I SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1925' THE MICIGAN DAILY Lifo e nle ers1iip SualiSeri p11011 S Most ~Be Paid tol Meet Mortgage Pue hn Auigust RENEWAL IS REFUSED Next August a mortgage to the abunt of $200,000 falls due upon the building of the Union. A renewal of this mortgage wa sgranted by the banks here last year, the ,time exten- sion to be one year. This year the banks will not renew the mortgage and the Union must raise the .$200,000 in. 'the next five months. On the toher hand], the Union holds; $285,237.24 worth of what amount to prOnissory notes, that is, subscrip- tions for life memblerships which are .et (due. These overdue subscrip- s are the only resource. the Un- r pnc has to (1raw upnon to pay off the o, )ortgage and if th- debt is to be paidl, i:,lection must be made upon $200,00(0 vi ~rrth *o these. In other words thbe Winancial situation of the Union is ini serious iposition as a result of the ailure of those who have sulbscribed or life meinlerslips to pay their In an effort to relieve this condi- rLion, the Union has sent to all alumni istatement of the financial condition, t ;nd the request that those -whose pay- are-t entsar overdue pay off theirta plediges, so that the mortgage on thea building may be removed. This is!. nmot a drive for U.nion members nor . for donations of any kind, but merely r in attempt to collect what is °rightful- 1 l y owed the Union. ~ A huge amount is being paid out (each year in interest on the build-u Ong debjt, which could be saved1 entire- z ~y if past due subscriptions were paidc ~up. The totaP amounts to $30f,364, in7 t he form of mortagages, while the to-c t al of overdue "subscriptions is $253.- 2 62 . T i me n th t t e l r etpart of the whole debit couldI be w iped Nut if alumni and students who haveI ,ledged to pay life memnbership dues, Lead Fight For Sinclair ,.., _ it would~ be a goodl idea inasmuch asM it might. entail too much troub~le. It. seenms 10 me that it is not relpresent a - t ive of campuns lire as the Opiera and should therefore be kept, in .=nn Ar- bor." H. K. Latta, Grad. -"Tres, undoubt- edlly such anl adventunre would t end 10 lbring alunmae into closer Itouch with the Uivrst~. brough In li i: met hod1 the junior gidlsia y add con- f Wilhli CN YOU sidexrable to the Womens League 'riun ttu nn~n' row in room 304, of the ,Union, on the " n''1Y'1 1 I tISIhUsubec, Problems Involved in Buildl- Irene Field, '21(.-Ys, Itik* IL'IUUUmga Equiping a Nevth 'ig h School."° tep-yhsbegiesuhpbii HIHi1ba oflty in the last few years that it would 01131 CHOLL IIUtrrII b d )-s n, when memnbers of tihe clubO make quite a hit in this part of the I >ttL me et visitors. country."______________________________ -!)r. J. Burns Fuller, principal of 'the 'home. Ma-rch 14. - The MussoliniI Normal high school at Ypsilanti, will', go{;rnm~ent received a vote of confid-j speak to members of the MnsEu ed te W atA t eiwc( in 1the chlam~ber today . cational club at 7:15 o'clock tomor- a he a t A I C;P-TOCo I nta~d Anew shipment of ready A - weaf top- _coats, including a variety of patterns to rmeet the taste of the discrimninating - °- = dresser. You wvill L~e pleased with the i s quality. 'E 1TIT? * erhi1 outfit- Custom Tailor Men's Furnishiings 608 E. Liberty St, Phone 171,3-j' CAIN S'TREET cmIEI sea i is -- U il 'is sthe galaxy of legal talent assembled by Harry F. 'Sinclair to tight t hO o veramnt's Teapot :Dome suit: in the federal court: at Cheyen--. mc, Wyo-. They are seen leaving the courtroom. ILeft to right.: John WV. I ccv of1C('heyemmnc, M\artin WN. Lttletor of New York (City, chief counsel, anid George P~. Ihoover of Washington, 1?. C., Sinclair's personal counsel. would remit thle amounts they arc late thenm and p~robably be a motive for in praying. If this is nmot (lone a crisis bct tei' play writing at Michigan." i wvill be reachc(l in Union finances. IS.r,. Riblet, '25L.-"'I(10 not believe Each year $35,000 is taken in on ____________________ _ _ : lues while the cost of operating the'1 non-incoming p~ro(ducing departments Tf o' the building amounts to $70,000.1;-, lhis means that there is an expense o~f $35.000 which has to be taken care of ini some other way and the only w ay of paying this expense is to ta(. e money made by the coimmlercial ole - partn etei such, as the dlinn roollis << cid caf e i a. As a tesult of this there T a s littl emonrey left eacti year with x10, SOUTH IM a . 41 J l r is '1