PAGE MORT THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE IQTFRItDAY, MARCH 20, V)25 DAILY 0OFFICIAL BULLETIN' Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice tv all members of the University. Copy received by thle Assistant to the President until 9:30 p. m. (11:39 a. m. Saturdayh Volume 6 FRIDIAY, 3AIW'II 1.0, 1925 lumber 127 University Health Servie: I will not be in my office on Friday, March 20th, iflaa.rgaret Bell. Notice to-till Members of the University : Mail addressed as follows: "care of the University of Michigan" has been delivered to the office of the Secretary, Room 3, University Hall. It. will be held until March 26, and should be called for at once, giving date of this publication, i. e. March 20. This list will not be reprinted. MAIL SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO STREET AND NUMBER. Nelson F. Adams Thomas G. Gerken i Senior )Mechanics!an td Electicnal Engineers: Mr. Frederick A. Delay, of the Chicago Central Station Institute, Blu- reCau of Education for the Commonwealth Edison Company, the Illinois Northern Utilities Company, and the Associated Insult Companies, will he in Rtoomu 274 W est Engineering Building on Friday, March 20, for the p)urpoSs o1: emloying nmen for xwork in Ithis group) of comp~anies. It. C. Aniderson. Joseph 11. CannI~on. History i6: Naid-Semester :!larceh :21, 10 to 1.t. Sections with Slosson and Lovell in Na.Sci. Auditorium. Sect ions with Dunham Angell B all 2:31; with Brown in WTvest (Gallery Alumni Ball. Preston S$(Plln. (kosin(> lliall Club: Professor and M~rs C. 0. Davis, of 1030 Martin Place, are entertaining Club members in their home Sunday afternoon. March 22, from 4 to G o'clock, at an informal tea. Rensis Liked, President. Craftsnen : Tihere wil be a short business meeting Saturday evening. M\arch 21, 1925, at 7:30( P. M., at. the Masonic 'Temple. The craft t eam jpictur-es wil be (listrlbutC(I at this mceetilig. Arthur R. 'ITurner, Pre&sidenlt. 1 1emblers of 11.1s les: 'There will be an important meeting of the entire club in the p~arlor of 1fabcur Gymnasium, Friday afternoon at 4:00 endeavoring to build1 up an efficient wh ih is sponsored by motor clulbs Slaces:hipping I'oar 1 c:EL; eisar tourist service throughout the state. all over the United States. not (eiempt from tl cocntro cl of i lie lWith the advent of a national Safety - Argentine courts by reas on (Jf their N~eek in the near future, the local Buenos Aires, Mar. 19.-Federal status as the propt ,y of oe club: will take part in the campaign Judge Escobar, has ruled that United state. . ,x . , _ r . , < .....,..,. . ,.. , ':. : .t ..4 ter'.; ' ' '.«. ANNUAL CONCERT University of Mich igan G. Burns M. L. Byron E. C. Carlson Itutli.K. Y. Cheng Harry, Conley How~ard Jones Vern Kinietz Frank Nowald Mary M. Peterson Andlrew Sunfiteigen Susie A. Watson Pres. W. S. G. A. Galee Club DIRECTION THEODORE HARRISON Thursday, March 26 8:15 P. M. Hill Auditorium I L. Dannecker . To Explore Tomb IRochard T. Ely Melvin A. Freel Woo Yi Fang 2. Forestry Lectures: Mr. Arthur Koehler, in charge of Office of Wood 'technology of the IT. S. Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin, will deliver the follow- ing lectures:- "Improvements in Air Seasoning as a Result of Research," at 10:00 ,A. M., Friday, Marche 20, in Room F213, Natural Science. "Closer 'Forest Utilization, One of the Three Props of a Sound Forest Policy," at 7:30 P. Mi., Friday, March 20, in Natural Science Auditorium. Illustrated with ,moving pictures. These lectures are open to the public. The one that is illustrated with moving pictures is non-technical' and of general interest. L. J. Young. Rhio Ciii Prize: All freshmen of the Pharmacy School who intend to compete for the Rho Chi Scholastic Prize should hand their names to Secretary Clover, not later than April 2. The conmpetitive examination will take place at 9 A. M. April 4., in Room 300 Chemistry building. L. It. W1agener. Scnior Electrical, Neciwulical and Civil Enigineers and Seniiors in Business Adminlistration: Representatives will be here from Monday, March 23, to Wednesday, March 25, inclusive, to interview all students interested in discussing op- portunities for employment in the Bell System (A. T. & T. Co., Western Elec- tric Company, Bell Telephone Laboratories, and associated operating coin- panics -of the Bell System.) Appointments for interviews may be0 made with Mr. G. M. Bunting in Room 273 West Engineering Bldg., on Friday, March 20, and .Saturday, March 21. Mr. J. T.4Sheafor, Asst. to the President of the Michigan Bell Telephone Company, will give a talk at 7:15 P. M.14Friday, March 20, in Room 246 West Engineering Bldg. for those interested in learning about the organization of PRAC1TICE IMPROVES AIM OFCERIFILE CLUB MEMBERS; Praicde iring by member s of the University Rifle club on the indoorj range in the R. 0. T. C. lbuilding has been going on at regular hours in the afternoon andl evening, four (days a week. Pistol practice has also startedl, andi the club coaches, Captain Bricker andl Captain Dunne, report a steady increase in firing ability among the, p~articip~ants.¢ Firing on the outdoor range will not begin until the 'weather and1 dry- ness of the ground permit. Calibre .:30 army rifles will 1)e used on the 1 outdoor range, which lies between 1Packard andl South State streets beyond the city limits. Local Auto Clubs IDisplays Photos W f ("~I,4 ift,,v.14..4 2 Ticikets at G raa hr 's Sler's irnivers iiy 31usic House, Admission, 50 Cents .140 N .v t 1 1 irr .,e I I, U K Bargains',in t MIC HIGAN The tomb discovered in Egypt by the 'L ree L B~oston-Ha rvardi exp~edition and be- lieved to (late back to the reign of Photographs of prominent Ann Pharaoh Seneferu, or ab~out 3,000 B. Arbor b~usiness men, who form the ad- C., has been closed, untouchedl, Pend- visory committee of the local b~ranch1 ing the arrival of Prof. George A. !of the Detroit Automobile club, have Reisner, head of the expedition. Not been~ removedI from the motor show,U until he arrives to take charge of the hl atweadaenx n(1 long, difficult work of removing the ( play in the Quarry drugstor e. objets t cotais wil te ful 111- Officials of the club here stated that (U o1)ct itconain wil te fll m thiey ar'e anxious to acquaint Ani portnceof he liscver 1) knwn.Arbor mnotorists with the men who are STATI(Wk H' )VERY 11 U' U UNIVERSI1TY BOOK STORE ®. .***. **N.. u. ..** **ON0****®E* sU *UEEUEE 1 the Bell System. Electrical Engineers: Mr. R. D.' Parker, of the A. T. & T., wi Transmission of Pictures by Wire" urnd the Natural Science Auditorium Friday lecture is open to the public. WHAT'S GOING ON Notices to appear in this column miust he left in the sox at the a~Iy office prnvirded for 'nat purpose before 4 o'clock nreceeJisn t te day of issue. : FRIDAY 10:00--Artliur lKoehler speaks on' "Improvements in Air Seasoning as a =Resplt of Research" in room Z- 213, Natural Science building. I :30.5:40--An Arbor Art association exhibit. in the Wuest Gallery, Alumni Memorial hall.: S:00 :VO-J a panese bazaar at Lane hall. 4:00--Masques members meet ini the payulor of Baribour gymnasium. 4 :1-11. D. Parker speaks on "The Transmission of Pictures by Wire" in Natural Science audlitorium. 7 -Th-J. T. Sheafor sneaks on "Thne Organ ization of the Blell System" in room 246, West Engineering build- ing. i' :30-Wesleyan guild p~arty at Wes.. ley hall. 7:390--Arthur Kioehler speaks on "Closer Forest Utilization" in Nat- ural Science auditorium. 8:15-l'Casties in Spaini presented at the Whitney theater. SATURDAY 140iO.00-Japanese bazaar mat Lane hall.j 1 :341-Congreatiounal ramible starts from church. 2.1 -"Castles In Spain" presented at the Whitney theater. 7:30 --Craftsmen mecet at the 31asonic temple. a .,. C l.-"astles In Spain" p~resented at the Whitney theater. TeutnicTexts Return To Favor Consigned to the cellar during the latter years of the war, more than 350 old German text bookas at a local bookstore have lived up to the old adage, "Keep a thing seven years and you will find a use for it." Ger- m-an translations of Tolstoi and Mae- terlinck, science texts, geographies, and just plain grammars, which could scarcely be given away seven or eight years ago, except to occasional professors, because of the strong anti-t German sentiment, are now making a successful' post-war debut. In the last ten years, books have tiosepli II. Cannon4). I- 1 Paris, Mar. 19.-A Polish frontier1_Ill1 IR 11111111 ItltII t llll l[IlllllH II tI1l ifIIIII il llII ll II IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII I llp Ipatrol is alleged by the Lithuanian; ill give an illustrated lecture on "The lgto eet aeatce der the auspices of the A. I. E. 17. in J thuanian border guards near Sir-j Ivintal. y afternoon, March 20 at 4:15. This__________--*-.-- J. B. Johinson ,Chin. Pub. Coiui Pay ror your Subscription today.= E % SMADE BY EIJERTIEIMER STEIN COMPANY '.' Y I -I - - ek"6 w r m '' S! {* :^ ' d ' , a i '% -" " ., l ti - ,. ° ' - d s ° , . -r .fit (,°.,, . ,s~n INv S y t'i4F'.., .5 1'F -'.n SrillgTopcoats . ^ s, - - * RA g - Corr t ~ p - .. a Y./ -.r -correit r ' - - 5- I, 11 2 q A,-.- , r'I"rkn '. . +, Sh w l i 3,.bb tf h ar alre y m str.ta ' ¢e. - -. . r , ~.sf ~ --u a*4, SSits. Mstockhof Sprng othesFitfoComete. know 112,tKheir; -= =% ,:r' ra c features. Come in and see our line. r:" --.*. Hats and Furnishings.prn 12 ~TAILOR-MADE SUITS FROM w IREADY TO WEAR TOP~ COATS WILD'S SHOP WILL= r To CorbettDICTATE THE FASHIONS - NEEN N NN ~ N_1_N I