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February 07, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-02-07

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Objectionabhe References to China Benson, Johnson of Chicago, Goldkette
Omitted; Remainder of of Detroit, Furnish Music for
Show Unaltered Annual Formal
By Mr. Jason Cowles Py Thomas P. Henry, Jr.
For the benefit of those who have Unfolding its scintillating gorgeous-
not been able to see this year's opera ness before the 1,700 revelers gather-
the Mimes of the University of Mich- ed for the foremost social event of
r,an will present on Saturday after- the University of Michigan year, the
noon, "Tickled To Death," by Don- 1926 J-Hop is now passing on its hap-
ald E. L. Snyder, '21. py way into history. From the m-
Critics were practically unanimous Dent Benson's famous Chicago or-
in acclaiming this year's show as the Ichestra breaks into the strains of "The
w best that Director E. Mortimer Shuter
has ever turned out. Clever dancing, Victors," the signal for the start of
singing, tand acting combined with -every big campus dance, joy rules
brilliant lines and dazzling costumes, supreme and unchallenged.
produced an opera that Michigan may Beauty is the keynote of all Mich-
well be proud of. And when this de- igan Junior Mops, and this year's can
lightful whole is suffused with the -- l a- o ore thn beaty The
warm glow of Mr. Snyder's music, lay claim to more than beauty. The
the result is one of the most pleasing . stupenduousness of the decorations,
afternoons, theatrically speaking, that x t___he marvelousness of the multi-color-
one can imagine. ed gowns arouses universal com-
The story deals with the adven- ment, while the music is more en-
tures of an American archaeological
expedition in China, and the many more the Hop goes down as the great-
amusing complications that arise be- est ever held.
fore the final curtain are enough to yM0 I The grand march, with Charles
keep the most sophisticated and cri- Oakman, general chairman of the en-
tical audience in a perfect gale r tire affair and his charming partner,
laughter. (Miss Mary Atherton, of Detroit, in the
Among the high spots in the show lead, started but a few minutes after
are some of the beautifully arranged appointed time of 10 o'clock. Im-
spectacles, such as the "Lanterns of WWJ BROADCASTS HOP TJ OUR GUESTS: mediately at the conclusion of the
the Night" scene in which the march, which ended in the famous
chorus appears dressed in lantern WWJ, The Detroit News sta- f The Junior Classes of the Un- block "M" formation, the customary
suits with flashlights shining through tion, located at Detroit, will be FIISH ( iversity of Michigan join in wel- group picture of the dance was taken.
them; the scene in which the entire on the air from 10 to 3 o'clock coming the guests of the 1926 Following this Jean Goldkette's
chorus carries $80 ostrich fans; and tonight with the music of the J-Hop. This is perhaps the most group of musicians from Detroit, at
the thrilling finale in which all of the Hop, relayed by special wire to Fourteen Juniors Handle Immense important event on the social the opposite end of the huge trans-
marines come marching on. the station from Ann Arbor. Preparation Needed to Insure calendar of the University and formed gymnasium, swung into the
The leading comedy character- are All three of the orchestras play- Success we wish to make it an occasion music for the first dance of the eve-
Pr .essor Tombs, the screamingly ing will be heard during the that you will remember with ning. From then on continuous mus-
ar .y old pedagogue at the head of evening by the radio audience. BEGAN 3 MONTHS AGO happiness. i and continuous joy are paramount.
the archaeological expedition (played This is the first time in the - For the moment, the work of In Barbour gym, Arnold Johnson with
by Gordon Ibbetson); Marceline, a history of the University that Three months ago the newly-elect- the University is suspended and his Chicago Harmony boys furnished
"v2,p" who does some uproarious a J-Hop has been broadcast, and ed J-Hop committee met for the first all have joined in a spirit of inspiration for the remainder of the
burlosque work (played by Charles it will enable the "folks at time, under the direction of Charles G. play which is more keenly ap- merrymakers.
Livingstone); and Robert Henderson home," as well as alumni and Oakman, '26, general chairman, and preciated because of the hard Arabian is the entire setting, from
as tL'e Russian countess. friends of Michigan, to at least laid the initial plans for the dance. work which has won it. We the deep empyrean blue which is
F or those who like handsome men hear the merriment of this eve- Since that time surteen juniors have know that you will feel the spir- broken only by the twinkling stars,
and pretty girls, the opera is as good ning. This innovation was made devoted most of their energy to the it of the occasion, which is a to the gaudy striped awnings, pictur-
es a ny show that ever played Broad-I possible by arrangement with completion of these plans, the devel- manifestation of the spirit of ing a carefree encampment of a ro-
.wan. Russel Gohring as the juvenile The Detroit News, by Clayton opment of new ideas, and working out our University, and enter into mantic people, the inhabitants of a
is e ough to send shivers up and C. Purdy, '26L, of the J-Hop the details that make the Michigan it as we have-I great desert. On one side of the
wo th back o any romantic girl- committee. Junior Mop as perfect as a dance can camp lies the desert with its sinister

ans Richard Elliott as Nyan-Toy, the WWJ broadcasts on a 352.7 I be. President Junior Literary Class. vastness, on the other a great walled
hesine, is the fairest of the fair, in wave length, and can be heard F WILLIAM H. HEATH, town, offering protection and per-
addition to being a startlingly com- easily throughout the Middle erary college, three by the engineer- President Junior Engineering haps adventure.
petent actor. West. ing college, and one each by the re- I Class. Within the tents of the Arabs Is
eThe settings and costumes, although maining five colleges. The work of dis- I warmth, light, beauty. Outside the
t applications and notifying ing goes on uncurbed. Over
ter in this one, all previous records Famous Orchestras those whose cards had been accepted the entrance to each ant has been
for extravagance and elaborateness in P 1926 Ho as all done before the vacation, n- placed the colors of the group occupy-
both these departments having been direction of Harry B. Koenig, ing it. In this fairyland, created but
passed in this year's show. I At the conclusion of the Hop, the for the night, the wine o youth ox-
Cieesuetwharbrnig More time and more monoy lass 26. More than 1,200 applications were thIieo ot x
hometown girls to the Hop negno been spent on music for the 1926 Hop received, although it was possible to girls are requested to exit via the ults and overflows.
ohesitate to take them to the Opera, than has ever been done in the past. give out but 700 tickets. stairway near the passageway be- Couples gently swaying, the never-
as all unseemly references to that The Benson orchestra of Chicago, Fifty-two booths were distributed to tween Waterman and Barbour gym- ceasing wail of the saxaphone, the
country have been cut, according to conducted by Don Bestor, plays the fraternities and independent nasiums. After obtaining their cry of the trombone, dying now into
the authorities, nightly at the Drake hotel, Chicago. groups by Charles Grube, '26. Again wraps, they are asked to go up the lowered notes of a different, less blat-
They rank as one of the most popular the demand exceeded the number of main stairway of Barbour gymnasium ant jazz-jazz of a softer and more
THE SECOND EDITION organizations making Victor records. booths that could be supplied by the to the corridor on North University beautiful kind. Again and again the
Jeanne Goldkett's orchestra plays committee, and a number of fraterni- avenue, where they will join their es- orchestras break forth into irresist-
The Daily will publish a second edi- regularly at the Greystone Ballroom, ties had to double up. corts. ible ryhthm, coupled with that melody
tion of its 192E J-Hop Extra tomor- in Detroit. A new contract with the More than 20 of the leading orches- which quickens the blood of even the
row morning. This edition will con- Victor company has just been signed tras of the country made bids to play Approve Decorations most reticent.
tain a picture of the Grand March, by Mr. Goldkette. at this year's Hop. From that number 1It is youth's night tonight with old
a review of the formal by Jason Arnold Johnson's Harmony boys are three were selected by Gene K. Buck, At the request of the Hop commit- age banned without and forgotten.
Cowles, an account of the gowns worn well-known to the younger set of Chi- '26D, chairman of the music commit- tee, state fire marshals H. H. Thrall, Romance, adventure, beauty and de-
at the Hop by Murchison Mabie, and cago, and play at the Edgewater tee. All three are well-known to '13E, and R. W. Crabb, approved thej light hold hands and forget the sordid
some general remarks. Beach hotel. (Continued on Page Eight) decorations yesterday. world of reality.

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