? ' , IVDNESD AY, FEBRUARY 11, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILN __ __ ..,..e---- -- - 0 0 I A .... ....... ... KVAV4M M =A VA ....... . ....... WRill VOID [OIK Owns And Operates mu. Iu~v ruBus Line In Ohio SElizabtih Burchenial of the AmeIrkican F'olk Dance ~Society Ito D~irect WEEK OFFEB. 26 CUOSEN a Undcr the direction of Miss ElizW t~h Blurchenal of the American Folk Danc- . . . . .. Sing society, a Folk Dance institute for SUniversity men and women will be '~held during the week of Feb). 26, int..>::. :"::;;;;:;::: SBarbour gymnasium. According to :==>::>>:::: SMiss Brhnl hecus ilcon- ' sist of "delightfult and sure re folk l dances ~'and gamnes which -have proved u- I xci sally popular." It is intended to X; :.:< & supplement the previous training of professional leaders and lii provide<^:>, ~,material for those who wish to intro- Sduce or lead that form of recreation in churches, clubs, schools, indlustries, Sor social organizations. Miss Burchenal is the author of sev- Qe ral books containing represents-tie Sdances of Dennirrmk, Germany, lllnl;lnd, "I Y11I____________ ireland, and the United States. -- She is the organizer anid chairman 1r.SdeSl4.tr of the American Folk Dance society, Ms ni aibi whlich aims to upreserve the art of folk As time gasses ther e are f ewer and (lancing in this country, by means of fewer' lines of wor k 0or)11busines that lectures, demonstrations, sii and h short have not been entered by women. The tinig courses smlrt h n ownership and operation of a lbus line which will be given at Michigan. would seem at first glance a little ouzt Before much of anything was known of the line ofthe11 everyday woman, yet about folk dancing in this country Mrs. Sadie Salisbury, of Canton, 0., Miss Burchenal was led, through an has engaged in the biusiness for the Instinctive sympathetic interest in the last six years. She owns four buses cuistomis (especially music and danc- oper'ati ng between Can tonl and lAIli- inig) of foreign people, to begin culti- allce, 0. eating friendships with peopile of var- Mrs. Salisbuury lilies t he bus15bust5- ; ous nationalities in this country. 11cc- ness rind to edict s that at present it is ognizing the beauty and value of the only in its infancy. folk dances she began to collect and - record this material and pass it on d a c d a cn - to others. She has establisheda pa-tcoflvn prtfechyar in AdvC ancOeD ncing tic o liin pat f echyea i Clss Opls oday Europe, mingling with the peasants ____ and becoming intimately familiar not only with their folk (lances and mus-j Miss Ruzth Price, of the dlepartmnt ic but their traditions and customs,' of physic~al edlucation, wil open a new religious beliefs, andl point of view. J advancedl course in ll dlcilig at four ~INIERIJOOS ASEBLL7 WO A ' C GVSBusiness W omanpartnersipiand the division of abor. BASK N[[ ; f W MINS CUB 1VI It is just as mulch (f a trick to spend NOTICESAddresses Club a dollar wisely as to earn one." Hj~g~ BEGNS Tg~y 1Mss Kenny tld of her reasons for T'lhe biggest business in the world jumping into business-the desire to _-- --.. __---wo-ma_.- help other women, arising from a per- Opnn h nulitros a-Mr. D)wight Springer, present at 33 jsna needi for a woman who could peigteana*itrIuebs unior pliay rehearsals will be held asonofteMcinlsaur, said Miss Annie Peaks Kenny' of the udrtn e rbe n ieun kietball tournament, at 41('clock today' afolw in arurgmai:outlined othe Membgn ersltheo as fllow inBarbur ome Economics service of tie Illinois partial advice. "Men cannot get the in Brbor gynasum he AphaPhitoday, choruses 13B and F+ at 4, char- ;man's club at their meeting yesterday Mrhn rs opn fCiao oshl ln, h ad tea illnmet tal t of Phi Sigma use5s:tA and 2 at ; o'clock, chorus # at; afternoon in Lane hall the. various in an address Mtonday night before the Froml her owni personal experience' Sigma, and Kappa. Alpha. Theta will 7 1, chorus o at S o'clock; Tnturs- I ways in wxhch individuals miay exer_ Business and Professional Women's and from her experience with mnei and match her players againlst tbose of (day, chorus A at 4 o'clock, choruses isInuncintettelglar. club of Ann Arbor. "And tile final women who have comeI to her for ad- Hele Nebery rsidnce At ive1 ad 4at o'lock chrusB a 7.1b~In designating the methods by which! principle of all hom1e: living has a- vice, Miss Kenny concudes that there o'clck te gmes f AeliaChever hors 5 t 8o'clck.Measures are put through Mr. Spring- i ways beenu andl always will le joint is a real place for women in business Jversus Westminster house and Gamma er emphasized tile importance of the Phi Peta versus Theta Phi Alpha will! All who have not signed up for re-j "Lobbyists" at Lansing and the value ' be played off. ; uired1 courses inu physical education of an able representative of a desred The winners in these games wil bea for this semrester should do so inrnedL bill. eligible for places in the second rouned iately in Barbour gymnasiunm. All Ms lc ae sprnedn fLATE SIPMENT OF of the tournament., and the final chain-; sho:uld report for class in the reg la- nurses at the ofUivsthe hospital Tr T Ipion of the tournament will be award- tioll gyinasium outfit. spok-e in defenseote public health ! CAS J --asle u. hswswnb - nursing bill, expressing the beief that IG I1j1.SS {IRO R Delta Gamma last year for the first- Interclass basketball practice for this bill which. is now up for tihird ____ _____________________ timle awl will be awarded piermanent- '.Thulrsday will lie as follows: edn before the senate hasa the W r feigteeatsi irr ly t tht husewhih wns t fr yen ors~ and sophomores fronm 4 to backing of the general public and a ral eue rcs oei three sucessive 3ears. o'lo(:. ljuners and freshlmen front ),, probably will meet with dttle or noan ispcth baifl ipay Referees f~~ir today'sGga:=estwill 10 ~ t~cs anid class mianagers are 1 opposition. _________________________ IGreta Mae Adamns, '25, andl Kathlryn to be (IWchse next .reek. ! Mrs. Melvin Porter oif Newv York, Wlilson,'26. The games will be pliay-'Ipeieto h etr rao h 1>escen f hewstr aeao teD ARLIN G & M AI LEA UNX ed h fie mnut qurtes. n or women must have theirileague of women voters, contrasted - D measllreients taken for cans and briefly the legisative systems of Newv 224 S. State strcet To Hiold BriZdge gowns before Feb. 21. Measurements ork and Michigan. Mrs. Poter also TT will be takeni on the second floor of{ defended the child lalbor amendment For A.A. U. W47 Today M\ack's store (in Main street. Which she said i b no means (dead" Members of the Anni Arbior branch 'C"CT fteY.W .A ai though "it will take it long .time to out-j (if thne American Association of Ifni ! net wi ll 1h01( a biusiness meeting atlasaeritsbontoCli. versity Women and their friends wil.'. 1 o'clock today at Lane ]tal prev-I meet at promptly 2:30 o'clock today 101sto Hihe banquet wvhich is to be The music section of the Faculty A enscinblc o coco- in the homes otf mor'e thran 25 loc a ;given with thle S. C. A. cabinet. Wom aten's club will meet at 8 o'clock I- LI ti ' : a i E s i k 1 residen1ts for tile aninual bridge party spionsored by tinh association. Reser-' vations for sewing or "500" tables ' lmay be n-deoxwith Mrs. Thomas Dleed or wvith tiss 'Aable Van Kleek. I- -.---.---.-..-------------- _______________________________ DO YOU KNOW That you can, sub)scribec to the 1925 Micig anensian at Angell Hall and the Library tod ay? Elect Managers Of Class Basketball! Class managers in basketball were elected yesterday afternoon at a meet- ing of all women who have been try- ing out for teams. The managers are as follows: Evelyn Ogborn, freshman; Margaret MacNally, sophomore; Sue Haskins, junior; and Charlotte King, senior. During thle freshman practice the irst elimination towardl the selectionf of a team was nmade. Advanced elective xvorx in (lancing will be given by Miss Ruth Price (if the department of pihysical education at 4 o'clock, Monday and Wednesday, ill Barbour gymnasium. All women who are inlterestedl should report at that time tomorrow. Thbe FOUNTAIN PEN INK for ALL PENS o'cloick today in Blarb)our gymnasium. The couirse is openl only to IwomenC who h iave had somte experience in ballet dancing of either toe or soft-shoe type.1 Miss Price has just return'iedlfrom !l I Detroit where she silent the pa-st two weeks in intensive study of dancing' undIer Miss Lillian Granizow. In the new course the strict biallet - type of dlancin~g will lie conltrastedl with the Greek technique, and ill addition some instructions wiili e given in ad- van ced national dan ces. WE HAVE AILWAYS PLEA SED ~4 '1 , p jl Ax,; 'n: A,, r': U IVANTLEI)-One of tihe Social Service; Organizations of Ann Arbor is in need of an assistant to the execu-1 tive secretary. The work should appeal to a woiman~ of intelligence; anld social view. A knowledge ofi type-writing desirable. Conmpensa-j tion adequate. Address Box 66,' the Michigan Daily.r TlUTTLEF'S LUNCH ROOM 338 Maynard :e.. .,..:,i = --.----.-__--- SANFORD'S Fountain Pen Ink IT'S PERMANENT Betsy Ross Shop NICKELS ARCADE The Finest Heart Boxes in the City filled with those wonderfully delicious Betsy Ross i Iupne krsapa oteCleewmnsmtignw oehn sprslk n otfldlgtul utdt pignes rgtfanl lf h aysrn hdso ii u aebe aeu notecamn frcsta il ese vryhr ncmpsdrn1h1 cmn ots Prcdony$2.0adO 1.5