PAG)~ TWO THE vMICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, IflARCW i4~, 1~25, SLOSSON EXPLAINS TREATY REJECTION Schwab Predicts Good Times Etig land's (oi em meni and Al~il ode of JIh. iii jlk iOu S 4~ ailed R ~i ~on F'ov f)j.qj ocol llefiz~al MAY ACCEPT NEW PLAN R :igfling conservative government and tile distant attitu(le of her doniin- - ions are given as the principal reasons by Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the English history department, why England with all her dominions, cx- ~. *~ ~ ~. c.ept. Ireland, i~ejecred the (Thueva ~. peace protocol at a meeting of the * council of the League of Nation'; at S ~ .~......'v...~ Geneva Thursday. Had the Lai)oi' ~ ~ party been in ~OWCV in ]~ng1arn1 it is ~:.5x;:~' *:': ;....S..... believed by Prof. SIos:.:on that the (> . ~. .. .5.5... ,~ .5 . neva i)rotocol wolll(l have been accept.- . ...S~;,.. Although England an(i l)ract ically ~... ~ XZ~ S.. all her (10mm ions reIuse(l to aceept the proposition ot' achieving disarliTh- :.:~v .::::.:.:.:.... inent by establishing In the world the ::..~.. ,... reign of coniI)ulsol y arbitration and . securIty, England \Vill un(Ioubtedly agree to a slightly different plan, Prof. Slosson believes. The plan which he ~ .. thinks will he aCoe])te(I by England and her colonies is the inure conser- vative plan of special ([Of ensuve I treaties between nations whose (Iii ferences might lead to a renewal ot' wai. '[he ol~jeet of th;,e ,tleatLes would be to o1)tain unbroken .peace ''The att it.u(le of the (lominionf of England is similar to that of the United Slates in that it is (listant," said Prof. Slosson, "The (:O]oniCS (10 not want to bind themselves to any obligations for event.s which miglu. arise for Instance in Eastern Europe I Each of the English dominions are I rupresented separately and tl~~ cx- lression of their views naturally at- loots the mother country. The ~we- sent government in England is an- doi~btedly friendly to the League of Nations, 'but naturally their policy q'liis is the latest photograph of Clini les C. Schwab, 5iecl ]iia~iI~,i 0, WhO is conservative. I has just returne(1 from an ext ('fldc:(i trip ai~roa(1, l)lC(li(:i ilIe 200(1 1 mu''.; "The fact that l~ngland and her dO- minions took the stand which they (liii both here and in Europe. lie is reported to have landed huge ordeu s fot. is no bad reflection on the League," steel for (levastate(I areas being reconstructed. in the opinion of Prof. Slosson. "Eng- land is in harmony with all the poli- Plan Ex~anszon three VOOms on the lb ir(l floor of t h c~ies of the League an(l realizes it'~ building iiIt() librai y space. Partition:; worth. The fact that tile ~eneva Of Lau., Library, 1e~.ween the three rooms will be tak- treaty will now be abandoned can- 1eii out. At. l)i-esei) t 1 lie l~OOIli5 zti~ not reflect. Ofl the League for it was ii ri U 5('(l (~x(Ppt br ut ()i'OgC. never part of the League. It was just. Additional eading room and lib- a proposed amendment to the League gary space will be provided for he ~f Nations' constitution. The action Law school, if plans an(l estimates is comparable to proposed amen(llncnts now being worked out. by the Build- ing I Underwood Standard to th'e United States constitution which s and Oroun(ls (1~I)~I'tiflent are ac- ar~ downed when particular meni ii~rs cepted. ~ the nation refuse to accept them. j The ulan calls for the conversion ot' Portable I ypewr~ters ~ Although the prol)oSe(l amendment is - rejected there is no reason why the union should break up." I Th~ Machine you will Even- - have You tually ('arry. Sold on easy ~ t ernis I u a jt every ct udent's ~ Return Of Winter Noticed POi'i.( thouk. Brin~gs Theft Of - 6 iVliore Ove,'coats Gui' window lately? We adver- C. STJMSON I ise Our special meals there, ~ Six overcoats, four from the Med- bofli for t be noon and evening ical buildin~ and two from the Law repast . '~',Vlien you feel I ired iTh~ond Floor building, were stolen yestei'(lay. Th~ al1(l hungry and don't know :~Th; SULTTII STATE ST. theft is the second within a week, ~ ~ want, iet. our wimlow - eight coats having been stolen from j -, the two colleges last Ft iday. '1'liis suggest tile i'emedy. - Phone 301 M - brings the number of coats stolen - .- - during the winter to more than 100, T Al accor(ling to I. W. Trnettner, Build- 1 Read mc vvant iicts ing~u and Grounds department inspee- University Av~j _____________________ READ TUE 2~TWKT~AiN DAILY I ______________ MIMES VAUDEVILLE CONTEST PLANNED A utnual A ll-( 'aIIIj~US (Thuipef ii ion Will Be Held in )l inues ~U1ie-a1er iThui'ch 27 ~uiad 2S 'VViLL 014F:R CL'I~ Al l-('5 mpiis vaU(leville competitioli will be held by Mimes, honorary dram- atic society on March 27 and 28 in the Mimes theater. Any organizations en the campus. incl:ding fraternities, and dramatic clubs ale eligii)le to en- ter the tournament. The Union is offering a large loving cup to l)C awar(led to the winning "Ill). 11w cup will be (lisplayed in ihe lobby of the Union eayly next week. Pr eliminary competion will be held in the Mimes theater on March and 24. All applications must be turned in to Charles Heintz, '26, the general ehaiiinan ~of the tournament, at. 102~3 Oakland avenue before Satur- day. March 21. As an a(lditiofl~l feature for the Saturday night urogram, on March 28 a group of Mimes players will pre- sent; "Release" a one-act play which was given here several years ago. Mimes announces that all the au- thors of prospective Opera hooks are equeste(l t 0 hlan(l in the complete(l manuscripts 01 thi~ii' rilays Ofl 01' be- 10 e Sn ta rday, Ma oh 21, as t lie com- mitt cc in charge 01' selecting the book for next yeai '5 production cannot mali e a d~fiiiit e decision until it i'e- (;(JVOS all finished p lays. SUCkS FORMS DEPARTMEIT R~NOUNCESUMMER L thology, and~ adVauced~omnithoiegy, hyol'ogy, berbetology, ilmuology, and special research work in zoology. IRIIIEII~IEIIRI flV Special emphasis will be held at t,~e 'FOR ti~uu~inuw S IV ~ 1OOLD~Y CMU 5~5Ihl~lo~ical station on research work, where facilities are found for this work. Prof. Paul S. V~eIch is u~ctlrig For the purpose of giving stude~nts I director of the station. interest&l in labor problems a chance Six W~li ~e O~e~ed ~n \~un Arbor I At both the Summer session an4 to organize themselves into a group, and fl0i~n~ $~yen ~t ~ Lake the biolcgical station, classes will the Student Christian association has Bl~logl~i ~tioii I Start June 22, closing August )4~ iorlned a new department which will CLASSES BEGIN JUNE 22 concentrate its efforts upon indus- ______ IM1II SILLIN trial research. Perry 1-layd en, '25, II ILL l)resident of the Student Christian as- Thirteen courses in zoology viii he sociation, has appointed Ezra Young, offered by the University this sum- ffl ~UR REL~ 1hK$ '26, head of this new (lepartment. mer,' six to be given at Ann Arbor It is the purpose of the department and seven' at the Biological station on ______ to organize a group of 25 students who the south sh9r~ of Douglas Lake in ~Iolin Lewis the do- Prof. Pillin, of will spend eight 'weeks of the com1u~ Cheb~ygan county. In addition, spe- summer in the city of Detroit for th~ cial methods courses for the teach- partmcnt of scciolo~y of the Uhiver- purpose of making observations upon ing of science in junior and senior SitY of \Vis(:onsiil, will give a serie~ labor con(Iitions. Each student will I high 'schools will be offered in the of four lectures under 'the au~pic~s secure himself' a job, each one in some School of Education. of the Micl~igan School of 'IVeiigiot~ different induetrial field, and the The first course in zoology, prin- 'at Lane hall auditorium M~rc~i 26~3O. group will meet three times a week 1 ciples of animal biology will be taught The series is entitled "Religion and for the purpose of comparing ohser- ' by Prof. P. 0. Okkelberg, H. T. Folger, ~'c'ial Development." I''' vations. Ten students carrie(l out j and A. E. Woodhead. Other courses: The four lectures whjch Wfll l~ this plan last summer. which the University given by Profess0r OihJ~n are: oid- I will offer 'In zoo- The new department also plans to logy during the summer are: heredity, gin of religion, social factors ..i~ oi'i- bring to Ann 'Arbor dome prominent by Professor Okkelberg;'ornithology,~ gin and (levelopment of Chri~tlanitY, labor speakers. Open forums will be Mr. Folger; physiology for teachers, 1 the influence of Christianity t~j~u conducted by 'these then at Lane hail. . Mr. Wo6dhead; and embryology of ver- certain so~Ial probl~n~s, 'aiid' rejiglon' The group of' students who 'will go t~brates, Mr. C. 0. Carlson; while 1)0th' 1111(1 present (lay social problems, ~ into Detroit for the summer are plan- Professor Okkelberg and Mr. Folger ning to hold meetings with student; will direct work in advanced zoolegic- I the groups carrying on the same kind of iii studies. Read 1XY~ work from other colleges. Courses to be offered at the fliolog- vYan'L ical station include: entomology. orni- Washington, 'March 13.-Containing a pile of paper money in 'bundles, less ~'lIiflhiIijIItllji IhhIII'tIIIlIIIIIlliIllIiifl~IIl ~ than three feet square, a United States treasury vault is sai(l to he the rich- '3 e~t spot in the 'world. Don't delay-Pay your Subscription today. ; A Neat and Natural Hair Comb This Pleasing, refreshing liquid tonic keeps the hair combe4 all da. GLOCO j~ not a minerat oil or grease. At drug counters and barber Shops evorywhre. GLO-CO THE _ Send 1w, Sample 1~ttJo ~ ~~ji',GII~'~1L MaI.oupon and 10 daylo P~'u~ " Ir&~ LIQUILi Ave Lo A gees Call ~rn &ddresm I - Wahr's 1= Super Seven 9 A wide toe Oxford in black 6r I brown calf, with vety easy fitting qualities. #7.00 'a E 1= 1= 10.8 Wahr's Shoe ~to~'e S. Main I~ho~ie ~1t5 '-V frY and'.- Z-L1FE"HE~LS SOLES Ust ickota Soles set back front edge - Do not make soles appear thicker. in few without Apply them yourself at home a mir.uics, speclal tools or equipment Cost one-third as much as leather, wear twice as long. Men, \X/ornen and Children wear them for comfort, durability, economy. Sold and recommended by State Street 2u'd~A1~mu' [ >CPOWER.S iK FISI-I'-BR.A~D ~, ,f( ~.5< SLICKERS '\Ve are headquarters for the most popular gar- meni. on the campus and are showing all styles ill YELLOW and OLIVE KHAKI for ladies, men, boys and girls. Our prices will interest you. Physical Fitness! Good athletes are made, not born'! G'iV~n ~ll the inherent qualities, the star Ainner, golfer "baseballer," etc., ~nu~t be ca~efulIy, thoroughly trained-both men~a~1y an~i Physic~il1y. ~So the methods of trainers and athletic ekperts are of interest to ~l. And it is significant that an alkohol nib is glmo~st a~1niversal as a part of the pro- gram of' developing the utmost in physical fitness. Muffin Alkohol is avai1~b1e to you, too-for this and many other uses! ~'ine to soften the beard, before shaying; to cool ano soothe the skin, AFTERshaving. Sp1endi~ ~elief for tired, aching feet; gre4 for sunburn; an efficient antiseptic and germicide. Mi Win 4lkohol is denatured by ~ f6rn~x1a which actually improves it for ex~hi~. College teams and many other athl~ti or~atiizations use Mifflin Alkohol regu- latly. Be sure ~ou get MIFFuN-i~ ±iI~ har~dy-grip one-pint bottles as illustrated. Also Cravenettes, $15.00 up. Gabardens and Topcoats from A'' a lai'ge assoilrnenl in grey and tan for ladies and men New Patterns in Fa*ioy U EATERS at only $5.25. Others from $2.~8 up Miffliji Chemi~aI Corporation PhILAbLPI4IA, PA. Sjdes Agents: hAROLD 1~. RITCHIE ~ Co., Inc. 171 M~d1son Ave., New York Toronte Sydney Welflti~g~n 131 ceches, I )rcss ~ on of' (IOOi~ Knickeis, hiking Shoes, Puttees, Moccasin Packs, Officers Aimy Shoes, Shirts, Socks, SI)ort Hose and all rlee(is 'for 4 lvii MIiIN