ME EIGHT DAIL OFCIALBULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mnembers of the University. Copy received by thea Assistant to the F-'vtent until 3:30 p. mn. (11.30 a. mn. Saturdapa Volume 3 .SAT13RIAY, MARCH I:1, 1i3 *2 nirilr 121 .( t VASE EIGT SATHEDMICHARGAN14, IL2 May Be Promo ted Lif Of Grotius, , ,... _. 1Dutch' Scholar, Told ByReeves SA TUFtiDAY, MARCH 14. 192 Japanese Students Will Hold Bza Oriental art goods wil1 be placed on; ma;lc by tfl:,(local chapter of the Ja- va*: iS'' Su(1e13 It_'Ib istian associatiofl . s ......}. ...... .,,. ...-.e. N'otice to all Memibers of the University: Mail addressed as follows: "care of the University of Mlichigan" has been delivered to the office of the Secretary, Room 3, University Bail. It will be held until March 20 and should be called for at once, giving date of this publication, i. e. March 14. This list will not be reprinted, MAIL SHOULD BlE ADDRESSED TO STREET AND NUMBER. Greigg T. Armstrong Hugh Jameson Norman B. Johnson Alex .Jon ~kovsky B. Ballard Bachmen Lucile Bradley John L. R. lBrunm 1). C. Carbson J. E. Church Marian Clark William Clark Delight E. Evans Mary MA Evans Robert F. Hagus W. J. hale Ferry IHayden Arden Kirschner Miriam Kirschner Gertrude Layman Richard Upjohn Light Howard J. Murphy 11. L. Olson Frank Sawyer Edwin .R. Scarboro C"laire'Sinc Clyde R. Stingily A. G. Young Mildred Innis Sumntierk Session Announcemnit: The complete announcement of the Summer Session may now he 01)- tained in. the registration offices of the various schools and colleges as wiiell as In the office of the Summeqr Session. It may be obtained also in thle office of the" principal of the University high School. T. E. Rankin: Senior Women:; Rent for Caps fend Gowns will be received at Macks, Saturday, March 14th, and Monday, March 16th, only. Caps and Gowns will be delivered in time for- the Junior Girls' Play to those only, wvho pay on the 'above dates. Memcnbers of the university of. Michigan Band: The. band will assemble for an hour concert on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The evening concert as usual Saturday night, members to assemn- ble at Yost field house at 7:30. Absences unexcused will be counted the same as absence's from the regular 'rehearsal at' this concert. Robert V. HopisettD. 3I Faculity Concert: ~Tlie nnixt progran# in the Faculty Concert Series will be offered Sunday afternoon; March 15, "at 4:15 o'clock in 1Hill Auditorium by Nell B. Stock- well, Pianist, Eunice' Northrup, Contralto and a Trio consisting of Maud Okkelberg, Piano, S. P.: Lockwood, Violin and Ora Larthard, Violoncello. Following is the program : Andante con Varlazioni in F minor (HaI~yden) Miss Stockwell; Al' iiom cor (Handel), Chi vuol Ia zingarella (Paisiello), Gotine Gialle (Brog i). Sot- to. it Ciel (Sibella),: Miss Northrup; trio, 01). 18, F major 4(Saint-Saens) Mrs. Okkelberg, Miss Larthard "anh Mr. Lock wood; Preludes, 01). 28, Nos. 15 and,"16 (Chopin), Concert-Etude, Op 36. (MacDowell), Miss Stockwell; The Forest of Oaks (MacFayden), Jackie (Mortelmans), In the Wood of Finvara (IBurleigh) Take Joy Home (B~assett) Miss Northrup. Acconipanii- nients will be played by Dwight Steere. ClIntries A. Sink, Secretarmy. 31on's Education (dub: There, will be a meeting of the Men's Education Club in Ilooni 304, Union, at9:15 P. M. Monday, March 16. Principal J. Burns Fuller of Nom'mal igh, School, Ypsilanti, will speak on the subject, "Problems involved in 1Luilcing and Equipping, now High School.' Ilertutain F. Beth,. Don't, Borrow-Subscribe Tod ay. D~r. Jacob Gouldl Schurman (above),{ United States minister to China, is )roposcd for the p~ost of ambassador to Berlin, left vacant by the transfer of Alanton B. Houghton to L ondon. Library Receive~ Delayed Vignau d Bookplate Proofsf Proofs of the bookplat~e for the IHenry Vignaud collection, wich was executed by George Senseney of Holy- oke, Mass., have just been receivedI ,by the University library. Thlough thec plates were ordered two years ago, the serious illness of the artist has delayed their completion until the present time. The plate rep~resents Mr. Vignaud, the author of books on columnbus, sit- ting with his back to a window, onI which is inscribed,, as in stained glass, the seal of the University. Mr. Vig-j naud is shown as an 01(1 man perhaps 60 or 70, engaged in readhing a book. iThe artist worked fr'om a photograph to obtain the likeness. Mr. Sensency, who designed and executed tihe plate, is the president of the Marvellunm company of Holy- oke, Mass., which manufactures spec-j ial papers used for artistic purposes. liHe was formerly of the art (lepart- m n f S ih cle e a d w s a a mzember of the artist's colony at; P1rovinectown, mass.. The Octavia NV. Bates bookplate, done for the Univer- sity eight years ago, was also the work of Mr. Senseney and was re- gardled as one of the best plates ever designedl for a college or University.; The Vignamd bookplates are being printed lby the firm of 11. S. Jenkins, Cambridge, Mass., and w ~ill probably arrive in two weeks. 3G(rand( Rapids, March 13.--Steps to- wadeventual gradle sep~aration of railroad crossings in Grand Rapids have been taken. 11, AVE, Y4)u Sl1llS'ftJl; V YE'l Ii~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l writer llfa1111 )bhV~3 it a bazaa r to be held March 20 and '' te: n 11 storva elie,2 at L.a ne ill. Ihe purpose of thle, ~ica ct v' ".D e J1ur'e lelli vc sate is to raise the (quota of $50 which!I is c ommemorate 0 d ( in an ex- the AMichigr ii ch1apiem' has pledgedl in' h bti l l at It.1w Williaml L. Clement s support of the national organization. libraryv lis month, the three-hun11- A large shipment of imported on- (lr(dtt h ann iversary of the hook's first ental goods has been received by the! aptpeii ranco.. 13IntodIiiiig the present committee in charge from Newv York. I exhibition, Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of, Yoshiyasa 1,umazawa, '26, is chair-E the political science departnienn., pre'- man of the bazfaar committee. ~icntedl an illustra ted lecture on : J'The mm tioaI organization is com-I Gi-tius lefurre ai group (if faculty ;)posed of 1,200 Jlapanese stude~ntst in eibsrs T"Illur'da nMight in the Li-j studying in this country. .The' major port ion of the exh ibition l Law of 'War'and Peace," offwhich' GRE PLA NS SUMMER, there exist 77. The 77th is the final authoritative translation into E+nglish,- to be published this year by the Car- ~UFO M RCN negiec cndowment, and~ is the work of____ a gi'uli of 1University scholars: Prof. Vaca tion courses for American stu- If. A. Sanders and Prof. F. W. Iiel - dnswl e ffrdti umrinj sey ofthIle Latin dlepartment, Pr~of. A.I the tUiversity of Grenoble, France,] E. Bak of the history department, aiiccordling to information received at andl Professor Reeves. Proof sheets!teofc fDa E I nuo h of this ivork are onl exhibition. Sumer cool ea . I.Kruoth) Of particular interest is the copy ofj Classes will begin July 1 and close "D~e Jure Belli ac Pacis" from the li- Octpber 30. Lecture courses will be brary of President JIames Burrell An- offered in French literature, geogra- gell.Of th othe lega and istoipy, history and civilization of France, crlI works ot Grotius shiown are. "De the histbr'y of lanlguage and phonetics. Jure Pracecius," a treatice on the law of booty; "De Origine Gentium Amer- and class work in theory, and practice i('aol~," s hs exurson ntoi of phonetics, reading, conversation, camerican a first.lhi sedurion 1642. translation, written composition. Amvericanofhistheolicalhaditerary. As a part of the summer's course, wovr;aonghishoicaisadieramrenIexcursions will be made every Sat- Summarum Potestatem circa Sacra" ra omutisna rnbe setingforh te dctrne f te rla-Lyons, Vienne, Orange, Nimies, Avig- setingforh te dctineof he ela Inon, Arles, M1arseilles and other points tions of the temporal and spiritualj in the Rhone valley. Reduced fare rail- powers in a state, which was the basis ijwy ikt r.aalbefrsu of the P:eace of Westphalia,ardi-1ens played.Fees are 300 francs for the entire llx'.RaIndolph G. Adamis, custodian of I the Library, in the introductory talk,i course, or 200 francs for two months. revealed the influence of Grotius on Klmzo ac 3-h on the dlevelopment of American juris- Klmzo ac 3-h on prudlence, the implortance of his writ- I ship unit system for all the schools in inngs on the formation of the foreign JI KalBetdamnazoo township has been sug- pelicy of thle United States, and his)Igse to the Board of Education. widespread influence on the trend ofj International Law. 1 1 T-- AJ i i 1 I E Topcoats Society Brand and other good makes b27,50 to $45.00 . Spring Suits Society Brand x40.00 to $55,00 Spring Hats Stetsons-$7 Others at $4, $5 and $6 (See our windows) Wadhams 8& Co.. 201-203 S. Main St. i II IIAVE You SIT SCIBEI) YET? Keaci the iWant i-OS Read The Daily "Classified" Columns 1 5 t unb6a (Lburcb %e vvrices TRINITY ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH Fifth A v e. and 11illiam St. Eev. L. F. G~UN ERMANt, Pastor 9:30 A. M.-Bible School. 1 0:30 A. A1.-Morning worship. Subject, "Thme Moral Muan.". 5:30-7:30 1P. M.--Student Fellow- ship 1our and1 Forum mneet- ig. :-ubject, "The World T'o- oy : lDoes It. Value Property ;licre Tsham Persons!~" Lead- er,IBeata Wagner, '25. Wediisday Lenten Service, 7:30 P. 11. Subject, "Simon of Cyrene." BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod of N. A.) Fourth Acr'e. between Williamr and Packard P'astor's sermon subject: "Th'ie lues. sagev of the ''Irce Crosses." 6:130 P'. M.-Young People's Dis- cussion hour. Topic: "1imh is the Stronger Influence- Ourhinomec or Our,(oCan. lollsI" MEMORIAL CHURCH OF CHRIST (Disciples) New C hmrc-Cor. Hill & Taippan' K(ENNETH B. BOWEN, Minister 9: 30-J3ible School. 10:30--Morning worship. Topic by pastor: "Substitutes." 12:00-Students' Class. Prof. A. L. Trout, teacher. Topic: "Inmmortality." Open to 'all young peop~le. 6:00-Young People's Social I-our and lunch. 6 :30---Christian Endeavor. 7:30--hill Auditorium., Speaker, Rev. Lloyd A. Douglas. The speaker is well known. Don't fail to hear him. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 409 South Division St. 10:30 A. M.-Sunday morning ser- vice. Subject, "Subst ance." 11:45 A. M.-Sunday school follow- ing the morning service. 7:20 1P. M.-Regular Wednesday evening testimony imeeting. The Reading Room, 608 First Na- tional Bank building, is open. dtaily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except Sundays andl legal holidays. WHAT'S GOING ON Notices to a p pear ini this column u,pist be left ini the box at the Daly oftcej providjed for 'nlat purpose before s o'clock precceling thie daiy of issue. SATURDAYI 12:00-Cosmnopoltan club luncheon at the haunted tavern, 1:30-Congregational ram~ble startis fromt the church.f 30"'i+-t:30--1Ujion dance at the Un irn;. 33 :00-University of Mkhlgan band givcs concert in Yost field house... 7 :00-8;:00- Upper 1Room Bible class mets in Lane hall. Dr. Henry Lewis speaks.. .7 :30---University of 1Michigan band gives concert ini Yost field house. 8:00-Calvin club meets, 230 Wild- 8:00-13r. Cora Johunston Best delivers illustrated lecture in Pattengill au- ditoriumt of the Ann Arbor high school. SUN DAYj 12:00--Ntudent Bible classes meet in Wesley hall.j 4:1. -F~aculty Concert series programI in Bill . auditorium. 5 :311-Student sapper, and Firesidej. chat at Congregational church.(I Howard McClusky speaks on "Why # Get ati Education?"4 6 :00~-Wesleyani guild meietingig n Wes- ley hall. 6 :1311-Prof. E. R. Sunderland speaks in Unitarian parlor6 on "Observe-f tions, on the Administration of Eng- 1 lishi Justice." 8:06-Motion picture service, Congre. gational 'church. King Vidor's "Three Wise Fools."w U-N OTICE Tie Ipiander will receive manuscripts} for the familiar essay contest, 'for:; which a ten dollar prize is offered.j until March 15 at the Press build-; hug, when they will be forwarded to Christopher Morley,' who is to Judge them. If manuscript is to bie returned a self addressed, stamped: envelope should be enclosed. -o < -- - :_ IG I i ,;, IY/ ,, II i - , ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Wanshington St., and Fifth Ave. F. C. S TELIMORN, Pastor 9:00 A. MV.- -Bible study hour. 10 :30 A. M.-Sermon onl the sub- j(et : "l'Whma1 Ihe IFourthIiCoin- inuiuieut Requires of (hI 1. (I eil." 5 :30 to 7:1301P. AT.-- Studenit foruti. MissrI Beat a Wagner will lead inl discussing the tolpic: "D~oes li e Wlnd Varlue i'roltcnly3 Mior'e iiTinuPersons!" 7::,'o1P. l.-The lpastor will lpreach a Lenten sermion on the sub- ject., "Evil for Goodi." Psalmn 35:11-12. 9 i ~t. Abrrux's Episropaui 11urrj CORNER CATHERINE and DIVISION STREETS HENRY LEWIS, Rector. li.L.L LONSDhALE, Assistant. RtACHEL HAVLLAND, Secretary for Student Work. Sunday, March 15--Third Sunday In Lent. 8 :00 A. 11. -Aholy Communion. I ST.' PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHU RCHJ (Missouri Synod) Third and West Huron Streets CARL A. BRAUJER, Pastor 9:30 A. M.--Service in lermin. 10:30 A. M.--Bdible Class. 11.:30 A. M.--Ser'vice in Enhglish. Sermon: "Friend or Foe." 5:30-7:30 I'. M.-Student Club at p~arsonage. ''Topic: "Clirlstian Sy uibolis ni:' Walter F+. Droy-, er, '26-ha, leader. 1 7:30 1P. M.-Lenten sermon: "Je=' suis Looks Upon Peter." Wednesday, 7:30 P1. M.-Lenten ' sermon in German : "C.rucify 11:00 A. A. M.--Church School. M.--Morning Prayer and Ilaldwin Locture by the. Rev. Henry Tatlock, Rector Emeritus 'of St. Andrew's church. 5:30 P'. M.---Young People's Supper in the Old Chapel. Speaker: Mr. Harvey Emery. 6 :00o I'. M.---Student Service and Supper in Harris H-all. 7:30 P. M.--Evening service. Preacher, the Rev. Mr. Lonsdale. t _:_. x It. Edward Sayles, Minlster Ioird owadit. Chaipmnu, Minister of Stutdents March I,)-- 'hIow Shaill We 'F'itik of lPersonafti1-V '- March 12--"lloiv Shall We 'hiiuk of Sum ?" Miarch 'f)--"hIow Shall We Th'intk of Forgiveness?' FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Corner South State and East W~asington Streets REV. AR{THUR W. STALKER, I). D., Minister REV'. W.. SCOTT WESTERWAN, Associate :Minister Rev. IDonald Timenuman Ellen W. Moore Directors of Student Activities fror a i Correctly Fashioned Topcoats ey have that distinctive hang that comes~ in being w.ell tailored. They come in ractive light pattcrns of E~nglish Twecd, adc to wear uhd keccp out the Theaiber. STATE STREEIT 5 :80 1'i'iendship 1hour. (: O 8---levolional Meet i u Topic: "Xii &i ttage" s 11114t isadliaitages of ('iAmrel In ion." Shirley E. Field. 10 :30--- Pastor's subject: "Critical h.ours." 12:00-12:45--Five Student Discussion Groups-Wesley hall. 5:30-6:00--Social IHalf Hour-Wesley Hall. 6:00-7: 00--Wesleyan Guild. D~orothy Cline, lcraklr. Subject, "Stand- airds" at Wesley Hall. 7:00-7:30-Open House at Wesley Hlall. 7:80--Uniting in Univrsity Service at 11ill Auditurium. 11 I CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 1". RNOX MiTITEILL, Unlhvenslty iPastor. NI o ring Worship. Sermon by "Vr1. 31u111: "'Thle ling"1bip of time- ltra iii Ie." UNITARIAN CHURCH State and Hueron Street. SIDNEY S. ItOBENS, Minister. Pldllip E. Laitowc, Musical Dir ector 10 :45-Organ Prelude Melodie .....................M1'assenet Andainte Seioso ...--------------I4telbev 10 : 15. 2:"80-- All interest ed in North Sidle Services mleet at church. I i l t®I I