DEDICATED TO JUSTICE C, r s f rAh 41P 4,3 att Section One PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XXXV. No. 129 SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 1925 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS f - - -- EGSLATORS VISIT AMPUSBILDINGS1 IESTIGATE NEES WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE OF STATE HOUSE PREPARES REPORTj STARTED FRIDAY Museum And Wllianiu 1 1Cleients Library Among Those Inspected Continuing their tour of inspection of the University, members of the ways and means committee of the Michigan House of Representatives visited the Museum, buildings recent- ly completed, the William L. Clements' Library, and the administrative of- fices yesterday morning. The appropriation bill, requesting $3,192,700 for buildings and improve- ments at the University in the next two years, was introduced in the House last Monday, and the ways and means committee came to Ann Arbor Fr'iday afternoon to investigate the needs of the University as set forth in the -bill. The largest item calls for $450,000 each -year for a new museum and equipment. The committee spent most I of its time yesterday morning inspect- ing the museum and the annex. The legislatives also investigated the offices of the University in con-; nection with the item of the bill which calls for $300,000 each year for an administrative building. The site has not been definitely selected, but the vacant lot in front of thO South de- partment of the hospital has been considered. This site offers a central location between the buildings on the campus, the hospital, power house, and the Buildings and Grounds depart- ment. The committee inspected the Obser- vatory and the architectural building Friday afternoon. These build in) are also affected by the bill, provi- sions of which call for $260,000 the first year and $215,000 the second year for an observatory and equipment, and $200,000 each year for an architectural building. In addition the bill pro- vides $500,00 for land the first year and $327,700 the second year. It is expected that the House con- mittee on ways and means will receive the bill by the first of the week from the University committee which has been considering it. The ways and means committee will study the bill for several days before it is acted upon in the House and sent to the I Senate. Following a luncheon yesterday noon at the Union some of the mem- llers of the committee left for Detroit. The remaining members returned to Lansing late yesterday afternoon. PLAYMIKERS WILL GIVE TWO GROUPS OF PLAYSl At least two sets of plays with the possible addition of a third group 4as been announced as the schedule for the rest of this year by the Ann Arbor Playmakers. As in the past, all of these plays will be given in the Playmakers Little Theatre located at 716 Spring Street and will be the ex- clusive work of members of the or- ganization. Players"ill Give Henry IV Monday Night As t he finalI number in their present course, [he Michigan Theatre League, Will present the Cleveland Players under the direction of Frederick Mc- Conell in Luigi Pirandello's "Henry IV" tomorrow evening in the Whitney theatre.I "Henry IV" was produced in New York last season by Brook Pemberton under the title of "The Living Mask," and should not be confused with Shakespear's drama of the same name. Pirandello's work is a modern melodrama in three acts and con- cerns an Italian Marquis, who having lost his mind believes himself to be Henry IV of Germany. The compli- cations that arise as his former fiancee and the man who betrayed him visit his castle form the basis of the play. Russell Collins, generally consid- ered the most competent player con- nected with the organization, will take the title-role, marking Mr. Collins' first appearance in Ann Arbor in an! important part. In Cleveland he has, made a unique success with his in- terpretations of Hamlet and Richard if. The complete cast will be as fol- lows: Henry IV, Russell Collins; The1 Marchioness Matilda Spira, Rachel Coss Cochran; Her daughter, Frieda, I Mary Evans The young Marquis Charles di Nolli, William Young; Bar- on Toto Belcredi, Carl Reid; Doctor Dionvsius Genoni, Elmer Lehr; The Four Private Counsellors, Arnold Kip-l pen, Ralph Benzies, Crawford Wright, I John Beistel, and Jack Rorimer; The Two Valets in Costume, Robert Hen- derson and John Hassberger. Tickets for the production may be obtained at the Whitney Theatre box- office. OPEN NEW UNION LIBRARYTUSA 3leiiorial Room To Edward W. Pend- leton Will Be Scene of Formal o Reception ALL MEMBERS INVITED Completed more than five years after the Union itsel' ,was fiished, the large front room on the second floor of the Union, now the Edward Waldo! Pendleton Memorial library will be formally given over to the Union at a reception next Tuesday afternoon. At this reception President-Emeritus Harry B. Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins, Acting-President Alfred H. Lloyd and Mrs. Lloyd, and Regent J. E. Beal and Mrs. Beal will be in the receiv- ing line. Mrs. J. A. Bursley, Mrs. John R. Effinger, Mrs. H. M. Bates, and Mrs. A. S. Whitney will assist as hostesses. Invitations have been sent to all members of the faculty and their wives and all members of the Union are invited to attend. From 3 o'clock to 5 o'clock the library will be open for inspection by women who are accom- panied by Union members or women who have a guest card. The new library was made possible through the gift of Mrs. Catherine B. Pendleton of Detroit in memory of her husband, Edward Waldo Pendle- ton, '72, a former active alumnus of the University who died here in 1922. TOM SKEYH\\. TO Cooley Finds Real Value In SPEAKONSOVIET Honor System Speaking in defense of the honor RUS SIA9 TOMORROW systimDn N i. r ooley, ofthe cl 1 I leg- tngr, e ing yesterday an- swered the charges of unfairness in NOTED TRAVELER AND LECTURER the system, as practiced in that col-I WAS IN ATTENDANCE AT lege, which were made by a student PEACE CONFERENCE through the Campas Opinion column of The Daily yesterday morning. LAUDED AS SPEAKERl"The success or failure of the honor LAUD D A SPE KER system depends on the student and on him alone," declared Dean Cooley. Cheses for Subject, "The New Reii- i "And what a splendid responsibility naissance of Europe,' a Study it is; what a splendid opportunity to of Soviet regime I sound a new note in the sordid tune the world is now playing; what a Tom Skeyhill, Australian soldier tsplendid promise for the future. Shall and world traveler, will lecture at j citsthnbeaa ?o 8:00 o'clock tomorrow in Hill audi- occasional betrayal? torium as the ninth number on the . Why did this young man who be- r Oratorical association's program. "The weved in the honor system, and those p New Renaissance in Europe," has been who believed with him, sit there quiet- t New enassace n Erop," as eenly and do naught to prevent the steal- announced as his subject, considered ing of their honor? He would have d one of the most popular and unbiased resented the stealing of his pocket- i expositions of the Russian situation book and would have fought the thief and presented by one who actuallybo and hwoul h a f t the tha felt the forces of the great experiment '-the highwayman. Can it be that while studying Russian bolshevism not to tell on a classmate,' even l under the Soviet regime, when he steals the gem of your heart, a For the past 11 years, Mr. Skeyhill is a higher ideal?" ti has been engaged in securing first Dean Cooley sketched briefly the e band information concerning various history of the honor system at Michi- phases of ew movements in European gan. Consent was granted by the U and Asiatic affairs, having spoken in faculty of the college of engineering every state in the United States and just prior to the February examina- p every province in Canada. In addi- tions in 1916, when the students, after t tion to tours through his native land, a year or more of consideration, de- p Australia, the lecturer has spoken inI cided to try it. It was pointed out a New Zealand, the Near East, and every to them at that time, according to m country in Europe with the exception Dean Cooley, that in order to succeed d of Portugal. it must be wholly a student affair. m As a young man of 18, Tom Skeyhill The honor system had been in vogue c went to the front in 1914, having en- at the University of Virginia for 50 g listed in the native "Anzac" forces. or 75 years and was regarded as the i During an engagement with the Turks finest and most distinctive feature of d at the Dardanelles, he was blinded by their university life. Annapolis and a shell explosion and spent three West Point had also long conducted i years in total darkness. Although in- examinations on this basis. . p valided home, he continued in his "Since the honor system has been o country's service becoming famous as a success at other institutions, why t the "blind soldier-orator." not at the University of Michigan?" n After three years his sight was asked Dean Cooley. "Are we of p miraculously restored by a surgeon weaker moral fibre? I, for one, am d in Washington, D. C., and his pop- not willing to concede that the youth s ularity as a war-speaker increased to at Michigan must bow in humble ack- i b the extent that he was sought by other nowledgement of a superior moral d nations to talk to their men. He first fibre at any other institution. I I appeared as a professional lecturer in "It is the faith in my heart that t 1919 after attending the Peace Con- Michigan, too, will rise to an equal ference. A year later, after forging height that makes me stand whole-s a passport he "ran the lines" to enter heartedly behind our honor system., c Russia where he studied Bolshevism It is time for something to be done," n at first hand and returned to the he concluded, "and the objectors areT United States and Cardad on his ex- the ones to start doing it. A courag- a tensive lecture tour. eous leader will find plenty of fol- I In the fall of 1922 Mr. Skeyhill again lowers-and the faculty will stand be-c visited Europe, gathering the facts hind them."a on Russian conditions. These he has compiled and will present in his lec- ture. Other lectures which have been jQ~Irl given by the speaker include "Soviet IRusiaJoday"U"HARDwirizORKH Russia Today," "The New Elizabeth- '' mr ans," and "The Trojan Way." IN SOR TH 9H9l Theodore Roosevelt said of the young or young orator: "I would rather be on the platform with Tom Skesyhill than Chicago., March 21. (By A. P.)-- any man I know." Other tributes that Knots, and busy relief and rescue have been directed to the popularity workers, dotted today, the panorama of the speaker have acclaimed him as in the stricken section of five states "The sort of a man worth reading which on Wednesday, yielded to tor- about." With reference to his war nado, storm and fire, more than 800 speeches, which first drew attention dead, and 3,000 injured. to his oratorical abilities, the New Reclamation, rehabitalitations, and York Globe is quoted as saying: I relieving the ravages of the injured, i "Skeyhill is the most inspiring speak- now are uppermost in the activities t er that has ever appeared at the of the workers. Tomorrow will see Metropolitan Opera house." nearly the last of victims, conveyed to their resting places. Disease, the gleaner which stalks MAY IYSNafter death to claim the injured began1 to raise its head only to have only to I OU RM M0LL have it bowed with the weapon which so swiftly had come to the rescue in other respects. A large number of surgical cases and symptoms of gang- Many persons prominent in national erene, and tetanus, caused the Illinois. military affairs and in R. 0. T. C. director of health to appeal for doc- work have been invited to attend the tors and antitoxine. In less than an 1925 Military Ball to be held in Water- hour, forty responses caused the re-; man and Barbour gymnasiums the quest to be withdrawn. Friday night following spring vaca- - tion. The guest list includes several for- BU I1 ERE1MEETING m e r o f f i c e r s o n t h e R . O . T . C . s t a f f o f t h e u n v e s i tIn wfet a l eIes e w e r .U the university now detailed elsewhere. m such as Major Robert Arthur, Major I Willis Shippem, Major John P. Lucus, aid Capt. F. W. Hoorn. Invitations San Francisco, March 21.-An in- have also been sent to Edwin Denby, S Frnicofrch 1-r in former secretary of the navy, Sena- ternational conference for promotion tors James Couzens and Woodbridge of world peace will be held in San Ferris, and Major General Harry C. Francisco Nov. 11, 1926, it was an- Hale, commanding officer of the sixth nounced today by Dr. David Starr1 corps area stationed at Chicago. Jordan, educator and president of the' conference for world unity, in session he-re. Bluebook -Liss Invitations will be extended to repre- Cu e e sentatives of all nations as well as to p s S eads of religious, educational and UNION, MEMBERS WILL VOTE UPON NEW PRlOPOSAL 'Ran The Lines' REQUILRE TO TWO THIRDS MAJORITY CARRY PROPOSED CHANGE LIMITS CANDIDATES leeting Scheduled to Take Place on Wednesday; Plans to be Discussed Union members will meet at 7:15 o'clock next Wednesday in the main assembly hall to vote on the pro- osed amendment to the constitu- ion relative to candidacy for presi- ency of that organization. The meet- ng is open to all Union members, and total of 600 must be there to form quorum. It will require the favor- ble vote of at least two thirds, of he numbers voting to adopt the am- ndment. Petitions have been received by nion officials requesting that the art of the constitution relating to he election. of officers be altered. At resent, candidates for Union officers re nominated by a nominating com- ittee which is appointed by the presi- ent of the Union. In addition, any ember who is not named by this ommittee may run for an office by etting a petition of 200 names ask- ng that he be placed among the can-V idates. The proposed change would make t necessary for all candidates to be assed upon by the board of directors f the Union. The names chosen by he nominating committee and the ames of men who wish to run on a etition would all be submitted to the irectors for approval and the deci- I ion of this body would be final. The oard of directors is composed of stu- ent representatives from every col- ege on the campus and representa- ives of the alumni and the faculty. The object of the amendment, as hated in the petitions asking 'the hange, is to make it impossible for men who have done no work for the Union previously to run for office against men who have been active. It also seeks to lessen the amount of campus politics which now prevail at the spring elections. After 'the vote on the amendment has been taken the meeting will be turned into an informal gathering at which plans of the Union for the rest of the year will be discussed. Re- reshments will be served after the meeting. 'irst Tecdnic Of New Staff Out Tuesday Four pages larger than ever before, the March issue of the Michigan Tech- nic will appear on the campus Tues- day. This will be the first edition by the new staff, which was elected last mon~i, and of which Reinhard A. Hiss, Jr., '25E, is managing editor. "Engineers as City Managers," an article by Prof. T. H. Reed, of the po- litical sceince department, explains the position of city manager, and is of particular interest to the engineers who are filling such positions to a large extent. The age old controversy as to th relative merits of charcoal and cok irons has received annalysis in th department of engineering research The famous traveller who will speak in Hill Auditorium tomorrow night in the ninth number of the Oratorical association program. Mr. Skeyhlill forged a passport and "ran the lines" to enter Russia where he studied the situation first hand. He is now on an extensive lecture tour through. Can- ada and the United States. GLEE 'CLUB PLANS ANNUALPROGRAM, Program Includes Numbers Whichj Won Praise at Intercollegiate Contest in Chicago. *PRESENT SPECIALTIES Returning to its traditional concert of past years, the University Glee club will offer a mixed program of popular and classical numbers next Thursday4 night in Hill auditorium. The aim ofI the club will be to please everyone, according to Theodore Harrsison, of the School of Music, director, and for this reason both light and classical music will be-included. The program will open with a series of Michigan songs, as was customary in the past, including the "Victors." "Varsity" and others. For the lovers of comic opera songs of the synco- pated type, a "Midnight Sons" quar- tette will sng popular numbers, and a promnent campus dance orchestra, to be announced later, will play. Other specialty numbers are also be- ing planned. Of the better class of music, but of a popular nature, will be the "Torea- dor Song," from Carmen. Barre Hill, '26, who has sung for the Union Opera and other campus productions. will be the soloist. The Glee club will sing two num- bers on which it received a perfect score in interpretation at the recent intercollegiate contest at Chicago. Michigan was the only school of the 14 entered to achieve this honor. The two songs are "The Cossack," by MacDowell, and "Laudes Atquei Car- mina," by Stanley. For the lovers of the classical in music, the club will sing "The Om- nipotence," by Schubert, accompanied by the organ. An organ solo will also be played by Dewight Steere, '26, the accompanist of the Glee club. The Varsity quartette will perform, and other numbers, of both a hunom- ous and serious nature, will be an- nounced later. Tickets are 50 cents, and all pro- ceeds will be devoted to paying the expenses of the Glee club during the next year. NORTHWESTERN IS NIGH SCORER IN SCHOOL BOY MEET CASS TECH, NEAREST OPPONENT, GATHERS BUT FOURTEEN POINTS TOTAL 51 1-2 Colt Team Places First In Eight Out Of Twelve Events On Program By W. H. Stoneman Northwestern high school of Ile- troit walked off with the first annual Michigan indoor interscholastic track meet last night in Yost field house, amassing a total of 51 1-2 points, while Cass Tech, its nearest opponent, was able to collect but 14. In winning the first event of its kind ever held under the auspices of the Michigan athletic association the Colt team took first places in eight of the twelve events on the program and took other points in four of the same eight events. The Northwest- ern athleltes not only exhibited one of the most perfectly balanced prep school track teams in the history of Michigan athletics but their individual TEAM SCORES Detroit Northwestern.....51 1-2 Detroit Cass Tech........14 Ann Arbor..............9 1-2 Austin high .............7 Detroit Central .,.........6 Toledo Waite.........,. 6 Coldwater ...............6 Kalamazoo Central .......6 Detroit Southwestern... 5 1-2 Highland Park...........5 Flint..................... 4 Niles.....................3 Battle Creek ............ 3 Detroit Northern .........3 Detroit Eastern ........1 Kalamazoo ..............1 Detroit Northeastern.......2 performances were exceptionally bril- liant, and the marks set by the athletes promise to stand as meet records for many seasons to come. The other teams entered in the car- nival were all well down in the scor- ing list. Ann Arbor high school's team scored in seven events and col- lected 9 1-2 points for third place while Austin high of Chicago which had been expected to make things interesting for Northwestern was a .poor fourth with seven points. De- troit Central, Toledo Waite, Coldwater, and Kalamazoo Central were all tied for fifth place with six points, Detroit I Southwestern was eighth with 5 1-2 points and Highland Park came next in order with 5 points. Seven other schools including Flint Central, De- Itroit Northern, Battle Creek, Niles, Detroit Eastern, Kalamazoo Normal high, and Detroit Northeastern com- pleted the list of teams scoring, most of them with three points or less. Charles Ross of Detroit Northwest- ern was the individual star of the meet with first places in the fifty yard dash and the low hurdles, both of which events drew exceptionally large fields. The Colt sprinter won both events by safe margins and made fast time in both, running the dash in 5.6 seconds and the hurdles in 7 sec- onds flat. Carlson, of the same team, set a record that will probably stand for years when he tossed the shot 47 feet- 4 3-4 inches, one of the best marks that has ever been made in this event in a Michigan interscholastic meet. Don Seegar, also of the winn- ing team, was a third performer who raided his team in its smashing vie- I tory. After winning the half mile from a fast field in 2:09.6 he came , back 20 minutes later and ran his s team to'victory in the medely relay. J Y .t n s if 3, a e e e 1. This organization which has been, The amount needed to finish the room I known for several years as the DoDo was $21,500. Players was inactive the first semester After Tuesday, the new library will of this year while undergoing a re- be for the exclusive use of members! organization. The personnel of the of the Union and will be open every! Playmakers differs from most drama- day from 11 to 11 o'clock. An attend- tlcgroups in the city inasmuch as it ant will be in charge of the room atj consists of students, faculty, and towns- all hours. Magazines will be placed people. All plays produced are writ- in the room and books will be set ten, acted, directed, and produced by on the shelves which' are built into members. ; the wall at one end of the room. Those interested in any type of I dramatic work may obtain details of this organization by getting in touchBates Describes with Hamann Lyons, Grad., at 1306 1 NL Club In Forest Ave., phone, 1003. w ! Bar Publication Washington, March 21.-Vice-Presi- B (ent and Mrs. Charles G. Dawes were T .eThe report of the committee on guests of President and Mrs. Calv elegal education and admission to the Coolidge at dinner last night at the bar, of the Michigan state bar associa- Whi____H____. tion, of which Dean Henry M. Bates, -nof the law school of the University, is Iondon, March 21.-A new move- chairman; is included in the March ment to make England dry has been issue of the Michigan State Bar Jour- reported by the Daily Express. nal, which was placed on sale yester- day. . A The investigation was conducted by J W. E. Jominy, associate investigator, I who has written the results and con- clusions of his work in an article for the Technic, entitled "Characteristics I that chemical analysis fail to show in pig irons and castings." "Driving the Moffat Tunnel," is al concise account of the problems met! in boring a 6.19 mile tunnel throught the Continental Divide, that willI shorten the distance from Denver to Salt Lake city, by 173 miles. The story, which is illustrated, was writ- ten by C. A. Betts, office engineer oft the Moffat Tunnel commission.1 Included in the contributions of the; faculty are "Powdered Fuel" by Prof.j C. H. Fessenden of the department of mechanical * engineering, an article dealing with the economic and tech- nical merits of a new method of burn- ing fuel in connection with power gen- eration, and "The Use of Condensers for Correcting Power Factor,' tby Prof. B. F. Bailey, of the electrical engineering department. I Morris Lloyd. '25E. has written on! IMES MTMEN CAPTURE HONORS IN TOURNAMENi Minneapolis.-The crack Ame wr ,tiin tpnam rom ed away with f S t 27 X C C t G i" J i1 wresL11 ngedl p ulUdW y W ~ high honors in the final meet of the Northwestern gave a warning of Western intercollegiate wrestling what it was to do later in the meet tournament at the University of Min- when Kinney and Widman placed nesota here today winning four chain- i first and second in the 60 yard high pionships and placing second in an- hurdles, the first event on the pro- oh itsle paboust.-gram. With their team given a lead other title bout. I of six points, Don Seegar and Jacobs Pillard, Ames heavyweight, was the gave the score another bolstering, the only Iowa starter to suffer defeat intaking first and the latter the final bout losing to Fisher of In- ty ing f it alf mie Seegar diana who outweighed him by twenty tying for third in the half mile. Seegar pounds and attained advantage of two ran an easy race and seemed to be minutes after a scrappy battle. saving himself for the medely later on in the evening. By the time the 50 yard dash was Earthquake Rocks lover Northwestern had enough points I to win the meet. Ross led the field all Quebec Buldings the way to the tape, Tait and Robin- - I son coming close behind him for sec- Quebec, March 21.-An earthquake s (Continued on Page Six) of such intensity as to set buildings trembling and frighten the populace Tokio, March 21.-The emperor and Attempting to rival the social blue- book, a "B. M. O. C. Bluebook" fea- lit f th "biz- men of the l peace organiz program inclu on world progr curings aits oL d geIpn of eah.K campus" with a, description of each, ations. The conference des a series of lectures ress and race problems. ed Church der To Speak, e Bouma of Grand Rap- ..The report, which covers the year will be sold tomorrow morning at the I eform 0 ur eatherM al 1924, is concerned with the state board various bookstores according to pos- y e of law examiners, and the three law1 ters set. up last night. The editors I Lea schools of the state. In referring to of the book though unknown consider , i,'imon ila wshno l an Bates themselves authorities. Dr. Clarenc