I SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE ELEVEN SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1925 PAGE ELEVEN WQ W Sports www i NORTHWESTERN PLANS MAGNIFICENT NEW STADIUM FOR USE IN 1926 SEASON Sports as S - I. ,. >4 ;. The Item Irish Engdahl knocked out Swede O'Brien in the fourth round of their fight last night at the Rose Garden after a fast and furious brawl. As Bugs Baer Would Write It Swede O'Brien got socked last' night. After stumbling through three rounds, he walked into Irish Eng- dahls right and hit so hard he stood on his head when he came to. Gloves flew like birds around O' Brien's ears. Reminded old timers of the time Gink Fowler stopped thes Glutt. Gink was so tough the Glutti tore his gloves to pieces hitting him. Refused to hit Gink with water pail offered by kindly fan because Pail be- longed to mother. Every time the Glutt hit Gink it sounded like a con- vict Picnic on the rock pile. Gink had steel body and pig iron stomach. Only way to bark his shins was by using file. As Grantland Rice Would Write It. The shuffle of feet on the resined floor, ] A bunch of tramps outside the door; A sudden flurry upon the ropes, Like the wild stampede of antelopes. The fighters' grunts, the crowd's wild cries, The referee's shout-"Shut up, youse guysr" The clash of the battle, the roar of the mob, 'Twas a sight for kings, it wasI b'Gad. Excited indeed was the spectators mood They roared at the sight of the blood-blood-blood. Such was the scene when sturdy O'Brien SFrom Engrahl's right went flyin'- flyin'. As Norman Brown Would Write it A dandy fl-i-ight was held last ni-i-ght. Irish Engdahl, who sold garters be-1 hind the counter of his father's gen- eral store in Mudsock, Okla. from his boyhood until two Years ago, when he came up in the pugilistic game with a rush, chucked Swede O'Brien, them before the admiring eyes of the crowd before a gun had been fired, and the final three of them to five points of the Michigan total. 1-1 i .1 l 1 t 4 -was there ie a "peep-p l r the 5 w, ' i': he X~ eIwas talkie+; iiU 013ii-!i a ftilt: he is Wrotefight. "All desire is another - portunity to pit my prowess against j Mr. Engdahl," he said rubbing the lump on his chin reflectively. "The who was brought up in the staid at- contest was fair and I have only the mosphere of a bootlegger's home un- highest regard for my opponent's toerse hi ability. His right hand was a parti- til wel out of .his teens, on the chin culax source of constant hazard to me, lash night and it was good bye, good- and my Herculean attempts to evade bye for the evening for Mr. O'Brien. it came to naught. But in spite of my Engie's sturdy right, which he told rather hasty demise tonight, I feel sanguine as to the outcome of a fu- the writer exclusively was developed turegencounter." by snapping garters at fresh cus' Who knows? Maybe the Scandi- tozners back in Mudsock, did .the trick navian Sylph is right. The writer and he won the fight in the fourth ses- hereby wishes to put in his word in sion. The writer is convinced that if favor of another match between the the Senile Swede had not been knock- two. 'Twould be a battle royal. ed out the worst he could have done would have been to lose the fight on Don't delay-Pay your Subscrintion a decision, but the old Garter Right today. .. Ii . '2 Rivals the finest antique arbe in oth beauty and durabili The opening of the 1926 football! season will find Northwestern univer- sity in possession of the first three- decked solid concrete stadium in the United States. Although present jlans are not for the completion of the structure by that time, there will be seating capacity for 54,000 specta- torswithout necessitating the use of standing room or bleacher seats. If thie latter aye out to use, 60,000 can be accommodated the first year. With both ends completed, the total capa- city of the new plan will be in the neighborhood of 74,000., According to the plans of Archi- teot James Gamble Rogers, the line of vision from any part of the stadium will be uninterrupted. The elimina- tion of as many posts as possible will also aid the spectators to get a clear' view of the field. The stadium as planned will not occupy as much space as many of the great plants now in use, but will be slightly taller than most of them. This will result in the bringing of the spectators closer to the field than is possible where the ground area is larger. Special ar- rangements are to be made for news- paper men, scouts, and photographers, who will be quartered so as to facili- tate their work as much as possible. Closely woven, they portray truthfully intri- cate designs of hand weavers-Their wools are specially selected-The natural lustre Of the fleece is, emphasized-The silken sheen makes patterns radiant with quality-Yet the cost is a fraction of an Oriental! We've just received many ne patterns for Spring showing! MARTIN HALLER 112 East Liberty Street ,an I warning against jockeying. Tom and had known them for twenty years blushed again but kept his four men (didn't hurt things any. As it happen- entered. Somebody made a remark The oaches Meet, Eat, Talk about his book on track. He failed there was little need for jockeying. to hear it and finally the scratching I All of the leaders who were finally was finished. chosen rated their positions. This --- -- - --- Then they drew for lanes and heats. was probably the outstanding feature Everything might have gone quietly of the meet. (By W. i. S.) spouting anecdotes to the morbid Gill, et during this process were it not for the Two or three things about the meet Few people who read about big who had neither ear nor inclnation fact that "leaders" were picked by itself were enough to interest anyone. track carnivals have an adequate idea to hear. Down at the end of the table vive voce. That is, if there are to be The fact that the track was ten laps to of just what takes place at such affirs. Tom Jones, Wisconsin coach, tried to three or four heats in the prelimin- the mile, narrow, and of hard clay There are races and more races and look meek. He was all set to have his aries of an event, the four best men ccombined to give everyone a chance then some big brute steps out and team take the coming meet and he in tihe Carnival must be in separate to use his pugilistic abilities. The tosses a large iron ball. That is about couldn't talk for emotion. Walter heats to give every one of them a four-forty was the prize race of both what happens at the meet itself but Ee 1 rsall, former Chicago star, loaded chance to reach the finals. After this evenings. The fact that it was as anyone who sees just that mch in a good meal and served as an is done imien are assigned to heats dirty as it was Saturday probably misses ninety-five percent of what I amlience for the aged Eck., Steve and lanes by lot. During the first gave Michigan the meet. After every goes on. The atmosphere of any ba Farrell's g in marked face opened process comes the chance for battle. heat Friday had seen some unfor- track meet can be found only by ee-I regularly for the defenseless trout Everybody tries to get two or three of tunate shoved into the gutter at the ing the men who coach and train the and Il tfast ones over on Eck between Ms runners placed as leaders in sett- first turn, everybody was ready for team-not the athletes theiselve". mouthfuls. .ust about then the Minne- crate heats. The coach who gets one blood in the final heat. Nate Fein- The former are characters-the latter seta co;ch a (Aexplaining how he had poor man placed as a leader does well singer, Michigan quarter miler who are just a bunch of schoolboys. forgotten to bring a relay team to the and 1e who gets tyo leaders, be they had been trudging along for a year The actual competition begins when meet. George Little, now of Wiscon- good or bad, may count himself among j and a half without ever doing any- all of the old boys get together before sin, sat beside the gloating Jones, also the lucky ones. Prestige means every- thing very interesting, got a spike on the meet to draw for heats and make 1 eating heartily. thing. the first lap and after that ran the their scratches. There is throat Then came the battle. 'Some "big The results of this battle a week best race of his life. On the final half cutting and conspiracy and by the agun", the end of the table arose and ago Friday weren't as surprising as ; lap he got another bad shove from time it is all over a hundred battles announced that scratches were in ord- they would have been if the outstand- Roberts of Iowa and from then on no hve been fought and won-or lost. !c a>eve Farell moved up "to the ing performers hadn't been as well one could pass him. He landed a The meeting of the coaches at Chicago on I of th e( t e o get the inside dope. known as they were. Michigan had third place in the quarter and with the Friday noon before the Big. Tel ThIe - airan made his usual an- Reinke and Freyberg placed as lead- the fire still smouldering ran the final indoor meet was typical. All of the Iotuncement regarding "jockeying." A I ers in the half, Ohio got Guthrie and leg of the relay which finally gave "boys" were there ready for the battle. . I ) 1p blus I ian around the table. Then Snyder in the hurdles, and Michigan Michigan the meet. After a good solid meal iof fish, - came the s. rat ches. When that was got Wittman and Hubbard as leaders But probably the most interesting tatoes, and ice cream and just about over Indinma lad three men left and in two heats of the dashes. That was fact about the whole affair was that everything else that the boys had been Ptlrtldj( the same. Everything went just as it should have been but the ( DeHart Hubbard ran 19 heats of the keeping from their track teams, alcag all right when they were mak-- fact that Steve knew all of the boys 50 yard dash Saturday night, 16 of everything was set for the go. ing tie scratches until they came to During the course of the meal the t: urter mile. Everybody had en- ,Harry Gill, sour faced coach of the tered more than his quota. Everybody Illinois team which was due for a but Wisconsin finally made a cut. going over in the meet sat glumly Tom liad four men left in the event eyeing the table cloth. Meanwhile and balked when someone suggested Tom Eck, aged Chicago trainer, that he take1 out a couple of the lame broadcasted after his usual manner, ones. Then cane a repetition of the T1. = 14 a Go 04 r - 0 c - I (__tltliitlll111lIIIIiIIIIl111111911IIifIftwIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlbIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII41 ii8'tulIiII171111fluIE1:1111vIvt; ta' ta19lIIUri IIIII v i r. w. 0N _ .., "mw Awporm% w v T m .e. -M m ur 'W bp r w rin +s :ar "wf .Ir b wp n V N" Y 4 El '" Mc r ! r Z!I .. MII{I "9R . i "w r { 'SA 4t. vu ells M gm AR !_ sv Ai r 11f tmX N"llo'Mm"m IMILR K L A, IN GIVE AMERICANS WHAT THEY WANT Nearly every American wants to own lis own home. Further- more he wants it to have beauty, individuality. reasonable resistance to depreciation and a cost within his m-eans. Ttis demand for beauty combined with economy has developed a distinctively American type of home architecture in the McClure Homes. insure it our I' Packages N ORTH America Parcel Post Insurance is the best protec- tion you can have against loss on packages damaged, stolen or lost in the mnails. Ask us how this much-needed pro- tection can be given to every pack- age, at a' cost of a few cents and without red tape, bother or delay. BUTLER ~~YA/.~.~fj$44. I