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March 21, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-21

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t ian



VOL. XXXV. No. 128





Professors I. L. EwbankJ ludges Here
And W. M. Paull At
Urbana, Ill., March 20 (By Special
Wire).-The University of Michigan
debating team tonight defeated Illinois
in the annual Mid-West triangular de-
bate. Prof. W. R. Paull, of the Uni-
Versity of Illinois, served as the sole
judge of the encounter, and decided
the win for Michigan.
Representatives from Wisconsin, up-
hlding the negative side of the ques-
tion, "Resolved that the Proposed
Child Labor Amendment to the Na-
tional Constitution should be adopted
by the United States," received the
judge's decision in the tenth annual
Mid-West debate, held last night .in
Hill auditorium. Prof. H. L. Ewbank,
of Albion college, was official judge.
Members of the winning team in-
cluded Miss Virginia North, Robert
Sher, and George Fiedler. Michigan
was represented by 1. F. Wahren-
brock, '2L, F. P. Weaver, '26, and
R. B. Fulton, '26. Dean Edmund E.
Day, of the school of business admn-
istration, was presiding officer of the
debate, substituting for Luman W.
Goodenough, of Detroit, who was un-
able to attend the contest.
The affirmative team set forth the
fundamental arguments that the his-
tory of child labor demonstrates that
the problem is not being solved, that
the states have proven incapable of
dealing with the child labor situation,
an thirdly, that the question of child
laor is a national problem and should
be settled by national legislation, as
opposed to arguments that child labor
should be controlled by the individ-
ual states
Opposed to these arguments, mem-
bers of the negative 4eam claimed that
there is no serious child labor pro-
blem, that the states ave handled the
problem successfully, and further-
more an amendment to the national
constitution is inherently undesirable.
In defense of the latter statement the
negative maintained that a federal
minimum child labor regulation would
tend to become a maximum for the
states, that it would strike a blow -at
self-government, and would be either
unnecessary or unenforceable.
The affirmative contended that there
still exists a problem of child labor
demanding solution as evinced by fig-
ures quoted from the 1920 census,
which record 480,000 children between i
the ages of 10 and 15 employed in
gainful occupations.
Furthering their contention that
state laws are inadequate, members of
the affirmative maintained that sev-
eral states have refused to protect
children under their jurisdiction and
the problem therefore becomes one of
national scope; they are citizens of
the United States. It was also affrm-
ed that without the incentive of a
minimum national regulation there
existed a danger that states, wherein
child labor laws had been enacted,
would tend to repeal or reduce these
The negative presented statistics
whereby it was stated that child labor
has decreased to the extent that, were
a federal law enforced to the maxi-
mum, only 65,000 children could pos-

sibly beaffected. And this was sup-
ple mented with additional arguments
to the effect that there has been no
substantial increase in child labor
since the repeal of the original child
labor laws.
Granting that there exists a certain
irreducible minimum of child labor
that can not be removed, as proven by
those states in which there are strin-
gent child labor regulations, the neg-
ative asked the question: "How can1
the federal government alleviate the
situation in 1925 when, under similar
eircumstances, it failed in 1920?" It
was further contended that it would
be impossible to construct a national
law that would be applicable to all
In previous forensic meetings under
the rulings of the Mid-West league,
Michigan has received decisions over
Wisconsin debating teams on all but
three occasions. Debating on the Chi-
cago drainage project last year, Mich-
igan received the verdict at both Madi-
son, where they met Wisconsin, and

"Castles In Spain" Concludes Aero Leader TORNAll's ITIM
Popular Presentation Today Will Discuss
I "Castles in Spain," the 21st annual piano, is considered remarkable for Test Flights ESTIMATED AT 800
production of the Junior women, will its harmony as well as its ability to A
conclude its run at the Whitney the- stay with the cast and choruses. The Test flights and manoeuvers con- B
atre with two performances today. The orchestration, which has been done by ducted roccntly by Selfridge field avia-
matinee will begin at 2:15 and the a professional, is also quite good. tors, the sham ir battle for the de
evening performance at 8:15 o'clock. Those of the cast who have received
There arera few seats available in the the most favorable comment are Mary ense of the Straits of Mackinac, and CASUALTY LIST IDENTIFIES 738;
orchestra for both presentations, ac- Lou Miller, as Jose; Margaret Ef- the attempted sunrise to sunset flight REPORTS INDICATE 3,000
cording to Eunice Rose, the business linger, as Mr. Billings; and Marguerite to Miami, Fla., will be discussed by INJURED
manager. The tickets are on sale at Ainsworth, as Spry. The leading lady Maj. Thomas G. Lanphier, commander
the box office of the Whitney theatre. f and leading man played by Mary Van of Selfridge field, Thursday, Mar. 26, RED CROSS HELPS
'hcw production has proved unusually Buren and Dorothy Waldo, as well as .~ M 1Q
popular this year, and has played to I the juveniles, Dorothy Ogborn and in the Natural Science auditorium.
larger audiences than it has in several Margaret Wilkins, have received a Major Lanphier, who conducted the Iffouriiers Search Storm Swept Area
years. large share of the applause. Among campaign in northern Michigan and to Recover Bodies of Dead
All the criticisms have been unani- the most popular choruses are the the southern flight, will be able to
imous in saying that the present pro- "Phi Upon Dates" number in the first from Debris
duction which has been directed by act, and the "Syncopated Soldiers" discuss the manoeuvers fron a first- _---
Amy Loonus, '22, is decidedly out- in the latter half of the show. hand viewpoint. He will fly to Ann Chicago, March 20.-(By A. P.)-
The costumes which were assembled Arbor in a Curtis pursuit plane and Burial of the dead resulting from a
A review of last night's per- by a conmittee of, which Elizabeth it is expected that he will perform tornado which struck portions or five
formance of "Castles in Spain" Strauss is chairman, are easily su- an exhibition of aerial feats over the states Wednesday was begun today,
will be found in the Music and f perior to those used in many of the ms
Daaclm.piou #irGrl ly. Te campus Tlursday afternoon before while relatives and friends of many
Drama column. !previous Junior Girls plays. They
have been furnished largely through landing on the Packard road aviation mourners continued the dismal taskd
-the courtesy of the local merchants, field. of recovering bodies from the tangled
standing. The musical numbers and although most of those used in the Tle northern Michigan flight showed debris of the storm-swept areas.
particularly "Love Only Lives for To- second act, which takes place in the practicability of a pro gov- In the wrecking of the city and out
day," the music of which was written Spain, have been made especially forh t yposed
by Merle Gee, have been particularly this production by Christy & Co. of ernment aviation field in Alaska, fri- in the by-ways of the rural district,
noted and each night the audience has New York. Those who have witnessed gid as it is. On Feb. 16 the squadron relief and rescue workers reportedj
left the theatre humming it. The or- the play have remarked on the uni- of pursuit planes and two Mz'rtin additional casualties would be dis-
chestra, which is underathe direction formity and richness of many of the bombers from Selfridge field landed covered. Unidentified dead still rest
So i m w s y c sin Oscota county in northern Michi- j on crude fixtures in many morgues,i
gan and made camp. They stayed in awaiting recognition or unknown
that vicinity for a week, mnanoeuvering burial.j
in sham battles and test flights in the The casualty list of the Associated
northern blizzards, under the direr- Press tonight, carrying the names of
1n feba2,rwLanphi esythose actually identified, totaled 738.
DV[ ST T 9 RWS CN0lOAIEl UNiVERiTY T DAaOr Feball8setionsvnumberdeabout 800
Major Lanphier left Selfridge field an The estimated and known dead from
hour before sunrise, hoping to route1 all sections numbered about 800, ac-
Dr. Lovell Founds Qualifications On Eleven Members of house Ways and an imaginary enemy at Miami, Fla. cording to latest advices. The In-
Support of Alumni Means Committee Inspect before sunset of the same day. The jured totaled about 3,000, on these re-
And Students BuiLdings. attempted 1,000 mile daylight flightp
ES. was thwarted on account of an acci- ports. The homeless are being tab-
dent to one of the planes but a number ulated by hundreds, and Red Cross
PROGRESS PROMISED HOUSE AWAITS REPORT of important airplane tests were ef- officials predicted they would num-
~---~fected at this time. ber upward of 15,000.
Candidacy for the vacant office as Eleven members of the House com- - ~These refugees are as safely and
president of the University has been mittee on ways and means arrived byj comfortably sheltered as is possible,
announced through a letter to the motor yesterday afternoon from Lan- E Iowert eteq en a nd ood
Board of Regents by Dr. Thomas sing The committee immediately be- however, tents, equipment and food
Lovell, who rests his qualifications fort gan an investigation of the University supplies rushed into all centers being
the position upon the claim that both buildings affected by the appropriation JIJI(1l .1. QlRkfl fHIH HONORample to care for the situation. The
alumni and the student body of the bill, requesting $3,192,700 for build- tiU~i probleUmU isnwoe'frhbiiain
University desire his appointment. As ing improvement at the University rtyle n nwored al dayiitng
a consequence of the many honors which was introduced in the House London, Mar 20. (By A. P.)-The orty sMen worked all day digging
that have been granted Dr. Lovell Monday. The bill will not be acted honor of a funeral service in aest- worststricken cities, andIllonight the
during the past five years, he has upon until after the ways and means!i
stated that he feels compelled by committee reports the results of its minister abbey is to be accorded Mar- expected to have 70 of the victims
general o inion to make known Mgs ac- Iinvestigation quis Curzon of Kedleston one of;buried.
f alrted boishv enrcvr

German Election
Ballot Outcome
Looks Doubtful
Berlin, March 20.-It is generally
believed that the initial balloting in
the presidential election on March 29
will be terminated without a choice
since seven contenders representing
at least a dozen political parties and
unattached political organizations are
listed on the official ballot.
Just what the lineup for the de-
cisive balloting schedules for April
26 will be is wholly conjectural, they
are awaiting the outcome of the pre-
liminary voting before discussing a
possible merger of the selection of a
common standard bearer for the final
Theaappearance of General Luden-
i dori'f as an eleventh hour contender
had visibly distressed the campaign
managers, and his party organ today
refrained from mentioning the quar-
Documents Sent By Admiral (leaes
to Denby Withheld in Teapot
Dome Trial
Cheyenne, Wyo., March 20.-(By A.
P.)-Taking of testimony upon which
Federal Judge T. Blake Kennedy will
decide who is entitled to the posses-
sion of Teapot Dome was ended in fed-
eral court here late today. Only clos-
ing arguments remain to be delivered
and these will begin Monday.
Tension was added to the case this
afternoon when Rear Admiral Julian
L. Latimer, judge-advocate-general of
the Navy, appeared for former secre-
tary of the navy Edwin Denby in re-
sponse to a subpoena by the defense.
He produced certificates from Secre-
taries Wilbur and Kellogg to keep
from the court record certain docu-
ments of the Navy department, said to
deal with the Navy's war plans and
the international situation.
Judge Kennedy granted the request
after consel for the defense from Rear
Admiral Latimer had argued the mat-..
ter briefly. The navy's legal counsel-.
er was excused without giving testi.
When Rear Admiral Latimer ap-
peared he was asked by defense coun-
sel if he had -produced certain records
of the Navy department as ordered
by sub poena, and he replied that he
had produced only a part of them.
Questioned as to the reason, he pro-
duced and read the statement of Sec-
retaries Kellogg and Wilbur.
The certificate of Secretary Wilbur
said that of the documents requested,
45 dispatches, 51 letters, 50 reports,
and 5 memoranda had been withheld
because they contained matter of a
confidential nature sent from Rear
Admiarl Albert Gleaves to the secre-
tary of the navy between Sept. 15, 1920,
and March 1, 121. At that time, Ad-
miral Gleaves was commander of the
Pacific fleet.
Washington, Mar. 20.-President
Coolidge is considering the resignation
of Thomas W. Miller as alien property
PlaI n sulssuAUeo sl pue 'iueposno
o men proposed for the post but thus
far has made no selection.
Mr. Miller first admitted his resig-
nation several months ago when elect-
ed president of the Fidac, and, Inter-

national World War veterans' organi-
zation and renewed it several days ago
when he announced he was leaving
for Europe to take active charge of
the organization affairs. Instead of
accepting the resignation at the time
it was first submitted, the president
asked him to take a leave of absence.
Now, however, he is considering a list
of names for the appointment includ-
ing W. W. Wilson, general counsel
to the custodian, and Sewell W. Ab-
bott, managing director of the custo-
dian's office.
Washington, March 20.-The federal
government, in the opinion of Presi-
dent Coolidge, must depend on the co-
operation of state and local authorities
if the prohibition law is to be enforced3
'Ph falarl nan, rv ,,A it



Association Inaugurates Plan
Of Annual Indoor

cessibility for the post.
"If the Regents can see me for the
vacancy, I will make of Michigan the
leading University of the world," says
Dr. Lovell. "I believe that practical
knowledge should be stressed, rather
than the more theoretical subjects"
he continued, asserting that the pres-
ent program would be continued under
his regime with a stronger emphasis
placed upon the more material sides
of life.
The communication, addressed to the
Regents of the University, follows: I
"Honorable gentlemen:
"No doubt you remember in Eng-1
land's history that there was a Sir
Thomas Lovell and a Lord Lovell and
both of them were very powerful in
their day. Now, dear gentlemen, youi
know this, that another Thomas Lov-1
ell has for ten years been in rooms'
and fraternities on the campus of
Michigan among the students on both
sides. And this is what they havel
always said to me: 'Your knowledge

The new Hospital, the Observatory,,
and the Architecture building were I
inspected by the legislative committeeI
yesterday afternoon. ' They will con-1
tinue their tour of inspection thisj
morning and are expected to return tor
Lansing shortly after noon.l
The bill calls for $1,700,000 in 1925-
1926 and $1,492,700 in 1926-1927. Thea
items specified are $300,000 each year!
for an administration building, $450,-
000 each year for a museum anda
equipment, $250,000 each year for ant
observatory and equipment, $200,000c
each year for an architectural build-,
ing, /$500,000 the first year and $327,-f
,700 the second year for land.-
Two years ago the legislature ap-
propriated $3,800,000 for a hospital,I
medical building, tunnels, sewers and;
President-Emeritus Harry B. Hut-f
chins and Shirley Smith, secretary of
the University, met with the house
University committee Thursday in
Lansing and discussed the request for
buildings and improverients at the;

Great Britain's most distinguilhedI If all the bodies have been recover-
Grats laieds motdistoringuished ied by Sunday, the city will pause for
statesmen, who died this morning after a few hours for a general funeral
a brief illness. The ceremonies will service.
be attended by representatives of the The dead list in the town was the
royal household, members of both highest recorded, it having reached,
royahouseoldamembersd of gbot 165, with 24 bodies remaining uniden-
gathering of prominent personages in tified. At West Frankfort, III., a sis-
gathrin ofproinet prsoage inter city which ranks second in loss
all phases of national activity. -i an ks e n ere
The funeral ceremony will take - addmg,10mnwren
Thae funesal cerny ildaey gaged in preparing graves. Meth-
place Wednesday and immediately odically the city was effacing material
afterward the body will be conveyed evidence of the tornado's visitation,
to Kedleston, where it will be buried j h aho hc floe eto
on Thursday in the presence of the Ithe path of which followed a section
ona'Thuysdayinethearseanc erotheIlargely occupied by homes of miners
family of the Marquis ainpersonal and railroad men. It probably will be
friends. a month before gas is again sent
As a mark of respect the house of through the city's mains, but electric
Lords, in which Lord Curzon wasj lights were promised for tonight.
government leader, will not carry out In the other southern Illinois towns,
its usual business on Monday. A mo- De Soto, Gorham, Bush, McLeansboro,
tion for adjournment will be the signal Enfield, Parrish, and neighboring vil-
for the funeral orations. lages, measuhies toward consigning
The dead statesman who was Lord their, (ead, relieving the pain of the
president of the council in the present ! injured, and erasing the effect of the
British cabinet through his long ca- I destruction made comparatively rapid
reer is secretary for foreign affairs headwyay.
and his world wide travels was better
known abroad than most of the Brit- . .
ish statesmen. As a consequence atCom ission Post
his London residence there was a Continues Vacant
constant stream of messengers bring-
ing telegrams of condolence and sym-+
pathy from all parts of the world. I Washington, March 20. - Although
These included messages from numer- President Coolidge feels that the in-
ous heads of foreign governments. t
- terstate commerce commission vac-

By William 1. Stoneman
1More than 200 high school track
athletes, representing 22 schools, will
gather in Yost field house this after-
noon and tonight for the first annual
Michigan interscholastic indoor track
and field meet under the auspices of
the Athletic association. The prelim-
inaries of the meet, which is the first
of its kind ever to be held in the state,
will begin at 2:30 o'clock this after-
noon, while the finals will begin at
7:30 o'clock tonight.
The class of prep track stars in
three states will be present at today's
meet, and a number of high schools
In Michigan, Illinois, and Ohiochave
entered powerful squads. Detroit
Northwestern, Saginaw Eastern, and
Detroit Eastern promise to be the best
of the Michigan schools, while Toledo
Waite, Toledo Scott, and Austin high
of Chicago are the most likely of the
outside schools entered. Kalamazoo
Central also has a team which may
come through with enough points' to
take the title. Other state schools en-
tered in the meet are Ann Arbor, Wy-
andotte, Flint, Kalamazoo Normal, U.
of D. high, Highland Park, Detroit
Southwestern, Northern, Northeastern,
Central and Cass Tech, Niles, Battle
Creek, and Fairgrove.
Chicago Brings Stars
Austin high of Chicago will bring
a nine man team to the meet In an
attempt to beat the Michigan squads.
Frank Palumbo, Cook county mile
champion, who has been caught. in
4:49, and Antone Brown, quarter miler
who has run the distance in 55 on a
13 lap track, will be two of the surest
point getters on the team, while Chap-
man, city champion in the 50 yard
dash with a mark of 5 2-5 seconds, is
as good as anyone In Michigan inter-
scholastic circles. Wilkin, half miler,
and Holden, pole vaulter, are also
good bets for points.
The other outside schools are not
likely to make very selrious advances
at the tilte. Toledo Scott, with only
one former letter man at- the meet,
will be weaker than usual, although
the coach has entered 19 men. Scott
will be a little stronger than the other
Toledo school, and may be able to
land one of the first places.
Detroit Northwestern, with the city
title already gained this year, will
be the favored team in today's affair.
Captain James Tait, city dash cham-
pion, and Glen Carlson, a shot putter
with a mark of 45 feet 11 inches to
his credit, will make the going hard
for their competitors, while Seeger
is almost certain to take the half mile.
Widman, the best hurdler in the city
of Detroit, and Ross, a great sprinter,
should also be able to take some
points. The other Detroit schools will
enter large squads in the -hope of tak-
ing the meet, Eastern having one of
the strongest combinations. Myers
will be the best bet for the Indians
with his all around ability. Ise is a
steady performer in the high jump
and the shot put.
Other Entries
Other schools which are expected
to make strong showings in tonight's
meet are Saginaw, with Crego as its
individual star, Ann Arbor with' a half
dozen promising young athletes, and
Flint with Harrell as its star. Several
other schools which will not enter
enough men to take the title are al-
most certain to take points. Cold-
water will be one of these, Leroy
Potter of that school being- the best
miler in the state high school circles.
He has a record of 4:37 as his best
time in the event and will endeavor
to set a lower mark tonight as the
mneet record.
All winning times made in the meet
tonight will be recorded by the author-
ities, and will stand as meet records
until the next carnival is held. A
competent group of officials have been
secured 'as judges and timers, and
the prep athletes will perform under
all the atmosphere which generally
attends a' large college meet. Ted
Canty of Chicago, famous as the an-
nouncer at all Big Ten track meets,

will be on hand to keep the crowd in
The events in today's meet will be
as follows: 50 yard dash, 440 yard
3 dash, 880 yard run, mile run, 60 yard
high hurdles, 60 yard low hurdles,
f h vurles a4,--, ma


is original, your teaching is simple, University. No changes in the meas-
and it's very understandable, and we ure were suggested as the results of
shall never forget what you have told! this meeting..
us.' Members of the committee which
"Now look at the men that have arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday in-
gone from Michigan that know me, elude: II. A. Osborn, Sault Ste. Marie;
who, when they were freshmen, I J. R. Powers, Detroit; V. C. Snell,
gripped their hands, I emptied into Iansing; F. W. Bristow, Detroit;; D.
their life, mingled with them, some- G. Look, Lowell; M. R Palmer, De-
times into the midnight hours, and troit; F. F. McEachron, Hudsonville;
they always said to mewhen leaving; A. Cowan, Port Huron; D. F. Mor-
Be sure you come back again, andC rison,; R.IT. Van Buren, Sturgis; G.
come back soon.' I1C. Rowe, Detroit.
"When that dear beloved President.
Angell was on the campus, I used toH
go and converse with him frequently
and didn't I enjoy his presence. Now
the last time I saw him it was just M C.o , fflflflflhTIfll
before lhe dlied, when he said these j ae 0i UU
words to me: 'Now, don't let nobody' _
stop you, for there is some good stuff
left in you yet,' amid I replied tos1im Lansing, Mar. 20. (By A. P.)--The.
by saying, I'll see that nobody does house Michigan Agricultural college
eisher.' committee today reported the build-
"Now, if there is a logical man in ing and improvement bill for that in-
Ann Arboi , or in this world, for Inm stitution cut to less than one third
going to say this, sw Lloyd George ofI the original request. The bill was
England was a cobbler like Thomas introduced carrying proposed appro-
Lovell of this city, once, who is selling priations of $2,925,000. The commit-
newspapers upon the street, and mak- tee cut it to $833,000. The largest item
ing money. Now just as Lloyd George recommended by the committee was
stepped into a crisis and filled it, $500,000 for a chemistry building. No
for no man could fill it any better than other extensive building projects were
he (lid, just as sure am I that I could allowed.
place Michigan as the leading univer-
( iyo the world and do it easy, if'
there should be such a thing as you JOurW eatherM an I
gentlemen should see me for thel
vacancy. ., ' /
omwishing every nne of v n a l



ancy, to which he twice nominated
UNION 1 lA EC SThomas F. Woodlock, of New York,
without obtaining Senate approval
should be given to a man from the
OFMEN SINU IshudegeLD IG Southeast if possible, he has been un--
able thus far to find a candidate in
With the idea of finding out how that section having qualifications he
many students use the Union every desires in the new appointee through
day, the Union recording department experience with railroad financial
will take a census of the number of problems.
people passing through the doors Mr. Woodlock was chosen for thel
next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- 1 vacancy caused by the resignation of
(day. f Mark W. Potter, also of New York,
Several men from the recording due to his familiarity with railroad
department will be posted in the ves- financing questions, but his nomina-
tibule just inside the front doors from tion met such vigorous opposition
8 o'clock in the morning to 10 o'clock An the Senate particularly from
at night during the three days and southeastern members, that it was
these men will keep a record of the not even brought to a vote.
people entering and' leaving the build- The President thinks that a man of
ing. An attempt will be made to get such qualifications is especially need-
a record of what schools and colleges I ed on the board at this time, and it
the men belong to and if they have has been suggested that he might give
signed up for a Union card this year. Mr .Woodlock a recess appointment.
Any men who have not signed for a He is, however, canvassing the situa-
card may do so if they desire at any tion further, and is giving uuch at-
time during these three days at the tention of the geographical consider-
door. I ations, in view of the absence of
According to Karl Robertson, '25E, I southeastern representation of the

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