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March 18, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-18

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New Appointee Ield Same Post ill
Verniont; Is Close Friend
of President

Senior Women Praise Play;
Men To Be Admitted Tonight


Regent W. L. Clements W rites
Burton Tribute For Chimes


More than 400 senior women march-
ed from their banquet at the Unioh
to the Whitney theatre last night to
witness the 21st annual premier of
the Junior Girls' play. If the ap-
plause with which the production was
received is any indication of its suc-
cess, "Castles in Spain" will go down
in history as one of the outstanding
A review of the premier per- I
formance of "Castles in Spain"
will be found in the Music and
Drama column. {

tinuance of the old tradition which
barred all men from the annual play
for many years.
"Castles iu Spain" will be presented
every night this week and at a mat-
inee Saturday. Although the house is
well filled for most of the perform-
ances there are still some seats avail-
able for every night, according to
Eunice Rose, the business manager.
Tickets may be procured at the box
office of the Whitney theatre during
this week. The prices of the seats are:
$2.50 for the entire orchestra; $z.00
for the first 4 rows of the balcony;
$1.50 for the next 4 rows; and $1.00
for the remaining seats of the balcony.
The gallery will not be open during
any of the performances.
Those who witnessed the play last
night semed unanimous in the opin-
ion that "Castles in Spain" would
prove an even greater success than
last year's production.




Washington, Mar. 17.-(By A. P.)-
The controversy between President
Coolidge and the Senate over the at-
torney generalship ended abruptly
today with the nomination of John G.
Sargent, of Vermont, for the post, and
his prompt confirmation by the Sen-
Mr. Sargent, a former attorney gen-
eral of Vermont and a close personal
friend of the president, was selected
after Charles B. Warren, of Michigan,
whose nomination twice was rejected
by the Senate, had declined to accept

of the annual productions of its kind.
The audience last night was composed
entirely of women, the seniors in caps
and gowns occupying practically thel
entire orchestra. The performance to-
night will be the first one to which
men will be admitted. This is a con-

A. B. Fall Not Called to Stand; CourtI
Asked to Remove Evidence
from Records
Cheyenne, Wyo., March 17.-With its
battle for annulment of the Teapot
Dome naval oil reserve lease complet-
ed, the government late today rested
its case, with the contention that it
had proved the existence of a conspir-
acy between Albert B. Fall, former
secretary of the interior, and Harry
F. Sinclair, leasee of the big oil field.
The refusal of M. T. Everhart, Pu-]
eblo, Colorado, rancher, banker and
son in law of Fall, to testify today,

"Marion L. Burton-An Apprecia-
tion," written by the lion. William
L. Clements, Regent of the Univer-
sity, leads the contributions toE
Chimes, campus opinion monthly,
which appears oh the campus this
Regent Clements writes of the late
President as he knew him, the pre-
siding officer of the Board of Re-
gents, the representative of the Uni-
versity at Lansing, and the friend of
the world. Accompanying the arti-
cle are two pages of intimate snap-
shots of Dr. Burton, taken at various
times during his life, and given toI
Chimes by Mrs. Burton.
Two articles, one on the economic
aspects of the reparations problem,j
by Prof. Clare E. Griffin, of the ec-
onomics department, and the other,
on recent Anglo-American relations,
by Robert D. Gregg, graduate stu-

den in history, treat on question of
world interest. Mr. Gregg discusses
especially the assertion that the
peace of the world depends on Brit-
ish and American friendship, and the
pertinent question, how friendly are
George creel, nationally known
satirist on political subjects, and cre-
ator of Collier's famous "Uncle Hen-
ry," who spoke recently at Hill aud-
itorium, has written a typical Uncle
Henry discussion of "Intelligence"
for Chimes, in which he ranges over
the entire field of human history.
The Student Friendship drive,
which is still being conducted on the
campus, comes in for its share of
publicity, with "The End is Not Yet,"
written by Miss Margaret Quayle,
field secretary of the International
Student Friendship fund, who is in
Ann Arbor on behalf of the drive. In
(Continued on Page Two'

/ ..





San offer of a recess appointment. I U wEEV .i i V 1 U V V 1.1UEii!i caused government counsel to rest its
At the moment that Mr. Sargent's~~ case without calling the former cab-
name was transmitted to the Senate, irofessor Wnl Oppose Rev. Leyton Ambassador to Peking Appointed to net official to the stand, Owen J. Rob-
the White House made public an ex- Richards, English Pacifist, Take Place Vacated by erts said tonight.
change of correspondence between the Touring Country 'Houghton "If I had been able to have gleaned
executive and Mr. Warren, which dis- " any information from Everhart con-
clsoed that the offer of such an ap- DEBATE MARCH 26 OTHERS TO FOLLOW necting Mr. Fall with the passage of
bonds between Sinclair and himself, I
the Senate had acted unfavorably up- Prof. W. II. Hobbs, of the geology Washington, March 17.-Nomination would have 'called him immediately
on his name. department, and Rev. Leyton Rich- today by President Coolidge of Dr. and put the direct question to him as
Mr. Warren wrote the president that Iards, of Birmingham, England, will to the matter of record," Mr. Roberts
he was unwilling to prolong a pot engage in a debate March 26 in Jacob Gould Schurman, now Americ said. "Otherwise there was no reason
ical controversy which might lessen First Congregational church of this minister at Peking to succeed Alanson for placing Mr. Fall under oath. I
Mr. Coolidge's "opportunity for full city, on the issue: Resolved, that war B. Houghton as ambassador to Ger- had no desire to call him just merely
usefulness to the nation, and possibly should be abolished as a means for the many and its prompt confirmation by to see him take the stand."
interfere with your making wholly ef- settlement for international disputes. the Senate, completed the realignment Striking, back at the moment the
fective your policies." s n Professor Hobbs will defend the neg- of major diplomatic assignments in government rested, J. W. Lacey, of the
announcement of the selection of ative side of the question. u counsel for the defense, the Mam-
Mr. Sargent, who lives in the little Reverend Richards is in this coun- E mouth Oil company, asked the court3
village of Ludlow near the president' i try on his fourth visit from England. night that Ambassador Schurman's to wipe out of the records all evidence
birtplae, -asmd e M l- He is spending three months in the successor to Peking would be nomi- regarding the alleged passage of Lib-
idge had conferred with the epl- Unid States, traveling across the dated in time for consideration in the rty bonds from the Continental Trad-
an emcatcfloClaer ncountry,.cuyn aypliso
the Senate. He was unwilling to sub-t occupying many pulpits of present session of the Senate. ing company, said by the governmentl
mit the name until he had been as- ing different university center swhere The transfer of Dr. Schurman to to have been organizd for the benefit
sured that his old friend would not he speaks on the English point of view Berlin is regarded by State depart- of Sinclair and others, to Fall, on the
be subjected to the hazard of such an on world matters. lie is pastor of the ment officials as a logical step, de- ground that nothing in the govern-
attack as was made of Mr. Warren. Carrs Lane church, Birmingham spite the fact that it withdraws him ment's evidence had connected Sinclair
Immediately upon receipt of the, England, the largest Congregational from the legation at a time when po- or the Mammouth Oil company with
nomination, the Senate moved swiftly j church -in England. litical and economic conditions in the Liberty Bond transaction.
to dispose of it. Chairman Cummins The Student Fellowship and mem- China and the far East generally have Mr. Lacey's objection was overruled
of the judiciary committee, took the hers of the Congregational church in given. that post outstanding import- when he made the statement, in reply
unusual course of laying the appoint- Ann Arbor will give a banquet March ance. The promotion is in line with to a question by federal judge T. Blake
ment before the body in open session, 25 in honor of the Reverend Richards the administration's recent polcy of Kennedy, that the defense would be
and then called a meeting of his com- in the new Masonic Temple. At this advancing its representatives abroad, willing to stand on the record made in
mittee to act upon it. banquet lie will speak on "Why John and is an official recognition of the the government's side of the case and
The nomination was reported to the Bull loves Uncle Sam." The debate important services Dr. Schurman has take chances on the government's evi-
Senate executive session and was al~ between Professor Hobbs and Rover- rendered in China under trying con- dence failing to convince the court of
proved in open session by unanimous end Richards will take place on the ditions. any connection betweenL Iiberty Bonds
consent just four hours after it had following night in the Congregational and Sinclair. Judge Kennedy over-
been received. church. ruled the motion to strike out after
' Reverend Richards is well known VIWILL M E Mr. Lacey had made that statement.
III RAlfduring the World War. In his debate nr
n UU~r v~t 1for his pacificiste views, which he held TH T 1JJJVIDEO EAM 1INATIONduin te ord Wr.IBolddbae Rep re
lwith Professor Hobbs he will uphold RBold R eporter
the resolution that war should be'
NM ES FROM G ITY VTEI abolished as a means to settle inter Faces Fem ales
national disputes. In England he has amznation for the registration of.
Mandamus - d w delivered many speeches on this architects by the state board will take} TO View Play
Mandamusproceedings will be re-] question.
quired if the Democrats of Ann Arbor :_ __place here April 13, 14, and 15. The
desire to force the question of examination consists of tests in steel!By Kenneth C. Kellar
whether or not they -will be permitted B[19 ./ and reinforced concrete construction Darkness clothed the Whitney when
to place a legal city ticket in the field [U E B and in architectural design and hist- a haggard eyed, nerve wracked indi-
for the April election,.following recent.vidual crashed the gate to view the
action on the part of the election com- Ir vui crashe th gatewt ae the
mission. [OUO VIUL UEILL Candidates also have a twelve-hour junior girls in action-what, a crook
The commissioners, acting on the --. test in design in which they make preF building? No only a poor Daily re-
advice of the city-attorney, Roscoe O. Regular -pay for every night spent liminary sketches for a building based porter, brow beaten by superiors, to
Bonisteel, issued the following state- in drill is provided for the U. S. Naval on the plans made by the board. Work wilt under the haughty game of liter-
wnent: Reserve unit here by the recent naval also covers the steel truss and struc- y
~"We hereby certify that the certifi-, resyerso covrslthessteelirussoandesr.-ally thousands ofsenior women.
cate for y thenomin ationf cth ocerI reserve bill passed in Congress. The tural system of a building. Applica-) Orders to dash off our impressions
cato for the nomination of city officers,. bill sponsored by Representative I don blanks and full information may of the lay. What an absurdity when a
art the city convention of the Demo- Britten, of llinois, allows pay on a be obtained from the board offices at state of comma prevents any registra-
h sliding scale ranging from $1.20 to 21t33 Park avenue, Detroit.
__..._ _ _<_ u_,.a +-,, _-- vnnn n Z ition of impressions. At least the con-

Miemtber of Rockefeller Institute Will
Give Third Lecture on Alpha
Omega Alpha Series
Dr. Wade Brown of the Rockefeller
Institute for Medical Research, will
discuss "Chemotherapy and the Treat-
ment of Syphilis" at 8 o'clock tomor-


row night in the Natural Science audi-th
torium. This will constitute the third
lecture on the course given by Alpha m
Omega Alpha, national honorary mod- it
ical fraternity, which is bringing dis- p
tiguished doctors from various med- b
ical centers to Ann Arbor. s
Dr. Brownthas been connected with s
the Rockefeller Institute for over ten t
years. During that time his work hi
has consisted chiefly of an experimen-
tal study of syphilis. Prof. A. S. War-
thin of the pathological department
in the Medical school says of him,
"He is one of the foremost experi- tc
mental researchers and investigators of
in the country. His work is espe- tc
cially noted for its accuracy and hon- s<
esty." si
While staying in Ann Arbor, Dr. r
Brown will be the guest of Prof. Udo
J. Wile, of the dermatological depart- tc
ment, who was a classmate of his at p,
John Hopkins university. Professor l
Wile will also give a luncheon in hisw
honor Thursday noon at the Union. tr
On Thursday night, Alpha Omega
Alpha, will entertain him at a banquetC
at which time he will be made an hon-j
orary member of the society. Friday N
noon Professor Warthin will also en-
tertain him at luncheon.
I Presbyterian students, numbering t]
j about four hundred men and women, s
will convene at Ann Arbor on April
9-12, to confer on various'problems of p
religious and general interest. The h
t conference, which is national in char- it
acter, is the first which has originated s
in student interest without the, C
prompting of outside forces. o
Colleges and universities in everyin
iti of tho on tr wll Bnd dl-

xplosion Said to Have Been Caused
by Blast of Dynamite
or Powder
Fairmont, West Virginia, March 17.
-A mine of the Bethlehem Mine cor-
orations, at Barrackville, blew up to-
ight about 9:30 o'clock. Fifty men
re reported entombed. The cause of
e explosion is unknown.
First reports of the explosion were
eager and no one apparently knew
s nature. It was said that the ex-
losion may have been caused by a1
last of dynamite or powder.
Officials of the Bethlehem company
ated soon after the explosion that
ere were no indications that the
fty or more men entombed may not
ave been killed by the explosion.
The explosion took place at.the bot-
m of the shaft. According to mine
ficials, a bomb was dropped in the+
p of the shaft. Indications are that
ome or all of the men are alive as
gnals from them are being heard by
escue men, the latter said.
Rescuing parties are being formed
go into the mine. State and county
olice are on duty at the property in
arge numbers. Scores of men are
orking in an effort to reach the en-
apped miners.
Opportunity for summer employ-
aent is being offered students by the
eal Silk hosiery mills of Indianap-
lis. Those men who show adapti-
ility for further advancement with
he concern will be given special con-
ideration after graduation.
The immediate supervision of the
rogram on the campus is in the
ands of students. Any one interested
n summer work with this company
hould get in touch with W. H. De-
ou, head organizer, George Qua, sub-
rganizer, or Herbert Hoyt, branch]
nanager, at the Chubb building.
Add Davidson, '26,
To All "A" List
Addition of the name of T. Halsey
avidson, '25, to the list of students
ecuring no grade less than "A" dur-
ng the past semester has been an-
ounced by the registrar's office.
)avidson's place on the list had pre-
iously been withheld through an er-
or in his enrollment blank. Davidson
s at present managing editor of Gar-
oyle, campus humorus publication.
Seiffer Chosen
Indiana Captain
Columbus, March 17.-Ralph E.
Red" Seiffer of Evansville, Indiana,
oday was elected captain of the Ohio
State university 1925-26 basketball
team. Seiffer played guard on this
'ear's western conference champion-
hip team.
Eugene, Ore., March 17.-Plans for
$300,000 drive to supply the Uni-
nnr i s of h cn . .r--on or _ mn n~

H. R. Dickinson, '27E, Shows Strong
Defense in Evening's
Fastest Go
More than 900 spectators witnessed
the third annual boxing show, held
last night at Waterman gymnasium,
where Coach Ted Sullivan's Michigan
boxers hooked up with opponents from
the City College of Detroit and men
from the A. A. U.
All seven bouts on the program
were 'fast, clean, and interesting in
the extreme. Every one of the seven
bouts, with one exception, was won
by the Michigan entrants. Sam Rob-
bins, of the Ypsilanti A. C., won from
Ted Masserman of Michigan on points,
after three fast rounds, the only bout
of the evening which was captured by
anyone not in Coach Sullivan's string.
In the feature match of the card,
Lester Philbin, '28, won the referee's
decision over Walter Horecki, Christ
Church, Detroit, state amateur welt-
erweight and middleweight champion.
The three rounds were speedy and sci-
entific. Philbin was victorious large-
ly by virtue of his excellent work at
close range, his infighting worried Ho-
recki throughout the contest. The men
fought at 150 pounds.
In the first bout of the evening,
Harry Tapperman,.'28, won on a foul
in the third round from Louis Leipsitz
of Detroit City College, at 111 pounds.
Tapperman was the aggressor during
the first two rounds, but in the third,
Leipsitz landed an unintentional low
blow in a clinch which disqualified
him. The foul was not due to any
intent on his part, but to his habit of
striking his blows low.
- Maurice Markowitz, '26, trimmed
Alec Woods of Christ Church, Detroit,
in three fast rounds in the second
scrap. The match was close at all
times, and both men landed numer-
ous clean punches.
John Sklar, '271, won by a tech-
nical knockout in the third round of
his bout with Andrew Black of City
College. Due to a misunderstanding,
the weights of the two men varied too
widely to send them into the ring un-
der equal conditions. Accordingly,
Sklar used 10-ounce gloves while his
opponent fought with the regulation
eight-ounce mitts. The Michigan box-
er had an advantage in reach, which
proved decidedly to his benefit. In the
third round, Black was plainly beaten.
and Coach Balcer of the Detroit team
threw in the towel to save his man
from further punishment. Sklar took
things easy in the last round.
David Smyser, '25E, won another
teclhnical knockout for the Michigan
fighters in his bout with Reed Ding-
man of Detroit City College in the
third round, Referee Fallon stopping
the uneven contest.
In the 115 pound class, Sam Robbins
of the Ypsilanti Athletic club won the
decision on points from Ted Masser-
man, '28. Superior infighting and an
1 effective left gave Robbins the match.
David Buckley, of City College, was
trimmed by H. R. Dickinson, '27E, in
the 175 pound division. Dickinson dis-
played a powerful left and a strong
defense. The bout was one of the
fastest of the evening.
Trainer Billy Fallon acted as ref-
eree, Coach Charlie Hoyt as timer, and
Coach Ted Sullivan as announcer.
Colonel Lawrence Martin, chief of
the division of maps of the library of
Congress visited the University on
Saturday to inspect the maps of the
William L. Clements library. Colonel
Martin stopped on his way to Wash-
ington from Madison, Wiscoisin,
where he has been giving testimony
in the boundary dispute between the
states of Michigan and Wisconsin.
The boundary dispute is a suit
brought to the Supreme Court by the
state of Wisconsin to determine ac-
curately the state line between the

upper peninsula of Michigan and
Wisconsin, and among the documents
used in the testimony are certain maps
and documents belonging to the Uni-
versity library.

cratic pary neld atte court roomit
Ann Arbor on March 11 and filed withh t $4.20 a night according to the rating
the board of lection commissioners of the men. Pay rating will be de-
s termed largely by faithfulness of at-
under the date of March 13, is hereby tendance, according to Lt. L. C. Lee-
rejected for the reason that the said ver, in charge of the force in the Uni-
convention, :nomination and certifi- versity.
cate are not authorized and are not Another provision of the bill is that
according to the provisions of the law iembers of reserve units will be
of the state of Michigan relating to eligible for appointment to Annapolis
elections." direct from here. The unit is making
. The Democrats will make further plans for a cruise on board the U. S.
efforts to bring the matter in court S. Du Buque this summer, from June
for a final decision, was. intimated. 1f to 30. Those who go on the trip,
In the event of failure of this last at- on which they will visit several points
tempt, party leaders expressed the I of interest on the lakes, will receive
opinion that the Democrats would Ipay and subsistence.
concentrate their efforts in the vari}
ous wards.,
Bucharest, March 17.-The mra- HE Y W. BOOTH DIES;
Corium on commercial debts in Rum-
anta has been extended another three IAS HENOWNED EDTR
oth s.

- L L 1.w .v section oI the country win send del
t spicuousness of the first robin perch- egates to the conference, which will
ed in the elm can be appreciated. The consist mainly of discussion groups
IM. E. was considerate-yes, he pro- held in the Union. Meetings will
I cured a box seat. The girls in the take place in the Union assembly hall.
play may have suffered stage fright, Topics under discussion will be of
U IIBL UES 9 PA191,although they didn't show it, but they general interest such as "Is denomina-
have never suffered the horrors of box 'tionalismChristian?" and "Is there a D
Senior literary students paid $355.50 !fright. practical solution for the problem of s
But the singing of the senior women war.-i
more on their class dues at the col- before the curtain was pacifying, al- The conference arose as a result of n
lection last Monday, which brings the though it's hard to see just why senior a meeting of. Presbyterian students D
total to $1,829.50. Half the class have women should want to go back to I held at Camp Gray, Saugatuck, Mich- v
not yet paid. Joe' and the Orient. At last the play j igan, last September. During the r
Dues will be collected again next -and the reporter was bolstered up ( convention, visiting student delegates i
Monday, from 9 to 12 and from 2 to 5 1 enough by the first act to await with will be entertained by committees of g
o'clock, in University hall. These concern the second and last act. the Chamber of Commerce and the l
must be paid before orders for invita- ! During the first hour the play mere- Rotary club, and housed in private I {
tions will be accepted. ly simmered, sputtered, and spluttered residences and fraternity houses. I
along, but the last hour and half was
KeGin the vernacular, "mighty hot." Hair Tonic Flood
Koehler TO Give Spanish strains, dances, eyes, etc.,
Forestry Talks combined with sparkling lines to bring Threatens Campus t
merited cheers from the shrouded sen-i -b
iors. The very air breathed hot ta- Fragrant odors of hair tonic and S
Arthur Koehler, '11, of the Forest males, tortillas, tequila, and other gleaming scalps, oiled to brilliancy, t
Products laboratory at Madison, Wis- potent Spanish things. will combine to revolutionize the ap-(y
consin, will give five lectures during t - pearance of our campus tomorrow and s
the next few days. Although sonic of Tokio, March 17.- The alien land Friday.
these will be of strictly tecnica na- law was passed by the House of Peers , All this has been made possible by
ties wi th tf wtrkcf te nx- yesterday. an offer of the company manufactur- a
Itore. dealing with the work of the ex- ; ______________ r


Geneva, March 17.-The League of]
Nations will foster a loan of $7,500,000
for the Free City of Danzig.
O urieather , !

Detroit, March 17.-Henry Wood
Booth, an early writer on religious
subjects for the Detroit Tribune and
the Detroit News Tribune, died at his
home in Birmingham, Michigan, a sub-
urb, tonight. Mr. Booth founded the
I Toronto Sunday Times in 1874, and
I waq monoy in edit orn nf the Chirnrrn


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