DEDICATED TO JUSTICE EIGET PAGES ANN ARLOR, MICHIGAN, T IIRSDAY, FEPRUARY 12, 1925 at l MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 96 ____.___.r_ EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FLFIECEN' ELEVENH ANNAL MEET ON MONDAY1 ROAD ;,XPERTS FROM ALL SEC.j TIONS OF THE COUNTRY WILL ATTEND $TU DENTS INVITED 1eclinlcal Phases of Design, Construe. tion and Maintenance of High. 1 ways Will be Discnssed The eleventh annual conference on highway engineering, to be held here under the auspices of the engineeringt college in co-operation with the Mich-I igan State Highway department and the Michigan Association of Road Com- nilssioners and Engineers, will open Monday, Feb. 16. Prof. Arthur HC Blanchard, of the highway engineer-} ing department, who is in charge oft tle preparations for the assembly, indicated yesterday that between 5001 and 1600 road commissioners and en- gineers are expected to attend the conference.E While the conference is arranged primarily for the highway men of the state, Professor Blanchard said thatt engineers from all sections of the na- tion are expected to attend the meet-I ing next week. As in the past, the announcement of the gathering hasf been published in the technical pres,* throughout the United States and inj in of fnouth mnrnt ih ME ANS O COMMU N IC AT ION App WITH ('O1INS NOW LOST Ti To P ull Time Cave ity, Kentucky. Feb. 11. l-(tByns" Coaching Stat in Sand Cave where Floyd Col- Jack Blott. '24, formerly all-Amer lins has lain for almost 13 days jean center in football and captain 01 -an electric light line-failed the Michigan Varsity baseball team today while miners continued to has been appointed to the Wolverine dig a new shaft. coaching staff as a full time member The electric light, placedin i according to the announcement of Di- Collin's prison before the natur- rector Fielding H1. Yost yesterday. al passage to the cave was clos- Blott will act as assistant to Tad ed by the earth's forces, went 'Vieman, head line coach, during th out this morning, and noises footan season. I ,e will also assist heard in a sound amplifier and in the four year course in athletic interpreted by experimenters to coaching. have been caused by the breath- As a result of his appointment, Blott ing of the trapped man, failed w will give up his baseball playing in today for the first time to come professional circles and will occupy through. 11. G. Lane, in charge his entire time with the new position. of the plant, said today that in IHe was to have reported to the Cin- his opinion, either removal of cinnati Reds, with whom he played the light from the socket, or last year, for sring training. Ile was burning out of its filament, had carried on the Red roster throughout caused the failure of the ampli- the whole of last season, and was fier. considered among the promising re- _ -. --- _ cruits of the National league in the laIchi delf'' ar hm nt f e, l PROPOSED CHftD LABORAM END MENT RECEIVES SETBACK JOINT RESOLUTION FAVORING REJECTION INTIRODUCEID IN LEGISLATIRE NO PUBLIC HEARING i- - I "Hang-Over" Issue Of Gargoyle Will Appear On Campus Today Gargoyle in its February issue, out various nationalities when found in a on the campus today, is presenting a tight place. "hang-over Number," dealing with the IHalsey Davidson, '25, editor-in-chief, rhas contributed a full page drawing recent J-Hop for the most part. Fred1 on the flop, entitled "The fHop as IHill, '26, a new appointee to the art onteHp;nite TeHpa staff, has contributed the two fore- Seen by One Who Wasn't There," in which all Arabia is reproduced in a most contributions in this line, with jfitting manner. the cover which portrays a comely co- Leading the somewhat sparse cdi- ed rather up a tree ,and the frontis-ttoral contribution, telling the same piece which depicts also the various story of the opi a diferent anner, kids of well-known campus hang- is one by Calvin Pollins, '26, called overs" "One Arabian Night." Neal M. Nyland, The same artist has also contribut- '26. has also contributed a selection ed a cartoon, entitled "At the Opera," entitled "To Prevent That Valentine ESPRESS CONVENTION 8 BURROWSTO SPEAK KORE THAN 140 IGII SCHOOL EDITORS EXPECTED AT CONFERENCE BANQ UET TO MORROW Best Paper in Class A Will Win Cy p; Best in Classes B and C Get Certifcts.a 3Iichigan Federationm of Labor F~avorable Stanmd Oni Ratif icatboii Takes PARIS GOVERNMENT STUDIES WAR DBT Chambers Fiiance Commlittee Nord-. nates SOl-Body to I elve Deep- cr Into Question .i I .j . f f i I RADICAL HAS PLAN view of i eL s ve4rai1iportant su- Paris, Feb. 11, (By A. P.)--Lead- jects to receive discussion, those in ers of the government majority in the of-state atteindane- chamber of deputies, in an agreement The aim of the assembly is to su with preMier Herriot, have brought ply inform aton to roal engineesu parliament into the war debt imbrog-I and commissioners relative to high. Io. Conferences between the premier, way administration, financing, ano .i finance minister Clementel and spokes- aynizmtion, as rel as the lresenation man for both the radical and social- if the ln st. teclin ical developnenti ist parties have. been held recently to in the highway engineering field. d isciuis the situation with the result StudentsIn inited that the chamber's finance committee Prominent .engineers, will discuss today nominated a sub-committee "tol the most recent development s in the study questions involved in the set- methods of construction andiainten, tlemnent of war debts." ance of highways and bridges, apply In view o; the rather unusual pro- ing particularly to conditions to bA ceedings to bring parlement into a met in Mihigan. The sessions are question which is the object of diplo- open to all road commissioners, high- matic negotiations, the action of the way engineers, and others interested finance committee, in accord with in highway improvement. Students Premier Herriot, is interpreted in intorested in the work of the confer- home quarters as a desire on the pre- 'ncee are invited to attend all sessions mier's part to have more backing in of the assembly. I the difficult negotiations ahead of him, Anpong the experts who will dhicuss A the ;-lation of highway development Among the members of the sub-com~, to public welfare is William H1. Con. mittee is Leon Blum, leader of the nell, engineering executive, Pennsyl- socialist party, who, before the meet-I vania State Highway department. who ing of the allied finance ministers inI will discuss "The Pennsylvania High- Paris, insisted that the French dele-l9 way Transport Survey." Horatio s. gation demanded for France a great- Earle. former State Highway Commis- er part of the reparations payments; sioner of Michigan, will sepak on the than was alloted to her under the SpaI "Value of Good Roads to the Taxpay-. agreement. His presence on the ers of Michigan." Charles M. Upham, "studying committee," it is thought, I heief engineer, North Carolina, High- may mean an eventual demand that wsay commission, and director, High- the principal of capacity to pay and way Research board, National Re- the capacity to transport money search council, Washington, I). C., is abroad-from which Germany bene-I scheduled to discuss "The Economic fited under the Dawes plan-be appli- Value of Highway Research"; and ed to the French debt and that any de- HIon. H. G. Shirley, chairman, Vir- fault by Germany in her payments be ginia State Highway commission, considered as affecting France's pay- Richmond, Va., will speak on "The ing capacity. 7'T:..-7...n.....pa1_.y. Congress Gives Its Approval To 1924 Election Washington, Feb. 11. - Congress meeting in a joint convention today canvassed the results of the November election and certified to the American i people the election of Coolidge and Dawes. The ceremony was simple, but was invested with the dignity accruing from more than a century of rigorous observance. The sealed envelopes containing the votes of the state elec tors were opened in alphabetical or- der by president pro tempora Cum- mins of the Senate, and handed to the official tellers--Senators Spencer, Re- publica n, Missouri, and King, Demo erat, Utah, andl RepreiiI[a tives White, Reptblican, Kansas, :and Jeffers Democrat, Alabma -who determined and announced their content. The vote already had been entered upon printed forms, to which the tel- lers aflixed their signatures. Senator Cunmmins then dissolved the "con-ven thion" with the statwment Ithat formal notice of the vote on the journal of the two houses would conplet e the re-. quirements of the constitution, and the laws for the election of the ad ministration beginning March 4. I Special preparations had been made to handle crowds in the galleries, but they wer otnly comfortably filled. Do- spite the wa'njiug of the chair, the amusement of the audience was manI- test when the tellers, on more than One occasion, made mistakes in iden- tifying one of the distinguished can- didates. The Vi(ce-Pr'sident eldet wa noted variously as from Kentucky, Massachusetts, and Virginia, and the President, in the reading of one vote, as being a native of Washington. Union Will Put Bad Checks On Public Display Students' checks returned from the bank marked "short" or "no funds" have always been a source of trouble for the Union, the amounts of ,ad checks on hand usually averaging $30 to $50 and the total often running as high as $75. Various plans have been tried in an attempt to cut down the amount of bad checks which are cash- ed for students, but none has proven successful to date. Peng a club for the students, Union officials do not care to refuse checks entirely, and as a result a new plan has been inauigurated, which it is hop- ed will tend to ininimnize t'he cashing of worthless Checks. All checs which Pave been return- ,d from banks because of lack of funds to cover the amount have been placed in a glass framo -nd hung in a conspicuous place at the main desk. Yesterday $35 worth were hung in the frame and as more come back they wherein the adventures of a lonely Hangover, or a Baedeker for East- Lansing, Feb. 11, (By A. P.)-Oppo- male who attempts to get comfortably Bound Iochinvars." sition to ratification of the proposed seated are pictured. "Studies in the Gargoyle also announces three new Prof. E. G. Burrows of the journal- amendment to the federal constitution Quaint Home Life of Nations," a little editorial staff appointments, these be- Ism department and Phiip M. Wagner delegating to Congress the power to bit of innocent humor, gives a play in Ing Frederick W. Ziv, '27, Morris '25, managing editor of The Daily, limit or prohibit the labor of persons 1 one act on the reaction of males of the Roumm, '27, and Nyland. will deliver the two main addresses under 18 years of age, reached 'into both houses of the legislature today this afternoon before the fourth annual with the house taking the lead. Michigan Interscholastic Press con- A joint resolution asking rejection vention which opens at the Union to- of the amendment was reported out day. The conference, at which more of the federal relations committee of t he 1 edera1eations1co mittee1-mUoi O DD than 150 high school editors are ex- was introduced in the senate by Sena- I9U9U0U 1U9 iOU S91fINaIru ite ney n- pected, will hold sessions today, to- tor Richard It. Butler. morrow and Saturday under the di- It is expected the a,'ion of the Rescrie Body States Agriculture Has Canvass of Senate by Cummins Shiows rection of Sigma Delta Chi, national house committee will place two reso- Ctinmbed to Best Appointee May Not Be I professional journalistic fraternity. lutions before the house at tomorrow's Balance Accepted session with a call for a vote, and the thCarl Oelmachr, '25, chairman of probal.le passage of the resolution. A INDMWOe convention, will open the first poll of the senate today indicated that rfORESlE NO SLIDE MEETS WITH COOLIDGE meeting at one o'clock this afternoon, but four senators favor ratification of followed by David Bramble, '25, presi- I the amendment while in the house itj Washington. Feb. 11.-(By A. P.) - Washington, Feb. I1.-(By A.P.)- dent of Sigma Delta Chi, who is to is expected the resolution for rejec- With the Senate and louse agricul- After a careful canvass of the stua- j welcome the delegates, representa- tion will pass by a large majority, ture committee once more occupied tion in the Senate with resnect to the t ives of the majority of the large high The transmission yesterday to the with the problem of drafting farm nomination of Charles B. Warren of schools of the state. Registration senate of the s amendment by Gov. fMichigan to be attorney general, will start at 10 o'clock this morning, reliefeislation for enactment by the Chairman Cummins of the Judiciary Professor Burrows will deliver the duction of a joint resolution by Sen. present Congress, the federal reserve committee said today -he would call first speech of the afternoon, talking i Martin favoring adoption, both advo- board reported today that agriculture on President Coolidge tomorrow to on a subject of interest to the editors. cates and opponents of the amendment has climbed to a better balance with C acquaint himself with the facts. ft has not been announced as yet, gathered together their forces with the j other industries than at any time While Senator Cummins would not Wagner has chosen "Editing a Daily," result that telegrams were received to- since'1920. discuss the conclusions he had reach- while following his talk the meeting day fronm all parts of the state favor- Tb .ged, he is known to share the views will break up into round table discus- 'hagricultural industry gives no ls ig and opposing the measure and ask- I eahboard's ntl re of other administration leaders that +rsos ing for public hearings, s c the y confirmation at this session is doubt- op egs It is expected the action of the ;pot says, of receding from its present fil. Some of these leaders are skep- Separate gatherings are planned for house committee in reporting out the ecnomic pt which as begin tical that the nomination can receive b edtoria and business staffs of reached by a gradlual advance begin- ; tevroscasso ulctos rejection resolution will preclude any ining in the late summer of last year. a favorable report in the committee. the various classes of publications, I possibility of public hearings, and, it I A similar outlook was presented to As yet, committeemen have not been weekly or bi-weekly, monthly and an- i believed, make possible the early th Senate committee today by -%Wil- called upon to place themselves on nuals, with student leaders in the dif- disposal of the matter. liam M. Jardine, a member of the record, but unofficial canvasses are ert ilds in charge of the meet- Tire aenate labor committee, which president's agricultural conferenc ,said to show a deadlock with eight Ing s In this way problems peculiar has the amendment and resolution in who expressed "unalterable optim- senators favoring the nomination and to certain types of work can be dis- charge met today and heard the voice ismn" for the outcome .of the farming eight opposed. Should this lineup cussed by the editors most concerned. of representatives of the Michigan fed- }industry, and declared the farmer was hold on the formal vote on the ap- No meeting is planned for tonight, oration of labor, brotherhood of loco- passing through a post-war crisis pointment, the nomination could be the delegates being allowed to amuse motive engineers and railroad fire- from which the recovery was certain. reported to the Senate only by gen- themselves Gs they see it. On Friday men, who favor the adoption .of the ! Before the House committee, Chair- eral agreement In the committee. the representatives will continue the amend 1ent. I man Carey of the conference indorsed Friends of the President at the cap- group discussions, while talks will al- Senator Godfried Gettel, chairman of a bill framed by Chairman Haugen to Itol do not believe that he will with- so be given by Eugene Dunne,,'25, ad- the senate labor committee, expressed I carry out the conference recommen- draw the nomination and resubmit it vertising manager of The Daily, Wi- himself in favor of gr-.nting hearings dations on cooperative marketin, and to the new Senate. This was one so- liam Roesser, '25, business manager, to state organizations before taking predicted the federal cooperative mar- ilution of the matter that was discuss_ Donal H. Haines of the journalism de- action on the resolution now before keting board composed in the bill ed. Another is that all action be de- partment and William Etheridge, '25, it. ;would prove of substantial aid to the ferred for this session. managing editor of the 'Ensian and farmers in marketing his crop, pro- Republican insurgents fighting con- former football manager. The an- ided the "proper type of mni made firmation said today they would op- nual banquet will be held tomorrow Up Us original membersip." pose this latter course and would have evening. support from the Democratic side. Cup Awards They added that they would make no Following the banquet the delegates SECOND SEMESTE IR GIu move before next week, as the judic- will be shown through the plant and A Lary committee is scheduled to meet offices of The Daily. A business ses- next Monday. Chairman Cummins sion on Saturday morning will con- l IEjCfI N II dIlhII i U Ydoes not expect to be in Washington elude the three-day meeting. at that time, but Senator Walsh, Dem- At this time election of officers for -- a ocrat, Mass., and others fighting Mr. tmhe association for the coming year BRdin, Feb. 11, (By A. P-Formal All freshman gymnasium- classes i ratification by the United States' Sen- will meet today for the first time in Warren's confirmation, said the com- will be held, while announcement of ate yesmernay of the commercial treaty the second semester. The freshman mittee would meet without the chair- I the prize-winning paprs in the three beween he United States and Germany engineers have already re-classified man and that there would be efforts classes will be made. Cups will be has created a feeling of satisfaction in- and have been given new places on to bring the question to a decision. awarded for the best weekly or bi- industrial, commercial and financial the floor, while the literary students weekly paper, the best monthly and Phy icin imeFet yary in Class A, while cr qu: rters; where it is assumed that, des- will retain their former spots. Fam ous iPhysicianias wil be present, the bes pte time modified resersvations made Ds. Geo. A. Mbay, of the physical est by the hSenate, there will be no ob- education department, will give the Of N ewv York W ill Ipublications m classes B and C. Pap- icsti-ions interposed whenm t- pact fourth of the six required freshman Speak INet i n th e ize dofte classes ynwaccording comes up for counter ratification by hygiene lectures Thursday and Friday, are psz theh the reichstag. Feb. 19 and 20, in place of the regular - are published. The Boersen Courier says America's classes. The subject of the talk wil! Dr. Wade H. Brown of the Rocke- The board of awards, who will judge 1 ratification of the treaty is an event be "Food, Ventilation and Poisons." j feller Institute for Medical Research all entries in the contests, consists of great significance in that it is the -Iat New York City will speak here of Professor Burrow , Mr. ane and Chosen iBramble. first long time pact based on the prin-- Is 'IThursday, March 19, an "Chemother- agsles I sial of a most favored ntation whelch s'- ~ py and Treatment of, Sypils" as Eah ig scolperwchs gs amany has succeeded inonclding To head Staff Of the third lecturer on the course of a mee sf atheMoichigan Interschol- with a forimer opponent. This journ- jAlpha Omega Alpha, national honor-ty al assunmes that the present reserva- I Technic f OZ Year! ary medical fraternity. The society visor to the conference, while all oth- tons appiy only to American coastwise has already brought to Ann Arbor on ers wo cae oatend a otso this series Dr. George F. Dick of the ers who care to attend may do so. "htapiibg.eStaff appointments for the Michigan s s Representatives are lodged at the dif- The treaty will be referred to the Technic, official quarterly of the en- McCormick Institute for Infectious fraternit d i reclhstag committee on foreign rela- gineeing college, for 1925-26, lasting Diseases, of Chicago, and Dr. Freder- Ion the campus. tions befor= t is discussed in plenary until next Febraury ,were announced ick Grant Banting of the Universityopus. session. at the thirty-seventh annual banquet of Toronto. --- of the faculty advisory board and stu.I Dr. Brown will be made an honorary USSEY DESIGNS n flnisr dent staff of the Technic held last member of Alpha Omega Alpha whileSU 1iWl c R H hew bVIL night at Willett's cafe. R. A. Hiss, here. He will be entertained during '25E, was appointed as editor-in-chief, his stay at the home of Prof. Udo J. while Knox B. Howe, '25E, will be Wile of the dermatological depart- I1&1flRPRI fll mext year's business manager. ument, who was a classmate of Dr. Gold and silvr Technic charms I Brown's at Johns Hopkins university. ; Exact measurements have been tak- were given to men who have served Although the lecture is on the Al- en, and Prof. W. J. Hussey, director W'a shington, Feb. U1.-The Senate on time staff for one year or longer. pha Omega Alpha series, no course of the observatory, is now working postal pay and rate increase bill -;Men who have acted as assistants ticket will be necessary for admit- de which the House refused to consider were rewarded with bronze charms. .h bd-signs for the two telescope domes to onsderwer mewadcdwit bonz chrms Itance. T]he speech will be open to un- which are to be encted on te roof iwas substituted today by the Senate Prof. A. E. White of the department of dergraduate medical students, mnem- of Angell hall in connection with the postoflice committee for the measure engineering research spoke at the bers of the faculty, practitioners and observatory to be located there. passed yesterday by the House, and banquet last night on the growing im- all others interested. T Senator Moses, Republican, New portance of research to the industrie_ Thed_________rpr__e Hampshire, announced he would seek of the nation. M o y baetdrctedwill be builtopenoughlso early approval of the action by the The following associate editors Mexico City, Feb. 11-Manuel Tellez, directed, will be built low enough so Senate. were also announced last night: rt-i new ambassador to the United States, that they cannot be seen from the SSuch approval, involving re-passage ides, L. R. Kirsheman, '27E; publica Is on his way to Washington. street. 1 Development of Highways in the _ _ Southern States." Other Speakers Revised Summer Treating the technical phases of de- Revised lS u eR sign, construction and maintenance Catalogue Ready of highways, J. T. Donaghey, State.--I Highway engineer, Wisconsin High- Revised abridged announcements way commission, Madison, will dis for the 1925 Summer session may beI cuss "Wisconin Methods of Mainten- obtained either tomorrow or Saturday ance of Gavel Roads." A. T. Gold at the office of the Summer school or beck, chief of the Division of Tests, at the secretary's office of other United States Bureau of Public Roads, schools and colleges. «ill outline recent findings on "The - More than 55.000 copies of this an- Design of Cem-nt Concrete Pave-- nouncement will be published for gen- nents," while I-. Eltinge Breed, con- eral distribution among students at sgilting highway engineer, New York the University and for those studnmts City, will treat "The Design. Construe- throughout the country wio apply for tion and Maintenance of Iteimforced information concerning time Summmer Concrete Pavements." session. Special discussion will be given the I development of aluminate cement, and Brussels, Feb. 11 (A. P.)--The gov- i i I ii ' ('' I i, !' i (i i! l i 1 1 tE i i i' I s. (P~yd F. Rader, holder of the Roy D- Chapin Fellow in Highway Engineer- ing of the University, will give the re- sults of tests of the new cement con--: ducted in the highway engineering laboratories here. The conference will close with the Thursday morning session, following the presentation of a group of tech- nical papers. ernment has decided to dissolve Par- liament at the end of February and hold elections April 5. All students entering the Uni- versity this semester should reg- ister immediately for gymnasium classes in Dr. May's office in Waterman gymnasium. Classes begin today. ( E' li ,_ I) '' THE CROW AND THE PITCHER A thirsty crow found a pitcher with some water in it, but so little that she could not reach it with her beak and it seemed as though she would die of thirst. But you can't keep a good crow down, so she began dropping peb- bles in the pitcher until the water rose high enough for her to get a drink. "Necessity is the mother of invention." When necessity Will be added to the collection. As the checks are made good they will be removed and destroyed. It is hoped that this measure will serve to make 51 udet1ts 1more ci'careful in not over- drawing their accounts. Offer Students Trip To Europe 1 An opportunity is offered a limited number of students to obtain a trip to Europe, free of expense, on a tour this summer by acting "representa- tive." The details of the offer are be- ing handled by the Student's Co-opera- tive society of New York. 1-----------------------_- . I' i r' e a+her balt