I \Vi~NVSDY, EDRTAIIY11,1925 THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y' PAGEI 8MN THE .CH.ANDAIL....I .~ LASS I I E THIS xQIUi N COLUIfN CLOSES CLOSES U AT 3 P.M. rawKwa- -- ON-11111 1111 111 1 11 AT 3 P.M. ADVERTISING Southern .States Suffer Worst Floods In Years _ .__ _ _._ __ -- . i IAI 1 .i FOR RENT-Single roomn, well fur- niched, quiet house. 6431 Tappan1, four (doors from Campus. TT RENT)--Nicely furnished rP0)I11. newhouse. 336 S. Division. FOR RENT--1 duble 1)0or s fl gle room with private family. No other stu(Ioft 5 in house. GCa H ,aitr "i 6 o'clo(k, 1364 Geiddes Avye. .« FOilGRADUJA"P'E qSTUD )E:'--, fl desirableo suite and rsin gie roomnl Steam heat. ilot wal.ar. 11 Thompson. FOR RENT--Large roomJ, (10811:0 single. 1,127 Ch urclh, lPhoi 2';", . F'OR RENT --Single Room. $A, pe, week. 1127 Prospect , I 'hoe GO J -" \x'. FOR RENT---Roomn for one or I XV bo0y:. 11Xc(lle'stiit b oa l. ( lo:; i.;) Campus. 429 D.Iivi sioji. FRO1(N'T ROOM - -Goo(( hooft. On'x 1,1( h i front the camnpus. 1Phone1 -. F(1OIR 1 NT (hi4e single z'na. .. (Inc ' 'verybiurge fri'on room for1' two r '"three, stenim heAi, plc nly. o.- hot. si reasn3uible. 3:*:1 2 'ei 11soI.I ORR1*lNT-- 1?ooll : r. ir"nen. tSiI2~It, dIoubln and vac(51 Icy 11ire nw Sil e.I ,, Als3o gar°aget, ; ,,7SteLam Ii .<:I. fI1r, of hot w.ater. hrcw batli-rooms.% 422 E. Washingtoen. I hone 1191-A/l.i FO~R lRiEN'i ---su i teof. P001115 with fire- pliace, 1317 Washtena w. i 'honle 2483. Mrs. Murphy. :4'1;. RENT---Sun 0 oP two s~fngle rooms. Very at tracI ive lo( tion n.' Ieatr camlpus. Steam Ilheat. anHd Very iiice ly furishelld. Mrs. E. .. ritf,';, 23S S. Thayer. Phonfe 2961Z, WXA TEDI YYA'1NTED--Everyone to try our IDelicious "Toastwich" Sandwich electrcally etasted witHO filling in. -NICKEL1S ARCADE ,A AN'i' ED --Youn g woman for part tie i('work: Ml cap and gown depart- biejit. Apply at office, second floor, Mick & Co.j WVAN'''D. Students anid others wanted to organize parties to Europe. IFrxee or ca( s (8 h. Opt ioiial. Write Cit y IPost.(office. B ox 211. D)( YOUKOW Ttanftthe Covert Fi'nsiuan w ill have nov/el design? of the 1925 a new and ' i Read the Wrant Ads X"(i -1: ,U IIOAIU.O- ho. rd In Il'ree to six of food. 10107 \' Ai[TICI'I .v an: -ifor loi~il~e or- \~,]. )---AL uli Cn, tellnI.OP ore ex- l~o:2i~yi. t II 819 . i versit y. i~ AI KI .llv w'.rld (1liekn klittings, 0851; mFor lneii(iillg at Ililie. 'holle fVA IPP 1)- --tlld(1011 i.S:) :200 (IP I yI)e w'rte il bargalins. Gooed maeltin e'forI sale or renit. S A. Moran, 711 N. I lI Ji'tevoiy A ye., Room 2.r vVW"N"El) - Stuldent and fa mily wazsh- ings.(CalIled for and (deli vered: I'hlone 1(53-W. I { i r c }: rti\ . ::::................... } .......,.. ...................::.:.:""',{:1":11: ": :::.:": :".:::::::": :::-::"i::":':::;:tii:::":":"1:: ::":":':: }: is :-. nrrt ' 111 i -+ wz F pp- & FA FOR REN'PT-- -1louloieand im gto rofms rfthese roomis are large, Ilight and( warm. Separate sleeping quarter-, if desired. 114 N. Inogalls. I 'hone 8 55-11. VWANTP,'D-- A live wire ambitious stu- deni, to work during leisure time, Make big mlone~y, Call at 200 E. H uron St. Ask for "Chick." or Phonsie 1 007-M. iIS~rITVI)N5 WANTI''EiD. lX P'iU~lE E IKN'ITOR1(I1IA SSIS- l ant. 1(c 1ptible sI enograplher) wishes Erax h tie Work. PhIone 026.-M. MEL C ULLFISI'JE, Soloist andi teach- er. t hirty year'; exp~erience. Man- dolin guitar, banjo, and chord I XP1ERL W\ATCH-fREP'AIRING' Arnold Slte~I St reet Jewll'e~r 30J2 South State Waffles i ,. , .1' i . . ; . S olt hern states are suffering 'from?1 -" "--" -"__________________________________ onmw of the Nworst floods, in ,years.' '1 3l~ ttillll111ltit E li E11ilEt~lEttliii Fliltlltlt South Georgia is repori8(1 to 1)e dan.-,~= aged1 the minost:, nmans, "I 2iWn'1 beinl(colt- + pletely Isolhat ~' I y r1w:ngwaiter Y e rs. 1 l i p h t , o t .r s a f 1 c Ic 1 W c.x "!oi t , ( a a hi. \\'0 1 a l l S ,i r t l c 1 'S a n d A L automobiles 1"hi en02 1 ,11(1 out t) .- It h as )bon i ded1(1by theVOIJ "can bti Board in Control of At ile; h. 1Ithat for the Oh io State tooltball I amne next fall 1:0 one will he allowed to lpli011U5 )'morn thban r t y I C ld Itwo tickets. l'Por the Navy analt y ss C a id e MVinnesota gainles limlit, of Pae-ked in Beautiful IRic h Ied Satin - thrmee has 1bee1n('2shdliislw] , Wile ! Ifor ther Indiana ain . A.( conteosts the uisual linjlit of fourly 1r~ Iwill apply. ficart B'oXes _________________- m ke 'Hie ideal Tok io, Feb. 10.L'-Theobattleship t'1o-a was senittied yest erdayV inl 11111L:' 0 =.tie Git I St raits, in accorolane with the ter(i- of t Wihiit nAnb''elOder to.dy. YWe mi:,y )e :old out totnorrow. BEAIUTY SIOPPiES Permanent WatVing And MAfrcalling MACK AN'1) CO. "fQ T frQCQC' I1 I FOR h1.ENP-Nyewvgarag e. 905F)Fores t. Avenue. HE was going to L Kill Himel Call he by orbecause it was whispered that 19-25 would be the last girl who is away summer of Gondolas in at school. Venice and he couldn't go. a BUT he discovered that In no other way S. T. C. A. travel permitted can the children him to travel at minimum rates with the people he be kept so closely liked. i n touch with HE also found that the home nfluncesHolland America Line ser- j vice would be used and that Sleepy Hall's Orches- wel a tra was going aswela ' Lecturers, Hostesses and Leaders and he found some' VA Long "'stance thing to live for and didn't cal i pesoa'kill himself. -d irec t - On the VEENDAM June Both inexensve .s3or the inexpnsiveNEWAmSTERDAM June 2.7th j To FRANCE and Return $z62 Your organizer is: MICHIGANAl ALL t J TELEPHONE Co. I I T COLLEGE STREET NEW HAVEN$ CONN. FOR .RENT-Four 01' five room f frn- is hed apartment located Iwo blocks from cam pus. Phone 253S-ft. - R1OOM' AND BOARD-One large (ltuleCroom, 1and(1hoard' in private hocuse. 1220 S. University. Phone 2878-J. .0 LOST- -Sat urday, Jaen part: of ladly's gold filled Wall 1cn', on Church, Hill or, Forest between Prospect and S. University.. Liberal Reward. Call j; LOST--Gold foi-.Itain pen, Initials, E. W. B. Call 1325. Reward. ILOST-Fair of horn rim glasses.. Call 332 E. Jefferson St. or phlone0 2090-W~ ~'BLACK SIHAFFER Fountain Pen- I Lost Thutrlla y of exams. Reward. 0 2949. C1 ISr'-1't.-lhva'er D~uofold fountain p)e1, ~iSaturday in the annex to School of A'rchiteciure. Reward. Return to KIJ'athierine Pati ('Pop, PBetsey Blar- I~bour Hlouse. LOST--A Parker Iluo'ol d pencil in of before exams. Ii.rn Ito) 1003 E. UnJmiveritly. Reward. iiL(ST--$1 t1)() reward. No questions ~iasked for rettiiln of sumall sqna mre clock taken 1from1ap~artmlenlt548 Churnch :11. 1Jan. 18. Phone :300-J. FOR SAl.L e 8FOR SALJE- 21ice for llra slan concert. iP (al 11 mrow of01. in aimfloor ceniter. ' Call 1I783-.I in aftternoon.11 FOR SALE-$40 Tenor Banjo for $15. Good as new. Call Walter, 370-Myi iletweell 7 and S . FOR S ALE -CELLO, slightly used, ;splendid tone. A bargain at $35.00.j Call 2906-M, 6-7 P'.Al. AtS ,I 1 NE ! RUGS SHAMPOOED or dust cleaned.j Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works, i5 Phone 50. WILL TIHE PARTY who took the p)111111 bowl and glatsses lby mist ake fromn the Watermnan GymiSaturday A. M. please notify Phi Kappa. Ovr moderate pmrices nmike it possible for all to have FRESH hI1I GROWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. 11 E2,. Liberty. Phone 16830 e / I~f~,qv 3rd Floor Main St.' Also_____________ C/py - .I oion Boobs 'i' i'7" WO EXPERT SHINGLE BAIR1EI-_- . I i ARCADE jFrench andl spannil Waves given. LUNCH Phomne 298s9. . 1 -- ! t 'I l A rjr l"' T 1I r', T Y S11011 -- _ _ , ._- - - -- - - - - - ._ ,y. J"," ,,"".. ^iY.,. JwCPtlu~31~~Li _ - - - -tl1.Yif YYdi'LY{.I1i 4 ~ ~lCS' .iN ---- . -,i% 'U' / -s__ TY PE WITE 'S 4. Uni e'Qyi N1)For Typewriter Repairing - - - - . (All makes) I, I (')l _1'' F.- SO1 h,"1 INO G-N E'VV, _"'Toast- I Dealer in Woodstock ivypfnw riteis.Seltect- , P.},d}i Ci1 ,t crtoi e I 1 i ohi Sandjwich. 100 per~ centI Sundlstrandl and PIortallo dimt bottom' than or'dimnary sandwiches. mac~hines. HE'TSiEY'I {lSHOS14P Ann Arbor TPypewvriter E.linei A large, clean, unsolc(1 stock: from wh1ich to make ?NICKELS ARCADE 9 Saing BnklI'.yui sletin I r, L anhO Z' C Pccoz' FrTEI 17 NICKF.LS AtCD FNA DOR THE ST A The Stationery antd Typew riter Stole. RA D ND O CH ST AOp~en evenings. paramount musical instruments of the world.31 14 NICKEL~S ARCADE -II .1 ~ -Delicious - Nutritious - Palatable=. f fWE SUGGEST THAT YOU MAKE YOUR NEXTF = LUNCH "TOSTWICI-1" SANDWJCJ-ES Representing I Thle Most Highly-Flavored and the .best Sandwiches Served Anywhere! ITHE ONLY PLACE WHIERE YOU CAN SECURE.s Fine Merchant Tailoringjr YOUR FAVORITE SANDWICH PREPAR ED I THE "TOSTWICH" WAY A complete exhibit of new Spring and Summer suitings - and topcoatings, from foreign and domestic looms, in popular I ti as well as staple colors and weaves, now awaits your inspec-duk7 n t~on. Many university men will take advantage of this display to supp~ly their Spring and Summer clothes needs,.i th inipetithe hearcade_ 'Eniglish Loun~ge Models Is joartietilarly invited. , j c' . " r X %r'r' . c. r --a i i ELT",, the vell-known cat, 0cousA the othcr cay and said Euroope. Tl'x. str catterbacl his "mlid-termis" harder than line, and receivced a pink un, Felix ecFpAt>" nhis lit Condition L._i1Was willing to rats tbar,--h.,. %1e wrote all oiI-d. is-ci nccneed no Cunard elrzrn, . . ''-:y ' j ':i Fe lix if lie 2ai :Q2'2f0.utOir Con,,., "1 t2-a.fland for he's just telegraphed us wired back- 4 0 o Europe tawurnpus of the screen; wrote :he wanted to work his way to k of the Catown eleven crashed n lhe ever hit an opposing feline nconditional release;, good until :ter that he was in the pink of o stoke, peel potatoes, or catch .e elix that Cunard ships were o stokers, and as for rats on a A: didn't exist. We also asked znew College Cabin service for lComfy. Evidently he hadn't, to " send him the dope." We FELIX, MU MU DOUSE CATCDWN NEWt1YORK FEB. 11, 1925 RESERVING ENTIRE THIRD CLASS EIGHT SHIPS BEGINNING JUNE 17 STRICTLY FOR COLLEGE AND CONGENIAL CATS STOP ROUND TRIP PRICES 155 TO 175 DOLLARS ENGLISH AND FRENCH PORTS STOP CLEAN COM FY CABINS, TUMMY TEASING MENUS, DECK GAM\ES, SPORTS, CAT COLLEGE ORCESTRA, SX-IMMING POOLS, ABOVE, ALL CUNAR D SERVICE. WE ARE HOLDING YOU AN OUTSIDE CABIN STOP YOURS Send for hie Three Prue Winning Stories written by Collegians who crossed th is -..ay via Cunard last season. JAMES T. C ASSIT, 707 Oxford 1.d., or E., G. KUEBLER, 6111 F.-Hurcn, Ann Arbor RETURNCINARD & ANCHOR LINES 1243 Wa;~iugton Bd,, fltrait, or Loca1 Agents p ' r. - . . Ive lelii er 0111posite( IEnig. Arch