DEDICATED TO JUSTICE Itp ~Iaiiw MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 127 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS VARSITY DEBATERS Meet Badger Debaters Here TAPPINGACKR FROM TRIP TO 00COSOFR COAST CITIES (g | FACE BATTLE FORiCAT IIE PROMPT RELIEF TO Having addressed more than 1,500 graduates (1 tl'e University in 32 cities, T. Hawley Tapping, 'lL, field __- 1tiICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, AND ~ secretary of the Alumni association, LLOBI), FIRE, AND) TORNA)O- ILLINOIS TO CLASH returned from a two and a half STRICKEN DISTRICTS IN CONTIEST12 months trip to the western coast yes- PROFfRE AID teiday morning. In addition, thou- ARGUE CHILD LABOR sands of high school students in th ALREADY IN ACTION various cities were addressed by the Afirmative Team to Meet Wisconsin secretary in his 11,733 mile journey. (Coolidge Cables Sympathy To Japan; Here; Negative 11111Leaving Ann Arbor on Jan. 5, Mr. Desire to Assist Ini Oppose llli oIs Tapping went through Chicago to Des Tokio Expressed III Moines and then to the Pacific. Going Michigan's Varsity debating teams dwn the coast, he returned east as Washington, Mar. 19. (By A. P.)- far as Memphis and Birmingham and will engage representatives from Illi- from erehto Ann rborgba ay National headquarters of the Amen- nois and Wisconsin in the tenth an- of Chicago, the entire trip lasting72 can Red Cross, with its chief, Presi- nual Mid-West debate, the Michigan g affirmative team debating the Wiscon- H. 1. Wahrenbrock, '27L It. B. Fulton, '2 F. P. Weaver, 26 days. dent Coolidge, taking the initiative, sin negative team at 8:00 o'clock to- Nine new clubs were organized du- set in motion today its entire machin- nightn ill auditorium and the Michigan representatives who will engage the negative Wisconsin team ing the journey, the primary purpose ery of mercy to take material relief Michigan negative team meeting the on the question of Child Labor in ill auditorium tonight. G. E. Densmore, of which was only to visit graduates to the thousands of injured and home- afrmative Illionis team at Urbana. coach of the debating team, is in charge. of Michigan who had already organ- less in the tornado-wrecked section of All three schools, represented by a ized into clubs. Alumni secretaries of the Middle West. At the same time, negative and affirmative team are de- other universities on the route were it sent offers of aid to thousands of' at ethe question, "Resolved, that1of Nebraska universit Co o uferers, including the fa thJrpsdCidLbrAedetU II0II I lIaI R ull U iE LUB, UIN RSIIU i ls Nbak nvriy ooa away victims of fire at Tokio and of to the National Constitution should be do university, California university, flood at Trujillo, Peru. AdpdyhU States."uldTheUniversity of Texas,yUniversity of James Lewis Sieser, vice-chairman Illinois affirmative team is debatingversity charge of domestic operations The consingticaaMadi- Two district meetings were addres- sand of Red Cross relief work in the son. sed by the alumni secretary on his Those composing the Michigan af- irls Offer "Vstles Ii Spain"~ In Orchestra to Provide Novelty Music e hat of tornado area, with Henry M. Baker, firmative team, which debates tonight Three 3Fore Perforntanes With Regular Program Seattly and the senth s at national director of disasterreief, in Hill auditorium, are: Radcliff 1. Ati Whitney Next 'hlrsday 1 City.t thelatteeeting a s in immediate charge of operations. Fulton, '26, Frank P. Weaver, '26, and--- Henry M. Bates of the Law school also Mr. Baker, who had been directing H. F. Wahrenbrock, '27L. They will CHORUSES ARE POPULAR QUA RTETTE TO APPEAR spoke. relief operations in the mine disaster be opposed by the Wisconsin negative + Preston M. Troy, '93L, of Olymphia, at Sullivan, Ind., gave his attention team including Miss North, George .din the new tasK primarily in southern Fiedler, and Robert Sher. The team Giving two performances tomorrow Novelty music and dance selections Wash., was named head of the eighth- Indiana, where preliminrary reports arrived yesterday accompanied by and one tonight "Castles in Spain" will be presented by a special orches- west, while M. B. Flesher, 'O1L, of received at headquarters indicate the Prof. J. M. O'Neil of Wisconsin. the Junior Girls play of the class of tra at the Glee Club concert to be Tulsa, Okla., was chosen by the del- I greatest damage was done. Relief The negative team which left forsi held next Thursday night, March 26' operations, meanwhile, were continued Urbana yesterday was composed of 1926will conclude its run of si Hill auditorium, in addition to the egatesof the eighseventh district. Officers:at the scene of the Fairmont, W. Va., ofrthaeighhedisrictarewasfollos:pmieedisster N. C. Bowersox, '27, James J. Dunn, presentations at the Whitney theatre. regular program offered by the club. Cleveland R. Wright, '12L, of San e disaster. '25, and E. It. Gomberg, '27. Prof. L. The audiences which have witnessed The Glee Club Quartette will also ap- Francisco, president; Frederick Do - M. Eich, who has assisted G. E. Dens- the three performances given so far pear for at least two numbers; all Neff, '06L, of Portland, vice president; Washington, Mar. 19. (By A. P.)- more in coaching the two teams, made have been remarkably enthusiasticthese features have been adopted in Judge William A. Spill, 'L, of Pasa- Secretary Kellogg made public today the trip with the debaters. in their reception of the various num- order to lend color and variety to the dena William A S . J of allgrade sult toay recptin o te vrios nm-. dn, secretary; and M. J. Robinson, the text of cablegrams sent to Am- Mr. Luman W. Goodenough, a program, according to I). N. Reid, 26,04Lbassdor Bancroft, at Tokio, instruct- prominent lawyer in Detroit, will r~e- hers. Among the most popular are president of this organization. In addition to speaking before the ing him to express the sympathy of side over the debate in Hill auditor- the "Phi Upon Dates" chorus in the An attempt is now being made by Michigan graduates on campus and President Coolidge to the Japanese em- u. Prof. H. L. Ewbank, of Albion first act and Love Only Lives For Mr. Theodore Harrison of the Music University activities, th association's peror because of the fire disaster college, is official judge of the debate. School, director of the club, together films of Ann Arbor life now and in the there, and to ascertain whether re- Today" which is the outstanding song ithCr fhoacilr 2 R mfAnAbrlfenwadI h Under the rulings of the Mid-West with Carl Schoonamcher, 25 ,Reid' past were shown by Mr. Tapping. lief from this country was needed for league speakers will be allowed 12 numnbe of the piece and is sung by and other members of the club, to ar- _the victims. minutes for their constructive speech- the cast in the second act. range a program somewhat different "The Associated press reports major es and five minutes for a rebuttal - The play was written by a committee from the ordinary; but as in yearsI W ill Distribute conflagration in Tokio," the message Michigan debaters won both de- composed of Ruth Carson, chairman, before the club will sing several Mich- s j said. "You may express to the foreign cisions in the Mid-West debate last Helen Ratimsay, and Lucy Wilson and gan songs. Another cartain number'Gl *,'. Samp eS Ioffice the profound sympathy of this year, defeating Illinois at Hill audI- has been directed by Amy Loomis, '22. on the program is "The Cossack," one n ArCade 7'dr government that this misfortune has torium and Wisconsin at Madison The ;The plt concerns itself with a party of the songs which enabled the club fallen upon a city which was already subject of last year's triangular meet- of Michigan students and professors to place second in the intercollegiate - struggling so gallantly against pre- ing between the three schools was the ;end their adventures dluring a trip to Glee Club contest held recently in Chi- I Go-Co, the incomparable hair pre- vious adversities. You may further question, "Resolved, that the Drainage I Spain in search of a treasure with (ago. The other songs which were make plain our hope that the Japan- Project of the Chicago Sanitary cor- which to build the Wonmans League usel in this contest will probably not iparation, is causing considerable an- mae aior he a hesJtan ; ese authorities will have no hesitation mission should be Permanently Guar- building. The Spanish coloring of the be presented at the concert, unless ticipation throughout th campus. in calling upon us, if there is any as- anteed." - - - --- - -- Mr. Harrison, who directs the club, The 7,700 samples of this liquid which sistance we can lend. Present the There will be no admission o-borge A r vEew of a::( night's per- decides to allow the twenty-five mem- will be distributed to the students to- sympathy of the President to the em- at tonight's debate and itis urged I rvis of laste ni pie" s picked for the Chicago trip to day will make possible an all-combed , thttiht'sudne bat se ait is ured formuance of "Castles in Spain" I ing, alone; the other half of the club Friday. prr n i oenet seti that the audience e seated fore i be fond in the uic and and report at once the extent of fire 8:00 o'clock in order to begin the de- wf iihas never learned these songs. The The most unruly of hair will have loss and need of relief. American bate promptly. I Dranma column. remainder of the program has not no excuse for retaining its. barbaric Red Cross instructed to give every been definitely selected as yet. appearance. Anyone visiting the boothe,,. Even though the concert will be in the Arcade building at any time desired assistance." Ta b gyIa more informal than in former years, from 1 until 5 o'clock today is assured ing and cotuims l has proved in- the club will wear full dress during of the most obedient and submissive usually popular with audiences thue every number as before. Mr. Ha-;hair by the Normany Products comp- AIFORNIA TO HW E s1ragesnwill deirwhet club fro thi ny o f LosAngeles, Cal., manufactur- IN RECORDTPERIOD fhe coslumes are considered quite stage, while Dwight Steere, '26, will ers of G--Co. unusual by those who have seen the play the aimet.Bsof hdl., in tCOLAN-I .-_._ ." ... 'c rr he pay heaccompniment. JBeides the distribution in the Ar-HIHS OL. NAl REPORT NO LOSS OF LIFE AFTER FLORIDA BLAZE Palm Beach, March 19.-(By A. P.) -A check today of guests listed at the Breaker hotel and the Palm Beach hotel, destroyed by fire last night, al- though still incomplete, showed no loss of life in either hotel. The early estimate of $4,000,000 was declared too low by Fire Chief Schultz today, when he gave as his opinion that the total loss, including thousands of dollars of jewelry, will reach $7,000,000. Although the Palm Beach postmaster continued to deny rumors that the post office was robbed of $20,000 dur- ing the fire, authorities were said to be searching for clues that would sug- gest existence of a plot by which thieves might have started the fire, that the harvest in loot might have been looted from wealthy guests. More than a score of prisoners are held by Palm Beach police on charges of loot- ing after the fire. UNION AMEN MENTI Change Relates To Nomination Candidates For Student Offices Ofj Washington, March 19.-(By A. P.)-production. Many of them were made Waflinton Mach 9.-(ByA. .)-specially for "Castles in Eipain" by l Nineteen treaties were ratified by the Christy & Co. of New York. This is Senate between December 12 and the Christ & Co. of Ths s 8ine die adjournment yesterday, es- theist te that anyr ofr a s eas- tablishing a record, it was declaredcostu er by a Junior irls' pla. today by Chairman foah of the for- The spanish shawls which are worn eign relations committee. . ,in Ih second act ca used imiuch coum- Since Mr. Borah assumed the chair- m oent on the part of the ,udiences.a manship after the death of SenatorTeewr losppidb hit, Lodge, eighteen treaties were reported Theme were also suppliedby p hri.sty,y favorable and ratified by the Senate. jwho u pn11 b themfromu pan Te 11 raii I ewact(Ihae LiCrt'been The committee calender was clear ex- 1 a r cept for the Lausanne treaty, which I uTeAine any sipoducitionsbefore. T rhe re are tl a few tickets for the went over until the next session. The Isle of Pines treaty, which also re- ie R o immth b s5 s manaer ceived favorable action by the Senate, w'3unic Re s, the bhsiness ix aer, was reported under the chairmanship E hiteey saeat the brice of h of Senator Lodge. the Whitney tat. re. The piie or'othe of Seator odge seats are: $2.50 for the ent ire orc hec_- Tickets priced at fifty cents have been on sale at the book stores for soie days, while beginning this morn- ing, tickets may also be purchased at Uhe Union desk and at the U4niversity Music House. All members of the Freshman and -Varsity Glee Clubs are supplied with tickets; there will be no box office sale until one hour be- fore the beginning of the concert. No! seats will be reserved., OFER3 MONTH COURSES FDUSRUFUE cade building booth, samples will be I sent to the Law club and to fraterni- San Francisco, Cal., Mar. 19.--Estab- ties. Tr e Daily offices, also, will re- sanfai h ,cl w.t-Ea -' serve a supply of Glo-Co for those lishment of a high school with a com- who are unable to obtain it at any of plete four-year course leading to a the above- edpdiploma, and accredited to the Univer- -h- - sity of California, is contemplated at! . . San Quentin, California state peni-1 Univer~sity Bill tentiary, according to plans approvedy by the state prison board. L e f t Intact By It is intended to maintain the same curriculum and scholastic standards Dous c'jamommiteeof outside high schools, and complete equipment is to be furnished by the Lansing, Mich., Mar. 19. (By A. P.) state. The entire school is to be President-Emeritus Harry B. Hut- !managed by the convicts themselves, though some supervision will of course chins and Shirley Smith, secretary be maintained. of the University, met with the house '_ _ CALL MEETING MAR. 25 c i As a result of petitions received by t ifficials of the Union, requesting at change in the constitution of the or- anization, a meeting of all Union nembers of the campus will be called w ext Wednesday, March 25, for the h urpose of voting on a proposed t Lmendment. The change in the con- titution which is proposed relates to k he method of nominating men to run or student offices in the organization. f The petitions, started by Druids,j r enior literary honorary society, re- I d uest a change to the effect that any g nan, to become a nominee for an >ffice in the Union, must have the p anction of the board of directors. b Che object of the amendment as stated i y the petition, is to eliminate politics l n the Union elections and to make it s ossible for only men who have done some work for the Union to run for Ln office.v In order that an amendment may n e made to the constitution, a quorum e If Union members must vote upon the p hange, which means that a meeting 12 f at least 600 men will be necessary. j n [f two thirds of the number of men s oting on the amendment cast their c allots in favor, the amendment will a >ecome a part of the constitution. p At present, candidates for offices are 1i elected by a nominating committee p ppointed by the president, and other h andidates may run if they secure a4v detition of 200 names. The new clausev would not eliminate anyone whof wished to run on a petition, but it would make his candidacy subject toe the approval of the board of directors.0 [he new clause would also make the0 names chosen by the nominating com- E mittee subject to the approval of the E board of directors. The board of directors of the Uniont onsists of the president, recordingI ecretary, five vice-presidents who area elected from each school in the Uni- versity at the annual elections, three members of the faculty, five alumni members of the Union, and the finan- cial secretary. The meeting will be held in the mainI assembly hall on the second floor of the Union at 7 :15 o'clock, Wednesday,.I March 25.- RECOVR FOUR BODIES I Fairmont, W.Va., Mar. 19. (By A. P.). -Four bodies, those of three. negroes and a white man found late today in mine number 41 of the Bethlehem Mine corporation, were brought to the surface tonight. They were the first to be found following a terrific ex- plosion at the property Tuesday night, which entombed 34. Noted Engineer To Speak Today R. D. Parker, engineer for the American Telephone and Telegraph company at New York city, will lecture on the "Transmission of Pic- tures by Wire" at 4:15 o'clock today iti the Natural Science auditorium. The lecture will be illustrated by slides. iMr. Parker graduated from the College of Engineering in 1905 and was a member of the faculty of the University until 1913. That he has perfected the transmission of pic- T ORND REPORTS INDICTE HIGHEST TOLL EVER KNOWIN ATASTROPHE TAKES LIVES OF 848; TOTAL INJURED IS 2,909 FIRE ADDS TERROR Vhole Towns and Hamlets Obliter- ated; Help Arrives from Outside; Relief Organized Chicago, March 19.-(By A. P.)- fter the light of a full day had cast s searching rays into the debris left y Wednesday's tornado and relief ork had been organized to gather the lead, heal the hurt, and aid the home- ess, the toll of destruction to life and roperty tonight still remaibs the reatest ever recorded in similar atastrophes with 848 reported killed nd 2,909 injured in the five states af- ected. While the casualty list had been re- luced from first estimates in some nstances, word came from hitherto inreported places to keep the total asualties almost as high as indicated n first messages from the devasted owns and hamlets. After a night of error, dawn revealed that some small owns had been virtually obliterated while whole blocks of larger places ad been leveled and fire had added o the horrors of the wind. The fire for the most parts were ept from buildings that escaped the ury of the twister. Outside help ar- ived from many places during the ay and by noon relief was well or- anized. Where there had been happiness, rosperity and future, the tornado lasted all in a few cities. To others t showed fiendish eccentricity by eveling and blackening portions while paring the rest. Nearly half of Princeton, Indiana, was smitten. A sister city, Griffin was irtually carried awa, De -Soto, Ili- ots, with 500 people lost its exist- nce. A neighbor, Gorham, of 3,000 opulation, was wiped out. Murphys- oro, Illinois, lost nearly three square piles of its business and residential ection. Darkness still hampered res- ue workers tonight in a few towns nd lighting systems have not been re- paired. Autolights, candles, and flash- ights are - substituting for power plants. Pullman cars have arrived to house refugees in one or two sectors; villages of tents are being used else- where. Those in charge speak inmmilions when asked to estimate material loss- es. The brief dispatches read, "$100,- 000 in southwestern Kentucky; "$2,- D00,000 at Princeton; "$6,000,000 in southern Illinois"; $100,000 in Mis- sou'ri." The tornado took its toll over a territory of 300 miles in 5 hours and within the same period of time out- side aid was covering that distance to carry help and comfort to survivors. The Red Cross rushed supplies from St. leouis. Chicago offered $500,000, ThP Illinois legislature appropriated a like amount, the Missouri legisla- ture $25,000 and the southern Illinois American Legion $6,000. Other con- tributions are expected to reach $100,- 000. From the Associated Press casual- ty list tonight it appears that more than 100 children and infants were victims. Every available dwelling was a morguo in the zone of visita- tion. Serious operations are perform- ed virtually outdoors. Columns of persons three and four deep several blocks long still waited in the dark- ness tonight to claim their kin and friends. Apparently rising in the Missouri hills, the tornado jumped and zigzag- ged. Its path was about a mile wide in some localities; in others it could be measured by feet. So tremendous was the force of wind that in Murphysboro eleven lo- comotives were reported wrecked, six of them of the heavy type. Heavy ob- jects were found several miles from their original position, and papers were carried 50 miles. Geneva, Mar. 19.-Ernest Bicknell, of Chicago, haas accepted membership in the preparatory commission ap- pointed by the League of Nations to study the international project to af- ford relief to peoples stricken bly calamities, such as the Japanese earthquake. He is vice-president of the American Red Cross. 4 4 Edmonson To Talk To Chicago Clubd Prof. J. B. Edmonson, University inspector of state high schools, will speak Tuesday evening before the Judd club of Chicago. This group in- cludes principals of the larger high' schools in and about Chicago. Pro- fessor Edmonson will discuss thef question, of "Administrative Policiest and Pupils' Failures." Paris, Mar. 19.-Two policemen looked on without suspicion as a man carried off the 300-pound bronze dol- phin from the fountain ornamenting the Place de la Republique. Theyl thought he was a workman carrying' it off for repairs. tra; $2.00 for the first 4 rows of the Non-commissioned officers in the * University conmmittee oday to is- Need For Senior balcony. The gallery williniot be open National Guard who desire to qualify cuss the request for buildings and im-dr durin; any of the performances. for commissions in the Officers Re- p mtU syn I S gegs d I --- ---serve corps may do so by enrolling in p IlLLTMNU W NS athree months' course given one night hagsin the moasure, which calls AtClss Smoker AL UM NUS WINS i a theekmnh'cus ie oengt tC a s m k r a4el t the Armory. for $3,192,700, were suggested, and it HIGHEST MARK Capt. Ion. C. Holm, IT. S. Cavalry, will probably re beported on soon - ON S ATErEST in charge of this work, states that --a Prof. A. S. Afton, of the history de-a ON S A TE -T STEammyone on the campus who has had S tr Entineersepartent, was the principas speaker the requisite training may enro:'.1 at the senior literary cass smoker imaking application at the Armory. Order ichwas held from 7:30 to 9:00 Samuel ). lrter, '211E, has receiv- Eight applications have been sent in o'clock last night in the Union. Pro- ed the highest gra ever mvn t Men who by virtue of their fessor Aiton stressed in his address the examinations by the stafte board to ds!ten M e hob ired fteirI Approximately one-third of the sen- the urgent need of a more complete r f rgistra t;.C a3n£'nr8. earning!pombana er iedmay r ake the or engineering class have ordered organization of the senior class as a grade of , j Cr cent on his rertific- -icombantntgrie may takeou their senior invitations and announce- a means of dealing with the problem ie which tvwm -turned to him last mnents. The committee will continue , of disciplinging the under classes in SInug, accoring to Captain lolm. to take orders today, Monday and essential matters. He recommended Pote Captain 1-lom's offce as executive l While in the University, Porter oficer of organize reserve units in ITuesday, after which no orders can some form of a senior building, a studied civil engineering, and at pre- the southeastern section of Michigan be placed. Before any order for an- place where only members of thatl sent is holding the office of assistantj has been moved to more commodious nouncements or invitations can be class might go, as a probable solution1 engineer in Grand Rapids, having ( quarters on the second floor of the placed it is necessary that the mem- of the difficulty of getting the class gone to that city a year ago to aid in Armory. In te new location one hers of the class pay their class dues. together. The gathering was further gone tothat ciy a yea agoheoaAnnouncementIn and eInvitationsn the completion of its $5,000,000 sew- unit of a library on military topics has Announcement and Invitaions addressed bynRichard L. Lawrence, ag ips poet lraybe u nue committee has made arrangements so class president, and Alfred B. Con- gedssarj_._raytnse Ithat the class dues can be paid at the nable, '25L, president of the Student same time the announcements are or- Council. Reed W ill Assist ;,Summer Session dered. Music for the occasion was furnished l by Ted Rhoades' orchestra. H.. A. Charter Revision Posters Issued1London. Mar. 19.-Severe earth ,Visal and S. B. Lewy '26 entertained tremors were felt along the northern with an exhibition of clog dancing. Re- i I 'r i i i . , I , . ., .; OurVe'sther an kit// i