PAGE EIGHT _____THE MICHIGAN DAILY STUNDAY, MARCH 15, 192~ DAIY OFFICIAL BLEI Publication in the Bulletin 18 constructive notice tv all mxembers of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to tho Eresdent until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdayi Volume 5 SITNDAY, MIARCH 15, 1921 lumtber 123 To tlhe Deans: There will be no Conference of the Deans, Wednesday, March 18. A. 11.loyd1. University Senae: The third regular meeting of the University Senate for the year 1924- 1925 scheduled for Monday, March 23, will be postponed one day. It will be held In IRoonm C, Law Bulilding, on the evening of rTuIesda~y, -larea 21, at eight oclck Order of business: L. Election of a member of the Board in Control of Athletics. 2. Election of three members of the Board of Directors of the Michigan Union. John WI. Bradshaw, Secretary of the SenateI. Notice to all Members of t he University: Mail addressed as follows: "care of the University of Michigafl" bas been delivered to the office of the Secretary, Room~ 3, U~niversity Hall. It will be held until March 21, and should b~e called for at once, giving date of this publication, I. e. March 15. This list will not be reprinted. MAIL SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO STREET AND NUMBER. William B. Anderson F. W. Peterson Octave Antonio Fchld (ren by the Detroit Symphilonly Orchestra in :i ll Auditorium, 1Monday, March 16(, at 3: 00 o'clock. The0 programn is as follows:2 Village"' from "C(aucasian Sketches'' (ikovsky) ; Second Movement. " In the "Nutcracker". Suite, 01p. i1 (Tschalppolito-Ivanov) ; Twvo Songs wit hout. ;Nord:,. Spring; Sung and Spinning Song (Alendelshohn) , War Dance (Ski]- IJon ). Americean Fzant asx- (Norbert) ('iarle,4 A. Sinih, Seceay Ann Aribor Aut A ssu' hit iou E';liltiitt There will be an exh~iit of aqua tints and et chings of members of Lia Societe des (h'aveunes !iodernes Francais. 0o: Pais, in the WeVst Gallery. Me-orial I a 11. under 1the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association, be- ginning IMarch 1 6th and Ending ?March 10th, 1:30 10 5:0(0 P. MV. - 11arren P. Lombard, Pres. (of Ann Arbor Art Ass~ocial~ion. t Iel roitl SymphioyOr'chest ra ('onert The final number in the Extra Concert Series will be given Monday evening. March 16, in Hill Auditorium when the Detroit Symphony Orches- tra under Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Elya Schikolink, Violinist, Soloist, will pre- sent the following program: I ''Carnival" Overture, 0p).492 (D)vorak) ; Symphony in D minor (Franck); Syinphen ie Espagnole for Violin and Orchestra, Op. 21 (Lalo) Mr. Schlcol- nilb. Utxtrani:,n lhapsodv in A major, 01). 11, No. 1 (Enesco). Chlarles A. Sink, Seteretary. Ilotaiaal Sentinaar:_.._ _. Bota nical Senm ma r meets Wednesday, Mtarch 13, at 4:30 B1.73 N. S. Bldg. Paper 1_y C. FI. Kman [an --'"T'he genus Fia mmula in Europe and North America. and the stattm of0 the Amer'iican spees."'It. 31. Davis. SPhysics Coiloqluinun: 'The Physics Colloqnin will meet at 4:15 P. M~. on Tuesday, March 17th, iRoomf 1041 New Physics Bldg. Professor L. S. Ramsdell will speak on "T.he Validity of C'rys.tal Structure Determination." All interested are in- vited to attend. HT. 31. Randall. Fr'eshmuuaniWomen: Trry-okis in D~ancing for the Fre'shman Pageant will be held Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week at 4:00 o'clock in Barbour IGymnasium. Jean Hai ulton, IDeanIIof)1Women. Iligli School. Ypsilanti, will speak on the subject, "'Problems involvedl in Building and Equipping a new HighSchool'' Ilerniaui F. Beek. Players ('lub: Try-outs for the Players Club annual play will be held at 4 o'clock Mon- (ay andI'Tuesday, M\arch 16 and 17, in Newberry 1-Tall auditorium. Copies iof the play to 1)e1 used are now on reserve in the lower study hail, of the general Library. Hlomer Strong, Pres. Senior 31echanieiul and El1ectrical Engineers : Mr. C. S. Coler and Mr. G. M. Eaton, representing the Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Company, will be in Ann Arbor, Monday, March 16, and Tuesday. March 17, for the purpose of employing men for the Graduate Student Course of their company. Mr. Eaton will interview mechanical en- g ineers in Room 221, West Engineering Building and Mr. Coler will inter- I view Electrical Engineers in Room 274. IL. C. Anderson. ' Joseph H. Cannon. than 500 points of national historic A M HSTUHC ITNIP9YI nterest. Included in- the itinerary are I isits to the birthplaces of the eight TO D110TCOn IN residents that Virginia has furnish-' Pfl~f~raI~n ed the United States, together with other places that have been significant landlmarks in Southern, Colonial, Rev-j In conjunction with the meeting of olutianary, and Civil wvar history. the National Editorial association, June 1, 2, andl 3, at Richnond, Vir'- ginia, an opportunity will be ex- Read the WVant Ads tended visiting delegates to view more Homer B. Benhoff Brand Blanchard H. C. Carver D. Shaw Duncai J. Henry Guerkink J. H. Hanford Bennet M. Rich Helen Rutherford F. N. Scott W. G. Smeaton Professor Star Walter Henry Storer Ned Sturm Leroy Waterman Carlton F. Wells COPIES OF BEST CIIINESE A'N) ORIEHNTIAL RIGS ARE NOW BEING 11AI)E BY MACHINERY! Enterprising Anmericants have exported to Turkey, Persia and China ma- chinery, whereby the wvhole pro- cess of Oriental rug making, from the raw wool to the finished rug, is done with machinery. They are being sold as real Orientals, quite a little cheaper than the real hand- made rugs and many people are being deceived by them. I talked last week with a man who is in charge of the Oriental Rug de- partment of a very large firm. He had just returned from buying rugs in New York and said the wholesale market is flooded with these imitation rugs, which are being retailed as 'real Orientals at a huge profit, because they are being sold for less than Orientals are usually priced, and people think they are getting bar- gains. The Chinese rugs I' import are not only genuine hand-made rugs, but the loveliest I can get. MRS. 1H.-B. MERRICK If the Editor Calls---be ready Lucile A. Leonard L. A. Youtz English Honor Students: Members of the Honors Course will meet at my house March 15 at 7:30 P. M. L4. A. Strauss. A eron antics 7: A problem for. Wednesddy, March 18th, is posted in Room 306 East En- gineering Building. F. A. Stalker. Detroit Symphony Orchiestra in Childern's Concert: The University School of Music has arranged a special concert for Research hub: The regular monthly meeting' of the Research Club will be held on Wednesday, March 18th, at 5:00 P. M. in the H-istological Laboratory. The following papers will be pr'esented: "French Aid ant ecedent: to the Alliance" by Professor C. 11. VanTyne. "Mbicrolei Respiration" by Professor F. G. Novy. The Council will meet at 7 :30 P. M. T.I. .Hldebrandt, Secretary. Choral Talon Usheris: All Choral *Union ushers report at Otw usual time for concert Monday evening, March I0, 1925. WV. A. D)avenpor't. Hen's Ediucat ion iuib: There will b)e a meeting of' the Men's Education Club in Room 304, Union. at 7:15 P., M., Monday, =March 1 G. Principal J. Burns Fuller of Normal You'll find the finer pho- tograph~y in Rentsch- lers (cases. Look, there Trgula rly for it. If the editor wanting your press- -have youc see appear in is recent and(i val of all ? called you today, picture for the one you'dl like to print? One that meets the appro- Everyone should be ready when the editor calls-Ready with a really fine portrait, a Rentschler portrait. Arrange an appointment with Rentschleor today. Be ready when the editor calls! Appoint- muents can be made b~y phone. $7.00 to $50.00 The Dozen 928 Church. Plione :11iii. "KEEP SMILING"I Just as long as we do your cleaning and pressing you will have a smile on your Read the Want Ads 1 I ~EuE ~ m~ m n~uE E~ wu mn~ m u,,,~ mAft, BaJLcZrgais in I face. Quick Service Good Work in IN MTC I-I IG-rAN "I .j U U Portrait Photographer voeaw ... &-r I-,t )NERYJL J 319 East Huron Phone 961-M Re ad the Want Ads 328 South Main St. IATeIN IV ERSI TY 3! iiPhone 644 ji 9 BOOK SORE® i sM dMNI E N00 M E N 0 ® a jAUNDR co.o i w rr ir w tea.. 'rrw r rrrr rrrrrrrr r rr rrr r unrr rnrrrr. rrrrrrrrrris Y -- rrr+r rr rrrrr rlrrl rr l r r rr You 'ye heard about i*t NOW Atake plans to see That Third Annual x SH0 TUESDAY NIGHT AT 8 O'CLOCK AT Waterman Gymnasium You will be sure to enjoy this feature in enter- tainment on M\'arch 1 7. Ted Sullivan's U. of M. boxers will engage the City College of Detroit in seven good bouts in all weights. CLEAN - FAST - FASCINATING - UNUSUAL The signs of Efficiency in Laundry Work v 0 Wi# Ladies Invited Tickets 50c " - I .U 1 A