I FAWE EIGHIT DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' Publication in the Bulletin is, constructive notice t-, al menmbers of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to tha 1V'esident until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday volume 6 WED)NESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1912:) Numiber 9-4 To Users of- the ILlily Official Bulletin: The conditions governing the insertion of niotices5 in thet Biulletin arc as follows: 1, All notices must b~e signied. 2. All notices must be typewritten'. 3. The samie notice ivi'I ordinarily be Iublished only office, but litt he Editor's discretion a notice may be repeated if in his judlgnent such repeti- tion is necessary. 4. The Bulletin is reserved for officil notices, that is notices cinanat- ing from any school, college, division, or department of the University, 'o) from any organization that operates in connection with or under the s..anc- tion of any of tihe above. The Editor at his discretion may admit notices that cannot strictly be thus described, b)ut are of wide interest to the Ui~u versity. community generally. All notices should be either s gned or en- dorsed by a University official, as a guarantee of their official character. 5. Notices are received up to 3:30 P. M., except,'Saturdlays, when tile bulletin closes at 11:30 A. M. F. E. Robilns. Action of Admninsfrative Board: The Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts has placed on probation for tile second semester, with loss of credit in Eicnomnics 53, Mr. Bernard A. Green and Mr. Milton Weinberger, for inn proper communication during the final examination in that course. W. IL H1ump~lhreys. University Women: All signing-put slips for the month of January must be brought to the office of tl1i Dean of Women immediately. Jean Ilailjtoin, I)enai of 1Womev. s k THE MICHIGAN DAILY l,_ren cli1,55 xvilhe gti v'n a ay,'i'la it iday, at 10I: 00, Room 2071111, instra Idl I' t aI9:00 zaus stated in the annomia(cenrt. F'rech14 17: Tri~~ ewv semi ion of F'rcniic 157 will he MV.F. at 11 :00 llioonu 401 SWV, aiglil Iby Mr. I foothills. A. C~. (C'uanfi& c. m.iee>t oil W"An esday, eb. UlthI, alI. 4 P'. M. in 1boom 17 Angel1 Il all. St udlent s in h.ese (courses wVho are dioing xvwork; other than the field4 study muay at tiled this meting if they desire. K. C. lMc~trr3~. History 116: R1The c la :a will inect, beg inning today in t ooni 401 of the Lib ra ry. 1lygt. f*. (Child Hygiene) : I 'T'hiis class willIneet in IBoon) 855 :NatI.. Sri. AM . at. 1I'. NJ. lyg'.:5, (Fulilkiclealhn Nursiog) Tis (lass wvill meet in I bon855 Nat. Sci. Ml.W.F. at 2 1'. AM. lBarb~ara II. Barltaet. BIaal ewtaa i(.s 1(lo-ah and 1711: Math ennatt s 105~a and 170 wvillmu eet today (Wednesnday) at 5:00 to a r- range~ hours. Tieomlore It ilnimninug, M:00cnianfrs 2013. Part h ial O fer'eaint adl Eqafons of Ph~ysics : Meet' 11 ilvib he d 4in R oomn 819 West UEnginaeering B u ilding, today at 4:15, P. I\-. to arrange hours. l..Icllatoln. 31Mi 4IaficJs 210- hlaii'uionrc Ailtalsix : (lass will meet at 5 :00 F. Al. Thu rmday,. Vebrua iy 12, ini Room 20, 1>i Ihall, to arrange-hours. L. J. Rouse. r T'li/ tilies of mny courses, are as follows: lifl]. 40 Acsthe~cs M.WV. at, 2 205 Mason 1Uall Phil. 105 Aristotle M .W. at: 3 40(6 Library, Phil. 152 (41) Political Philosophy T.Thn. at. 2 20)5 Mason Ihall I'J1101. 173 Aesthetics Seminmar : I xVill meet studlents (to arrange an hour ) at 8 onl Thursday next in 106 Mason Hall. Consultate n : Tues, at 3, 1 06 M. IT.. E. F.C aritt. ]p"1d tI('i that. all the members be present., as all the re-maiting ava ilamble j inne until presentation wvil1lhe needed. F,~ alernitih's, Sororitie's aund Orgaunizat ions: All copy for I le 1925 'Ensian imust be turned in to the 'Ensian othee on the prov'idedl blanks lbefore' 5:00 o'clock 'Wednesday, February 11. William I)lener, Organ izatlion Edit or. Ii'«Wig. lj4 Organ iRecital: On account of Mr.. Christ ian's ab~sence in New York where he has been invited to play a conce'rto) with tile New York Philharmonic Orchestra Wed nesday evening, the recital for Wednesday afternoon has been postponed. The New York concert wili he broadcast from the following stations at. S:39 Eaa >i- I 'F 'NSIA N ('0I'Y F'raterni ties, sororitie's, anmini oi'ganizat ions ha vinzg space in lbhe j 1925 'Emsiaga must have all t heir copy imnlby five o'clock today. MIECZYSLAW MUNZ Celebrated Polish Pianist Beethmovemn ; Ifachanaoff (1t Prebides) ; "ganabati; J)ebuissy; Ravel; ('hop~in. :Normal Concert Course, Ypsilanti, Thursday, Feb. 1 2, 8 p. am. I'ease Audlitorinum -. - - Tickets, $1..51 the 1925 'Ensa before Febru ._.. ,,. ..,, {! .,,...M. ...o,, ... ,..,... ..a..r',fl..n..,,a . ''.....'..S''.S . ' .fl , "'4 .-,K IRI' Oae of the New 1V hishiers eare opening the 1925 This week for your approval The assortment consist of ate wonder.v f'ul collectiioxv of Imported an4d o- nm, stxo Fa brics . Priced Id 1 ! uum uuuA 1 mm ® ®u uuuaaupo m M EN a na w 3SECOND SEMESTER $7"°t $. U m TEXT-BC)OKS A U * 10,000 SECOND-HAND BOOKS THAT *WILL SAVE YOU MONEY '_ 9 UNVR U BOOK STORE ®f TI INKER &)C: OMP.ANY South State Street at William Street II''-- - ___- 1. s'",. "".a ",r"'./ ./," ':'f"./ .I. , ",t*./", . /.r «/1,i '"1.I"«r*.r .l./. ". I". ".re". E". fr'", PddI'.il. 'RrI.e"././ ©.Y, ..I.rr w /" 1: d 1:1:1: ! !d./. ,f~1,f.!.IJ..P1../.il./3P1 * ./YJl./.r./././.f.I ./ ,!1.P .r'.~.f/.s'.~Yd.+".P1.eld./.l./:P. Pf././3^.j:.JJ dd./.~~.P.p1 miVER TnING IN q k ILI ink I Tro - - - -