f' SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIFTEEN I ii, --__- - - - The story champions Youth which for! all1 its exhulberance usually com es out li( cn t p o i n - l y d b i s L-nm . :;an---is at first one of those daugh- C t~~~~c~~rs whom fathers meet coming home i :<"_:< as they go to the office in the morn- Ec a' lu, an Spike' 3aine-Mvalcolm ; y 1 l i ( r r d i e i o d t r t r uh'1 i'l l d i a e ( I I Ct h e F r e n c h w i n dl o w s o f t h e C o u n t r y D oris Kenyon, forier is a ge fa vorite club waving a rocket flask in his free;"r ,%ho recently signed a 'tairring con- haicndi. Ilowiever later on, having been . : : tract with Firist Natijonal, will Ibe ca 11ht inl a raide~l roadl house andi seen in ."11 I Marry Again" whichl suffering a considlerab~ly damaged rep- coines to the I'd aiestisic Ic-daiy ror a uxtation and the loss of friends, Cor-! ' ":" ° for' day run. Thfle story gives an of)- inntsre rragdhrvlusi ie portunity for a numlber of dnai'a l distinguishes real love from imitation': "'<: m o m e n t s w h ic h a r e p o r t r a y e d in v a n - ; a n d a t t a i n s h a p p i n e s s e v e n t u a l l y . 1 s c l r u c i o ; h o a e i S n , J ~ q e a l o a i e n i t r s i r : " .,' ' . . . '; : : : : : := ' . Francisco and an island itn te iacific. l)ortrayal of Corinna progressing from :-:.:" Doris Kenyon is charming and gives the coquettih flappe to the oised . a splendid characteriation of the womlan quite convincingly' Malcolmu'<. :::":;:- . womlan whoese father-in-law will not Mtac(:regor, Vernon Steele, and Gloria accept her. Several film favorites are Grey are found in the supporting cast. found in the supporting cast which in-;The comedy attraction will feature' eludes Anna Q. Nilson, Lloyd Hutghes, Walter H-eirs in "A F+at Chxance." Onj Frank Mayo, and 'Hobert los worth., the stage Em7nily Earle and Company ' "Powder Marks," a Cameo Comedy, a will be presented. new Aesop Fable cartoon, and h uulnwsreslleu the G'El "i 'enL'onOi ?OCTOR"Starrlnq PEGMI I.D DENNY usual nw elsmk p tescenT e ArcaE C _.enUt dtr..Fm. 1. bill. Brooks and Ross will be pro- "Oh Dloct or!"''starring Reginald rented on the stage in a progrjamn of ; Denny, and shown at the Arcadel story of the same name which appeared furled ivaid wxearig long c songs and dialogue, theatre the first of the week is an en- in the Saturday Evening Post not long 11 iii, and shell hiinimed glasses. The feature picture billed for the !tertaining combination of ' humor,j ago. Denny. who is usually though :;gory has to do with Pa young mail la~t o te wekis The[luseofsatire and rapid action. The plot foe-; of as one of the more athletic stars in grewIp wi, th ihe idea that only by Youth" starring Jacqueline Lo'i=an. lows closely the Harry Leon Wilson I filundon, is seen in this picture a con- grcatest pirecaut ions could lie come such a man, and succeeds in a C- FSM a w r quiring even the reckless disposition gll[ ll as his hectic adventures will show.u° News reels and a Mack Sennett co111,I-IIC o rn i1 ll.I DemrCo al -- C ok e edy entitled "The Beloved B(..0o v Willl he shown on the screen. A special P'V orchestra will urnishthe music for nn--- --4 the performances. w During the latter part of the N w( etyCmsnwl :b enI ekl laetstarring vehicle ''"Rams lackl c an o , nd P stn M H ouse." Pen lBroonie--Bet ty (Comp S ra to , D & i a'"itrt son-returns from college to find he-r- Antracuitte, per too " $ 49 *a self practiely buried in a run (lown P AI'lIPAI estate in scuthern Florida with notul companions e. celpthe h ada"Sov yk " w " s wQ"A mran appears on the scene andl she ,l~n .1l falls in love witlwhim only to find that A he is being huntedl for the murdler of Genuine No,. )rocahloflas his business partner. The strenuous':Mr11, Il ! work of hiding the hero, rescuing himo Egg and Lump ." . 9950 from alligators, and the plots of the spin RIM-R villain follow. Betty Compson does 'xVo sonic good actin and has a story;,, In~ r ~ u ,somew hat less trite than usua tolW 1JZIUa~Ix~n~z ~ ~ w-ork( upon. She wears a pair of over- f~il i alts find a straw hat with the same rnO "' grace as she does laces and beads. A A' PhoItnes 81-Fl and x22(7--ffice Corn well Bleck m new screen actor Roo'hert Lowing is ' I~~ curly seen in her support. He is good look- pn The ing, and is winning rapid favor in ",~~m iwho! filinland. The settings were laid in PI ___________________ by the Florida with numerous scenes in the ' 11liIni MENm kepnerlaeregion. The comedy "Ten -millniu, ~a II~1) yri~d 1 hisI Nights in a Hall Room" and the usual .#JA W v A - - rafts. news reels will complete the program. mil ,t.:. 1 -0, - 4 , R:. :9"y y.; ::i 4. xis ; s ',ti' n:x 3 _ <; /N ; + VR t ; t -7 ,. k17 !+ s _) ! , l1.. :F. '1~1, "'.1. . . . . e"e' :e '". " "', .F" . 1. . . ". . ,d ". 1. 1.r1./1. "11.s . . 1.1.1.d. ' '. . , . ..,I°. . ".s ~. ' ..s . m" . . 11 a aliv e, and consequently spent a] time taking niedicine, avoiding (l 2~ 4-- - - - phyiCa l activity and any form of ex- 9M-- l c it i it until hie fell in love with a The wuertli __________________________________________________________________ ood looKing nurse who admnires Another Johnny ines comedy will lj ARM tong mWen of reckless dispositions, be featured at the Wuerth theatre they .LDot norroxv-Subscribe FA"RM ERS AND MECHANICS BANK t i;F ~his point on lhe sets out to be- (Continued on 1age Sixteen) -" ms ca ,s por t Fashions that ALL TOO SOON OUR+"EARNNG"dDAYSofa n eary sp ALTO SON OUg"ERI "DSARE OVER. LUCKY THE ONES THEN ' $1975 to$6 $39.50 to $95 WHO HAVE STEADILY LAID BY A POR-~ 6 TION OF TH-EIR INCOME. OLD AGE FINDS I IRE is a new flare for spit coats--Worn- OATS-that are ready for any THM-NEENETTTOE IHen appreciate mope than e, r for their new ' occasion-Coats that answer that LjjjES FO EIGH FIN THESEVS T ILCcolfig colors, icqualled serviceability. "What to wear for the steamer," our ow WITH OTREAH N DF UTA E CEES In answer to this and we have secured and over tailored suits. UNABLET LONER OF SUCCAIESSFULLYome of the smarter' INTzESS models. . They show a decided preference for the d'One style has the n treatment and cor- ln fetuig te sfeto a COMPETE WITH YOUNGER MEN, DE-shwnaprdmaceobutnrii PENDENT UPON THEIR CHILDREN OR bnation trirming. icshowonsingadreareomionance of abuttonritn TH ONYO H ULC TR the colorrag is inlus gayest Spring robe. Fresh, lovely, joyous, awaiting yoi TODAYTOLYA A PATO YOR. colors. It is reasonably pri too, at $39.50. val. INCOME. V The Ni/is Company 118 MAIN' ST. The Shop of Satisfactio vim Today.t ring daytime question vn South, straight- ials and itng-AII - riig ward-- ur appro- n- ttn tttttttttn ttirtt > obox-em I I1 I, 1°d. d1.c*1. .s"dddddd« «o °'.ddd« ' 'd 1"./.add.A, ddd./,ldd./. d./~d1..I'°d1J. and of the Season's newest in woolens t / . r r, I~qN OM0 A' and styles. Correct home tail- oring of superior quality at prices consistently low. TAILOR .. °. . " I ; ' , : i , ! i ~ +r It I I 1 1 1 j 1 °- 'A , ,_ rw ._, __. . = - ' ' *.. ,' , ; , ' f - ..__. _ F G 1._._, _1i // S "' ~Jt } , /\ __ } V I 11 619 East William St. 11 rJ~ /: -- 0." To young men in search of opportunities T HE Insurance Company of North America has a number of openings in its organization that offer opportunities for in- teresting and remunerative careers. As the Oldest American Fire and Marine Insurance Company, the Insurance Company of North America has enjoyed 132 years of closest contact with American commercial and industrial activities and development. Its organization and scope of influence are world-wide. Watch for Oiir Big KEaste ~nn A showing of distinctive spring ' models. The latest in spring mod- els.. Dressy, well tailored hats. h } ' ...... , ........ f i } j 11 11 I I '1