PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY _. _ __ _ _. ..___,_. THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1925 ° ° _ , 1 - _. I -000-00"Wl A -- T B ELAY TEAMS Track R QS AKER LEAVES fOR TO RUN SATURDAY>' For Meet Here WESTERN TOURNEY RELAY MAN INJURED IN E AUTO{MOBILE ACCIDENTI i Co achl' Farrell to Sentd TVwoMile and Mleiiy inir t. 10 ohQlio Mecet (.Special to The Daily) SItharca , S. Y ., March 18.-Corniell's4 'Varsit y track team, which will meet' Aichigan at Ann Arbor on March 27, 3' 'te~irl~t restler Onily Wolverine~ 4 'lh i i)I iriIiilj 111IRRNSTEIN ENTERED i slca';ly rounding into shape. HOLDS BIG TEN CROWN! Nothing (definite as, yet can be pre-!- Coachi Farrell has ertered two re-1 dciet ert in regard to the team's chances Russell Taker, '27, Michigan's lonej! layteas i t~o anua inershols-dueto he acttha th geera mae-representative in the Western inter- layteas i th anualintrscbols- du tothefac tht te gnerl sake .collegiate wrestling individual chain- tic. meet to be held at Cleveland Sat- sip of the team echsists of new mate- pionship meet to be held at M~innea- udyngt13tatw miendarial. At the beginnin,g of the present jjolis March 20-21, left yesterdlay! mediley relay team will represent the ftnonorhe oprCiyaom *Wlern' season Coach Moakely was confrontedafennfoth sprCiycomIC "awolvbeCacrBrkrWovein I4ast year ot thin samne meet the' with a v~ry small nucleus of 01(1 men at enty o rze,''lvrn Michigan two mile team brought abcut which to build a team. Cornell ,~ Baker wrestled for the 141clh'gaxi hcme a gold cup that now adorns one, has also been handicapped to the uit- ;mat team in the flyweight division of the ca ses in the Field house. This ; mo.1t by unexpected injury to the throughout the season, gaining vic- season's team with two members of stars of the aggregation. At present tories in every mnatch. In reality the last year's victorious team, is, favored ;IlonteOile is laid up with a sore hand, Wolverine cap~tain-elect holds the Big to, co-'o the event. Reinke and Prey-f but wIl (lo~ltless be back in the pole I Ten title in the flyweight division by berg10t ran on this quartet and vault for the Michigan meet.I The' virtue of his victories over the best these two men are showing up excep-;team will have its first real test of the 115 pounders in the Conference. In!r tionally well this year. Reinke took.1 season March 21, when the Cornell . the ineet at Minneapolis all the strong . a first in the half at the ConferenceI men will encounter Yale's champion- I wrestling teams in the West ,rill send' meet, breaihing, his own record and: Ship team. representatives to dletermiine the in-; Injuries sustained yesterdlay afternoon in an automobile ac- cident will Ilrevent Floorman L. Mueller '27 from entering the Cleveland Interscholastic Meet to be held Saturday night at ClIeve land(. Mueller, a quarter miler, was struck by a car and dragged a dlistanc'e of 25 feet lbefore the driver of the vehicle could bring it to a stop. Although not ser- iously hurt, Mueller's injuries will keep him off the track for several (lays at least. le siif- lered a lacerated thigh. and a smashed hand. lie was treatedl athe field house biy Trainer Filly Fallon, inasmuchi as the accidlent occuredl near Ferry Field. William L. Herrnst tin '26E will take the trip with the relay team in place of Mueller. The race in which hle will partici- pate is the meley zrelajy,,in which bie will run his usual dis- tance, 440 yards. j ; ( I i , 1 i . ,, . i 'i I . __ SM TANKMEN TO9SIM Annual Boxing PASPORS SShow AttractsIt IN DETROIT 1T 900 Ring Fans FO'PECLS Th~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rhi O ~ i' i'uiI urOti i90P(tio e ('omipetition Exected tai, y >,qmid5 'o ~a; ~ ~gi 'ri nd produacing fast actlion inl everyj Eidr ies Hlolding State 1)wi tminhCI oil nthe card,, 1the thbird :annual I3thaniiiils " ~boxig show held Tuesday nlight at. TO SPLAY WATER POO the AV wraian gymimsim was a de- 20 SCHOOLS E.NT R ED I -tided ucssfo eeypoint of jCoach MJann seait his fro,1I1inmn and(I view.' Over 170 men from 20 institutions Varsity scu ds thmrouigh0I.nt iffl(1d1i l I: ie croswd was p~lainly pleased have been entered in the first annual at the Y. lAT. C. A.1pool. A11oig1 hewt eey vIt o«n tho lprogram, indoor interscholastic meet to be held Conference swvim in gs omi:-;overc, (p5a'('i i te riture matcoh in which2 Saturday at the Yost field house. Miclhigan2 has eat eried a I ; ani in the ! Le-,t em 'hilbini '28vWoni the (decision Teams are being sent from all parts Istate andl national A. A, . t. mipioni- I bm \Valtem lorec'ki 01 Detrvoit. Hl'- of the state of Michigan, two from ships. ; ecki, wh\vlo slds the state amateur, Ohio and one from Chicago. The Iweltem weit and middleweight titles, schools competing in the meet are as The 400 ardprely ueaan oxcfl 050(1 Ibattle, lamz Phil -,follows: Austin;. Chicago" Ann Arbor; of Samson, Dunakin, K~eri% and CGow1 bin's pi t en-like p~unching at close Kalamnazooi Central; Wyndotte; Flint; were given speed and toach off drills ; i(u cisdcddtecnet Coldwater; Kalamazoo Normal High; twhile Captain Kerr al ,,o did someW The second honors went to Randy : T. of Di. High; S"agin~.w Eastern; wor1k on his backstroke . ace. Darnall, ,iDickion '27E and D~avid Buckley of Toledo Waite; T.oledo Scott; Highland Shorr, Rose, and Bat teir of this year's ( oi 'ty olg,wh puon a k;Prik ; Detroit Southwestern; North- f reshman teams have eat ered lie state excite;;g scrap in the 175 pound di- western; Northern; Eastern; North- championship meet at Detrioit, but viisioni. 1David Smyser", '25E continued eastern and1 Cass Tech. are competing in