the orange and consumed her morning. business of training better than any coffee. And there is a handsome;".AND ach could tell it and provides a use- young college chap, just canned, who col eli n rvdsas-I E CALL P E SE"WE DO ALL ful manual for any track coach. wears collar-attached shirts and who KINDS (W In all, eighteen brnches of track right there to solve the mystery and FOR ANDTIN and field sports are described, a sepa- marry the heroine, who, naturally, is DEIVER Lne 6.4.8 i &rnIG rate chanter being alloted to each not such a repulsive person, herself. one. Everything from the sprints to Something unique may be had in the'* steeplechasing is thoroughly treated I person of a butler who quotes Omar _ by the writer who shows an extreme- Khayyam betwen meals. And with __ __ ly adequate knowledge of his subject is right there to solve the mystery and matter. The feature of this book is not tell you what happens to all of Phone the character of the illustrations. these capricious people as we are no There are forty-five diagrams, illus- hand at solving cross-word puzzles. ; trating the more complicated sub- The book, of course is nothing gi- E. STEIN - PROPRIETOR ject :natter. In addition to the dia- gantic. Neither Collins nor Gaboriau ."-..-_"".---.-."-"-"..............---- "...............--........ grams, many of which are sketches nor Chesterton need be afraid of their of athletes illustrating proper form, laurels. But it has a certain tone of there are twenty-four plates, each the unusual, and, as such, it should comprising three or four action photo- give the reader an entertaining even- graphs. The inclusion of the numer- ing or two. ous illustrations not only makes the -N. M. D. book of more value to the coach than Th s jit might otherwise have been but it strictly limited and must be comple- also makes it of some benefit to the mented by actual' demonstration, this is e athlete himself who oftens fails to ind probably as donatin, th is pobaby basgooda thing ofthe get enough individual attention from kind as has ever been published., season the coach. se H S In spite of the fact that the value when a of all publication of this kind is Patronize Daiiv Advertisers.-Adv. doplenty Of W r f o r y o u. !k fA- W-lntĀ®_rI1t~h& understanding world by banging full speed into a big tree, riding in her vermillion Hispan-Suiza. If the book weren't so hazy, if it had omitted one or two grammatical errors, if it were enjoyable, it should be lauded. It isn't. -G. W. D. HARPER & Brothers announce that- they have now become E. M. Dela- field's publishers. They will bring out Miss Delafield's new novel, "Mrs. Har- ter" early in April. The novel, which, will be published this Spring in Eng- lanid, also, is written with Miss Dela- field's usual brilliantly direct style and logic. Observe that the situation on the islanil after a seventy-year interval isI the' sort of situation that is invariably discussed with small and large dis- pla, ef imagination on every occasion when good sociologists get together. (An "eddy in the stream of civiliza-' tion," they would call it.) And now she brings to the island an OxfordM soc ologict, with his two sons and daylter-to explore, to study, to rescue the orphans. The opportunity for the satirist is just the kind that Mr. Shaw allowed himself in "Saint Joa," when he permitted an English- man and a Frenchman to discuss Vngland. Miss Macaulay thenceforth <,iscusses England-and fairly dazzles the reader with the grace and pene- 'urnu >, MNW a Val a all III' ill film u WIN ma "a 1 111111 U'i" a",, a""N f'ill IN. .11101 wm' III Hal HMW ""'a um alive mw, 'III"" N"a 'Ill 111111 UUIU 1111 w"a' oill'' UIIINW Haw )Hil for" H-meIMEm111 I 11llI $ ~ C or IM-w-eCoal -Comke a Rj ai 1N'llI - IllpIl - - ala , pulp hmu V'II Antradilec, per ton . $14.95 a IP Solvay Coke .~..10.95 pl aMa oiiGenuine No.3 Pocahontas ' n Ip Egg and Lump 11.b- 9.50 West Virginia and lieniucky Coal ,2 ns~la' p"H V"ia Phlones~ 81-F1 and 2207-Offi4ce Corn well Bilock Nuas m 'I go'IN 101 Cor n eli- Co Ial -- Coke help pa"' "DOUGHl" I I i + I C f I 1 i i + I I Imitate a Whole Orchestra at the Conn Music Shop We have just received the new Peter Pan Phonographs and Perfect Records. Good music does not necessarily mean expensive music. You'll be surprised at these prices for-- P~eterPan Phonographs ................$20 and $25 Perfect Records (featuring Ukelele Ike) ........59c Latest Sheet Music, 30c and 40c Accessories and Orchestrations 14 Nickels Arcade AW6 ..116 W QW MW N q6jv owwjvwiww I .1m/ uw w eV a e fi"Ile cat t ypesJ and models of Eastman cameras in stock. Drop in and look them over CAMERA JUPPLIES CANERAS I.1)1 S For Sale by LYNDON & CONPANY 719 N. University Ave. Film Developing Phone , ...,M." 77-- ORATOR ICA 5.i Sunday Dinner MENU Soup Willits Special Wafers Olives Celery Fricasseed Chicken with Biscuit Prime Rib Roast of Beef au jus Roast Leg of Veal with Dressing Asparagus Tips on Toast Mashed Potatoes Rolls Salad L ASSOCIATION PROGRAM (ADVENTUROUS TRAVELER) Viet Russia Today" A.F I SPEAKS ON - "S60 Home-madej Brick Ice Tea { Dessert Apple or Raisin Pie Cream with Cake Coffee Milk ;; '. ; a : ' 11 i me ImAa