PAGE E1911' THE MICHIGAN DAILY THUITRSDAY, MARCH 19, 1925 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN' Publication in the Balletin is construc~tive notice tou all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to tho Pesident until 3:30 ,p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdai Volume b THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1925 Nimiir 1*26 Memibers of the Admnliistrative Board, College of Literature, Science and the Arts: There will be a meeting of the Administrative Board on Thursday, March 19, at 4 o'clock, in Dean Effinger's office. 11. It. IHumnphreyvs. The University Hlealthi Service: All students who have paid the regular fees have the privilege of utiliz- ing the facilities offered by the University Health Service, an organizatior operated under University Administration for the purpose of creating and maintaining norma~l student health. The facilities offered include: DISPENSARY (First floor, Hours 8-12 A. M., daily except Sunday, 1-5 P. M., except Saturday and Sunday.) 1. Consultation, advice and treatment of illness. 2. Co-operation with specialists at the University Hospital, to whom certain cases are referred. 3. Complete physical examination at any time, to dieterinine general status of health. 4. Operation on nose and tonsils (performed by member o1f staff of University Hospital), for which a charge of $10 is made. 5.' Major operations for emergency cases only, (performed at the Uni- versity Hospital), for which no charge is made. 6. X-Ray service, providing means for diagnosis of dental conditions, fractures, lung disease, etc. 7. Eye refractions, with minimum charge for lenses and frames. 8 A Pharmacy, were prescriptions are filled for students without charge 9. Laboratory with technician. 10. Special apparatus for giving therino and photo-therapy. INFIRMARY (Second floor. Open to receive students at all hours. Vis- iting hours from 2-4 P. M. and 7-8 P. M. Daily.) The health Service maintains a corps of nurses, physicians and neces- sary equipment to provide bed care for 25 patients. Additional cases are transferred to the University Hospital. No charge is made for this service. OUTSIDE ROOM-CALLS:- Any' student wishing a IHealth Service Doctor to make a call at his or her room, may leave request for same with the clerk at the DISPEN- SARY,' (Tel. University 186-M), during day hours, and with the nurse at the INFIRMARY (Tel. University 186-M), during other hours. A schedule is maintained for having a doctor on room call fluty at all hlours. A mnin- imum charge is made for all room-calls. Expenses for major-operations of non-emergency cases must b~e paidi by the student. The Health Service will not be financially responsible for any expense at the HOSPITALS, involved in supplying anything to ambula- tory (out) patients, nor to any student who enters the Hospitals without making satisfactory arrangements regarding such expense, previously through the health service office. Students are urged to report at the Health Service regarding any ill- ness, accidents or contagious disease, etc., as soon as possible, in order that prompt treatment may prevent further complication. Emory W. Sinik, M. D). Notice to Students of Engineering: The Committee on Hours will permit no course to be droppedI without record after the 6th week of school, or March 21st. 0. W. Bostoni, for Committee oni Hours. Notice to all Memibers of the University: Mail addressed as follows: "care of the University of Michigan" has been .delivered to the office of the Secretary, ROOM 3, University Hall. It will be held until March 25, and should be called for at once, giving (late of this publication, 1. e. March 19. This list will not be reprinted. MAIL SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO STREET AND NUMBER. Nelson F. Adams Virginia Henry Miolt George W. Ashworth D. C. Kazarinoff Vern Kinietz J"(loser Forest Utilization, One of the Three Props of a Sound Forest Policy," at 7:30() 1l1.M., Frid(ay, Marci 20, in Natural Science Auditorium. Illustrated with moving pictures. Three lectures are open to the public. The two that are illustrated with moving pictures are noin-technic'al and1 of gener~ial interest. L. J. Younig. Alpha Omeg t Alpha Lecture: P r. Wade 11. B rown,, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, d New York City, will lecture oin "Chemnothernaply and the Treatment (if Syphi- lis" at 8 o'clock, 'Thursda y evening, March 1 91h, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The lecture will be illustrated with lantern slides. Seats will be reserved for nmembiers of the Washtenawv County andl Jackson County Medical Soc'ieties and for the medical and dlental faculties. The lecture will be of especial interest to medical and dental students. cheniists, andl pre- med~ical studenits. All others interested are also invited. No admission ticket will be required. lWalteriiM.Simipson, President. n______ _ dElectrical Ln~imcecrs : M~r. R1.1). Parker. of the A. T. k- T., will give an illustra tedi lecture on "The Tranusmission of Pictures byWire'' under the auspices (if the A. 1. E. E. in 5the Natural Science Auditorium Friday afternoon, March 20 at 4:15. This lecture is open to the pulhic. J. B. ,Johnson, Cilaw. Pub. Cont. uStudenit LViai I'Funds : The March meeting of the University. Committee on Student Loans will 'I be held the first part of next week. Students desiring to have their appli- cations for loans acted upon at this time should apply at Room 2, University THall 1c, blanks on or before noon, Friday, March 20th. J. A. Ilursley-, Vhairmmaii Unilversity C'onmmittee on Student Loans. hlistory 92: This week the three discussion sections will all meet on Friday at 10 oi'clock in Rom 1035, Angell Hall. IV. A. hfrayer. ; 3()-Christ ian Science society me( in Lane hall. f7 :30--1Professor G oodr'ich speaks "Ford vs.4 the Mining Industry, room 304, Union. 730-A eronaiutica I societynmeet s room 306, Union. S:O-Dr. IV. Brown hecltures et W1 ard Leaves For Imorrow, and Saturday. Dean Ward Is pr esidenit of the association, and will ont IJ Dental M eetinjg address tihe meeting todlay on the in _____subject of reorganiz~ation of the dental x curriculum. Other faculty members in DenMru .WrIftedna are scheduled to participate in dis- college left yesterday for Chicago with I ussions. OR! other members of tile dental faculty "Chemotherapy" in N3atur al Science to attenld thle second annual meeting Ij. auditor ium, _ of the American Association of Dental iRead( the Want, Ads FRIDAYt 10:00-Am'tlivmti' oeliler speaks on' "Impriovemienlts ill Air Seasoning as a, Rlesult of Research" in room Z- 213, Natural Science building. 41:15-hR. I). Parker speaks on "Tile Transmission of Pictures by Wire" i in Natural Science auditorium. 7 :30- Wesleyan guild pairty at Wes. Iey hail. S :00-Arthur Koehler speaks on' "Closer Forest Utilization" in Nat- ural Science aud~itorium.Ik Read the Want AdsI ,Schools which will lie held todiay. to- BANNERS - PENNA NTS0 For Michigan's rooms. They'll look well in yours. 1111 South University Ave. Phone 11(10-11 I ,!. -- - 11 r 0 WANTED!. i I Polit ical Scectee1292, Journal (Club: 't'he regular meeting of the Journal Club will bc held at 38 406 General Library. J. St uet Ch'Jristilan A ssociailion : Cabinet meeting at Lane h all today from 5 to G. Entire then attend illeeting' of Board of Trustee's at which supper will1 Chcarles S. Higley, today, Room S.Reeves. Cabinet will lie served1. Secretary. Discarded Suits, Overcoats, and Shoes, Highest cash price paid. Telephone 2601 120 Fourth Ave. Chocolate Creme Nut 'Fudge (Made by Stears of Detroit) THE FINEST FUDGE MADE Mlounud Table ('1111) Mllin hg: r ofessor Goodrich o1f the Economics department will speak at tile Round Table Clubi meeting tonight in Room 304 of the iMichigan Union at 7:30. His topic will be "Ford Vs. The Mining Industry." Men aiid women visitors are cordlially invited. Douglas W. Clep hne. Ann Arbor' Art Associationt: Last day (if exhiblits of etchings and acquatints by French artists- Thursday, March 19, 1 :30 toi 5:00JOIP. Mx. in West Gallery (if Memorial Hall. Warrenl 1'. Lomubatrd, Presidenit. Aerouia t mal Societe: T]here 'will lie an important. business meeting of the Aero Society in Room. 306 Mich. Union, at 7:30 P. Mx. Thursday, March 19 All members are urged to be present. Rlph R. Graichen. Per Lb., 75c 1/L2 Lb., 44c Betsy Ross Shop Fountain Room Beautiful C. I. BROWN Probable Envoy w -S. WHAT'S GOING ON Notices to appear in this column must be left in the boxc at the Daily office p~rovided for g~nat purpose before 4 o'clock preceeding the day of issue. TH'UR'SDAY e U U e ® Bargains in Ernest W. Binkley Mortimer Bisholi Vernon Butler Amelia McGuire Brickcer Mr. Chisholm Douglas Clephane A. B. Crosier John Dzwonchik Norman Gilmore Joseph Graves Claud Gwinn Grace E. Manson Michigan Alpha of Sigma, Phi Epsilon Thlomlas Ming-Bung Chao TI. A. Simmons L. T. Summers Leonard L. Watkins Sabina Waterfield Irene Watkins Walter Wickson Ludenia Willians S. 11 . Stutih Secretary. l(¢ :00-Ai'rthur Koehiler speaks on "Opportunity for Research in For- cst Products" in roiom Z-213, Natur- Ial Science building. 1..30-v""00-Ann iArbor Art association, ixibit in tile West Gallery, Aluni .~.......Memorial hall. I :00-Jourmual club imeets in room 406, Library. < . ::::::::?>::: 1:15-Arthur K~oehler speaks on "Tlie Work of the Forest Products Lab- Ioratoiry" in Natural Science audi- torium. 1 4 :00-F'reslrnuan woJmenIItryout ini Bar.' hiour~ gymnasium for dancing for Lthe Freshman Pageant. r 4 :09-Administrative board of literary Icollege meets in Dean Effinger's of- - -IS:00-Rchueai'sal of Congregational George L. Freeck, Lawrence, Kan.,! choir at the chlurchl. banker, is expiected toi be named Unit- 1 0- t-S C.- A. cabinet meets at ed State mii ster to P aragua y. Lane hall. ____________1_ (;:o0-Alpha Onmega Alpha. holds ban. I duet at the Union. j 17-00 e- Vimbile speaking astiembhy for' Read the W ant Adsi engineers in roomI 348, West Engi-r nicering building. ,e w Uw U 3 WAHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOK ST'ORE MICHIGAN STATIONERY U U U U U 5 U U U U U ................E.. . .u U a*UEUEUEE i I - W.-.& The English Grille and Blue Room Feature a $1.25 Luncheonx: 'zhe .hew. " ~1 .. am '4 Combined Curricuha :' Application for admission to the Combiined Curricula (Medicine, i Law, Business Administration, Dentistry, and Nursing) arue now lie ing received in the Registrar's Office. Inasmuch as the final (late, April 20, falls in va- cation this year, it is important that all applications lie handed iin, on thle official blanks, before the students leave for their vacations, April 10. Lilli1an A. HIughes, Assistant, Itegist rair. Forestry Lectures: Mr. Arthur Koehler, in charge of Office of Wood Technology of the 1U. S. Forest Products Laboratory at Madison, Wisconsin, will deliver the follOW- ing lectures:- "Opportunities for Research in Forest Products," at 10:00 A. M., Thurs- dlay, March 10, in Room F213, Natural Science. "The work of the Forest Products Laboratory," at 4:15 P'. M., Thursday, March 19, in Natural Science Auditorium. Illustrated withl moving pictu res. "Improvements- in Ai' Seasoning as a Result, of Research," at 10 :00f A. M., Friday. March 20. in Room F213, Natural Science. : N l#!#l11t1!##! !I#ll!#i11- I SCOPPER, SILVER, =j NICKEL PLAN iNG done in our shop a Razors Ground and Honed.. Safety Razorj Blades Sharpened ~ w HOSPITAL SUPPLY CO. 216 E. Washington STelephone 2964-M i st~ litiiitifilildlll lililIlillli9 "KEP SMILING" Just as long as we do your cleaning and pressing you will have a smile on your face.' Quick Service Good Work - w~dI = ~"A Iliehe Drugstor'e heaulifil" I A ttention, Laws= 40 Boxies of (Whiting & Cook) 1 Law Club I Rotogravure Stationery at a $~1.37 the box- Arc'ade Pharmfacy t "PETTY" \. No ICtIIELS 'AJRCADE '1lO1E103J,= . 'I., k4 1- Y 3 t SESERVED for men at the noon hour, the - English Grille combines the free and easy -atmosphere of a club with the hospitable spirit of an old English Inn. "4.- I ;t °' Here and in the charming Blue Room, a special 11.25 luncheon is served from 12 to 3 p. m. daily (except Sun- day) . Dinner De Luxe served nightly in both English Grille and Blue Room from 6 to 8:30 p. m. Price, '2.00 Dinner Dance in Blue Room every evening, except Sunday from 7:00 p. m. to 1:00 a.m. Music by Book-Cadillac Dance Orchestra 'r. HOTEL COMPANY ROY CARRUTHERS, President 1200 ROOMS $4.00 AND UP. 475 ROOMS AT MINIMUM RATE AND $5.0 dc "' d t'f V f_ .. 328 South Main St. Phone 644 fI ------------------- I ---------------------------------------------------------- I 21st ANNUAL JUNIOR coRLS' PLAY IWIITNEV TI-I F2