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March 22, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-22

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SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1-25)

SIX SUNDAY, MARCh 22, 1925

CgI3II1' 1

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,,, ..

Detroit Northwestern Leads UTI T
Field In Track Prelniharies I
NDetroitNorthwestern with 12 menteal. Best jump by Harrel, Flint en-
Surviving the preliminaries led the tra, 19 ft. 10 5-8 in.
(Continued from Page Oue) field in the number of men qualifying 440 yard dash:- First heat won by All Those Who Have Won Insignia
and and third places. Lewis of Cen- yesterday afternoon for the finals of Jones, Kalamazoo Normal high; sec- In Sport Barred From Post t
Michigan's first annual interscholastic ond, Smith, Detroit Northwestern. Season Practice
tral, put his team into the scoring list i
fourh. 'itemeet w~ich * was held last night in Tm 66~cnl.Scn et o
at this point by taking fourth. The Yost field house Time 5.6econds. Secod heat, won
Colt team then took a rest while the Kalamazoo Central, Detroit Cass by Brown, Austin high Chicago, tied OPEN SEASON MONDAY
others fought it out in the 440. In !Tech; and Detroit Central were next for second, Campbell, Kalamazoo Cen-
thish event Austin high teol t m in line with four men each. Anni Arbor tral; McMinn, Detroit Northwlstern. Post-season basketball Practice for
cagowhich had been expected to make qualified three men; while Austin high Time 56.1 seconds. Third heat won by all those who have never received
the going hard for Northwestern jade of Chicago, Detroit Eastern, and De- Kroll, Detroit, Detroit; second, Claus- any athletic insignia in the sport will
its onlyetoi points.con, lCu-Iauhetinisiraa inthesbrtail
tiful race and broke the tape mn :55.4 troit Northern had two men apiece in, Austin high Chicago. Time 56.6 commence tomorrow night at 7:30
while his teammate Brown who had last through ie preliminary rounds. seconds- o'clock in Waterman gymnasium, witht
been favored to win was third behind Kalamazoo .Normal high, Toledo 50 yard dash:- First heat won by Varsity coach Edwin J. Mather in
Kroll of Detroit Central. Waite, Flint Central, Coldwater, Bat- Tait, Detroit Northwestern; second, charge.
By the time the 60 yard low hurdle tie Creek, and Detroit Southwestern Robinson, Detroit Northwestern; Three practice sessions will be held
evdnt was ready the Northwestern placed one man each for the finals. Lewis, Detroit Central. Time 5.8 sec- during the week, after which thee
team was again ready to perform. Ross Competition was keen in all of the onds. Second heat won by Ross, De- schedule will be enlarged to four prac-
took his second first place of the meet, events, especially in the 50 yard dash, fioit Northivestern; second, Tolan, tices. Coach Mather will probably,
a good two yards ahead of Batchelor eight heats of six men each being nec- Cass Tech; third, Eberlin, Toledo continue the practices until the mid-
of Ann Arbor. Carison of Northwest- essary before the field could be nar- Qualifying height, 56 ft. 6 in. 60 yard dle of May, depending upon the num-
ern who had just finishe his recordt rowed down to a workable margin. low hurdles, first heat won by Wid- her of candidates that answer the call.
shot put came in third while Loving, Brown of Austin high, Chicago ran a man, Detroit Northwestern; second All those who have received recog-
the dusky Cass Tech hurdler waa pretty race in the second heat of the Batchelor, Ann Arbor. Time 7.2 see. nition for their work in basketball.
fouith. By this time the Colts had 35 440, winning in the fast time of 56.1 Second heat wno by Ross, Detroit at Michigan will be barred from the.
points and the rest of the teams were seconds. Northwestern; second, Maloney, Kal- post-season course in instruction. This
fighting among themselves for second With Loving of Cas . Tecl, Meyers amazoo Central; Time, 7.2 sec. Third ban excludes all those who have won
place. Northwestern had meanwhile of Detroit Eastern, and Diller of Bat- I heat won by Loving, Detroit Cass "M's", "AMA" awards, and numerals.
taken five points on Carlson's per- ( tle Creek clearing the bar in the high Tech; second, Carlson, Detroit North- "The purposes of this post-season
formance with the shot. jump at 5 feet 8 inches in the pre- western. Time 7.2 sec. instruction are to discover any pos-
The next event put five more count- liminaries, the finalists promised that high jump, Loving, Detroit Cass sible Varsity material which may have
-ers upon the pile the Colts had al- an enviable record would be set up Tech; Meyers, Detroit Eastern; Dil- been overlooked," stated Coach Mather.
ready apccumulated, McMin, Swan, in this event. ler, Battle Creek; Hathaway, Kalama- "For this reason, we are barring
Ross, and Tait racing through to an Summary:- Shot put: Carlson, De- zoo Central; Rozek, Detroit South- everyone who has won recognition in
easy victory in the 880 yard relay. troit Northwestern; Steele, Waite western; Ruggles, Detroit Northern. besketball.
This event was run in two heats, Cass high; Wilson, Ann Arbor; Lagnoi Qualifying height, 5 ft. 6 in. 60 yard. "Furthermore, the University's poli-
Tech which placed second to North- Niles; and Schultz, Detroit Central high hurdles. first heat won by Lov- cy of "athletics for all" gives us the
eastern in the first heat getting see- qualified for the final. Best throw by troit Northwestern; third Voelker, De- responsibility of rendering instruction
ond place when the times were com- Carlson, Detroit Northwestern, 44 ft. troit Northwestern; third Voelker, De- in all games to students not inclined
pared with those -of Central and Ann 3 in. troit Eastern. Time 8.5 sec. Second to compete for Varsity positions, but
Arbor.in the second heat. Ann Arbor ; Broad^ jump:- Harrell, Flint Cen- I heat won by Wilman, Detroit North- who wish to engage in friendly play I
and Detroit Northeastern were given tral; Ryan, Detroit Northern; Robin- western; second, Robins, Ann Arbor; for health's sake. There will be no
a tie for fourth place. son, Detroit, Northwestern; Holbrook, third, Evans, Detroit Central. Time "cuts" and I sincerely hope that sev-
In the mile, the spectators who ha Coldwater; Mahoney, Kalamazoo Cen- 8.7 sec. i eral hundred men will respond to the
grown tired of seeing the Northwest-
ern team winning; had an opportunity; -
for diversion. Potter, of Coldwater,
king of the Michigan prep school
milers, did everything that was ex-
pected of him and came in 60 yards
ahead of Red Burson, Toledo Waite's
diminutive distance man who won the
admiration of everyone with his nervy ~in ;~ f r~ '~ ~~' " " p r
running. Potter's time of 41 wasSuppliesfor. Very Branch of Sport
compartively slow but was hardly an
indication of what he might have done
if necessity had demanded.
Northwestern jumlped back into the NextNorth
limelight again when its team won the Next to
hard gought medley repay. Pressed UAd
from the start by Highland Park andnversity Ave s a pArcade Theatre
Southwestern, the Northwestern quar-
tet came front behind and won on the
final leg of the race when Seeger did
the half mnlie faster than hie had in -
the individual event earlier in the
The final three field events of the
evening failed to influence the stand-
ing of the teams to any great extent =~
although Robinson of Northwestern
mranaged to give his team its eighth o
fis-4 place by doing 21 feet 2 3-8 inches
in the Iroadjump. Aiter he jumped
fcr a ineet record at 21 feet 4 1-8'/
inches. -athaway of Kalamazoo Cen-
tral, who has interested spectators at
interscholastic meets for the lpast two
yars with his almost perfect form in
the jumis, won the pole vault at 11
feet even and later set a meet record 4I
at 11 feet 3 inches. le also tied for 4
tbird in the high jump which went to
Loving of Cass Tech at 5 feet 9 1-4
inches. -

Golf Candidates
To Discuss Plans
For Coming Year



o . .
_ ° :& bi

man enter as many teams in the ev-
ent as desired; members of the Win-
ning team will be awardled jerseys
andl numerals.

The time limit for the singles and
Prof. T. C. Trueblood and Carlton I-A_ x14 S TRACK EET class bowling tournaments has been
Wells. Michigan's Varsity golf coach- The annual intramural track and; extended until Tuesday night. At
es, will meet all golf carndidlates in, r mettil ehedTesa i h at timec, 16 men will qualify for the
the first meeting of the 19:5 sea soumifewmeet wi be beldTueslay nilht singles, and four teams in the class
to be held at 7 o'clock W(dnesday. at 7 o'clock in Waterman gymnasium. tournament.
March 25, in the Union. A large number have enter ed this The semi-finals in the doubles tou'r-
tonnament and participants vill be nament are Mesner-Lapp vs. Heath-
The olerinhe gorlf cohe . m- ,allowe to hand in their entries at Carleton, and Locke-Warney vs.
iou togetthematria fo I e cmn-the liac of thie meet. The compeltition ' lumpus-Doyle.
ing season organized so as to have is-yeyar.ill be especially keen, (sye
Splenty of time to ucover f he c ~- tothe fact that members of the Var- The schedule for interfraternity
didates before the opening mc('t Wyhic. sity and freshman track squads are volley ball for Monday evening is as
is scheduled with the Ohio State goif Irred. follows: At 7, Sigma Phi vs. Delta
team May 2. The meet is one of individual chain- Tau Upsilon; Phi Lambda Kappa vs.
The Michigan golf team has five pienshilps To an athlete scoring four Nu Sigma Nu. At 7:45, Delta Alpha
Conference meets on the 1925 sched- points in the meet, a track shirt with Epsilon vs. Phi Gamma Delta; Phi
ule, meeting Ohio State, Northwest- -nmerals will be awarded. Sigma Delta vs. Kappa Nn.
ern, Illinois, Purdue and Chicago. The events of the meet are as fol-
lows: 50 yard dash, 440 yard run,1 Society league: 7, Mt. Clemens club
call. even though they feel disinclined half mile run, mile run, two mile run, vs. Paragons; 7:45, Diamonds vs.
to Varsity competition. high jump, broad jump, pole vault, Dental society; 8:30, Fletcher Hall vs.
shot pui. 65 yard high hurdles, and Newark club. Class B: 9:15, Sigma
Meeting of the Freshman Girls' Glee the 65 yard low hurdles. Alpha Mu vs. Phi Lambda Kappa.
club at 4:15 o'clock Monday at the The interclass two-lap relay will --
University School of Music. he held at the same time. Each class Pay for your Subscrintion todAy.

1 W 1V1 7 VU1 /.,)UAI \J! ljl I.1V11 {.V 1i 44 ]"

_ - .. ..,I

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PHONE 3487-M


. ..rr......w

Baseball Squad
Calls Off First
Outdoor Practike
Owing to the increasing cold weathll-
er and th-e interscholastic track meet
held in Yost Field house yesterday,
Coach Fisher "as forced to change
his plan of holding his first baseball
practice on the outdoor diamond yes-
Laste year the team was not able toI
get out of doors until a few days be-
fore they left for the spring trip. The
baseball squad has not been able to
practice on the outdoor diamond be-
fore the fiftt of April since Coach Ray
Fisher assumed the responsibility of
coachting Michigan's baseball teams.
Coach Fisher is anxious to start
work on the outdoor diamond in ordI-
er to get htis rmet into condition for
the southern trip. Many of the Con-
ference Ieams have been working out
of doors for some time. Minnesota
left Friday with a squad of 14 to make
a tour of the southernt trainting camps.
Minneapolis, Minn., Alar. 21.-Four
teen, members of the University of
'finiesta baseball squad departed
for Texas tonight to spend the spring
vacation conditioning for the Big Ten
season. While in Texas, the Gophers
will engage in seven contests, meet-
ing the University of Texas, Southern
Methodist university and Texas A.
and M. The team will return to Min-
neapolis April 2.
Columbus, 0., Mar. 21.-(Special.)
-Edward Hf. Watkins, of Mansfield,

for Spring

. .

35 for a topcoat from a
wide assortment of patterns.
52 -for an attractive spring
suit including extra trousers or
And a complete Hickey-Freeman
line, the fijoest clothing obtainable,
from fifty dollars up.


-For high prices as I have for a broken leg. Trying to
cut our prices is like washing your feet with your socks
T ., IOTLo- rcJu 4
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Storage Batteries jAutomatic Wind-
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Driven Horns Lighters
$3.25 31 x 4.........$14.35 $1.25
Water Pumps 30x3.......$5.95 Through the
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2Cr.light, $3.95
Tow Ropes, 98c 30 x 312 Oversize Cord AC Speedometers
Every (ar Should.. . ................... $10.85
l 2a -e 011eFirestone Balloon
Tire Pumps! 21 x 4.40.......$15.00 plete, $9.45
Have You Got Tire, Tube and Rim Coco Running
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89c for New Ones 89c
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