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March 20, 1925 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-20

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FRIDAY, MARCh 20, 1925


?ACF tiR1~E

r~t mat airuainnnnnn in

Sinclair Smiles At Court.



News From Other Colleges


Elnleati4nal Boards ill
This tounfry
ii .ports on student work by repre- ~
sentatives frOm 12 different churchcs
in Ann Arbor an(l also from the Stu-
dent Christian association, the Young
Women's Christian Association, and
the School of Religion, outlining the
religious program which is being car-
vied out on this campus, were ~iven~
at a banquet held last night at the
Churci of Christ. More than 75 at-
tended this banquet which was an
Ol)Cfl meeting of the Board of Trustees
of the St.udent Christian association.
Last night marked the first occasion
Of its kind at ~.whicli so many organi-
zation~ were represented. Among the
12 student organizations represeilte(l
were the Jewish, Catholic, Christian
Science, Presbyterian, Baptist, Con-
gregational, Methodist, Episcopal,
Church of Christ, Evangelical, Luth- j .........,........v,................~ \~-....
eran and Unitarian .~.
Prof. Louis A. i-hopkins, secretary ~ .s~
of the engineering college, gave a re-
port for the Board of Trustees of the
Student Christian association. The ~ ..~........
Michigan School of Religion was rep-
resented by Prof. Leroy Waterman, of
the Semetics department. 0. D. Fos-
icr, university secretary of the council I ~ ~.
of church boards of education in the I
United States, was the only outside Although millions denend ppon the result of the suit Barry P Sin- I
speaker. lie gave a short talk on the clair smiles "s he entei s the couitroo in in Cheyenne W yo wher the gov-
work of the national organization eminent iS Ii(1( avoring to cancel th ( T( lpo~ borne oil leases h( holds.
which he rel)resents.
'flionia~ .1. Donahue, 25L, spoke for
the Catholic group. In his outline of ~J ~ b~1,,Argd~ T44~L~
the program of the past year carried ~ ~'~' '~-"~ ~ ~
out by the Catholic students, he in-
Over Dissenters In Senate
(:ludC(l a short description of the new
$200,000 student chapel. This was ______________
probably the outstanding achievement I
accomplished by any of the organiza- Crediting the existing breach be- majority which is hostile to the Re-
ticns according to the reports made tween President Calvin Coolidge an(i l)ul)hican administration. It has been
last night. the Senate to the work of the Dem- this small majority that has fins-
I ocrats and the La Follette group, 4 rated the attempts of the President
Prof. Thomas H. Reed, (if the po1itic~il to have his two nominations ratified.
science department, expresse(l the be- insurgents and 1)emocrats
The lief yesterday that the people of this a;e attempting to favor their chances
favorable to in the next Presidential election by
the policy which the President set their actions in opposing Coolidge's
airipus in his inaugural address recent- I nominations, thereby casting reflec-
forth tions on the administration, their ef-
1 "The people of the lJnited States forts will in all Throbability end in
Crecio are strong for Coolidge," said Pro- j failui e. Usually a coalition which at-
fessor Reed, "an(l although he has lost j tempts to annoy the administration
his fight on his issues to place two and incite tha nui)lic against it only
nominees to government positions, he I serves as a reaction to the coalition.
To~day's question: Do you believe will undoubtedly triumnh in the end. Shoultl the coalition of the Democrat
that credit toward a degree should "The coalition of the Democrats an(l La Follette groups continue their
be given for outside acti.vities? and the La Foliette aroup in the Sen- opposition of the President in issues
Wlier~ asked: Campus. ate at the ninesent time gives a slight ef minor importance, the Senate will

Nebraska.-So interesting were the submitted to the editor of the Colgate
results of the recent questionaimre, Maioon. lIe declares the rules to be,
circulated rinong the 5t11(lCntS of the "weak, inconsistant and very un-
College of Law at the University of reasonable. They are more like stunts
Nebraska, that a voiunt~ry census of the fraternities make their freshman
the rest of the institution 01 t lie pro- do than real helps to the yearlings."
I)ortioii of the students who are wholly 11 is advice is to, ''Stick to the moral
I or partijly self supporting will be realm, the moral laws, and (l0Il't worry
taken. f so i-audi about the ceremonials."
Iowa.----Thc~ Cam l)tis IL~dio (flub at Oklahoma.----Saturday classes will
their last meeting of 4 lie quart ei~ di> lirobably not he adopted at the Uni-
(:us:;ed l)lans for the Radio ('ofivention versity of oklahoma, as the resolution
to be held April 17-18, inAmes. Mein- favoring theni was tabled Indefinitely
hers of the cluh operating their sta- at the faculty meeting Tuesdayt
tion, ~iLC, talked with aniateurs in 1
Boise, Idaho, and (Jakhrid, California, ('ormiell According to tile
I figures
last Sat orday night. announced yester(lay from the secre-
~ai,'s oflio~ of Cornell ~Unive.I~3l~y,
Colgate.-- ('on si(iera He discussion ii ud 257 students were dropped from the
criticism of the newly formed, 'Presh- University as a result of scholastic
man Rules," of Colgate University has deficiencies at the end of the first
been aroused by alumni. term. The average number of stu-
13. H. Callahan. Colgate '21, reveals (len 2 dropped from the University
the root of the trouble in an article at the end of tile first term for the
Iivs years froni 1919 to 1924 is 255.
be looked upon as a 'scold' by the
public, with tile natural result that Washington, March 19. - Jacob
the administration will be strength- O1~ould Schurman, now minister to
ened in the estimation of the puh- China, was named today by President
lic." Coolidge as ambassador to Germany.
Ii 0


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$155 and 4

This special 1925 excursion rate, offered to travelers in our
improved third class [Tourist Section 1, New York to South-
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From, "Oh Doctor" to a Baffling
Mystery Drama
Sure to Please



~Fhe answers: Helen Smith, '28. -
"Yes. I certainly think those that
put their time on outside activities 1
should get cre(lit towards a degree.
These activities take time which oth-
erwise would be given to courses for
which they would get cre(lit. If cred-
it were given perhaps n~ore people
V. would take an interest in these activ-
if ies."
II. A. Ott, '27.-"Yes. Due to the
iilsufliciency of the regular curricula
for it does not cover all tile work
that should be given."
Dorothy Truettuer, '28.- "I think
that credit should be given for out-
si(1O activities because so many of
them. suTh as Spanish and French so-
(ICtiCS help (levelop tile mind and pro-
mote a greater interest in that par-
ticular study."
II. 13. Dryer, '25M.-"No. Outside
activities Ilave their own rewards
which are of more value than mere
credit. The giving of ere(lit would
strip the idea of outside activities of
its glamour."
Margaret Lawson, '26.-"Certainly,
I tllink credit should be given towards
a degree for work outside the regular
Survey Records
Show Activities
Cut Down Marks
Students attaining high scholastic
standings participate to a smaller ex-
tent in outside activities than do the
stu(lents with lower marks, an exam-
ination of the records shows.
It was found that 74 percent of the
students who received high grades in
their subjects last semester took no
part in activities of an~r kind. Of thi5
large majority, 32 percent were eitller
wholly or in part self-sulporting.
In the 26 percent group of tilose
who did participate in outside work,
23 percent were entirely self-support-
ing. In~ the majority of the cases
where a student was earning his way
through the University as well as tak-
nig part in outside organizations, his
marks were found to be comparatively I
low. In one represe~atattive group
of 5~ students receiving superior
grades, only 3 were both self-support-
ing and active in Outsi(lC work.
Reports from harvard university
show that 27 out of its 116 students
receiving high grades take part in
activities. Tills makes an average of
23 percent, wilich is 3 percent lower
than timat of Michigan.
1 Caps an(l gowns for the sen-
ior engineers should he ordered
this week at the Moe Sport shop
ndi~v~ fnv the eiines I

"The House of Youth"
Substiiiuuing Act Billiug not receicyd
as we ~() to press
In a t liri~ti'~ ('011wd3
Emmoii~hm Langhus 40 'ILike 1' 1 Ii S~irn Sideways
'filE I)ETR~l'I' Th-~ERS IN AtTION

Betty 06
'~ cuing

"N ow Show jug"

In selecting' ~i vehicle for III iss ('onmpsoi2,
i1(' li1'~RW consitleintion Wi~S to get story
in I a role that would give this 1w li~ hunt
iej~ess ample opportunity to display her
magnetic 1)ersona.l it y au(1 a ri ist ry. "j~flj -
~immuck1e Rouse ' is such a st ry. It has
love interest, intrigue, fast action that leads -
~o a l)oWerfUI ~inax a uud a biwkg'round of
mystery that is baiHim~' in its complexity.
the j)ieture reflects the eraft~,suauamuship of a
mnm~st er (lire(t4mr.
Presentluig Out I urst '~tdge Attraction






Wuerth Ypsilanti
- w w w rq - n - 4 - - - - - U

ML ~ntirc ccnritr'.
talking abc ~t ifiK m.~
v.~!ous new motion pn&i i'.r~.

r9~\jp~ SHBARER

L~.E. ~ .h.. I a.-~' 4. .~. V ~ .LL.J

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