THE .MICIGAN DAILY_____ FRIDAY. MARCH 20, 1925 A! l Il p ll trl i tc tti 1 I Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- 1 titled to the use for republieatioii of all news dispatchecs credited to it or. not other wise credited in this paper and the local news pub- liebed therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master tGeneral. Subscription by carrier, $3.50;~ by mail, $4.00. Offices: Aim Arbor Press Building, May- niard Street. Phones: Editorial, 241 and 176-M; busi- ness, 960. EIDITORIAL STAF Telephones 2414 and 17641M MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER 1litor............... John G.' Garlinghouse News Editor.......Robert G. Ramsay City Editor............ Manning Ilouseworth Night Editors George W. Davis Harold A. Moore Thomas P. Henry I"redk. K. Sparrow, Jr. Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal Sports Editor......... William H. Stoneman Sunday Editor.......... Rooert S. Mansfield Women's Editor .............Vernea Moran Telegraph Editor . W..4illiam J. Walthour ' Assistants Louis& Barl-.y Kelen S. Ramusay Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann Leslie S. Bennets Marie Reed Smith Cady Jr. Edmarie Schrauder Willard B. Crosby:. Frederick H. Shillito Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens I ames W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet oseph 0. Gartner Herman Wise Mvamin gHJousewortit Eugene H. Gutekunst Elizabeth S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore Elizabeth Liebermann tanley C. Crighton Winfield H. Line Leonard C. Hall Carl E. Oblmnacher Thomas V. Koykka Wiiliam C. Pattersou Lillias K. Wagner BUSLNESS STAFF Telephone 964 BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER Advertising ......................L. 1Dunne Advertising.... .............. R. C. Winter Advertising................ :....H1. A. Marks Advertising.................B 1. W. Parker Accounts....................11. M. Rockwell Circulation .................... .John Conlin Publication..................... R. D. Martin Assistants P. W. Arnold W. T,. Mullins W. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast LI 1. Awing 11. L. Newmann Irving Berman T. D. Olmstead Ruidolph Bostelmnan R. M. Prentiss I.. V. Clark W. C. Puselb .T. C. Consroe 1. D. Ryan V. R. Ientz N'. Roseinzweig J. R. D)ePuy I'd. E. Sandberg George C. Johnson M. 1'. Schiff 0. A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfeld K. K. Kslein 1. J. Wineman FRID)AY, MARCH 20, 1925 Nialit ifditor--G ORGE T~W DAVTF ]DOWi"ON 'THlE I'AIAfl I r sentation in government has always1 has been rested upon such a founda- tion, and since the greater proportion of the people have been congregamtlng more and more in the cities, Ithere has I arisen an ever-incresing prloblemf of C rfn o~ how to insure adequate representation iiiIIi for the sparsely populated f arm d is- tricts and, at the same time, rendIer f complete justice to the city setions~. Michigan is facing just such a BR N S D IZ S problem at the p~resent time, and, I~ r judging from the most recent action solve it in a manner that shall be fair to every district. The passage by this SPi:ARElt SCThESSES PROBLEE body of the re-aplport ionmelt lbill (CON FRONTING H1JMOI which will give seven Senatorial senat ; IN MILWAUKEE to Wayne county has re-opened a question which has b~een argued hack ,, R and forth through many a stormy ses- CO LD ETIE sion in the past twenty years. The diffleuly lies in the, fact that the Open isc~bussioni Features k unsters present apportionment is biased on FJinl Co('nclave; D~elegates the distribution of the populat ion ofl adCtysBat the state existing in 1904. Since thait______ time ~ ~ ~ Dtri aira hfthstk n lac "Trucks solved Milwaukee's humo with Wayne county andDertin creasing in population to such a de- prolblenm," saidl 'the lHon. J. P. Hfaskel gree that any new allotment of seats ' in his address at the D~enizens Banque according to the exact provisio~ns of last night in the Union, which broughi the constitution would give this dis- 't ls hi nulcneto trict at least nine searts and possibly ten. Because of this technicality, At- hl ee torney General D~ougherty has stated "Freight rates in our district ha( that, in case the present mteasutre gone up to a point where this kind o should be approved by the lhouse, lie shipping wvas no longer practical,! would be compelled to declare it un- xland'h seke."An u constitutional.iepandtespae. Addet Legaly seakig. fit'ie ~overhead, increased initial costs, an --- t,,,, 11. ,-- a+ tilTM ,Onitemte statute of diminishing returns rt Ii . IPW _, 11 music AND DRAMA Something new added each day to our bargain tables. One Week Only'. 61 11 I I I I C 'i E 311 d of to I C- I light its greatest fault is t hat it does I cently pa ssed lby our- legislatur-e, it not give Wayne county as mnany seats vas impossilble to produce our humor as she is actually entitled to. This ill the city. is the attitude taken by some of the "Truchs were the answer. By truck- Wayne Senators themselves and ac- ing, for exampile, we were aible to sat- counts, for their opposition to the isfy the schedule ojf Mr. AEl's demand present proposition. for humor-long the bugbear of Mui- Viewed from thle angle or Ithe up1-1 wautkee middlemen.'' state Senator who is representing a Didn't Spoil Roads sparsely settled portion of the state the WhVIen askedl by a, Denizen if the matter of sentiment becomes most i-, heavy llunmor-laden trucks had not de- portant. To hinm the hill seems an in- creased thme efficiency of the roads justice because he is considering thbe abiout Milwau~kee, Mr. H~askell replied: relative land areas of tlte district "Certaifily not. B3y using only the which he represents and that StanIding9 back of the Wayne Senator. Any attempt to strike a balanCe hIe- I tween the two may necessitate an amendment of the constitution paro-1 viding2 a maximum number of seatsj. main trunk lines we find that the trucks imake no impression more than ordinary traffic. I admit that with the dirt roads it did cause a little trou- ble." which may be held lby the ropresent- PERHAPS- atives of any certain areainsteo I ArtI)EIZE1NS BANQuETl With the flush of youthful exhuber- the population. ____ acstlontheir faces, many fresh-' Tiie followving telegranm from mn enter the University thinking of --- P'resident C~alvin Coolidge was active participation in intercollegiate CAMPUS OPINION ;re'ad at the Denuizenis banquet debating as an endl toward which they A nnmn eomnincations wilt h h rsd~tray night will strive throughout the remainder dsegred:enmstence, and theyj tomary for some years back for the' f uls. Surely a university student regard man's desire to beiimortal hand boys to throw an annual fi asco body is,. inter'estedl in the discussion of as a phenomenon of nit crest p.sycho- every year for their benefit. Ordi-. prese nt day public questions! logically,- but of no unduIie iniport. nearly this fiasco has tak en the form The next step toward a final esti- These mien have adjusted their minds l of a tag day on the campus or of some mnate of this activity usually is a dis- to the discoveries of science, made ht such similar form such as a bona fide, cession with some upperclassmen, the last hundredi years. which have'soliciting of funds from the business personifying nearly all that the new shown that' the genus 1101110 occuplies ineun of Attn Arbor. Th'is year it was men hope some day to be. A cautious an extremely interesting, though not decided to holdl the. fiasco as an auto mention of an ambition for success in supremely important posit ion inl the! show aind thus to put the band on a debating or a query about the lack of' universe. sound financial b~asis. 'attendance at tihe recent debate elicits ( When one gets a glimpse of what The auto show this year was goner-! a discouraging reply:' "Why, no one Renmle Regnitte calls "the sheerne's ally conceded to be the best fiasco around here bothers to attend a de- of earthly life," lay wihicih I underst and{ seen here within the past few years, biate e-t here are too many other things Iim to mean the extrenme ra reness of jimany visitors having been much imi- to be done." that great wonder Living Mu~tter-, wily pressed with the decorations anti the The insipient. orators may take one bewail one's lack of supternatuiral basket iball team who were working nioro step before their final and cone- power instead of glorying in the fact out on time floor. If this is a fair sani- f plete disilitusionment. Perhaps it is= that one is a pieco of that raity, a p)10 of the fiascos we may expect fromn F a course in public speaking; perhaps link in a elmain of r-omiplex livring or- the b)and[ in tile future the fiasco to be they go to another debate.' Then the ganisnis, and further, po;;sessed o(f~ given next year will lie one well worth force of public opinion brings -a something known as a mlinti which is watching for.7 change of emphasis. It becomes ap- capable of ethracirig. studying and,(Calignu. parent, that the vogue in extra-cur- criticizing both one's. self anud a, large * * * ricu;a r ai vity is not of an 'essentially p~art of the universe int wich timis self Well, if the fairly thoughtful reader infelectual character. Then it is that exists? thinks thme rest of this column is go- mn,,ost.' these, except for a few with This impersonalI inquiritmmg ati itedo ' ink; to be any more creative he is mnuch persistance, follow the courses cannot he classed as opfilim nor asn crazy. Mere are some items fronk, of least resistance and forget that pessimism, thee are moods which I Volume I, numtiber 2 of the Ann Arbor whih asonce nearest to their' come and go and are footd for thought. Floral News, published by the Ann lerts,. 'They in turn pass on the tra- This attitude, whichmpmay be calleds "aim I Arbor Floral Company:f Gi# ion of non-participation in and non- intelligent interest in oneself and~ "A sweet singing canary or Love ade(ndance at intercollegiate debates.f one's environment." gives a sense of; bird will create a cheerful atmosphere1 As time years pass a change may proportion which is logicAl and satis-1 in your home." (-'lin. lPerhaps posterity will laugh fying. Through it even undesirable " at us for taking so much interest in experiences such as pain, want and'C 0 its, . E VC'1r 1 0 N 'V campus politics and neglecting almost the approach of deatht take on added It was erroneously stated in this entirely a discussion of national is- interest and are robbed of their sting. column (in the issue of Wednesday, rues. The man with aciia nti inquiring March 11), that Professor Felix Paw-1 TONlIGT' "('a sties In Spa in," theI 21st annual Junior Gils' lay at S: o'clock in tile hitmm~y theatr. ! I "CASTLES IN SPVAIN" A reviw, by John (aringhonse. At the risk of incurring tie wrath; of all those indefatigable persons who would back a Union opera, good or in-1 different, the reviewer is about to make a rash statement: there is no comparison between this year's Junior Girls' play and the curent produiictioni of Mimes-the forumer is far superior. This is not admitted grudgingly. Nei- ther is it the fatuous raving of one1 intrigued with a beautiful brunette in the Castillian chorus.' It is what is known by more or less stpid in- dividuals as a statement of fact. There are numerous bases for this comparison. Both productions have a foreign setting--h Spanish is more! convincing. Each took a fling into the precarious realm of college humor- last night's burlesque was at thunes amusing. Inevitably both produc- tions used choruses--wometn can al- ! ways dance better, especially thie "flee hop." But enough of this.. "Castles in Spain" has several good leads and two om' three stars. In the latter class, the unlquestionablhe lader is Mary Lou Miller as Jose. She is the personification of all that Ameri- cans have beeni led to believe is typical of p~assionate Spanish youth. She has a. never-faltering accent (of sonic variety or other), she s a convincing lover, she is charming! Hrs is as finished a bit of acting azs has been seen in campus dramnatics. M~arquerite Ainsworthi ma kes the nmost of a decid- edly hackneyed conmic role; Alberta Olson as Miguel (delivers a superb declamnation on a hull fight; and Mfr- garet Ettinger is nigh perfect as Mr. Billings. The feminine intrepreta- tions are almost equally good, thoungi certainly not as difficult. The staging is not perfect, but it is nevertheless adequiate, quaite remark- able considering the limitedl resources at the commnantd of those in charge. is the chorus's; sual awkward- ness in getting on andl off tie stage; therec is an occasional-all t0 occas- ional -mistep ; thea spotlight fails often to reach its proper (destination --all of which is immaterial when the prouc- tion is avowedly amateur and makes no pretension toward the splendor of the annual Broadway revues. It would lie possible to comtinue this dissertion indefinitely--there is much to talk about. One must mention the music with its occasional touches of inspiration like "Love Only Lives for Today"; the specialty numbers, tie outstanding being the Syncopated uoldiers --for once anl original dance in a college theatrical ; and the wellI writtenm book. lBt for the rest of our days we shall reimemner the ''man'' who so carefully pulled up his knick- ce's to keep the knees frout gtting b~aggy. Such is the virtue of feminine implersonation of masculine habits. "'rilEl',HTZ R VUEl'" A review, by Thomas P1. ienry, Jr. Flassard Short in his broadly adver- tised "Ritz Revue," now playing at theI Shubert-Det roit Opera IHouse, has ne- glected one highly implortant clement in his elaborate production; having assembled a compelling, satisfyingI show, lie completely forgot the niees-' sity of reasonable humor. The long and lanky Chamlott Greenwood, who has become the star for pu1b icity purposes, does little more than lend her considerable reputa- tioni, anid the t hree other alleged co- edians are atrocious. Aside front one screamingly funny bath scnce, very risque by the way. Miss Greenwood does nothing but sing several songs bewailing lier height anti slapstick another act with a rolling-pin. Jimmy Savo, Jay Brnnan, and Stanley Rogemrs, female ilpersonaor oif vaudeville infa my, can bie partly classified biy saying that they allow time stage-hands tile requisite tim ot) set the spectacle scenes. Anti the jokes they offer, smiutty, as: they a re, eveni lack the saving grace of fLowery bunrlesq~u e. T].here is, however, much to praise in the production from the piurely re- vue side: time opening "Broadway's; IPoudoir'' through time glistening gold dimapes of the "Sgun Girl" antd time I "Crystal Wedding D~ay" to the "Iced Ladies'' anti 'Mid sunmer Night's Dream," a huge eumpty stage bunmg 7with a few artistic drapes produces an effect imore than impiossible to de- sc ri be. In addition, there was the chorus-- the eight Ritz girls who individually: might have biecome respective pirina- donnas in the customary road-show, and b)est of all, the Ritz boys who were actually, even good-looking! There was also a William Ladd amid Jackie' Flurlburt that easily became the hits of the evening. As is so (iften the case, unher-alded, they actually (dimmed rwith their brilliant plersonality the nmoted Charlotte's press-agented star. Finally, there were two little chorus girls, Ethel Allis and Peggy B~rown on the program; there were two little U I BOTH ENDS OF THEDIAGONAL WALK .. 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Our Prices Dancing Pumps Dull Calf or Patent; $6.590 I Our store seems are beginning to to-i be the shoe store for young men-Beccause the Boys realize that we're selling the snappiest dlope in !spring Footwear-at down town prices. Ziefe& Nissle It