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March 15, 1925 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXV. No. 123.






Campus Contributions and Individual
Gifts Help Swell Total,
Reports Show
By telegram received yesterday,
Herbert Hoover's opinion today of the
work of the Student Friendship fund
is shown to be entirely favorable, and
that such relief activity as that of the
fund is necessary.
Mr. Hoover states that "the revolu-.
tion in Russia left professors, sci-
entifle men, and students destitute.
While conditions for some of the phy-
sicians and other scientific men are
gradually improving, thousands of stu-
dents are still chronically undernour-
ished, and the plight of the professors
remains desperate. Half of them have
dropped out of sight since 1917. Sure-
ly it is to the interest of civilization
that those who are left should sur-
viye. Many of them can do so only if
outside help is forthcoming.".
Mr. Hoover, whose experience in
European relief work enables him to
advance opinions based upon fact in
regard to conditions and needs of
continental peoples, also gavehis sup-
port to the University drive last year
In 1919, he was chairman of the Amer-
ican Relief administration, engaged in
Children's relief in Europe, and in ad-
dition has been a member of commis-
sions in charge of supplies for relief
there at other times.
Money received yesterday toward
the campus quota of $4,000 had not
heen tabulated at a late hour last
night, but a considerable gain was
certain. Individual contributions con-
tinued to arrive, while proceeds from
the benefit dance at the Union and
from various organizations were the
chief sums added to the total.
A large crowd assembled for theI
benefit dance yesterday afternoon, and
the proceeds, although yet uncounted,
will easily account for more than $50
of the money needed.
Moreover, the quota set for the Uni-
versity will continue the operation of
the Michigan kitchen in Kiev, Russia,
for three more months, and the com-
mittee desires to raise at least suffi-
cient funds to maintain this service
with the same satisfaction that was
encountered last year.
There will be a meeting of the en-
tire committee at 3 o'clock tomorrow,
and of the students who will solicit
the faculty at 4 o'clock.f
Prof. James P. Adams, '19, former
instructor of economics here and now
At Brown university, was appointed
chairman of the arbitration board at
Providence which is to decide wheth-
er the United Electric Railway em-
ployees shall receive an increase in
pay, accept a reduction, or continue
at the same wages. He was selected
'y the two other members of the com-
lIittee and will have the deciding vote
on all questions on which there is a
difference of opinion.
After graduation, Professor Adams
served two years on the faculty in
the capacity of instructor in econo-
mics. In 1921 he came to Brown un-
iversity as assistant professor of ac-
counting and last.year was made an
associate professor.

Copies of this week's edition of the
Alumnus will be placed on sale to-
morrow at the offices of the publica-
tion in Alumni Memorial hail. The
price is 15 cents.
Featuring the contributions is an
article on the "Second Michigan Ex-
pedition to -tbe Near East," by Prof.
F. W. Kelsey, of the Latin depart-
ment, in which he discusses some of
the problems faced in the work now
under way on the site of Antioch of


Gabrilowitsch, Schkolnik And
Orchestra To Play Tomorrow


Ossip Gabrilowitsch, the Detroit
Symphony orchestra, and Ilya Sch-
kolnik, violinist, will appear tomor-
row night on the last of the concerts
in the Extra Series. Tomorrow after-
noon, the orchestra, uinder the direc-
tion of Victor Kolar, will play a Young
People's program to which the child-
ren of the public schools have been
The two large works chosen by
Gabrilowitsch for the evening perfor-
rnance are the Franck Symphony in
D Minor, and Lalo's Symphonie Es-
pagnole, for violin and orchestra. The
last has not been played in Ann Arbor
since the appearance of Mischa Elman
two years ago. Mr. Schkolnik will
be soloist.
In addition, the orchestra will play
the Dvorak "Carnival" Overture, Op.

mission price for the concert will be
placed at 10 cents for children and
50 cents for adults. Of particular in-
terest will be the performance of
Tschaikowsky's Nutcracker Suite, Op.
7rickets for this concert are avail-
able at the office of the UniversityI
School of Music, and will also be on
sale 'at the Hill auditorium box office,
Monday night. The seats are priced
at $2, $1.50, $1 and 50 cents.
Kipke Added To
Coaching S t a f f
F o r Next Year!

Detroit, March 14.--Complete
confidence in the actual value
of a college education has been
restored in Albert Lenhart and
Frederick Reeve, of Detroit. Af-
ter attendance at the University
of Michigan for one year, the
young men decided to enter the
business world, and sought em-
ployment befitting to young
men of college training.
For a year they found nothing
even to be considered. Finally,
however, they decided to seek
work from the municipal auth-
orities. They accepted them al-
most immediately and assigned
each one of them to city gar-


ouncement of Players With-held
to Sunday Before Opening,
Tradition Rules

Dies In East

Reinke Breaks Conference Mark in
880; Final Relay Brings
Evanston, March 14.--(By A. P.).-
The University of Michigan won the
Western Conference indoor track and
field championship tonight, after a
desperate struggle with Wisconsin in
which the relay race, the final event
on the program, decided the honors.
The Wolverines scored 22 points, while

32; and the Roumanian Rhapsody in Harry G. Kipke, one of the great-
A Major, Op. 11, No. 1. This will est athletes that Michigan has pro-t
mark the fourth and last of the sym- duced, will return to his alma mater
phony concerts of the season, and the
last of the pre-festival programs. early next fall as assistant football
The concert of the afternoon is coach, according to an announcement I

bage wagons. That was a week "Castles in Spain," the twenty-first
ago. annual Junior Girls' play will open its
Today Albert Lenhart and five-day run Tuesday night at the
Frederick Reeve are worth Whitney theater with senior women
I $1000. For yesterday it hap- as guests of honor at the first per-,
pened that while dumping their formance. The ticket committee re-
wagon loads into the municipal ports a rapid sale but desirable seats
incinerator, they found $1000 still remain. The box office will be
worth of silver plate. open from 2 to 5 o'clock, tomorrow,
in Hill'auditorium, after which tickets Walter Camp, famous football coach


planned particularly for children. made yesterday by the athletic assoc- will be sold at the theater. and critic of the game, who died early I Wisconsin rolled up 20 and Chicago
Miss Edith Rhetts, director of the iation. According to tradition, public an- yesterday morning of heart disease. scored 18 for third place.
educational department of the Detroit Kipke will report to Coach Yost rnounceient of the cast of the play is The great sports authority of the East Two Conference records were
Symphony orchestra, will lecture. Ad- September 1 to assist in coaching the never made until the Sunday bef would have been 66 had he ived to smashed ani two were tied. Charles
backfield At presnt the Woverine mabeIVuntil d If Sunday__before__April__7.
backfld. At present the Wolverine Iithe opening date. Today marks this April . Reinke of the victorious Wolverine
staris under contract with the Uniasn.team smashed his own record in the
versity of Missouri as head baseball the production will be found in sec- nt half mile, stepping the distance in 1
coach. Kipke acted as assistant back- Uil0twI TthL suo.minute 56 3-5 seconds aclishedatwo
field coach of the Missouri Conference The complete cast is as follows: and
champion football team, and aided Jim Bentley, Dorothy Waldo; Mar- years ago.
in coaching the Tiger basketball team. Famous Coach and Writer on Football iorie Hentley, Mary Van Buren; Bob, 1 mile run: Won by Arnold, Ohio
SIET FOHR HItAY nWhile at Michigan Kipke won nine Passes Away Suddeny in Dorothy Oborn; Sally, Margaret Wil- State; Bergstresser, Wisconsin, se-
major letters, winng three in foot-_NmYarorLiv k ytk kins; Miss Turner, Marguerite Dut- 9T SERond; Vallery, Wisconsin, third; War-
ball, three in basketball, and three inIton; Professor Harley, Dorothy Pud- ner, Illinois, fourth. Time, 4 min-
and Wisconsin on Sulect baseball. In 1922 Walter Camp select WORK PRAISED BY YOST rith; Mrs. Harley, Genevieve Good- 'Mathematics of Divine Expectation' utes, 31 3-5 seconds.
of Child tabor ed the Michigan grid star for a posi man; Professor Black, Jane White; Announced as Sermon 50 yard dash: Won by Hubbard,
tion on the mythical Al-AmerilcanI Professor Green, Henrietta Voorheis;e Michigan; McAndrews, Wisconsin,
football team. Kipke was chosen for New York, March 14.-(By A. P.). Professor Brown, Elaine Steveley; second; Wittman, . Michigan, third;
PERSONNEL ANNOUNCED membership on all-Conference basket- -Walter Camp, famous as a football Miguel, Alberta Olsen;. Spry Mar- FEvans, Illinois, fourth. Time, 5 2-4
I ball and baseball teams. He played coach and critic, died today of heart guerite Ainsworth; Jose, Mary Lou MALE CHORUS WILL SING seconds. Ties Conference indoor
Michigan's affirmative and negativerunning guard on the court five and record established by Murray of I111-
center fieldrontthe baseballateam. disease in the Hotel Belmont. Miller; Mr. Billings, Margaret Effng-
teams will engage teams representing center field on the baseball team. ' er; Major Bobson, Anne Gilbreth; Dr. Lloyd C. Douglas, pastor of the nois in 1914.
The ignng f Kpkeas ackiel Mr Cap atened metin ofSylvia, Frances Light; Betty, For- First Congregational church of Akron,f 440 yard run: Won by McFarlane,
Illinois and Wisconsin in the 10th an- coach completes the Michigan foot- the football rules committee last ence IaarnesAnne, Monica O'Brien Oios C reaatna 7:30ch o to- Feinigerd M chIglinoisd; ertsn,
nual Mid-West debate next Friday. Iball and baseball teams. He played night, leaving about midnight and re- A Co-Ed, Dorothy Krauss; Tom, Gwen- Ohio, will speak at 7:30 o'clock to- Feinsinger, Michigan, third; Roberts,
Michigan's negative team will leave With Yost, Wieman, Blott, Kipke, tiring to his room at the Hotel Bel- dolyn Wilson; Marquita, 'Edythe night at the University service in Hill Iowa, fourth. Time 51 4-5 seconds.
Thursday for Champaign where they Cappon, Hayes, and Emery constitut- . He was apparently in good Rhinebault; the maid, Marion Du- auditorium on the subject "The Mathe- I 60 yard high hurdles: Won by
Ilinisig the staff, Michigan has one of themotHewsaprnl ingd Brie; Officer of the Spanish soldiers, matics of Divine Expectation." Spec- Guthrie, Ohio State; Snyder, Ohio
will compete against the Illinoistrongest grid coaching corps in the health when he retired, hotel attaches Srie iercePsia nishS tate, second; Kinsey, Ilinois, third;
affirmative team, while. the Michigan country. Coach Yost will act as the said. G ine ierce Mussin Spanih lal music will be furnished by the Rehme, Illinois; fourth. Time 7 3-5
affirmative team upholds the question head and map out the program for When the rules committee assembl- spencer, Winifred Benedict, and Myr- Jackson, Mich., male chorusof more seconds. Ties nference indoor re-
,of Child Labor, in Hill auditorium, the season although most of the ac- ed this morning in the Hotel Pennsyl- te Sanzenbacher; and Specialty than 100 voices. cord established by Johnson, Michigan
against the Wisconsin negative team. tual work will be done by the assist- vania, the members delayed opening Dancers, Mary Jo Buenting, Gladys Dr. Douglas is well known in this in 1920.
In last year's triangular meeting ants. Eastcott Charlotte O'Brien, and Will- 2 mile run: Won by Phelps, Iowa;
f between the three schools, Michigan's their meeting pending Camp's arriv- abelle arper. The Choruses are as city, having been pastor of the Con- Bourke, Chicago, second; Kennedy,
representatives received decisions on al. When oe time had elapsed and follows: Co-Eds-- Mary Bicknell, gregational church from 1915 to 1921.-I Ohio State, third; Perry, Wisconsin,
both sides of the question, "Resolved, P oatherhe nau not appeared, Bill Roper, Margaret Brooks, Margaret Henckel, He left this position to assume the fourth. Time 9 minutes, 32 3-5 sec-.
that th-e Drainage Project of the Chi- Princeton coach, was delegated by the Rhea Miller, Marion Burrows, Doris duties of pastor at the First Congre-.. onds. New conference indoor record.
cago Sanitary Commission Should be Cs R eceip ts committee to look for Camp at the Gladden, Elizabeth Parrott, Elizabeth gational church in Akron. Previous Former record of 9 minutes, 41 sec-
Permanently Guaranteed. Michigan Of A uto Shozv Belmont. Roper went to the famous Isham, Harriet Weston, Margaret onds was established by Mieher, Illi-
dAnnArbrand the eg ative nois team Mcoach's room and, getting no response ' Sagendorph, Lorine Owens. to th years hehspent in this city, D nois, 1924.
at Ann Arbor and the negative Wis had the door opened. Camp was lying P. U. D. Men-Eva Tomlinson, Nor- Douglas had charge of the religious Pole vault: Bouscher, Northwestern,
mcoesin team at Madisona aidead on his bed. ma Barlow, Charlotte Burtt, Evelyn work at the University of Illinois and Brooker, Michigan tied for first,
Members of the Michiganaffirmative e o h Pfaeler Norma Clarke, Merle Gee from 1911 to 1915. During the World 12 feet, 8 inches; Hunsley, Illinois,
team include Radcliff B. Fulton, '26, given benefit Deep regret over the loss of Walt- Josephine Weiler, Amelia Derhorst, War, he was director of publicity in third, 12 feet, 4 inches; Krieger, Wis-
Frank P. Weaver, '26, and H. F. University band, closed at 11 o'clock erCs colleges and universities for the consin
last eng h aftr 'shwingfor !ou, Cmp, he faher f fooball was uth cllnsinwedand WSeed, ,IllinoisIlintiedtid for
Wahrenbrock, '27L. Those composingE last night after showing for 'fou expressed yesterday by Coach Field- Castillian-Alice Mnderbach, Frai- United States War Work Council. fourth, 12 feet.
the negative team are N. C. Bowersox, days. The lement weather Fri in ces Boring,, Elizabeth Blackwood The group of men who comprise the Shot put: Won by Schwarze, Wis-
'27, James J. Dunn, '25, and E. R. day and Saturday caused a slump in athletics, when told of the death of Eleanor Musselman, Elizabeth Smith, large chorus which will lead the con- cosin, 47 feet, 2 inches; Dauber,
Gomberg, '27. The team has been de- the attendance and the number of the famous coach and writer on foot- Jeanette Emmons, Jean Swinton, gregational singing tonight and will Iowa, 45 feet, 21 inches, second;
bating the question in practice de- I visitors fell far short of the crowd pre- ball subjects. Evangeline Pursell, Carolyn Hughes, give several special numbers, are Mnz, Michigan, 44 feet, 71-2 inches,
bates within the class under the su- dicted. "He gave football its high place in j Margaret Calvert, Germaine Baer, drawn from all lines of work in the third; Kimmel, Illinois, 43 feet, 61-2
pervision of G. E. Densmore, who has The entire proceeds of the exhibit I city of Jackson. F. S. Rockwell is inches, fourth.
eriinoG.EDnsniEIIamateur athletics,le wrote its rules,I Ruth Williams, Harriet Dively, Inezinhsfor.
been in charge of the Varsity debates are to be directed towards the support he taught its uses in raising the spir- McCormick, Helen Adler, Virginia director of the organization. The men I mile relay: Won by Chicago (Mc
ofteUnvrit ad node htwill come to Ann Arbor this after- I mierlyWobyCcao(-
this year. of the Unversity band n order that t nd morale of college men, he made Hobbs, Lillian Harding, Margaret i Farlene, Spence, Beal, Ravenscroft)
the organization will be insured a it a dorinant factor in American life," Geddes. noon in automobiles and will return Illinois, second; Northwestern, third:
s eclared CoachtYost.hAll of us in- Evelyn GrayDorisKentDorothe Mhigan, fourth. Time 3 minutes, 36
W L years the band has been forced to trse ndvlpn lasrnSecr m otn uieHuh Rensis Likert, '26E, president of the -scns
i terested Cosmopolitang club, willnlead thencser-AHighojump:EWoncebyoMchinniscWns-
S hold tag days or to solicit aid from 1 virile young manhood will miss thet Helen LamosFrancess Farwell Cosmopolitan club, wil lead the se- High jump: Won by McGinnis, Wis-
merchants and business men of Ann n ni vice tonight which is under the aus- consin,
CUAMBER FCOMMERCE Arbor, and the show was given to influence he exercised so long andI Louise Roberts,SPaulinetMalone,aar-tIttco, 6 feet2i 1-2 inches; ehir
help in eliminating this inconvenience, effectively throughout the entire sao
AhoPugh e t rs am-cvnot realm of sports." bara Allen, Ingham Sutley, Kathryn iation. Scripture reading and prayer Ohio State, 6 feet 1-2 inch, thirde
Although the total returns are not Clarkewillbe led by Rev. Henry Lewis, Ward, Northwestern and Tuher Wis-
Pe.JhNeanothAnArknw attitieiticetitht Walter Camp was born on April 7,! ar, oClarke.adTuer Ws
Pres. John Neeland, of the Ann Ar- known at this time, it is erta that 1859, at New Haven, Connecticut, th'e (Continued on Page Four) minister of St. Andrew's Episcopal 5 feet 11 Inches tied for fourth
bor Chamber of Commerce, will ad- the receipts at the doors of the exhibit Ihome of Yale university, which he at- church. place.
dress the members of that organiza- were not as large as expected and graduating with the class of Dr. Douglas is the guest of Wilber place,
tion on "Our Policy for the Current whether or not the band will have to 1880. le achieved fame both as a . xhibition R. Humphreys, assistant dean of the igan; Ponzer, Illinois, second; Cu-
Year" at a meeting to be held in the resort to its previous methods of writer and a coach of football, return- literary school, during the few days sack, Chicago, third; Freyberg, Mich-
Chamber of Commerce building Tues- financing trips is doubtful. The en- winte and am ah of ftba retrg-
ing to his alma mater in that capacity. Opensl M oeda igan, fourth. Time, 1 minute, 56 3-5
da evening This will be the first tire amount of money realized from 1-le was last in Ann Arbor when he, to-s
day ev ning. his w il . be the frst th show s getherivwith tRev.ndHerbertontJu mpedof lseconds.or sAsnewdsConferencerenindooro
business eeting o tdeaCsportingth r w ith R v. inrCollier'so
buiness neeting of the Chamber the members of the Ann Abor Auto-magazines and for years has conduct- record. Former record 1:57 3-5,es-
sincaenes ii Aquatints and etc~ings of members the Congregational church, officiatedreod Frmrecd1:735es
since the election of the new board of i le Dealers association, theor- e sC at President Marion L. Burton's fun- tablished by Reinke in 192.
directors and all members are urged anization which sponsored the enter- Weekly. His All-American mythical of La Societe des Grav.eurs Modernes 'When the relay race was started
to be in attendance. It will be a isepaid all expensesfi such as the teams were recognized as the stand- I Francais, of Paris, will be exhibitedr - Michigan was leading by a score of
:strictly business meeting. decorations, displays and publicity. ard of the nation. Thirteen Michigan in the West gallery of Alumni Memor- 21 points to 20 points for Wisconsin.
Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock Te exhibit was successful from men have been selected for this hon- ial hall under the auspices of the Ann STThe Badgers had an opportunity to
Colvin B. Brow, chief of the organiza- the dealers' standpoint for a consid- or. Arbor Art association, beginng to-SENORthe Rmeet by cp
tion service bureau, will be the guest erable nuniber of sales were rert- Among his books are fiction for morrow and lasting until Thursday. Iplace in the relay but Kennedy the
tio niLoneat letic u bje c s,,T h e h all illtbe o p enuv ery ID C T feflnu m b e r l stfW is o n sin r u n n er Inethorela
of the board of directors at a private ed by the automobile agents conduct- young people on athletic subjects, The hall will be open every after- last Wisconsin runner in the relay
luncheon-meetingin the ChamberofingtheboothsSescametextbooks on football, instructions in noon from 1:30 until 5 o'clock. UM SIUIVSUOM ROWIfell down in his last lap robbing
Commerce-buiting iMrCaBr of rng the bortos.Several visitors sole AIuction Bridge, articles on Yale, and M. Georges Plasse, a member of the IvWisconsin of its chances.
Commerce building. Mr. Brow has from neighboring towns for the soenmru ok nkeigpt ri- oitwl epeett xli h Michigan scored in six of the 10
selected for his subject, "Administra- purpose of purchasing some type of numerous works on keeping fit, train- society, will be present to explain the ,
sionctd OrgisztijnPo"A ms."am- . Itase pran portuni tyo look ug for sports, etc. work of the artists, and will, at some I Dues of members of the senior lit-Mihnts cordingsix0y f tha
tion and Organization Problems" car. It was an opportunity to loo Mr. Camp would have be 6 years tie to be announced later, give an erary class will be collected again nning r s n
Open discussion will follow the ad- over the models of the many differ- of age had he lived until April 7. illustrated lecture on the process of from 9 to 12 and from 2 to 5 o'clock pole vault.. The Maize and Blue clad
dress. et manufacturersascarsofa tsthe making of an etching plate, and stomorrow at the booth in the corridor atletes also capture thirdd place in
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _weie placed on exhibition. The twoat l es lo c p ur d hid lce n
I I!PflhI[Dt~~~~~~ I the printing of the proofs. M. Plasse, of University hall.h h tp ta dte 40 y r u n
motors which were included in the thesht pt ndthe44ryrd unan
moexibi wi b re incu n the . IUY was in Ann Arbor with a similar ex- Less than half the class have paid took fourth in the relay.
exhibit will be given to the automotive hibit in November, 1923. these dues, which amount to $3.50, ac- I The balance of the points were di-
W school of the Universitynw or. TtestinAll forms of prints have become cording to Frank Roberts, '25, treas-:i vided as follows: Illinois fourth with
and experimental work. ETvery popular in recent years, accord-' urer of the class. They must be paid 17 1-2, Ohio fifth with 17 points
I o w a s i x t h - w i t h 9Ep o i n t s , in t -
R MingTto Prof. Warren P. Lombard, pro- before senior invitations can, be or- Iowa sixth with 9 points, and North
FTodfessor emeritus of physiology, and dered the latter part of this month. western seventh with 61-2 points;
DrOadBrwnoCteRckfllr Testsfor nickel, more delicate than president of the Ann Arbor Art as- Students going into other schools Minnesota, Purdue and Indiana failed
Dr. Wade Brown of the Rockefeller heretofore, are made possible by re- sociation, which is sponsoring the expmust pay their literary dues if they to score.
Institute for Medical Research will search work conducted with a new hibit. This increased popularity is are getting A.B. degrees, and it will
lecture on "Chemotherapy and the II IlliS 1EULAIIO nickel reagent, alpha-furildioxime, by probably not so much a matter of also be necessary to pay up all back West Point N. Y March 14.-W .
Treatment of Syphilis" at 8 o'clock B. A. Soule of the chemistry depart- price, said Prof(so: -LrnIabard, as dues that remain unpaid at this time. Baird of Cornwell-on-Hudson N Y
Thursday, March 19, in the Natural New York, March 14.-Return of the ment. An article discussing the new the fact that more and more people Bclass of 1923, has been elected cap
Science auditorium. The lecture willI!clsof12,hsbe lctdap
benthe thirim the eri e Alha kickoff to the kicker's 40 yard line reagent has been written by Mr. Soule have been forced to live in apartmenUtsd
be the third in the series of Alpha change in the rules involving block- and will appear in the April issue of or small houses with rooms of limit- McBride, whose husband has served amy heknyteat Military a-
c iA.theny lesnmthe Journal of the Amdvingeb wall space de o h ana ademy hockey team for next season,
I Omega Alpha, national honorary med- ,, n aiim,, +i, ,P of e-in- ae;heJuralo teAmierican Cheie wallspace.a istice of th paceI Counn-fo -it.,







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