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March 21, 1925 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-21

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SATURDAY, MAR PCHli 21, 1925



PAGE Tll rEm

Belgian Librarian

lELEGRAPH PHcrfTs _____



To Or-ganize4 Religion - ail VHY1sitsRATRYofU2 HAa ! SFA LT PRRYE
1O PISIS [500TOR!_ f QCLTYP Inthetousc f atout' ofthe 1Un-
thle a verage student at. an dloes not favor any particular rel igioi Iicd taes t make a. study of t his
versity or Coliege lives; a'sect, but ainms to pronmot e tie(!ite rests For the puripose of further aiding ctltyslbay eh)s bevn lb'prodiuction of members of th-e
,an, and1 honest life, lhe is of all sects in rliin. (1h, 5 m~rt i n iiits re- IIdeult of the Medical libchool offthhe
ra 1!nv01ripff r;. ci)o.~y ea(anevrh ~ 1,lbaino h Unrsity has uddled peculiai r et

> '~ i'vellIuC(outjrny Lecturr 5i' Si ,w
' . r °I. 1). Prk W,'), formerly an inl-: ..
Sstructor in He en in et' ni ig college and :r :
{kno wV connected with fthe Am ricain c 'n a d T l p ap o p n , '
' gave an illustrated lecture on "Tranil,.~
° air ii i t u ' c ~ r y Z ~ r , e t r a tern oon in tiro N attur al S cience a udi-> "
* .'j;"oriuru. Mr. Va iker has had charge "'
;+f 'VOF the perfection of this device for
el~ecomptiny,. which has established
U4ton a sound commercial basis
t lt~A brighti future for the transmission
P lictures by I eleraphic Inca uls was(d
Pl toedicted by Mr. Parker. He showed, t
r[ % ,ab several lantern sldes, that not
J!4'6hly could pictures be transmitted, f
- ="ht that signatumnes, newslpaler items,
a nd even, fingerprints could be sent
as well. He p)ointed out that in lhe ,°Ase"b is H~ing made in trn Miid-
future it was quite probable ,that I t1 wt for Z.A . Wik ham, millionaire
i. banks and other finanial instituton iota Is ;lt ilc h (oucil Btlffs^ under
'l would use this method in quickly Mei riei ciw1 Ccu
tifying si~phltu es, andiu thatel pp mst i cl.asewa
I~courts could utilize this process in caetome i~esecinlwiec-i
1 rapidly appreh-ll'n(ling criminals,.
Several pictures set firm W fishing- \ie ilille d, but hle was still walk-
I ~ton to Sat] Francisco during the re gwji t-ai facrth e~ i
3tcent presidential inauguration werele i'myhaebnkdap.
i i shown, and' Mr.'.arker stated that it,(
ri th itrsadsl h esatooks approxinmately one hour to lie n' U!TY p n
p t e p c u e an sel h ne s a eson the streets , in San Francisco. 11t
v!was also saidl that thea exciteimenct overi
the other side of the continent, and
a: that San Francisco newspapers had Six overhead automatic t raffic
squadrons of motorcycle policemnen
Eaj and aeroplanes carrying the pictures ight]is are being installed on Main
along the Pacific coast. ;street, according to an announcement
In explaining the operation of thlis 1by (Chief Thomas J. O'Brien of the po-
3< device, several drawings and diagramlsdieenrmlt Thssi a wl
were used. A sensatized photographic -
fimi ~aelo oaig(rmnma ralybetter traffic conditions
, similar to the o1ld Edison phonographb', without. I he necessity of officers being
y;andl light is flashed through this film nn (lity tat the intersections, it is be--
iiono to an "electric eye', or u ohotk- lieved.
electric cell, The "'eye'' is so sensi- Chief O('ltii plans to attend the
Stive that an electric current is excited] eet ig o the Michigan Safety con-
it~ by the amount of ight flashed on i, ference at (rand Rapids, Monday and
varying in intensity as does the ligt, 'nesday. N~arch 2 and 24, a body
and the current thus produced is sent gven ovri' 1o discussion of many
over the wire and photog~aphied at kinds, of safety pI obeins common to
the other end in a similar manner. cnunuity life.
Fs Monday, M/andh 23
la r'

1 'i l iantTod presents

Ahomugh t
1+:11#lispm Ifni
indf fmire;I I t

'4 '*"*' -"'" II ll 1 Ilo v ciii'.si omnent'i . sea TCli ora i i's Pectroscopy ann X-
St at(emenit: was miade y c ,tcra dy by Dri.; scholars aire broutght to sneak to 1.1w: rays', amicero)-photometer has been
AlfIred l -til. parstorof the lUpper t deton arosimietsi('I )lhs' ro aanuatrngc-
Chapel at 'Sheffield, England, the 01(1-; tdn onvrossEjtsico} uhal foa lniactrngom
est non1-conlformnist 'church in the nection with religious mat tels. The apm y in lDel P , I olan. This appara-
Sheffield district, being founded in stuldents assemb le and dlisculss those fIs 5is e. pe('t li to mak e possible a


16362. Dri.Fla iliarrived in i he Frliitd things whicdm are vital to religion.
States Tuesday to mak:e a hecel rct )ur ' lemteLII e i i i vuet
of the United States under the an- ~ ~ ~ ~ cnlrtdI- i
spices of the tUnitarian association, lie
lectured in Ann Arbor last uAbht. Varlious Sects. Atesrviit ,lm,,,oings
The Doctfor stated yesterday that the Episc ojalialls, Rtomian Catholics,!3
from 15 to 20 per cent. of the English :and the (' on-con fermist s discut.s their; .
)tudeni s att(end church servies, on icid 5 of reigion.
teSabbath. These fiuelep i "'The college anad uni versityv at-
edl out, indicate a fair :;howing. The1 iuslhere hias createdf in the L+nglihshz
Englishll student sp)ends the Sunday in 5tudl('nt. d'esire to look: at religion
s;tudy ingF, wallkinggofig, , a igfromt the liberal point of view=, aii d'
tennis; andi other sp)orts. LEnglis~h stum this mo; emiicut 1 is a rding th~em lop-
helits Xwould( not, think of dancing on i on~u nit y to loo'k at )meivian at ieas.t
the Sabbath, lie said. mn sonic light.''t
Maing furt her comaniculi s. Dr. flail l
aid "lhe t~uentClri.tia. nozr;I 'ickel s for I lie chool of I'biiteat ollf
5:; d. 'Tie Sudet (hr :1 an ove 'da ncec xvi 1 will be held Friday, Ma1<r.
maent which is nova underway in all !
h,3e univ ersities allid colleges t hroumgh-' 27, in thle University hiigh ,scpool gyni-n
eut,. thme British lIsles is doinig wonder- ~amm u~~h bair( rm9t
I fu wrk n tiringrelgius ealin12 o'clock and from 1 to 4 o'clock
theo st udent. The movement is in- (Mondlay, March 23, in Tappan hall.;c
t ended 1.o cult ivate the ('hirist ialn
sp~irit amiong,; lie studcents a'nd is e.011._- Seattle, Wash., March 20.---- Mcena-;c
par able to the students Christiami as-* hers of thme faculty of the University at
sociation which you have at the Uni- of Washington plan a, $1 00,000 club
vermity of Michigan. The movement for their own use.

tnm o ('ii mii a'1111 (etv8ihell study of
rmspcmetr11111indf X-ray spectra,. j
Thfl (, micro-photommeter is a machine
v, dli ial'cs it, vsibie to phAogra rm
lm in fi . . po~ts the sped i a of'light.
!IR is opmcratodI upon a hpriniciple similar'
to tic' te.e, tttlluc t rauIslnission o'
tiogri plms. A photographic platej
is, placed'( on a rotating drum and rays
of light from an incandescent; lamp3
l Fe A~e I upomi ;Le Plate, whmiclm in
Li rnm l'anm i ithIle light 1t) a tl x'rni0-
pilj sami f' t toalm electro-photogra Ilc
C-11. Trn thernmopile, the aniounit
of(11 ci 'ct ily gen eratedl is record(ed.
1 }y at gilvl\' n li(' wihi(ch tbe'llre-
fle 5 1 hoti, ru unt, of lidght.ito-cd inito a
ciimlera amind the micro-photo graph is
thmis iroduc'cah.
it i froum thmis p ot ogra ph thmat:a
c'cm:;er stutdy oft sped. u'so pie henmi~-
ene'. can be nla ie and those doing re-
S£ eh work ili X-ray spectrseopy are
('xpI)ct cot t0 find Ithis appfaratuis in-;
valutalel in their work.

'j 3"
4 y
i tfj
i '
I (

university of. Louvain in Bi! uin. to Sincli r Lewis' newe.t o(,
visited the I miv(rsity library lmth',"A1'r(xviuith.'' The ado pm2a;ion as
(I ay i brought about by Paul ift. 1 EKruif,
Th lbiamy f ~omvmu~ ~OlOAvie was very closely a "'ociaft. I with ,
Til liray o Lovan ws c( ! m°.Low's during time them of the
pletely (festl'ovedlin 19I14 ;)y theud'ter- 1)0(' :composition.
manis, xvlio have eenico cemipolled byE I Kmuif 0fhtaiui hsPh.D. ,c-
the treaty of Versailes to finance its '.iI'ee 1o' Ce Umiversity<11aimlli 19141br
replacement. So far about 4t0,000) e-. _ a assistant to ProlA. F. C-. Novy,
volumes have been gathered and t -ehead ;n of thme bacteriology department~
new building, which was designed by ofthe UTniversity. HeI served in tn
itney Warrena of N 'exv York City C aa:,city four six years, leavin -lieu,
andl is being erected from Anierican in 1920 f'or Rockefeller instm imat
gifts, is a bout a I tl ud finished. INewk York. lie remained here iv:
The commiss Ion foru the relief of,- shout t ii.
1114igimimb h,,'-; uht Abbe vanm (au- truist pr'evious to the writing of
xn Jnvergih to m his countr v to study ''Arr;ow .snmith," he and Mb'r. Lewis ,jour-
Aneqc u1ilmlimemut:. Tihe Abbe spen t nc-,-,d to England, and then tO the
Saturday imspectinmig th(e University Wo's LT Idies. Mr. Do Kruif is now en-
IibinT ' "I and o7resse 11hiinisehf as ?be-.gge in a laboratory in New York.
inng V(> y 'much iwiese ot hi by its 'fb'' sinilamity of the camdesin
equipiud c,.-,amd its organiization. t''Am'ro~w sth' to man ,y 1men mber of
---)tefcly.fteAccording to ane announcememut recently been (lcclaredt very-riui
madle ye ter.'day themre arie t1,625 Ipa-.Iby sever'al members of thef.cl


tiEnt, sregist eed at. tlie fiversity4-
hospital (iutring February. I Londonm, Marc'h 20.AWilliamn\\(ler
_ Briudfield, manager of the Mar:,,coni
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Hulbert Footner's Po' ular
Mystery Dramae, B AfIng ,in,
1is Complexity, Featurin


Nat. '25)l ETY
---M SON,
i> IX''.jNtlISI


Presentin ,
The Human VOicd Viotn
In ii( Chritie Coin. edy
i;!mnI~mh~ni~1 loV ' /mmFish kwiin'sidewalys


Pre senting Our Fiirst Stage A fractio
"A Fantasy of Syncopation"
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Hollywood Is In It
a 'T~-IP jr~mcounry F






"UAL ROACH owcsfts-
Mr. PAT -m m



in, I I


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