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March 19, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-19

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__ _
- -- ---

Published every morning except Monday
during the Universit year by the Board in
Control of Student 1ublicataons.
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
li-hed therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail,
Offices:eAnn Arbor Press Building, May.
Gard Street.
Phones Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
ness, 96o.
Telephones 2414 and 176-M
Editor. ............ John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor...........Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor...........Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
George W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. K. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Sports Editor ........William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor.........Rooert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor .............Vernea Moran
Telegraph Editor......William J. Wathour
Louise Barley Relen S. Ramsay
Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann
Leslie S. Bennets Marie Reed
Smth Cady "Jr. Edmarie Schrauder
illard B. Crosby Frederick H. Shillito
Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens
James W. Iernamberg Marjory Sweet
oseph O. Gartner Herman Wise
iinning Houseworth Eugene H. Gutekunst
Elizabeth S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore
Elizabeth Liebermann tanley C. Crighton
Winfield H. Line Leonard C. Hall
Carl E. Ohimacher Thomas V. Koykka
Wiiliam C. Patterson Lillias K. Wagner
Telephone 960
Advertising...................E. L. Dunne
Advertisin ....................R. C. Winter
Advertising...................H. A. Marks
Advertising...................B. W.Parker
Accorris ................... H. M. Rockwell
Circulation.....................John Conlin
Publication....................R. D. Martin
P. W. Arnold W. L. Mullins
W. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast
Irving Berman T. D. Olmstead
Rudolph Bostelman R. M. Prentiss
I[. U. Clark W. C. Pusch
. C. Consroe D. Ryan
I. R. Dentz N.Rosenzweig
J. R. DeI'uy A1. E. Sandberg
George C. Johnson M. L. Schie
O. A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfeld
K. K. Klein I. J. Wineman
Night Editor-EDWIN C. MACK.

five hundred pages each, shall only
be made public ten years after his
For the past three years, M. Clemen
ceau has devoted all his waning ener-
gies to the completion of what he con-
siders the fruit of the meditations of
his lifetime. He declares that it is
purely philosophical and contains no
single reference to great political
events, but it is evident that its gen-
eral nature will be similar to that of
the published reflections of other na-
tional and international figures.
This prodigious undertaking is typ-
ical of the spirit of the author. Since
his entrance into public affairs, his
tireless en.ergy and fearless enthus-
iasm have been famous. In the course
of his life he has been an agitator, a I
radical, and a conservative-fighting
with a strength that usually over-
whelmed his enemies. The literary
effort of such a personality is bound
to be interesting and might even be a
classic. Certainly it will be uncon-
From now until ten years after the
death of this Frenchman, the world
will wait with bated breath. The "mir-
rors" are now a back number. Thej
vogue is the unpublished work con-
taining remeniscences of a "Tiger"
With the coming of general educa-
tion and enlightment for the people of
America has come a corresponding
sentiment that has broken down many
of the barriers between the different
creeds and sects of religion. The
Inter-Church World Movement, while
it itself a seeming failure, was the
first step toward a unification of all
religions which center about the life
and teachings of Jesus Christ. The
Federal Council of the Churches of
Christ in America has been the sec-
ond step toward a cosmopolitan re-
ligion. And the recent joint service
of the people of many beliefs in the
Cathedral of St. John the Divine in
New York may prove to be a third
great development.
In the campaign. slogan for funds
to complete this huge undertaking,
"A house of prayer for all people,"
there may be seen the influence of this
ever-growing tendency toward unifi-
cation. At the service last Sunday
Rev. S. Parkes Cadman, pastor of the
Central Congregational Church, Brook
lyn, was preaching in an Episcopal
cathedral to an audience made up of
3;500 people including not only Epis-
copalians, Baptists, Congregational-
ists, Presbyterians, Methodists, and
other divisions of Protestants, but also
Catholics, Jews, Japanese, Chinee
and Negroes.
As was pointed out during the serv-
ice, more similar gatherings for the
purpose of worshipping Jesus Christ,
the central figure of Christianityj
ought to have a great influence in
bringing about a vitalization of all re-
uK n .nrrm;11



A nonym as communications will be
disr garded. The names of communi-
..duts will, however, he regarded as
confidential uon request.
To the Editor:
The dead letter office is to the
minds of most of us, a realm of mys-
tery. What romances are there! What{
tales of missing men, what black plots,
what a panorama of worldly failures,
what heartbreaks would one find
could one have opened to him the
stories of the letters that never ar-
For many of us a flavor akin to this,
pervaded the fibre of your Daily offi-
cial bulletin unclaimed letter list when
it was first published. Consider for
instance this fellow David A. Agnew,
who headed the first list: Was he a
deep scoundrel, deceiving his trusting
family into the belief that he was
cloisterde in the seat of learning--or
--I see another picture, a pathetic
figure-a mother mourning her man-
ful little David, who started bravely
from her apron strings, into the world
of higher learning; only to disappear
.....wiped out......some horrible
accident....... or crime......
You are not responsible I know,i
Mr. Editor, for the Bulletin items, or
their expansion and degeneration. But
someone is.
This morning I picked up my Daily
and turned eagerly to the list of un-
claimed letters. Perhaps....
I can appreciate the desire on the,
part of the University to discourage
the vague addressing of letters to the
general public, in its care. This
morning's list contained 20 names;
actually most of these were recog-
nizable at once as those of faculty
members. Four were full professors.
Picture the reaction of the dignitary
who last week addressed a letter to
"F. .N. Scott, University of Michigan,"
when that same letter is returned to
him March 22, smeared with a purple
rubber stamp, "unclaimed."
Very truly yours,

i .1


Something new added each day
to our bargain tables. One Week Only.





!' '


TONIGHT: "Castles in Spain," the
21st annual Junior Girls' Play at 8:U
o'clock in the Whlitiney thearo.
* * *
A review, by Robert Mansfield.
It is a decided pleasure to attend a
performance frankly purporting to be
amateur but in which almost the only
evidence of such a trait exist in the
spontaneous light-heartedniess with
which the various players take their
parts. I went to "Castles in Spain"
expecting to see choruses fight their
way through occasional stumbles,
singing out of time, out of tune and
out of breath, and forcing smiles of
sickly saccharinity. Instead I thor-
oughly enjoyed a quite finished pro-
duction enlivened here and there by
the minor and decidedly human slips
which should characterize the best
college show.
Of the music, two numbers were
especially outstanding, "Love Only
Lives for Today," and "Phi Upon
Dates." The former was the undeni-
able hit of the show, sung by the six
juvenile leads without benefit of
chorus, it was recalled again and
again to the frank delight of the audi-
ence. "Phi Upon Dates," a catchy1
tune in itself, was made better by ex-
cellent chorus work and the really un-
usual dancing of Dorothy Kraus. Her
number was the most profe. sional
touch of the evening.
To Margaret Effinger, in the part
of Mr. Billings, should go the laurel
for interpretation of the part assigned
her. As the wary bachelor of wealth
she was convincing and wholly ade-
quate. Miguel, played by Alberta 01-
~en provided more sheer comedy per
) ,,than any other player, while the
professors won the sympathetic
amusement of the audience from the
Some unfortunate error in the pro-
gram denies me the privilege of nam-
ing Mary Van Buren's touch of real
pathos which added much to the
charm of the second act. She "talk-
ed" a song with as much real feeling
as I ever recall having heard. For a
moment there was the emphatic feel-
ing that she had put herself too thor-
oughly into her part, and that the
strain had resulted in hysteria.
Throughout the performance she car-
ried her role of leading lady in splen-
did shape. Vivacious, smiling, con-
science-stricken or deeply in love, she
made a wholly charming heroine.
Mary Lou Miller in the part of Jose
quite outdid herself. It was unfor-
tunate that her effective entrance at
the beginning of the second act was
marred by the continued applause of
the audience following the musical
number which immediately preceded.
She really smokes a cigarette most
convincingly, and her gesture in ex-
tinguishing it was laughable. Her re-1
cently acquired Spanish accent also,
deserves mention.
There is really some plot to "Castles
in Spain." 'Ithere is litt'le enough so,
that the musical numbers need not
fear interference, and yet sufficient to












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It seems that women students at the
University of Oregon are-given acad-
emic credit for horseback riding
While an intensive study of the
theory and practice of horseback rid-
in- -and-its -kindred courses-is
doubtless of value to those among us
who are preparing to be horse thieves
or jo kies, there is, nevertheless, a feel-
ing among some of us that horseback
riding is out of place in the curricu-
lum of a literary college. It is the r
tendency among the newer school of
pedagogues to root for utilitarianism,
but, as someone has said, there is such
a thing as carrying a thing too far.
Here in our own university we have
at least one example of this modern
educational tendency. On page 233
et seq. of the annual announcement
of the College of Literature, Science
andl the Arts, are named a number of
courses in Military Science and Tac--
tics (M. S. and T. 1: A general course
of lectures and practical work in In-;
fantry Drill Regulations and Mark- I
manship). Now, there is no objection
to a complete and comprehensive'
series of courses in rhythmic. walk-
Ing and shooting one another; in fact,
there are doubtless many bellicose
individuals on the campus who yearn
to march behind the R. O. T. C. and
who, get a savage joy in presenting
arms. Our point is that they should
not be allowed to count toward a de-
gree of Bachelor of Arts. The two
things don't mix. Let us repeat that
Military Science has its value (for
those who appreciate it) just as much
as has the study of Romance Lan-
guages. Buti that they should both be
squeezedl into an "Arts" curriculum
seems stretching the point a bit.
If the tendency continues we shall
soon be graduating Bachelors of Arts
with Special Distinction in Soft Shoe
Dancing, and Masters of Arts in Oral
A few years ago the vogue in po-
litical writing was expressed by the
publication of "Mirrors of Washing-'
ton," and "Mirrors of Downing Street"
-books which professed to be inti-
mate glimpses into the life of the
statesmen of the day as viewed by a
highly mysterious person whose iden- I
ti+y fr,' awhile remained a secret. H1ow
intimate thse reflections were is al
matte;' for con iect nre. It suffices that
the rading public wasted much time
and energy in a. successful attempt at
a disclosure of the authors. This air
of umystery was largely responsible
for the wide popularity of the vol-
Similar, but more significant, is the

--Osaka Mainichi, Japanese edition.
' 'he sinking of the mighty, though
abandoned, war vessel Tosa off the
coast of Tosa Province on Monday
morning, in accordance with the
Washington Naval Agreement, truly
testifies to tlhe gigantic conflict be-
tween the human intelligence and
human ignorance manifested in the
peace movement, on the one hand, and
in armament building, on the other.
Although that mighty vessel, which
was the result of human endeavor
and wealth, had to go down by self-
destruction, the public does not seem
to have been moved as it should have
ibeen. It is surprising how forgetful
man is!
Let us recall to our minds that con-


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r "1

carry the interest.

Natuf'ally, being a


nlrjii r.t L E'1J NK ference with th e most peculiar as well
Some people are just natu rally ui as important purpose ever known in
selfish, never thinking of themselves the history of the civilized world-
and often failing to respond to the the Washington Disarmament Confer-
most prirpive of instincts to protect I elnce. In this conference, the Powers,
ther wn ivs. he threareoterstwhic h had previously been keenly
their own lves. Then te are o s (ompeting with onesanother in the
who never think of themselves, nor of building of war vessels and other en-
anybody else for that matter, who gines of destruction, agreed to limit
could hardly be classed with the un- the number of capital vessels, decid-
selfish, but might be termed the un- ed on ratios, and concluded an agree-
. unfeeling,,ment to scrap all capital vessels not
witting, or perthaps the ufeig,
or, still more appropriately, just plain included in the list drawn up at the
dumb. conference.
There must be thousands of such Japan, like other Powers, has had to
people in Michigan as can be snscra p 16 capital vessels, some of them;
very plainly by the fact that the slate of the newest type, like the Tosa, the
House has both seriously consldered Kagai and the Amagi. all of which
and passed a bill to compel motorists I were under construction ,when the
to stop at certain dangerous railroad agreement was made. Some of those
crossings, which are to be designated already built have been sold at nom-
by special warning signs. It is that+ inal prices, and two vessels have been.
same old problem of how to take care reconstructed into hydroplane mother
of those who are seemingly unable to ships.
look out for their own safety. As long But let us not forget the Tosa,
as such people are here and many- of lwhich went down with her Kingsten
them own and drive automobiles, just valves wide open, like a vessel under
so long will the state legislature be fire of an enemy. She was "buried"
provided with something to do in beneath the sea which bears her own;
passing laws to help them think, name. Japan spent about 100,000,000
yen to construct this vessel, and she
Michigan is now disputinug with had to spend more to send her to the
Wisconsin about the boundary be- bottom of the ocean And who is it
tween the upper peninsula and the that profits by her tragic fate? Our
Badger state. The last time there country has spent billions of money
was a loig dipute--the "Toledo war"to construct other vessels which have
-Michigan gained a considerable ac-b
cession of territory. Wisconsin had This. gigantic waste (for waste it


Junior Girls' play, the Women'sI
League holds the center of the stage.
The plot concerns itself with the drive
to complete the building fund of that
organization as much as it does with
Mluch credit is (hue those whose la-
bors off stage in technical detail and
direction made much for the success
of the play. The settings appeared
quite professional, showing evidence
of much detailed work in their plan-
ning. Costumes, chorus training,
singing, acting,--all of the multiude
of details which go to make up such a
performance were done with a neat-
ness and dispatch which have made
the show a success.
* * *
A review, by Lydia Kahn.
The more we have the less we ap-
preciate..... it is very evident that few
of us appreciate how very fortunate
we are in possessing Palmer Chris-
tian as our University organist. Yes-
terday afternoon, at the 15th concert
of his Twiliglit Organ Recitals, an
extremely fine prograni was presented
to an almost empty auditorium....
personally, I spent a most. enjoyable
afternoon. It is such a treat to be
able to sfit clown and forger exams
and such like things for a little while,
under such pleasant circumstances.
The program opened with "Allegro
con fuoco" by de Boeck. Light, ro-
mantic, charming. Then came a mo-
ment of peace, and a poetical trans-
portation away from everyday affairs.
We were no longer in a large, empty
auditorium, but in a dark, cool, quiet
cathedral. "The Legend" of D)eLa
marteo is a fantastic fairy tale of1
"goblins, knaves, and horrid spells"
and yet, withal, a dhinty morsel. The
lead up to the climax of the after-
noon,--The Prelude and Fugue in D
major of Bach, which although an
earlier work of that great master is
brilliant in structure and style.
The "Andante Expressive" of Elgar
is an interesting contrast with the
sharp difference between the Classic-
ists and Romanticists well demon-
strated. The Scherzo is the gay move-


Cross-section of a
tooth showing decay
at The Danger Line.

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set in when particles
eof food lodge and fer-
ment in the tiny
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teeth). Acid Decay al-
most always results.

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better watch out.
Nurmi has to have a statement from
his doctor to be absent from a race on
account of sickness. A fine state of
affairs, that is, when a man cannot be
ill without a permit. -
If it is true that a majority rof
America's policemen are brothers of
St. Patrick, today should he the ideal j
time for the thugs to operate.
Sherwood Eddy says that college
cheaters usually fail in business.
There must be a lot of failures in the

surely appears at the present) has
been made by Japan in the name of;
peace. We are ready to spend more
billions, if it is for the sake of peace,
but we fear that should the nations
forget about peace, they may again
start that expensive pastime known
as armament building. We refer to
.the competition now going on among
some of the Powers in the construct-
ing of auxiliary war vessels.
American ertics have been saying
that Japan has not been faithfully I
carrying out the , program of thel
Washington Agreement. This is na-
tiiral in view of the way the American;

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