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February 11, 1925 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-11

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means of defeating the purpose of a
treaty-all of which smacks consider.
-" ably of the influence of Germ i dD RO L M UsIC
1 byrnect eplomacy in that coU-ntry preo ious to -NI
Contol o titlcn t',luat ns-the war.11, ANI"
If the plea to American students is FROH UNDI) LUSTW DRA M A
llenbrsof)Ant uConference la.<t ,aim ade in this light it will find ready .fiFN ..I.
ansympathy. If it is intended to fan a questions for the final examination
The Associated Press is exclusively tn- Qfame of fanaticism throughout Chris "WHITECARGO
titled to the use for republication of all news aiin (b ography 111 (the Geography of"f
dispatches credited to it or not otherw~se tendom, thinking people will be m- in A review by Robert Henderson.
credited in this paper and the local news pub- die oinoei.Teutsicta,'01h America), administered i this byHnesn
rised therein.h a ined to ignore it. The justice 03 iversty on January 26, 1925: Last winter an unadvertised play
Grecian demands alone can insure the Op the outline map of South Amer- opened at Daly's theatre, New York,
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, aid and sympathy of world pow rs Oatj utiemaIf othAe- opndaDlysterNe Yr,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate d dica: draw a line around the area to just around the corner from the main-
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- and their peoples. which you would send salesmen if yos moth Century theatre where "The
master General. yo?~llsn aemni o~I ohCnuytete wee"h
.bsbcrion by carrier, $3.50; by mail, were selling heavy, rubberized cloth, Miracle" was then creating such a
$4.ar See Ar dAN ACCEPTABLE rRPOS;Alt raincoats. In your bluebook, state sensation, by the name of "White Car
Phans: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi- With the announnement of Scre- briefly your reasons for drawing the go" Everyone looked upon it as a!
ness, 960. tary of War Weeks that he is serious- line as you do. 10 points. certain failure-too tragic, Broadway
"lY considering a recommendaticln of 'The head of a big packing company said-but by the presto of public ap-
E2414 aTAi ythe chieofienginr ichagenao of he has asked his research department preciation "The Miracle" is now pack
Telephones2414d- 76wher the chief of eeneersin charge of the e he might establish a beef pack- ed away in a storehouse =and "White
MANAGING EDITOR investigation of the ChiCagO Sanitary ing plant in South America, where the Cargo" is being presented by twelve
PHILIP M. WAGNER district and its illegal diverson o, future supply of cattle would be as companies throughout the country,
idtor............John G. Grlinghouse over 10,000 cubic feet of water per sured, but where he would not have entering on its second year's run in
ews Editor....... Robert G. Ramsaytsecond from Lake Michigan, the be- much competition with existing pack- New York, and its first year in both
' ity Editor,. .......Manning House worth!
Night Editors ginning of the end of one of the old- jng plants. What advice would you London and Chicago.
George W. Davis Harold A. Moore est and most important federal cases give him, and why? 20 points. Recently, about the tenth company
Thomas P. Henty Fredk. Y. S arrow, Jr. * * * presented this piece at the Whitney
Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal of the past is in sight. rsne hspeea h hte
Sports Editor........William H. Stonemnan The proposition which has een Using these as models a friend of theatre, and gave one of the most uni-
Sunda Editor.......Roern S. Mansield I formruy finished and satisfying per-
Women's)Editor...-.........Vernea Moran placed before Secretary Weeks isth nine has devised some examinations
Music anh dioram...Williat . aticrou formances I have ever seen; the play
Music and Drama....Roert B. endsaour(iost reasonable solution of this inte in other subjects taught at the Uni- m
Assistantsi state preblem which has been pre- verity-the idea being to get practi itself, of course, is an artistic ,con-
Laionarlow Rgina ReiS.R amns sented by any of those concerned. The cal benefit out of all the stuff you sistent peace of realism, but the act
Leslie S. :Benneta Marie heed essential provisions are as follows: learn. We append them below,
Smith CadIy )r. Ednarie Schrauder .b hi iithruhycnicn
Willard ByCrosby Frederick tI. Shilito first, permission to divert 8,500 cubi- * * *by their vivd, tho-oughly convincing
Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens feet per second for five years; seccnEEe characterizations. This story ofothe
James W. Fernainbcrg lajory Swet etprscndfrfv eas eod xanintion in English Literatre: oa n hscldm o fsuh
oseph 0. Gartner Herman Wise completion of a portion of a new pro-
Canin g ouseWortehEu Re . ,uitmt a. The head of a big steamship com- ern Africa and its decadent, insidious
lijah~eh S. exinedy R best T. DPote gram of sewage treatment designedp Thesetofabagesers o'p
Wi ahth Liebermuao italeyvC. CO'htun to cut the total average diersn of pany wishes to arrange a series o enervation of the white colonists be-
Winfield H. Line Leonard C. Hallao summer tours reaching as manyEng m
Larl E. Ohlnacher Thomas V Koykka lake water to 4,400 cubic feet per see mish e to uts teah fas tane eng- came gripping and tense in thei
Wihiam C. Patterson Lilias K. Wagner on tteedo teiyya hrlsh towns of literary fame as are con- hands.
abimC atro a nd at the end of a twenty year per .I
_____________ !sistent with the least expense-to the Witzel, the old Doctor, and the half-
iod ;and third, assurance either by a
BUSINESS STAFF bond or a certified check of $1,000,000 company. You are his research de- caste Tondaleo were especially welt I
Telephone 960 that the sanitary district shall pay its partment. Map out a few for him. splayed: Witzel with a taut, neurotic
b. Would it be financially feasible to nervousness, the Doctor with a
UM .ESS MANAER shmpensathngworst nycesayto re operate a bus line from Tintern Ab- strange admixture of sentimental
-DR SRmn i wkn sr oebey to The Old Curiosity Shop? From pathos and doddering senility, and
Advertising........... .....E. L. Dunne store the levels of the Great Lakes.
Advertising................... AJ.Marks The plan differs from all others Lodore to Craigenputtock? Tondaleo with all the frank, primitive
Advertising........... M. Rockwell which have been suggested in di - c. Examine the business possibill sensuousness that her part required.
Accunts...........-...... r C ter allows the sanitary district su en ties of a sight-seeing steamer passing Together this unhappy band of sodden
Publication........John,.Conlin time to install a new and adequate within view of Cape St. Vincent, Cadi. castaways reacted one upon another
Assistants Bay, Trafalgar, and Gibraltar. I
W .rdsi K .Mat their futile, bitter lives, creatinga
P. W. Arnold W L. Mullins system of sewage disposal and, at the;y
Wordon BAr KI. L. NPmant n same time, insures a just settlementa!an Ex nminationi in Sociology: heavy atmosphere of drunken and
F.Dentzu Tinstea of the claiis of its opponents. An The head of a big automobile con tortured misery. Tondaleo, more than
Philip Deitz . IXRyan(
DavideFt N. Rosenzweig added and admirable feature of the pany is wrestling with the problem of all the rest, in every gesture and
orma eehng ar are ndrg recommendation is that both the sew, inexepensive labor. You might be his glance drew a picture of passionate
F. Johnson S. 1L Sinclair age treatment program and the diver- research department. If so, discuss animal ferocity-grasping, bastial,
L. H. Kramer F. Taylor sion of the lake waters would be un- for him the following possibilities: 1,I lecherous, a perfect harlot.
Louis W. 'Kramer
der the direction and control of the Importation of 5000 Chinamen; 2, Or One left the theatre, as is always
United States district engineer at Chi- 5000 Southern Europeans; 3, of 5000 the case in a powerful, skillfully act-
- cago. These facts coupled with the Brazilians. 4. Child labor. 5. Starting ed tragedy, with a peculiar purgative
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1925 gradual decreasing of the diverted another European War. sense of relief: as effective an evening
water to the final low mark of 4,400 Examination t the Philosophy of as the crumbling local emporium has
Night Editor-F. K. SPARROW, JR. at the completion of the program, Religion: ever held. "White Cargo" is the bril-
make it the most acceptable proposal The head of a big church finds that liant result, successful at last both
A GREEK PROTEST and one which should receive the ap- his collections are falling off. It is a commercially and artistically, o the
From the National University of proval of Secretary Weeks and the Baptist Church. Suppose yourself to progressive movement toward sane,
Athens comes a plea to American uni- War department. 1be a lerk in his research department. stark realism in the theatre. It is one
versities for support of the protest of Which of the following business boos- of the signal evidences of the new
. renissance of the American stage
the Greek government against the de- "MY GERMANY!" ters would you suggest to him andri
portation by the Turk of the Ecumen-I There was a time when Kaiser Wil wy? that is already producing such powery
ical Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox ; 1, A return to Rome; 2, Fundamen fupieces "What Price Glory"
liam Hohenzollern as listened to 'Desire Under the Elms," "hy
Church from the long-established See astalism; 3, An electric sign; 4, Evolu-
in ns~tantinrple The request ap. with care whenever he chose to make teo; 5, The Klan; 6, Predestination; Knew What They Wanted," and "The
pears tbe Iyal- on an hypothetical an observation concerning world af- 7, Muscular Christianity; 8, More evtull wn"-aei thatis-
bond, uniting students throughout the fairs. The value placed on his utter- newspaper space; 9, Bake sales by by, eventually will make it the arti-
v.o-id, which has taken concrete form ances was not the result of any in- the Ladies Aid; 10, Sermons. ( tic capital of the entire world.
so often recently in responses to ap- serent wisdom, but arose because Ie Owing to the fact that the conductor "OUTWARD BOUND"
peals for help from institutions of was ,chief glorifier and active head of of this department has cut his thumb,
higher learning in Europe. But just the "all-powerful" German mp re. in the interim between this paragraph Due to an error, the fact was omit-
:hat is expected- of our university Now le is only Williani Iohenzol and the one above, the rest of it will ted that the cast announced in a re-
'ien' ;ts and adminitrations in this 1ern. a former Kaiser in degrading se- be a dictated proposition, sorta viva cent issue of The Daily for the Com-
is iitilh 2 ctoncPive. Insofar cluion. When he chooses to expound voce like. edy Club Production of Sutton Vane's
(mhe Turs hvle b1roien internation- on some subject, his remarks are re- * * * "Outward Bound," to be presented in
al treaties. this nation is concerned ceived either with derision or pity We think it is high time that some April at the Whitney theatre, was only
as a world power and the educational His latest outburst is a comment on one registered a formal protest I tentative and liable to change. Also
centers will back any action right in the recently-concluded Russo-Japan- against the Japanese matches that has contrary to the names published, Dali.
the inatter. It is, however, nearly ese treaty in which he declares that recently invaded the city under the Schaeffer will play the part of Rev.
mia possible far .s to assume a sym- with Russia backing the yelow race fell nom d'atelier of Geisha. The Jap- Thompson and Paul Vickers the part
S p: tletie :n rstaniIng of the difficul- and the French the black race, ther anese have always admittedly excelled of Mr. Lingley.
ties of the Greek Church in Turkey. remain only the United States and at the manufacture of delicate whim I Rehearsals have been in progress
Such affairs only remotely concern us !Great Britain as bulwarks of the white whams intended to please the senses for the past week under the super-
and will receive little more than a race, and concludes: "The conflict o of sight and smell (but not touch). vision of Paul Stephenson and Daniel
passing study. the future looms ahead. Where sha.) When it comes to the composition of L. Quirk, :Jr., temporary directors of
lt is more than likely the Greeks~ my Germany stand?" such sturdy articles as matches, they Comedy Club in the absence of Profes-
arein the right. His All Holiness, All of which signifies that the Ex- must needs fall behind various other I so J. Raleigh Nelson.
Constantinos VI, was deported simply Kaiser is itching for war, and will re- races (including the Scandinavian). *OAP *E E
b cause he was not a Turkish citizen gret only the fact that he cannot take * * * ! OSA ONSELLE

seemingly in opposition to the Treat) an active part in the scrap. I The Conductor Resumes, A reveiw, by Robert Henderson.
cf Lausanne which ended the war be- Delicate compliment to the citizenry, Friday evening, some two weeks,
tween Turkey and the Allied Powers ---- ;of Ann Arbor, composed by the pub- 1 ago, Rosa Ponselle, soprano, chief
a provision of which declared that , CAMPUS OPINION Izlicity agent of the People's Motor I satellite of the Metropolitan Opera
Turkey should in no way interfere Anonymous communications will le I Coach Company, NEE the Detroit house, great and grand and luscious,
ith the -aher r de Patriarchate. The Turkish ei, United Lines: Iappeared before a capacity unditor-
reply to this is that they have not in confidential ton requcst. Our Up to Date Service for this Up ium at Orchestra hall, Detroit. Most
terfered with the Patriarchate but ! to Date City starts Feb. 1. importantly she is stunningly beauti-
with the Patriarch. The Greek gov- ; COMMONERS ET AL * * * ful, an Italian jewess-though she
ernment on the other hand contends To the Editor: We didn't think we'd be able to type would scarecly like it to be known--
that the Mixed Commission which is On the first page of the J-Hop is- at all, but as we have stenched the I with all the grandoise artifices of a
S pr vising the transfer of Greeks sue of The Daily, I find the following gore, and the injured member hap feminine Chaliapin. This particular

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ad Turks to their respective lands, item:
had decided that the Patriarch was Police reserves were on hand
urr:x,,hangeable. This latter stand to keep out any commoners who
a ppears to be justified since the Com- might attempt to rush the Hop.
mission did recommend that he be al- Above the editorial section I find.
lowed to remain in Turkey despite Published by the Board in Con-j
the fact' that it had previously ruled trol of Student Publications.
that, as the Patriarch had arrived in Funk and Wagnall's dictionary tells
Constantinople after the Armistice, lie us that a commoner is any citizen not
was, exchangeable. There is now a a peer. If it was necessary to use the
possibility that the matter will be re- word "commoner" it was only to dis-
ferred by the Greek government, at tnguish the mass of persons watching
least, to the Permanent Court of In- the unloading taxis from the peers
ternational Justice at The Hague for who attended the Hop. Used in aI
settlement. strict sense, "commoner" may have
Such is the situation which has meant citizen, but by implication it
brought forth the protest from the has a meaning akin to plebian.
Ur.iversity of Athens. The majority If there are plebians in this con-
<f. us will be inclined to sympathize monwealth, there must be patricians.
with Greece simply because we are It is very probable that there is such
citiz.ens of a Christian nation and as a class distinction, and such being the
such have an inherent mistrust and belief of the editors of The Daily they'
hatred for the Turks. The crusading may not desire to avoid the issue. Offi-
spirit, a relic of the middle ages, is cially, however, there are no classes
still extant. In spite of this prejudice of distinction in this country, and the


pens to be the left thumb, we are able Friday night, abandoning her usual
to travel at our customary breakneck clinging black velvet gown with its
speed. One of the marvellous things five-foot red feather fan, she appeared
about the touch system is that it ar- in a gorgeous cloth-of-silver Empire
ranges for accident to any one finger crinoline, hung with imposing ropes of
The left thumb never has anything to -alleged-pearls . . . and in her left
do unless one of the other fingers is hand she carried a red, red rose . ..
put out of commission--when it fills It seems a misfortune, a catastrophy
in very neatly. that the School of Music failed to en-
* * * gage U\iss Ponselle to sing Gioconda
Now that the First Dresser of the l in the Festival-easily one of her
Land has declared against baggy most magnificent roles. In such the-
pants, we expect there will be a re atrical, grand manner parts she is
colting leap in the direction of the superb, Brobdingnagian: she needs


former ries!!
We JIUST Sell Them NOW
We don't dare wait any loner to get
rid of our huge stock of winter over-
coats. Even this early, spring merchan-
dise is arriving, and there's no roomfor
it. That's why we're sacrificing many
of our Hart, Schaffner & Marx and
other high - grade coats at exactly
ONE - HALF their regular prices.
Warm, good looking, beautifully tail-
ored garments that will give many
seasons of satisfying service. Choose

yours NOW!
Coats that
Coats that
Coats that
Coats that
Coats that
Coats that


more conservative peg-top trouser just such breast-pumping, bombast'ce
that is still displayed in the haunting I melodramas, all the glitter and tinsel
clothing advertisements in the back ,and humbug of the classic Italian
of the World's Almanac. Whether the snchool. Nor is this meant in an un.
Young Mellows will go so far as to complimentary sense; for all great
follow Mr. Coolidge's dashing lead in artists are basically charlatans burst-
the matter of derbies, collars, and ing with hokum-it is the touchston,,
stickpin. is a question for some sager that makes them thrilling and fasci-
seer than we. hating.
Mr. Jason Coivles. You have no idea the immense im-
provement, both vocally and theatri-

were $30.. . .. .$15.00
were $35......$17.50
were $40.. ... .$20.00
were $45......$22:50
were $50..... .$25.00
were $60..... .$30.00


1) f'h11Ildfh 4Ah d



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