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March 15, 1925 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-15

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SUNDAY, MAlRCH 15, 1925



1EA1)iEIIS ATTENTION-ThIS advertising is for your benefit, and you
~teurged to .she advantage of these columns. Jimmie will be glad to
Iii,] 1>You find' your lost articles, to hielp you sell or buy tliru tis medium.
C'A at the Press building where you will be given immediate and efficient


Opur moderate prices make it possible
for all to have FRESHI HOME
122 E. Liberty, Phone 1630
'Rugs shampooed or dust cleaned.
"Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works.
Phone 50.
MDELL GIILLESPIE, Soloist and teach-
rthirty years experience. Man-
dolin, guitaf, banjo, and chord
construction Telephene 1791-M.
Fresh every Friday. rrice's, 119 E.

WANTED- Position as secretary to
professor b~y Un,'iversity graduatej
with experience on campus. Reply
to Box 78.
WtANTED---Ch ef and waiters (ex-
perienced) for summer at lake re-
sort. Enquire Michigan Daily, Box

Exterior Beauty
TPhis eight roo.11 house is all that
and11 tore. Thec first floor with
its ,study, living rooml, dining
room and kitchen all easily
accessiltie from onle ]all, is a
niodo.l of room arrangemnt.
F'our large bedl rooms and With
comleteN the secondt floor lani.
A Lew .0 thle featiures are fire-
places InIliving roost anid study,
tile floor ini study, extra toilet
and lavatory on first and secondt
floor, water softener and twvo-
ciar garage.
For further inforitlion call
l~it. JOSS I1YN
C. Louis Andrews
Tlel. 3064 Eveni"s 2811.-IV

:Fight roomi house in southeast section. this home is new and
is very attractive. Floors are of oak, finish grey enamel. The house
has built-in bath, sleeping porch, sun parlor, fireplace, French doors,
laundry and soft water lift. Before buying, you should see this home.
An extra large lot wxith (dcider dive leading to a line two car_
garage is the setting for this beautiful eight room home in the
southeast section. This home was b~uilt by the owner and is put up
in a substantial manner. 'here are many attractive features to the
interior; a large living room, dining room and sun parlor with extra
large fireplace, a. finely equippeAd kitchen with a breakfast nook. On
the second floor are three commodious bedrooms with large lighited
closets andl a fine system of cross ventilation. A tilfe bathiroom with
built-in bath with shower. The floors are all oak, the finish oak
and(imahtogany. This home can be bought with very satisfactory
arrangements as to payments.
Ann Arbor Hdome Build ers Association

Nine Rooms-$12,000.00
We are offering, on account of the ill health of the owner, one
of the best homes andI income houses ot the city, at a sacrice price.
Its location cannot be equaled for convenience or for securing a
sure incomne. Any available room for students is always in demnand,
The first floor has a lar'ge recepj ion hall, very large modeQ~rn
living room, dining room, kitchen, and a large, light, airy bed room
with clothes closet.
The five rooms on the second floor are all single rooms large
enough to accommodate two students each. All the students sleep
on the third floor in a large light dormitory with ventilation on all
four sides.
The price includes all student. furniture, rugs, beds, bedding, etc.
We believe you can make no mistake by investigating this property.
Gorton Real Estate Agency
Room 3, Wuerth Arcade Phone 2438. Evehints, 661-W


BUY-A3 good


roadster. Have about $100.00 cash.
Call 1037-M.
REFINED MIDDLE' aged Anr Arbor
lady desires lady companion to tour
England, Holland, Yrance, etc. this
June and July. Entire expenses
less than $500. Write box 67,
Mician Daily, for intervi- w.v

wFor Sale, Cheap--
Complete Set of Drums
Bass, Snare, Traps and
Carrying Case
Terms if desired.


$25-$30-$35 WANTED-tudents to see our type-I____________________
JE ANTETALRwiebagains. Good machines for I - : l
802 South State Street sale or rent. S A. Moran, 711 N. I
rI'I4VRILRS plenid mchins. !University Ave., Room 2.1
~tYPXVRIERS pledid achies.
Best makes for rgnt or for sale. WANTED-Transportation for two
Phemue 342-R. passengers with party (driving east enle e
HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE for Sping vacation. Write Box - e tem n iuy
for interview.-
ATTENTION LAWS I_ ______________ __
Special on Law Club Rotogravure GIRLS- Educator Shoes
stationiery. 13 How would you like to eat at a so-
$R 1.37HA AY oiity house? Food excellent and-
"Pty girls congenial. Tel. 2184, 5-6 P. M. Smooth tall leather Shoes with
RjE 'IE HOTEL - broad toes are belig wornii
Oppsit ~ Phi~fltfll i .uEngland. You are 'inited to
- exauile or latest sipment
j c c: Eiq. irch-
i tiwich we predict to be the
We, Deliver i CALLI spring styles of Ann A.1rlor and E
s rPhone9i1 GEORGE REGISTER j the East. I,
AT -
n y( {1eti you come to see John~y
Opeo4 u- aR7l Hines tis week take a took at
,gLOST-Bunch of keys from Medical ;_____________________ tez he ntm URI
b~uilding down 12th St to Huron E. Areade.
Lost sometime between 12 and 6 on
Wednesday. call 717-J.
'LOST-In January, circular mosic Th!Aror ris IBooterv
l: brast-in, treeove design,il-
bgree tbore Reward. Phone Fountain
t 26-M. 721 Forest.
Ilea]ou' Classified ds, daily
LOS-Phi Kappa Sienna Thar<t emit y UNCH
pin at Union 1If ridlay night. Call
y LOS-Delta Sigma Dlta fraternity Pronounced by all to be the -
pin in M~edical building Or on East 1
University Ave. Finder call 3 _M etinteC~.Le'shv
'TAILaORS your next punch order.
A TAILOR-11AD) SUIT ; One gallon or one thousand.TrtieAbrouan
rWill satisfy your taste, and fit TyteAbrFuti
you best.
113 South M~ain St._- The Arbor for your
FORRET Fo ntinSunday Evening Lunch l
FOR RENT-One front suit for two
Private lavatory. One large front 1
ro fotwsemheat. Near 3 13 South State
r o fo tw , s emscam pus. Very cheap. 337 Thmip-
F OR RE1+NT-Two furnished'( roo s
for light housekceepinig. 94 4Pack- 1111111111IIllthI~ll~il011111tIIIIItt11tIIHUI
rdS. FOR SALE ?aFornSale-
CAMPS, F ~~u11Uy -Elm Street
$6,500-Here is a real buy for - l1
some one. A six room modern 2 .-i ~ I
house, in an excellent location, = e replasdMoEffrUo
ony hotditncNasUf a ale an eight-room house on
olashrditneesofci- I=1 Elm street.y
pus. The rooms are goodl Size = Soup-Creca~m of Green Pea i
atni nicely decorated.i. i'ai =I Wafers Olives Celery . First Floor-Large entrance
new furnace just installed. Lot > hall; living room (fireplace);
Eis small, but the house is good M Roast Young Chicken with r ining room and kitchen.
andI in excellent repair. Only = Dressing -I Second Floor -Three large
$6,500; reasonable terms. M.RosLeo'Labwt "I bdomahanlincoe.
Crawford, with Car &Tremmfe. RotLgofLm wih = bdosahanliecoe.
Phbone 441-F; evenings 248-W.Mint Sauce - Third Floor-Two lare bed-
________________ 1 = rooms and storage room.
FOIL SA3.lr-BCst income hioi" near= Cut Wax Beans
campus. Must be sold at orne. ; aserIttos- H-ouse includes oak floors, oak
Easiest terms. 2031-R. = finish, garage, complete laundry,
_______________ Rolls screens, and is beauitfuly tec-
Card Tables-High grade, substantial=SadDesr= orated.
mahogany finish-green lea therette ! =2_- Two blocks from new Angel
top-$2.55-Hom-nadieApple er Huckle- =i
I~nige amp, wrugh irn, C~il'''Piegrade school. our blocks from
pletie with slwcor ug~ ht(1iron,5corn- rer ieUniversity.
lI, ihdeoa eNshae-$345 1= rl~nck Ice Cream with Cake
ROC'l & - -tih Price, $14,000. Terms'
300 S. M\ain. P'honie 50 Tea Coffee Milk
SA LE~We1)1<'S I hi P. 3. Price, $1T.0 - Call MR. NEWTON with
FOR AI i 0Isti new Intern-
tioildDict!iofary wihi e , u" CHARLES L. BROOKS
histolry, india paper clothl-112' RELTO
with neW Atlas of the World b(eP-- ' /t CI' RALO
arate (coer, 222.50. (al 573M. - 215 First Nat'l. Bank Bldg.
FOR SALE---Clarinet, at reasoniablel 315 S. Sat St. Phione 173_ Phones 315-3552 Evenings 246
price. Phone 595, ask for SCbineid--
er. hi hhi999 I8919191111911199199191 11lI llI'
FOR SALE-A large house that needs -- ~ - ___- _____
remodeling. it now shows an in- - ____________
come of 15 percent on the price at I
which. tcnb purchased. Well
i'Cfliodel into small apartments, it; 1$6,50
should turn 20 percenit on the in-
veutienL Call 2488._ Terms

-108 'Nata lmuBank 1B u1itlP Ihone x338
fill IIIIIIIII1hIIht1hI1111111 11ll hIIIhIIII IltJIII i t hh 11hI1II Hhhlhl IH111l l1l1lihII
American Cigar Store
514 East William St.
Cigarettes Cigars Tobacco
Dunhill Pipes
Gilbert Chocolates Ice Cream
You Should See -Our
11111111If ii 111111!I1 11111111 lllll' 1111111 hIlllllllll.hIhIIII~Ih~IlIIfl hllllhIIIIIlhIIll

'"all 1719-R After




For College Men and Women
SUMMER 1925r
64 Days
$395 and up
College credit up to 8 hours
if desired
For full particulars address
Tours Division
110 East 42u4 Street New York

Custard Malted
A new Malted Milk that
will delight you
Try one today
Arbor Fountain
313 South State St.
Read the Want Adsl

Ann Arbor's Latest Attraction
at 14 Nickels Arcade
AL coiut ete line of "Cliff's" latest record bits on hanutd along yltlml
the .59 Uramnaphio e (tliele Voino'ralhi hike a. kodah)
Here they are:
Red Headed Manima. It's All tMe Same to lie
.. ~Caretaker's Daughter. ;n .k
1-1 Nickels Arcadee
The DeLano Shop
r Nickels Arcde
Hive you seen our new style hats for tots, twvo to six, and for
girls, six to sixteen? You'll like hemb.
We have just received a clever line of sweaters in slip-over and
coat style for youngsters, two to six 'year's. Also' slip-over and
lumber-jack styles for girls eight to sixteen.
Easter novelties, all prices, 5c to _$1.25.
You'l find some real Mbargrains in
1our secon~d-band 'car sa' '


°oFl EEW U


'24 Foprdss, 4 Dcors


This new bungalow was

built for A


home, but on account of illness party is
leaving the city, and will sell at a sa cri-



The exterior

is Kellystone, interior is

'24 Ford Tuqo
'24 Ford Coupe
'22 Ford Coupe
'21 Ford Coupe'
'2Q Ford C2oup
'24 Ford Touring
'1Ford, Touring;
t'24 Ford Rbt.
'23 Ford Rbt.
'21 Ford Rbt.
'24 Oakland 'Touring
rn i - . ^ _ r V1 i n i n -Ir


finished in white enamel with exception
of living room, which is mahogany.
All modern improvements--fireplace,
laundry tubs, and very complete :kitchen.
Located in southeast part of city on a
large lot with garage.
May be shown at any time by calling us.






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