THURSDAY, ARC IT 19, 1,9215 ThURSDAY MARTHE1,M192IGANE DAILY PAGE SEVEN I COUNLCOLUMN I CLOSES CLOSES AT 3 P.M. C ADVERTISING AT 3 P,.Ms it:. ?SPa D4B!,Ai V1,TON- i'is adv:er,:tisingis for your benefit, and yon :cr urEdi;!' to fllt s~at adlage of llese (I Jin.liie will be plad to ho ! p ml find yogi'lost1, aill ides, to litelp you sell or' Iuy Ownrut his mtediumn. ('iii :0ilw Ve ress lbuilding where you "ill Kb g iveltl iviQiedliaf e afti effiient Wa Between Danzig And Poland .Imminent BUREAU FNSONE OF EVERY SIX OINNS 9Cp, amountedP to $225,492,000, of which ! 1, 1393,000 or 82 per cent is. applica- bletr to h hlwav work under the; super- tvisioni of state highway departments. NO ICE SHO 0ES 'Reports received from the United SStates bureau of public roads reveal- 9 A. ~ ~I' ~ ed that there is one motor car for ,_.- e.very 6.4 persons in the United States at:thepreen tie. hetotl rg-Learn to (lance. Start now. Open istrations for motor vehicles through- diy 0a .t 0p .Autds out the country reached 17.591,981, by every Monday and Friday. Fifteen, the end of 1924. showing an increase: 1-hour lessons for $5.00... Enroll now. G f2,501,045 or 16.6 per cent. 'V D~'' (.'fLN Although Michigan leadls in the pro- ' EE G R E dluctrop of automobpiles, it ranks sixth DANCING STUDIOS among the state in registration, waithi 22 Wnerth Arcade Phone 241-Rl 867,545, while New York state with ________________________