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March 18, 1925 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-18

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__________________________________________-.-~---- -~-

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications..
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republicatio-a of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwase
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-1
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Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mnail,
Offices:; Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
niard Street.
Phones : Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi-
ness, 96o.
} Telephones 2414 and 176"M
Editor............. . .John G. Garlinghouse
News Editor............. Robert G. Ramsay
City Editor..... .....Manning Houseworth
Night Editors
g'eorge W. Davis Harold A. Moore
Thomas P. Henry Fredk. F. Sparrow, Jr.
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal
Sports Editor....... .William H. Stoneman
Sunday Editor.......... Robert S. Mansfield
Women's Editor.............. Vernea Moran
Telegraph Editor.... William J. Walthour
Louist Barrey Helen S. Ramisay
Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann
Leslie S. Bennets Marie Reed
Smith Cady Jr. Edmarie Schrauder
Willard B. Crosby' Frederick H. Shillito
Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens
James W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet
Toseph O. Gartner Herman Wise
?liining Jrousewortk ELugene 14. Gutekunst
Zlixaheth S. Kennedy Robert T. DeVore
Elizabthl Lieb&ii:uiianley C. Cri _h ton
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William C:° Patferg&Woa Lillias K. Wagner
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Advert ising..................E. T~ Dunne
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Advertisin .................. B. W. Parker
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J. C. Consroe. D. Ryan
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J. R. DePuy M. E. Sandberg
George C. Johnson 11. L. Schiff
0 . A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfeld
K. K. Klein 1. J. Winemnan

slight est suspicion thlat the ge is
an alliance of the vic'tor., iin the rcn
war will be0 rem~ove(], aid the rTeulonh:.
states, will once more be I)muht injto0
the full stream of world polit ics. But,
even more important, a move shall)
have been mlade which will tend to
remove ancient. harier mnd h Ii'edM.
There is a definite lilelibool thari
Germany's pact wvill be expatnde(d rand
that CreAt Britain, France, [Wlgiot,{
Italy, Poland, and C('echo SlovakiaE
will b~e the other signatories. Suzch a
lineup sounds ominous, but it., canj
only be made in the intecrests of prre-
serving peace. No one of the nat ions


TIllIS AFTER100ON:I The Organ'rie-r
TO~)NI (dl T: "castle in spa int,"ti he
21st n tiiiial Junior Girls' Play, at S :15i
'elock ini the Whitney theatre.
TONIGIIT: [Madamle Schumann-!
Ilenk t S30o'clock in Orclicstra

I. At

Something new added each day
to our bargain tables. One Week Only.











part'y toLued an I01 darri "'1c jl ,( . s "" " ale, Detroit.
participate unless tihe aimis were pur e-~
ly defensive and unless it serve d only ,hlthD IV. I)IN IIIIE, NATrIONAL "1CASTLES IN SPAIN"
as a means of assuring the ideals of 1 l IESI I)ENT WIIi1 GIVE
arbitration and security to which the' hEYNOTE SPEECH Oeigi h yia olg t
League stands commtted. Whatever A osphere veb cea oa of a women's social affair
the fate of this substitute for the LIAS KELL TO SPEAK for the benefit of the Michigan League
Geneva protocol, it is cer'tin that the ____ and progressing rather slowly to the
League of Nations will become an evenI~ Boln speedy movement andl dash of Span-
greater factor in world affairs if Cev- hijilBO'lvliig liingllt ii e i sh action in the second act, the jun-
many becomes a member. eftor1ahiigoi s11 women scoredl a,(distinict success
Local chtairmian in their first presentation of "Castles
AREGULAR APIPROPIRIATIONinSa" at the Whitney theatre last
The nitd Sate hashada pohi 1Fred W. Din widdie, national presi- ( night.
The nitd Sate hashada pohi (lent otf Denizens, IRumor Society, will Displaying the latest creations in
bition law now for seven years. Yet w white beaded evening gowns with
in all this time no regular provision deie1 ekentwdrs o h o-xraps of brnighit colored velvet, the
for funds to insurc its eii orec('iiift'vcftioIl of that organizationl to lie held opening chorus "Signing Out" made
in Michigan has ever been mnade lby ihere Thursday and Friday, it was' a hit at the beginning with the fem-
the state legislature. Instead the learned here last night. President inine audience who viewed this first
matter has been left entirely up to lDinwiddie had thought he would be performnance. Dorothy Kraus, the co-
theadmnisratve oar 'wichhastinlli toattnd he onvntin, ueed (deserves special mention for her
the amiistatve oar ,hic hs unaleto ttnd he onenton du tpep and snap in the jazz feature
been compelled to include in emier- to an illness in his family, but the dnigi h pnDtscou
gency appropriations enough money .," ndah fhswfe etra while the "Serenade" .sung by Jose
to maintain the activities of the state' will cnaiole him to arrive in Ann Ar- amidst the atmosphere loaned by
police in comblattinlg the iquior lawI bor tomorrow morning. Spanish maidens in vivid costumesI
violators. t-- made a beautiful as well as graceful
That the proposition is -,orthay of , ls o h is.at
({VARSITI BANI) WILL I And now for the se'cond1 act--by far
special considerat ion is7 evaidencedc by' GETT'MEE'TING ITRPL1'S j the more finished and interesting of
the recent statemnent of S crotai'y of I the two! Spanish village folk, village
State Deland Ithat between $275,09)i F lMiner Canning, in c'harge of song and dlance transferred thle spec-
and $300,000 was allowed by the boarid , 01, toffle locail ftia~ial ('onllItittee tator rom oriaylf o the ra-
in emergency aplprol)riatio"S to the i fr lienizens' c'onlvention, till- niance of castles in Spain. Jose,
Department of Pubolic Safetyv for pro- iiouiiced last nig'ht that by a spe- characterized b)y Mary Lou Miller,I
hibition enforcement. Since a fairLy ( cita1trranigemnent thle surplus I was exceptionaily wvell d.one, even to
definite amount is known to be needed proftts of the convienition will be j the essential Spanish accent, which
for the work, it is no smore than good I turmied over. to the Varsity Band. I was acquired to a professional de--
business that the legislature include' 1 1do1no expe(ct to leave any I gree. A handsome hero, a debonaire
it i it reula apI'o~ritioeat amiIoun~t of suirplus," said (Spanish youth olio captiv\ated1the
it n is eguarappopratons Mr. (Canning; "but what, there is audience with a winning smile and an
'will be tur'ned over to the Band j almost mfascullinle voice. That was
417ALTE~fR CA M I' I J ne ' r t siaete .ose! With Jim Bentley.,iplayed by
j toc.W r oetlaeteIIn every sphere of activity there are I expnsesoflie convelant as*( Dorothy Waldo, running in close corn-
men whose influence plays a pre- close aas wecall, but there i petition with Jose, but winning the
dominant part in sraping it-s best in-;j nivvys a little edge left over. girl of his (Ireamns by his boyish
terests, and whose namies cotine almost ! 1rrh~e :andl is alfie organiza- American ways, it would 1)0 hard to
to be svrnnvmou s with the instilttion. t ion, we IDenizens believe, anud nfav r.eo h t e.Mr a- trna A--4,,, iinTiI-y was. n-

i -=^

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Look at Your Hat- l1 Try our new meals. Eat our light salads
Everyone Else Does an.noyyu masinpesatsr
We have the Latest Colors-Pearl, an-no ormasi laatsr
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Save a Dollar or More
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You may not be interested

in lowest prices,

but you

can't help enjoying foods
when they are prepared the
way wie insist that they b


WE:DNESDAY, M11ARCH 18, 1925
Night Editor-F. 'K. SPARROW, JR.
Sometimecs the American party sys-
temn does not interfere with the best
interests of the nation-but not often.
Somnetiaies the fair and uninfluenced
judgment of a party leader is not
questioned( by his subordinates-but
not ofteni. Sometimes the very best
man for a high governmental position
is the mnan to be selected and ap-
proved----but not often.
No better example of the injusticel
of partianship both between political
?organizations and within a particular
group can be cited than the case of
Charles Bececher Warren, Presidentl
Coolidge's choice for United States at-
torney general. Opposed by his po-
litical oppo)nents, the Democrats, as
well. as somne of his own political
brothers, th.V Rf%>iblicans, Mr. War-
ren is the u 'frtf;nate victim of a per-
nicious cir'O'lms' nce.
It i ' 1nt from the allign-
ment of the Senajtors in the two votesl
rejiecti fig the nonmination of Mr. War-
ren, that the nde (rlying motive back
of tlu emoPostio n p nothing more than
Iol itic Alin r . The fact that such
a' cry was: a.i~ed, against him on the
grounds thin behci d been mixed up in
the oPnerat4is; ; f the Sugar Trust,
back in 1l.i fiwerel y a good subter-
fuge fr fh'40a-ource of the animus
dine~ed sthimn by the Demo-
('rats', t e i ->r 1nt Republicans, and
oncor w;,i1 ieluding Senator
JamesCou a Michigan.
Now t fhaT:., tb rejection has been
maeo emphatic by the second ad-
ver::e vote,'however, there seems to be
but one seonsiI'le course to follow. It
would 1) but folly for President Cool-
ideto insist upon the nomination of
11r. Wa*;rren for a recess appointment
iviwof the stubborn deterniination
of t li Senate. Even more unwise
would be the acceptance of such an
offer on thel' part of Mr. Warren. Fur-
ther action w~ill only jeopardize tile
effctivecness of the adhministration
dlurl ing the c'oming four years.
In fact, when the Senators deter--
mine t) follow a certain course, 110
matter' what its consequences may be0
for the welfare of the nation, they
sonictt nes. change their minds-but
not often
1- roii a cross the water comes tile
ivcrdlt hat. Germany is quite likely to
b(come a member of the League of
Na oswhen that body meets for its
sxth annual assenibly next Septem-
ber. Decspite the League council's re-
fusal to c'on sider Germany's impos-
sible reservations, this is made prob-
able, in view of the cordial attitude

The mere mention of railroads brings ' As such is deserving of the cidredyaschara cter seet enugha i
to mind thoughts of the Ilarimans ! lheaty support of every towns-. e omlaa t an h orthpo
andtil Culd ; th sihtof gratI wn, tuent a~l acutymew Imore than just omne handsome hero,
trans-Atlantic liner carries with it ber. lDenizens is glad to be in E while Marquita, enatetdl by Edythe
the edeavorh of Cunard and other I a osyit on to tn ov 'feralii he Rh inevault, was vivacious and natur-
pionersin he ervce.I nile' frm (iltI h sti~e10 aly graceful in her characterization
pinSo it is in the realm o sport, esp- I help! the cause -.1101g:"1o atiha adn
cialy iterclleiate loo~lal. Fr J Chorus hilts in time second act wereI
undoub~tedly, the specialty tango dane- !
years the mname of Wallten Camp lmhas ! The addr'essof welcome to the del- ccl by Wila-belle Harper nand Charlotte'
been closely identified witha every- c ates will-b delivered by Jason (O'Brien wvho e polish and( grace made
thing that tis great: sport has aiCj('owlers, presidlent of Itle local chapter, ( one forget the play was an amateur
complished. Het was ninon; ~thle first at. twov o'clock, with G.. Washington product ion. With no0 outstandling
to realize its potentialities for aoia- ; a temporary chairman. Tl.he keynote voices and no outst andling musical
tour competition and it was larl'9y ldre s, on the subject "Laugh andI scores, time last act was enlivened by!
through his efforts that the' gridiron ! 1 set L'auighi," will follow, after whichtienmr,"oeOlLvsfrT-
game attained to its pirwent pos:ition President IDinwiddie will take the (la y" suing b~y part of the cast. Jon-
of prominenee. car n h rsnail f(meIathan Spry, It00, pla yed by Marguerite
IAinsworth made a hit
Tile recent death of this moan will,- (iemilials by delegates will take pla8ce.i
snake lite difference in lahis .,aliiilg F'ollowing the Invocation, whichl 1 WIyitlHVIEvtwJS,('OMMIT
f among American .pmort. lover s. Ilhia will 1not1 be read by 1Rev. Herbert A. I sri(IT) E
name has beeni a.ssociated tflm the i "him p1, pastor of the F+irst Congrega- 3y Robert C. Ramsay.
best in football sb long, his approval tional Church of Ann Arbor, but by any I can recall but twice in my life
so nearly the official stamp of football promlising young fellow with a good when I have had the indtomlitable
greatness that while this sport con- voice wh o turns up1, officers will be patience and fortitude to wait for a
tinues to reign in popularity it will lbe; elec'ted for the comnimg year, and the concert more than three quarters of
thloulght of as the creation of Walteor general organization of the convention aii hour. In both cases, 1 was act-
_~ilb efc d i'nmtl i-b t r ihnuon iif~nt ronrnrd_





TO ",LUCK"~?



Camp. There can bie no greater tni-
Bute to his success ill hisj chose"l pi'-
f ession.

''lb e programi. for thie a fteinoon ses-
sion includes round table discussions,
t) be presided over by the various

The men of thoe t ate Tc eaciet 's grotl p coai mien ; a tour ofinspectioin
College of Greely, Colorado, have or- of the Unliversity to be conducted by
ganized a mnisogynist ral emnit y to ' l mnhers; of the 'Student Couincil; and
protect themselves from the co-eds ; an address bhfl IIon. .1. P1. H-askell,
1whom they term '"wolves in sheep's Nat-ional secre~tar~y of Itle organiza-
clothing." The wild and v ooly -west, t ion, on "llumor Pr'oblems in Mlwau-
once again! k ee." In the evening there will be- a
- 1bowling t ournament on the Union al-I
If only 200 of tlt' 4,000 people, who le's. for those of thle delegates whlo
attended the aulto ,;how lAvt eek bowl, While tickets have been provid-
were students, who> caire> about thi ed cr1th ie b ask-et-ball game between
band? AMichigan and the Ann Arbor Ihighi
-----_____---________school ill Wesley hall for all those
_________________________________ - vlo ocare to attend.
CAMPUS OPINION jExpe't'rwo Hhidred
A",onvmnIIs eornniuriications will he P'a0(icahlycomplete reports from
disregarded. The names of commnri- tm aiu hpeso h oit r
.ants xwill. however, he remardied ff aiu astr fth oit r
confidential ilnnh request. no0w in. according to the chlainman of
f b e 1o(a1 comnvent ion comlmittee, who
PESht S*;1 II @' (OWA 'If B111'h expcts Iwo hundred delegates from
TPo the Editor: l l over the c'ountry to be in Ann Ar-
Tphe bit1 of j)('5iii]slit ill S undla y's J~or by tomiorrow night. at the latest.
paper'nillllustral vs the 1 ('ll11cy of the "UI ndoubt edly,' thme(chlairmanI said at.
human mind to lose itself in tlie dark a a toeHour Ilast night, ''thIere will 1)e
caves of ex perince. Such morbid Ia. few delegates tuinmg tip who' have
thought '~a iare we ys ea utlltl y mmot oficialY signified titer intent ion
sign in the inidi vidual1, a con irssion of of corning, but thIere are also invari-
weakness anud lack ot' w ill. They arc.I ahly a. few who are foirced to change
arraignmment's of his waly of life. TIhiy fI hir plans aft en they have accepted
<arise out (of hiis a-t I eit jt : to set bounds thlie in vitaltion . I expect there will li
to time skies. Misery anad grivt ar'e about,) 200 present.."C
common things, but 1whry should we .TJohn Panuirge, an official in the ho-

The first occurred1 seven or eight
year's ago, whlen, with ti-i rest of a
large and hysterical audience, f!
stifled and choked in thle hot furnace
of I-ill auditorijim and added to theirs,
mmy own whimsical conjectur'e as to
the whereabouts of the star. 't'hen,-
three quarters of an houmr later, after
sundry diark and secret withdrawals
of the conduct or inito the recesses of
the alley-way back ;stage, amid whisp-
ered conferences among tile umanagers,
Johln McCormick was piloted stub.-
bornly out onto thte stage, his gellat-
nous mand bibulous hpresence exihailing
an exubernmce, or 1 should say, an
over'abunda nce of spirits, which im-
medialtely won his way into the hearts
of his audience. Ho0w divineoly he sang
that night in contrast to time extreme!
woridiness of his situation! I would
wait all night to hear him do it again.
The second time, was last- night in
the concert given by the Musical clubs
of the state, when each aspiring club
came to root valianutly for its favorite
sister. All les grandes damies of the
city and state wemre there; they greet-
ed each shrinking artist ith a kind-
ly splatter of applause wiich was po-
lite, if not enthusiastic. I was not so
I polite. I left at the end of the second
number, unable to countemnance any
mlore of the dievastat ion.
Palmer Christian, University or-I

Lck "s. a much overworked word.
Many 'nei depend upon it as a guide thcro i h life,
fails th em, bitterly bewail their adversity, and complain
alone has deprived them of prosperity.

and then when it
that "hard luck"

They are the kind of men who depend upon luck to get them th-rough
a diffcult examination, to get them a good position and to carry them over
thc crest in every encounter they have with the world. Sometimnes it is mere
laziness. Seldom is it a genuine philosophy of life.
True, now and then-we find cases where luck ha" played a largc part
in the success or failure of a man or enterprise. It is hound to enter into all
our lives ;and. exert powerful influences. So we cannot discount it entirely.
But to assume that we will be successful or not in life only to the c mt that
we are lucky or unlucky is to insure our failure.
Rather we must be awake to take advantage of eve;vy ooportunity. We
must study our situation carefully. We must work hard. We must conservc
time and money and energy. We must be fair and honest. We must do
all these things if we are to feel any iconfidence in our ultimate success.
True, even then luck may enter to bring ruin or success to our hopes, but not
If there is a lesson to be learned from this, it is that we cannot det-cnd
upon luck to bring wealth and independence. The world is filled with thoseh
who have tried and failed. We must have foresight. We must begin to
save a part of what we make. We cannot provide afor today alone and
leave the future to care for itself. Unless we do provide for the future it
seems probable some day we too may ,decry the "hard luck" that has
deprived us of the fulfillment of our dreams.


ga'inist, will present thte cutsomary
f ecital this afternoon at 4: 15 o'clock

Imake themi comtinone r by our disgust-
ing cowardice? We cr'ing~e <and bewail
and blame fa to andi whatI not outside
powers for our condition, instead of'
recognizing our' own personial si reng;li
and abhilily to work out .our good eNns.4
Cowarmdice will never' head to tri'uth
anld too much talk on faite is a waste
of breath. That thevre is a place for
p~essimisin there is no doubt; I hiat: it!
should 1)0 more than at passing feeling

cal chapter made this statement. to a in ill auditoriunl. The delegates to
Rolls repiorterm who called on himn yes- tile Michigan Federation of Music
I erday a fter'noon: "1 see no reason Clubs will lie special guests at this
why this convention of Denizens concert, andl the program will be
should not 1)0 the biggest and host in idenltical with the one Mr. Christian
the list ory of the organizat ion. We u'recently presented in the Wanamaker1
have a great ihunchl comning, andi we Auditom'iumn, New Yor'k city. Th~e num-
hzave good speakers, good eats, mnd a hers are as follows:j
good program." I AlIlegm'o con fuoco ........ de Boeck j
".Ann Arbor." Mr Panurge contin-' Benediction.............. Kag-lert
med. "is fast becoming the big con-1 Sportive Fauns.......dAntalffy
-_V-+,, t - +, .t n - , ~ , d - ----- in I oi rtnr


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