KEEP THAT KITCHEN GOING Si r i a :4IaiItl VG4. XXXV. No. 126 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS A DEBATERS LEAVE FOR TRIANGULAR MEET AT URBANA AFFIRMATIVE TEAM TO MEET WISCONSIN IN hILL ATI)ITORIUM- CONSIDER JUDGES Add Finishing Touches to Speakers In Practice Session Last Night Fire Destroys ti linter Resort AtPalm Beach Palm lBeach, Fla., March 18.- (By A. P.)-Fire late today destroyed the famous Breaker: hotel, wiped out the smaller Palm Beach hotel and forl hours/ held a threat of destruction over the entire northern section of this celebrated winter 'playground of I the wealthy., Beginning shortly after 4 o'clock in the Breakers hotel the fire was fanned by a brisk sea breeze and was not brought under control until shortly before 9 o'clock tonight. In addition to the hotel, from which numerous wealthy patrons were compelled to fi o i h litle tLL~ hLIU1Ltof dv nfl ' PREPARATI ONS -FOR GRIDIRON KNIGHTS BA9NQUET TO BEGIN EXPECT NtUMlBER OF PROMINENT MEN WILL GATHER FOR OCCASSION PICK COMMITTEES Affair, Sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi, To Take the Form Of A "Razz Fest" Committees have been announced to make preparations for the third annual Michigan Gridiron Knights banquet to be held April 7 in the Micligan Union. Plans have already been formulated and it is expected that a number of nationally prominent men will gather here for the occassion. The Gridiron banquet, which is sponsored by Sigma Delta Chi, nation- COOLIDGE FIGHTS SHN T QIRMY Rankin Says Big Business Ha its Literary Advance "In literature America has retro- iIPrn rn gressed a century and a half instead of progressed," Prof T.- E. Rankin of the rhetoric department declared Monday before the Detroit Review BELIEVE PRESI)ENT WILL GIVE Club, and at the door of "big busi- WOODLOCK A RECESS ness" he laid the blame. APPOINT'MENT "Our industrial cwilization has pro- duced physical ease and spiritual dis- COVER WIDE FIELD ease. Necessary requirements for true literature are strength, energy, and delicacy. In American literature Day Spent in Revlewing Old Scores of today,. there is strength, but it is That Divide Body Into the result of insanity," he charged. Factious The real test of civilization, Pro- fessor Rankin added, "is fine litera- ture, not a collection of 'best sellers'." Washington, D. C., March 18.-(By As the five indispensible authors of A.-y he Senateadjurned ne (liall time, lie named Homer, Dante, today, bringing to an end the stormy 3hkser itn n ote I specal esson hic bean arc 4.Shakespear, Milton and Goeth'e. H. shecl ose ssion hihbte an March 4. G. Wells is the most influential writer tensity and feeling thatcharacterized1of the day, while Galsworthy and tensiyn sessin, reulting ie entireHudson rank with him as clear think- beach th tesit Hse. in a ers and fine writers, Professor Ran- President Coolidge continued to the I kin maintained. vrsdast todg callened sentorial "Rightly or wrongly," he said, "the very last to challen'ge senatorialgrastiertrhasawycoe opposition on his nomination to office ;greatestliterature has always come by resubmitting the name of Thomas from war; and the last struggle was ti .llnr rt* Vninota without its quota from such men MISSOUR1I5ILNOSIDIN CROSSED BY1RECPODSTORM; WHOLE TOWNS LAID WASTE CHICAGO RUSHES RELIEF FOR 3000 INJURED; TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH WIRES DOWN BULLETIN Chicago, March 18 (By A. P.)-A preliminary tabulation late last night of towns that had made reports of the casualities in Ilinois, Indiana and Missouri, gave a total of 890 dead and 2,099 injured with virtually no record of the heavy damage done in rural regions. Chicago, March 18, (By A. P.)-More than 1500 persons are reported killed or injured by a tornado which swept through southern Illinois and Indiana late today, causing great property damage and virtually wiping out two or three towns in its pth, from Missouri to the northeast. Wires were down in every direction under the fury of the wind and it was impossible tonight to check the reported casuali ties. West Frankfort Illinois, a mining town, on the fact of tonight's report suffered the greatest loss of life. E stimates of the dead running as high as 1000. Michigan's negative debating team, nee Ei5itn5, a numberofs cottaes which will engage Illinois at Urbana possessions, a number of cottages were burned and the property loss in one angle of the triangular Mid- was estimated between $4,000,000 and West debate tomorrow night, will $5,000,000. leave Ann Arbor this morning. Prof. Rumors that guests had perished in L. M. Eich, of the public speaking de- the Breakers and the Palm Beach ho- tels were current as the flanies hurl- partmnent, who has assisted G. E. ed blazing embers into the air and Densmore in coaching the team, will e lzn mesit h i n accomans tedebaterhongthe tri, w even across Lake Worth to west Palm accompany the debaters on the t inp Beach but none had been gonfirmed Members of the negative team in- lt oilt clude N. C. Bowersox, '27, James J. late tonight. Dunn, '25, and E. R. Gomberg, '27. Of those composing the team, Dunn is the only one of previous Varsity de- bating experience, having represented! Michigan in the Northwestern debate last year. Bowersox was a member l of the Adelphi freshman team which Alpha Nu. Gomberg, Ann Arbor cor-I- respondent of the Detroit Times, has Blue Key Club Plans Program for had experience as a high school de- ParticIpants of Cornell bater supplemented by a semester's Michigan Meet training in the debating class. - Finishing touches were added to OPEN TO PUBLIC both the negative and affirmative team; in a practice (lebate held in University-~ hall last night. The affirmative Mich- Cornell and Michigan track stars igan team will meet the negative Wis- will banquet at the Union after the consin team at 8:00 o'clock tomorrow meet March 28. it was announced last in Hill auditorium, all three schoolsn.l debating on the general question of Child Labor.' The affirmative team is ner, which is the first of those plan- composed of Radcliff B. Fulton, '26, ned for visiting teams by the newly 11. F. Wahrenbrock, '27L, and Frank organized club, will be accompanied P. Weaver, '26. by five acts of professional and ama- Michigan's debating teams received teur vaudeville and will be open to the both decisions in last year's AVMid- public, an official of the organization West debate, defeating Wisconsin at stated. Tickets will go on sale today Madison, and Illinois here. The point at $1.25 per person, at issue was the question, "tesolved, Among the Cornell track celebrities that the Drainage Project of the Chi- who are expected to attend are Cap- cago Sanitary Commission should bLe tain Bowen, weight man; Bontecue Permanently Guaranteed." Tomorrow and Greening, star pole-vaulters; and night's debate is the tenth annual MacNeil the crack mile runner of the1 mieeting of the three schools. Ieastern delegation. Craig, Wolkowitz, According to the rulings governing Coodwillie and Caskey are other out-! the Mid-West debates speakers will standing members of the Cornell team. be limited to a 12 minute construe- In addition, officials and coaches will Live speech and a five minute rebuttal. be present.I The presiding officer and judges of the Besides the vaudeville entertaih- debate will be announced tomorrow. I ment -arranged, the Blue Key club t t 1 { i al professional journalistic fraternity, 1'. VVUUllIUL NOW I UtoLoe a member of the interstate commerce is modeled after the National Grid- commission which the Senate failed iron banquet which is held in Wash- to confirm at the last session. ington every year. Eminent news- As in the case of Charles 13. Warren paper men and men in the public eye to be attorney general, the Senate ac- cepted the issue with the president by, vited as well as ominentrmen amion- refusing again to give its approval to vitd a wel a prminnt en mog the Woodlock nomination. It was not the faculty and student body of the even considered by the inter-state University. commerce commission to which it was It takes the form of a razz-fest" at referred. Close friends of the presi-, which each pjrominent man is made dent now believe he will give Mr. the butt of fitting jokes. regular Woodlock a recess appointment. ' feature is the presentation of the Opening on March 4 with a fiery "oil can" to some person connected speech by Vice President Dawes, who with the University. Last year this aroused the senators by his denuncia- honor was conferred upon Prof. T. tion of Senate rules, the special ses- H. Reed of the political science de- sion was almost as turbulent in its partment. last hours. Most of the day was spent1 The invitations committee is headed in reviewing the old scores that have by Robert Mansfield, '26, who is as- 'divided the Senate into a group of sisted by Albert F. Koepcke, '25, David small factions and wound up by Sena- M. Bramble, '25, William Diener, '26, tor Trammell, Florida, denouncing his and W. Calvin Patterson, '27. Thomas colleagues for adjourning without act- E. Fiske, '25, is chairman of the ing on his resolution to investigate tntertainment committee and Philip the price of gasoline. Debate covered Wagner, '25, Kenneth Keller, '26, and a wide field including discussion of, Donal Hamilton Haines of the journal- Teapot Dome, Muscle Shoals, and theI ism department will aid him. Warren nomination, and federal water The committee which will prepare power. Then, just before the senatorsI the epitaphs for the banquet is headed agreed to quit and go home they heardr by William Stoneman, '25, and he will a discourse by Senator Stanfield, Re- be assisted by Waldo F. Abbott of publican, Oregon, on the need for bet- the Rhetoric department, Robert ter homes. Mansfield, '26, Kenneth Keller, '26, The Senate (lid confirm in rapid or-, and Willard B. Crosby, '27. der and in open session, however, a Carl E. Olhmacher, '25, is in charge large number of nominations that of the program committee and the I were forwarded during the closing I other members are Ronald Halgrim, hours from the White House. There' '25, Joseph Kruger, '26, and Manning was no discussion and no roll call on Houseworth, '26. The speciality com- any of them, and they were accepted mittee is David M. Bramble, '25, without a single murmur of protest.I chairman, Edwin G. Burrows of the With the adjournment, CongressI journalism department, and Carl closed down until the first Monday in Ohlmacher, '25. December unless the president calls The committee on location and tick- a special session, which he has shown ets is composed of Carl Schoonmaker, no disposition to do. '25, chairman, Hyde Perce, '26, Andrew- Propper, '26, and Bernard Baetcke, '26 John Garlinghouse, '25, chairman of ,]CUiIL CONIDERSH NW , the publicity committee, will be aided UL by Martin Codel, grad., and Albert I Koepcke, '25. IVS V U U II 1n AiAinilAinrp noni ARID- as Kipling, Sir Philip Gibbs, Ibanez, and Bertrand Russell. We have great ability in this country, but ittisbeing used in busi- ness, -not in literature. But fifteen per cent of our high school students read books, and only four per cent of the population of a city ever enter a book store." Adi es ~Joud Cornmittee of Local Business Meni and University To Consider Problems COVERS ENTIRE FIELD Conclusions resulting from years of contact with over 600 chambers of commerce throughout the country were presented at a dinner of the board of directors of the Ann Arbor Chamber, and a few other guests, last night at the Chahiber Inn by Colvin B. Brown, chief of the organization service bureau of the United States Chamber of Commerce. In his talk Mrm Brown covered practically the en- tire field of chamber of commerce work, and also replied 'to specific questions on the part of those present in regard to particular problems con- fronting this city. Treating relations between local business men and the Ulniversityi, Mr. Brown suggested the possible forma- tion of a joint committee for consider- ation of problems peculiar to a col- lege town such as Ann Arbor. He also offered a general plan whereby the Chamber might further the cause of school consolidation now under discussion by authorities ix: Wash- tenaw county,. "The efficiency of a chamber of com- merce in its service to the community," said Mr. B,rown in commenting on general organization principles, "does net depend so much upon a large menmbirsmp as upon am's adequabe, dependable income. Such an income can be determined in each particular town on the basis of population." Mr. Brown stressed th'e importance of choosing suitable committees for various p~rojects and of attempting only those tasks that are worth while, practical, and timely. He suggested that committees be used as a means of contact with tme more inactive members 'in the chamber. Attention was also called to the work that can he done by the ch'am- her in aiding farmers in the vicinity to solve marketing and financial pro- hlemis, and in encouraging' the small Inlander Gets Twenty Essays Twenty essays had been submitted by the closing date last Monday of the' Inlander familiar essay contest, in which a prize of ten dollars is offered. After being read by the staff, the manuscripts will be forwarded to Christopher Morley, who is to act as judge. The editors in charge an- nounce that a number of the better contributions will appear in the April. issue of the Inlander, which will be put on sale sometime between April 1 and 10. The winner of the contest will be announced as soon as the de- cision has been made. In view of the fact that the next is- sue of the publication will be devoted{ largely to prose, it has been planned to make the final issue a souvenir edi- tion composed largely of poetry, a tra- dition inaugurated by Whimsies. k Slosson Hits 'Peace Hymns' "Hymns sung to the abstract virtue Jacksonville, Il1.-Word received here via Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad wire from Ashlnad, Illinois,' which took the message from a Baltimore and Ohio railroad wire, is to the effect that the town of Thomp- sonville in the southern part of the state is burning as a result of the tornado which swept that section to- day. Washington, Indiana-According to a telephone message received by the Washington Herald from the Clarion News at Princeton, Indiana, 100 per- sons were killed in the latter, town, when a tornado struck Princeton late today. Evansville, Indiana--According to special dispatches to the Evansville Courier from New Harmony, Indiana, .practically the entire town of Griffin Indiana, of about 400 population was wiped out when a tornado struck that town late this afternoon. A score or more were reported dead and possibly a hundred are injured. Benton, Illinois-Unverified esti- mates received by the Benton Even- ing News early tonight were that perhaps several hundred persons were killed in attornado which struck West ORG lATIS SEK SEERS FROM SIC!9 Many calls have been received by the extension department of the Stu-; dent Christian association to send speakers to various cities and townsj of the state to address groups of high school students, business clubs, Hi-Y organizations, and conferences of dif- ferent kinds. This department, umdert the direction of George Baker, 25Ed, has been enlarged this year and moreI speakers are being sent out than ever before since the organization of the association. Several students spoke in different parts of the state during the last veek. Robert Brown, '26, captain of next year's football team, addressed the students of Pontiac high school.! Monday, March 2, on the subject of smoking. C. W. Melick, secretary of' the Oakland county Law Enforcementj league, has written to the Student. Christian association highly commend- ing Brown's talk. Harold Steele, '25, on March 4 spoke before the Flint junior and senior high schools and before the junior college of that city. On the next night; Vern Hillery, '25L", and Harvey Ei- ory, football coach, addressed the county convention of Hi-Y leaders at Farmington, Oakland county. plans to have an orchestra playing in the dining room throughout the meal. The banquet will be informal. Tickets may be procured today from members of the Blue Key club and atI the desk in the Union. Guests are limited to 225. JUNIOR WOMEN PRESENT ANNUAL PLAYTTo PUBIC~ "Castles Spain" the twenty-first annual production by the junilcor women will have its third perfor- mance at the Whitney theatre tonight. The play has been staged by Amy! loonis, '22, a Michigan graduate, and has been called a decided success by those whro have attended -the two performances given so far. The pro- 1 duction will play tomorrow night and A review of the premier per- formance of "Castles in Spain" will be found in the Music and ! Drama column. twice Saturday. Seats for the re- maining performances may be pur- chased at the box office of the Whitney theatre. The presentation giventlast night was tl.,, first to which the general puic was admitted, as the first night I was rseerved for senior women in whliose honor the play is given. A large audience was present and seem- ed pleased with the production. TDTTWITnAT TX7T)b"11x7 ! I Plans for social activities were (is-j cussed by the Round Up club at a meeting held in the Union last night. It was decided to have a smoker Wed- nesday night, March 25, atthe Union, and initiation the following Wednes- day at the same place. The tenative date for the Spring formal was set at April 1. Final ratification of the new Student council constitution under which that body has operated for two years was made last night. It will now be sub- mitted to the Senate Conmmittee on Student Affairs for their approval be- fore being placed on permanent rec- oil. Its practical operation has been deemed. successful by faculty and stu- dents alike.j It was also decided that a perma- nent type of award should be made for the cheerleading squad subject to a change in the .uniform now being worn by that organization. Probably sweaters with letters will be adopted +. 1 - 41", imc , Uof il UiAl ~ar vnntc of peace are the greatest waste of Frankfort, 7 miles south' of here late time that can be attributed to the today. Between 200 and 300 children human tongue," remarked Prof. Pres-' were said to have been killed or in- ton W. Slosson of the history depart-I jured when a school house blew down. ment yesterday in. commenting upon I Between -60 and 75 bodies have been the subject of a debate to be held by brought to Benton according to re- Prof. W. H. Hobbs of the geology de- ports. nartment and Rev. Leyton Richards of__ Birmingham, England, next week, in this city. Prof. Hobbs will uphold I the negative side of the question: Re- SCOTT WRITES PPR O solved, that war should be abolished as a means for the settlement for in- E ternational disputes. OE UNGLIU Professor Slosson took occasion to characterize the issue as a very broad' The degree of divergence of the one. "If the subject were for a --de- present English spoken in Great Brit- bating team, it should certainly be ian from the English spoken in Amer- more specific," he said. But if Pro- ica constitutes the gist of. a paper fessor Hobbs and Reverend Richards written by Prof. P. N. Scott of the wish to deal in generalities, why that Rhetoric department. Tlis article, is different entitled "England and America-600 "Peace is a by-product. Arguments Words Apart," will appear in the Mc- concerning peace or war are mean- Naught's Magazine, New York City, ingless things. The question still re- issue for May. mains 'how' should war be abolished In attempting to determine the pre- or peace maintained." cise degree of divergence Professor Scott has divided each of the two ver- naculuars into three spheres or sec- Goodrich Speakstins. The irst of these is the shere On Ford Tonight of slang and facetiousness. The see- ond deals with commonplace material- ities and the last section with that of Prof. Carter Goodrich, of the ec- intellectual interests. It appears that onomics department, will speak be- in the first section the two vernac- f-ore the Round Table club tonight at ulars have drifted so far apart as to 7:30 in room 304 of the Union on make each virtually a foreign Ian- "Ford vs. the Mining Industry." It guage to the other. will be remembered that this is the The divergence in the second sphere same organization that brought Scott is also considerable but not to the Nearing to 'this campus, and Profes- extent reached in the first. It is not sor Goodrich's speech promises to be however as great as is generally and of equal interest according to the commonly supposed. In the third secretary of the club. Visitors are section, namely, that of intellectual cordially invited, interests, there is no divergence worth _______________speaking of. The two languages are on reaching this plane, if not identi- Hall Will Speakcal, at least mutually intelligible. Holbrook Talks now used.a A f C - b M I Final dates for spring events as set I last week, Cane Day is to be on May 3, t industries in the city. the first Sunday in May; Swing-Out, - Featured by a humorous talk de- May 7; Spring (lames, May 8 -and 9; livered by Prof. Evans Holbrook of ! Cap Night, May 15; and Fathers Day, Predict Leaning the law school on "Scandinavians," the a Union function, May 16. Tower Wiii Fall Pennsylvanian Club held it regular - Tower Will Fall meeting last night in Barbour Gymn- SENIORS WILL In 1,600 Years asium. The meeting was opened by_ the President of the club, Thomas J. HOLD OKER,.Ts Donahue, '25L, who welcomed the S 1 0 E Rome, March 18.-Tourists visiting forty students who were present. Fol-- in the vicinity of Pisa, Italy, about lowing the President's talk, th'e club a All members of the senior literary 1,600 years from now will have to we'i ont-o'feinc hv renfeen 1-i class are urged to attend a smoker watch their steps carefully, for it has I ourvetherm4at. I I 1I