SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1925
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice tv all membersi of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m.,(11:30 a. m. Saturday&
Volume y SUiNDAY, MARCH 22, 1923 Number 1219
Vu~lversity Senate:
The third regular meeting of the University Senate for the year 1924-
192,' scheduled for Monday, March 23, will be postponed one day. It: will
be held in' Room iC, Law Rui~ding, on the evening of Thuesdlay, (larchl 21, at
eight o'clock.
Order of business:
1.! Election of a member of the Board in Control of Athletics.
2. Election of three members of the Board of Directors of the Michigan
Union. John 1'.' Bradshiaw, Secretary of the Senate.
Notice to all Members of the University:
Mail addressed as follows: "care of the University of Michigan" has
been delivered to the office of the Secretary, Room 3, University Hall. It
will be held unitl March 28, and should be called for at once, giving date of
this publication, i. e. March 22. This list will not be reprinted. MAIL
Josephine Airan -Neville Miller
Paul Morgrett
F~reshmnen G'lee Club:
There will be a mneet lug of all membhers in 'Looni 308 of thle Union Mion-
day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Burt .J. hrenuiiekc.
.Leeiure (Course l'slhrs :
P lease r'emembi)er the lectuire tomtorrow eveninilg ( iMon(la y) . Reor)t at
7:30, wearing your badge. Iieilia id Ford.
'T~o Members of lDeltSigmasa 11110
The annual. initiation banquet will 1)e 11el( in the Michigan Union Thurs-
day. M1arch 26th, at(:00 P. M.
All members of the Delta Sigma Rho on the campus are urged to()attend~,
members from other chapters are especially inviter].
j Reservations should be mta rio as soon a,3 possible---call Alexanuder--261 3.
It. IL. A lexanider, h.red5deiit Alpha of01 I i0ugati.
Professor a ndl Mrs. C. 0. D avis, of 130) Maritin '1a ce, aire en tort aining
IClub mom bers in their homne Sunday afternoon. MaNrch 23, from 4 to 61
o'clock, at an informal tea. 1eisk Lliert, President.
I t(, six~th freshmnan leOctu1re,0in Hygiene for inert will be given in Water-
'man gymnasium, Thursday andlFinday, March 26 and 27, at. 8: 0T-4:00-
and 5:00 P. AL (G. A. May.
W ins Cof idf Ence y kin Alumni hall. Thee of theo
i Inctig i todiscuss plav:ust'ow't
'O T CE Scentintiation cof(e \Xnatis'League
'~- H O TI ESImiliin and endowment fondl caIi-
I ?aign.l
___________ ____________ 'IMiss Maria L anzar, the first Btar-
:r~x~: 'SAll eligible freshman women wl1io? boor' scholar from the Philippines,
have been unable to try out for the wl
IFreshman pagecant may do so Mondaya tI 'lcktnoirwa
I byseeig Mis Jnet ummig ~ the Michigan Union at the fifth lunch-
l~hsicl eucaioncleat niet.con sponsored by the international:
relations committec of the local'
A meeting of the Ann Arbor :alum- branch of the American Association
.*.'v:;"}.~ nae will be held at 130 o'clock today of University Women.
The Anti-Saloon League is express-
ing its confidence on the now attor-
ney-general, John C. Sargent, despite
the fact that he was not a prohibi-
tionist when the eighteenth amend-
ment was pendling. 1119" I a7 i s-
John E. Bailey
Louis Blum
Clinton Bowers
Clark Boyd
George Dixon, Jr.
George H~ggarty
George Holmes
Interfraternity Council
J. Pargment
Lorne Poole
Notices to ;l'1ea. in ibis column must '
be left in the box at the i iaiy office ;
prr~v i'led for 'flat purpose before 4
o'clock prcc.':inp vile fty of,. issue.
6:301--r'of. Z. C'. Mckinson speaks oni
"jhj-a llChurh:"'at Unitarian par'-
7: :0--I'esl'vl gj ild lulcue al MethIi
ocist chturch ; Dr. Joseph Fort New-,
ton of New York speaks on "The
Science of Jesus."I
Robert Reynolds
Mary Ross
Paul Samson
Byron Stafford
Jack Thurman
C. W. Waters
13: L. Mahendra, Esq.
Walter G. McKelvey
Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
The March Faculty meeting will be held Monday, March
P. M. sharp, in Room 2225, Angell Hall.
Order of Business:
1.; Report of 'reorganization of registration of students.
2. Report by Professor Henderson on Extension work.
3. New Business.
23rd, at 4:05
SUN J1):%1'8:(0-M1otion jtictui t'ser'vice at 'oil.
10):30--IDr. A. IV. Staker 1 e~h oat reuational (church; Clara Louise
"aw andl Religion" at th l 1. t h _ Burnuaa'is 1101el, "A Cliiptoi in H1er
odlist. church. Life.''
If) 1:,-Dr. ('Iarence Bosnia spli atlit)I 1) Y
the P resbyteria n church. } i~lalO~n (l~,cu a(t a
3:0u-uaforinaaidiscusion g~iroup)i for ~-oomi'sla0>union.e (111,eet i
Rieformed Studetltts meet: at 'ol8),lno.
Lane Ihall, ]Dr. Clarence ijoillia :30-Lec'f ire (course5 ushers reportI' Il ill auditoriumi.
hor enfter'tained1 at 1020 10Iartin (ditorium on "Soviet Russia Today."
p~lalce. 8:1i5-Micigan'uTheatler League pre-
t:30--Presbyl craa choir rvl l~s. sents the Cleveland Players in
at the (chur'ch. "Henry IV," at the Whitney the-
5 i0-Studn~hit suppeitr 11aml 11 esie ate)i.
chat at Congregational church. Mo-
tion plicture survey at Ann Arbor Moscow, March 21. - To mneet the
theaters. shortage of grain, which continues to
4 :80---Social half-huouir ati. esl(.y 11,ll. give the authorities considlerable anx-
i :30-St, .Paul's SI udeni (.111) b 'IiQfs, iety, 111e Soviet governmeiint has orderi-
at 420 West iflient y st reet. . Miss' ed from abroad <370,00(0 tons of grain
Brae Clemo, '25, loads the' discu ssionlt ad 212,000) tons of flour.
on ''Is a College Education Bone -
ficial or Detrimental to. the Aver-! Winipeg, Man., March 21.--The
age Girl ?" lpra! rio provinces yester'day were
6:0)0--11esleyai gluiilimeets ill Wes- swvelit by a blindling blizzard.
Iey hall; Chartles Hlodgenman, '23,
speaks on. "After One Year." TREAD) THE MICI IQAN DAILY
, I
f ace.
Quick Service
Just as long as we do your
cleaning and pressing you
will hav'e a smile on your
Good Work
I I 38 Soth Min S. I
And when the pictures arc taken-bring us your
for finishing. You'll want us to do the work regularly
picture if its possible.
Calkins-Fletcher, Drug Co.
3---Dependable Stores--3
:334 South State St.
Corner East and South University A ves.
Cornecr State and Packard
1Fi1lu with Kodak Film
For pictures of the boys in the "Frat" house or pictures
around the campus, use Kodak Film. Why? Because it's
the dependable film in the yellow box, the film that gets the
picture if its possible.
John 1IL Effinger.
Senior Mechanical Engineers:
Mr. F. A. Pope representing the Worthington Pump and Machinery
Corporation of Now York and New Jersey will be in Room 221 West En--
gineering Building, Monday and Tuesday, the 23rd and 24th, to interview
those interested In positions with this company.
HI. C. Anderson
Senior Electrical, Mechanical and iii Engineers and seniors in Business
A dminist ration:
Representatives of the Bell System (A. T. & T. Company, Western Elec-
tric company, Bell Telephone Laboratories and associated operating come-
panies of the Bell System) will be in Room 153 West Engineering Building,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 23, 24, 25, to interview all students
interested in the opportunities for 'employment with the Bell System.
Josephl H. Caino.
Ex-ServiIce Men and Women:
All students who were in Military. Naval, or other Federal service dur-
Ing the European War and who have not sent in a detailed and complete
account of their service, are asked to call at once at the Alumni Catalogue
Office, basement of the Alumni Memorial Hall, and fill out a blank. Thisi
applies to all University students, including those who saw service before
enrolling in the University for the first time.
Circularizin~g of all former students has been completed. By means of
this notice only will students now in attendance at the University be cir-
Office hours, 8 to 12 and 1:30 to 5, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs-
day, and Friday. Saturday 8 to 12:30.
H. L. Sensernn, Secretary of the Military Record Comittee.
A. S. M.E.
Mr. Calvin H. Rice, Secretary of the National Organization, will give
an illustrated talk on South America Tuesday, March 24, 7-8 P. Al. in the
N. S. Auditorium. The meeting Is open to the public, lut every student an
Faculty member of the organization is especially urged to attend.
0. W. Reed, Ch~airman.
Talks on Esthetics:
I shall give-six informal talks on esthetics in Room 3208, Angell Hall,
on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4:15, beginning Tuesday, March 24. The
topics will be as follows: The Autonomy of Esthetics: The Esthetic Ex-'s
perience; The Esthetic Triad; The Work of Art; The Esthetic Cycles; From
Esthetics to Philosophy. All persons interested are welcome.
1 Chares E. Whitmore.
Large Consignment
J fHand ?Iade
Will arrive, in, about
ten days
Mrs. H. 1$. Jierrick
x928 Church St. Pharr 3155
"hone 644 t
Read the Want Ads
--- - r
Sporting Goods at a Time When You Need Them
1111 South Uiniver'sity Ave. Phione I1166-8R
B~arg-,,ains in
I*m EEEsEU O r a m m aU UL'
w g
G rangaer's
As A Recreational
Conveniently located and well known on the
campus and about town, Granger's Academy
has become a popular recreational center.
The excellent music, the fine dance tfloor, the
simple yet attractive decorations, and an at-
mosphere which seems to hold these features
closely together, are factors that have helped
it gain its popularity.
Dancing every Wednesday, Friday and
Saturday Night.
Music by
Bill Watkins and His Granger Eight
The onp. gaf-fit 'otrength~ns fripndqs'hin-