DANCE TODAY AT THE UNION AND HELP THE FUND KEEP THAT K ITCHIEN' Sir q a n :4EIUIIIIk 0 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 122 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARChI 14, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS MIHIGAN QULIFIES MEN IN BIG TEN TI-TLE TRACK MEE RJI'INKE, FRE YBERG TAKE FIRSF AM) SECON) IN hilF MILE HEAT FIVE PLACES COUNT Censorship In Any Form Is Not .Solution, Says Miss Bonstelle - AUOOIESHOW TWILL GIVE FINAL EXHiBI1TION TODAY Praises Drive Captahin Brooker and Northrup Righit to Compete in 3{iuaus With Euse Win L : - (Special To The Paily) Evanston, Ill., March 13--Michigan1 nd Illinois each qualified five men in the preliminaries of the 440 yard dash, the half mile, and the bole vault in the Western Conference indoor meet trials here tonight. Northwestern was next with three men qualifying while Iowa and Wisconsin each qual- iied two and Ohio one. Trials, semi- final heats and the finals of the meet will be run off in Patton gymnasium tomorrow night. Michigan's greatest showing came in thp half mile and th. nDle vault. As Miss Bonstelle pointed out in her curtain speech following the perform- ance of Lewis Beach's "The Goose Hangs High," the production yester- day afternoon marked for her the re- alization of a keen desire often ex- pressed by the late President Burton, to her that the Bonstelle company might be broughtinto closer contact with the University. During Dr. Burton's live years at Smith College, Miss Bonstelle as di- rector of the Northampton Municipal theatre came in very close contact with him, so that the appearance be- came an especially fitting fulfillment of his wish. In speaking of the play juries now being used in New York to curtail the startling flood of offensive produc- tions, she pointed out the serious, danger of the system. "By such a method," said Miss Bonstelle, "manyj frankly sensational dramas could con- ceivably evade prosecution by minor corrections of the script, only to have the censorship fall on a truly artistic play that failed to accept such a com- promise." Censorship in any.form, she declar- ed, invariably pnded as an intolerable tyranhy, and the only finally satisfac- tory solution would lie in a mutual agreement between the managers themselves to exclude plays of a merely sensual appeal. Speaking of Eugene O'Neil's "De- sire Under the Elms," an example of the more distinguished type of sexual drama, Miss Bonstelle definitely ob- jected to O'Neil's morbid point-of- view. While recognizing in him a progressive artist, she feels that such unswervingly gloomy pictures of life are exaggerated and unrepresentative. A play in her opinion should pre- sent, not necessarily a constantly optimistic attitude, but at least a theme that somehow leaves one ele- vated and refreshed. Such consistent- ly revolting plays as "The Straw," "Diff'rent" and "Beyond the Horizon" appeal to her as revolting, even dis- gusting-surely not the higher pur- pose of the theatre. Finally, Miss Bonstelle expressed her firm belief in the future of the American stage, especially through such progressive authors as Lewis Beach: She looks upon the present interest in fine drama as a renaissance of the stage in this country, and she regards the unique success of the Bonstelle Playhouse as an encourag- ing practical example of such a move- ment. INTER;ESTING FEATI i'Ri, OF PROGRAM hIs STUDENT FRIENDSHIP FUND DRIVE INgSHL.WlCONTRIBUTIONSINCREASE TOTAL ANN ARBOR HIGH SCHOOL AND BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ' DONATE $150 AND $200 Further returns in the campus Student Friendship drive last night showed that the half-way mark toward the $4,000 goal had almost been reached, while contributions which had not yet been counted would easily make the total thus far received more than $2,000. The. largest single donation of th e drive is the $200 which was given by the Board in Control of Student P ublications at their recent meeting, a gift which was ths chief factor in raising th~e fund to the position it now occupies. Students in the Ann Arbor high school have made the second largest donation with the $150 which they collected among themselves yes- terday. MANY CARS SOLD Doors Will Open At 10 O'clock This MoriTg and Will (ose at 11 O'ClocuIToniit With its unusual variety of special- ly prepared exhibits, Ann Arbor's second automobile showNill close it II o'clock tonight. The University band was again the most interesting Feature of the show last night, pre- senting a two hour concert. Although the attendance was not as large the first two days as was ex- pected, the dealers believe that by the end of the show tonight, nearly the intire number of people expected to attend the exhibit, during the four days, will have visited the Yost field ouse, the scene of the show. Further visitors are expected to attend the show today from towns and counties. pA .U tI a.iU .pt . I........................ . In the former event, Reinke and Frey- Dealers have reported many sales berg tok first and second in the same iD Wluring the past few days, several1 Meat, and in the pole vault Brooker MU5IC O H M R visitors at the show coming for te t and Northrup easily got into the final Sole1 purpose o purchasing some type1 round by clearvgt11 feet. of car. In this respect the show has Nate Feinsinger was the only one been called very successful by theI of three men entered for the Wolver- LSL jCvarious dealers conducting booths. uies in the quarter mile to qualify. The accessory departments have also The M~chian n idly distance man . profited by the enterprise, and have placed second to MacFarlane of Chi- Musicians From All Parts of State Krasne to Represent Michigan in onsidere the exhibit well worth cago in one of the fastest heats' of the Will be Presented in Program Northern Oratorical League while. evening. Beginning Monday Contest The decorations have continued to Reinke and Freyberg both lived up --e a subject of much comment and to expectations when they left their LASTS FOUR DAYS RECEIVES $100 AWARD nany spectators were seen to go up opponents far behind in the third in the balcony at the north end of theI heat of the half mile. Freyberg Included in the program for the Philip N. Krasne, '27, was awarded building to secure a better view of the starting fifth from the pole in the setting. A number have been inter- event took the lead at theefirst turn, Michigan Federation of Music Club's the Chicago Alumni oratorical medal, d watci the membes otthe and kept it until the final 220 yards i convention to be held next Monday, the Paul Gray testimonial of $100, and varsity baseball team, who have been when his team-mate passed him. Rein- Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday the added honor of representing Mich- working out during the last few days. ke lagged after passing Freyberg and in Ann Arbor, are several concerts igan in the Northern Oratorical league It is almost certain that the Uni the two trotted to the finish line al- to which University students and peo- contest which will be .held May 1, at versity band which is to receive tme most together. The time for the pile of Ann Arbor are cordially invit- Northwestern university, in the 35th entire proceeds. of the show, will re- event, minutes, 3-5 seconds, was ex- I ed to attend. University oratorical contest in which -mize sufficient funds from the show ceptonally good considering the slow Monday evening the Detroit Sym- five contestants competed last night 'o pay all expenses of the band for finish of the Michigan runners. phony orchestra will give a concert in University hall. he current year. This was the pur- I Captain Brooker took things easy in in Hill auditorium. A State clubs' "Emancipation of the Twentieth nose the members of the Ann Arbort the qualifying,round of the pole vault, concert will be given at 8 o'clock Century Slave," was the subject of Automobile Dealers association, the and allowed several turns to go by be- Tuesday night in the University the winning speech. In developing )rganization sponsoring the show,-had fore making the two jumps which put School of Music auditorium. Artists his subject Krasne presented the 'n mind when they made arrange-I hin into the finals. Northrup of representing various clubs in the Child Labor situation as it exists 'nents with the athletic association of Michigan also cleared the 11 feet with state will present a program which throughout the country and particu- +he University for the use of the fieldT ease and is expected to take points in will include the "Adrian Canzonet larly in the sugar beet fields of Michi- house., the finals tomorrow night. Club" chorus of the Adrian Conserva- gan. As a solution to the prevailing In former years, the band has been Feinsinger, running in-the final heat tory of Music in performance of a conditions the speaker advocated na- 'orced to hold tag days or solicit aidt of the 440 after his two teammates "Song Cycle From the Seasons." tional legislation in the form of an from the business men of the city,. llerrnstein and Mueller had failed to Solos by Miss Beth Hamilton, vo- amendment in preference to the child ind consequently the dealers have qualify in the first two, made a great linist, Battle Creek; Mrs. Henry Over- labor -restrictions already existing in taken this means to raise the money fght for the right to enter the finals. ly, soprano, Kalamazoo; Mrs. Lucille various states. Krasne is the third io that the hand will be guaranteed a The lone remaining Michigan hope in Jolly, pianist of Grand Rapidse .'.NUN sophomore to have won first honors ound financial backing. The dealersC the quarter was jostled on the first Jolly, pianist, Flint; Mrs. Earl Chase'A in the annual contest. 're paying all expenses of the ex-t lap and lost his stride but regained his contralto, Detroit; and Mrs. Charles I H. F. Wahrenbrock, '27L, was award- hibit, such as decorations, displays pace and took second place away from Wismer, pianist of Grand Rapids will ed the second place prize of the $50 and publicity. This method of rais- iole of Northwestern by a foot. complete the evening's program. Paul Gray testimonial. His subject ing money for the band was originated At a meeting of track coaches this The local artists' concert of the was "Roosevelt, the Man on Horse- 'y Robert A. Campbell. treasurer o 1 noon the Michigan relay team drew convention will consist of an organ back;" in which he portrayed Roose- the University, a staunch supporter ofi seventh position from the pole while recital by Mr. Palmer Christian at 4 volt's characteristics of leadrship, the musical organizatIon. tale Michigan milers drew fifth posi- o'clock Wednesday afternoon in Hill his fighting determination, and as the The doors to the Yost field house 1 tion. It was also announced today that auditorium. hman in the saddle of his country's will be opened at 10 o'clock this morn- t the first five places in each event A costume recital program will be destinies. Geneva Wheeler, '26. re- ing and the show will continue all d'ay ,would be counted, a radical departure featured Wednesday evening at the ceived honorable mention, speaking on until 11 o'clock at night. Tie Uni- from the order at previous meets in University School of Music auditor- the subject, "The High Cost of Low versity band will present a concert' the Western Conference. tun. Mrs. Guy Bevier Williams of Living." hrth in the afternoon and evening, Detroit, soprano, will present Amer- fJudge Charles C. Sinmons, of De- while members of either the boxing.1 caim periods in three groups of songs, troit, United States district judge, wrestling or gym teams of the Uni- accompanied by a change of costume was the presiding officer having for- versity will again offer athletic stunts for each period and remarks relative merly been a winner of the Universi- for the further entertainment of the; Bo hmusical and historical back- ty contest himself. Members of the spectators. ground. faculty who were judges of the con- Ms. G eorge Rhead of the School test included Dean E. E. Day, l'rof. U Mofmusic will play a group of Chopin I. L. Sharfman, Prof. T. H. Reed, Prof.UNION MATINEE Washington, March 13.-(By A. P.). numbers, and a trio consisting of E. D. Dickinson, Prof. C. E. Griffin, e Senate ratified the Isle of Samuel P. Lockwood, violinist; Ora of. L. Ech, Prof. C.. Layton, .CE PREDS Pines treaty today with minor reser- Lairtham, violin-cellist; and Maud .Peterson, and G. E. Biggs. WILL A I DDRIVE vations: sent the Lausanne treaty to Okkelberg, pianist; will impart to theS, During the interval required for r eoestablish relations with Turkey (Pr'ogram the beauty and dignity of compiling the judges' decisions, Prof. back to conmmittee and voted '76-2, to ensemble artistry. T. C. Trueblood, head of the public Everything in the way of entertain- wake the world Court question a ---------- speaking department, resented te mnt is promised by Union ofhicials special order for next December 17. James Couzen medals to members of for the special matiee dance this The vote of the Senate, 63-14, to the Central League debating teaa afternoon, the entire proceeds of ratify the pact by which the U. S. .which engaged Northwestern in a dual which will be turned over to tie cai- relinquishes in favor of Cuba, all F debate on the Philippine question last Student Friendship drive. The claim to sovereignty over the Isle of1 U IN SP N semester. (lance will last from 2:30 until 5:30 Pines was described as highly grati-- O o'clock, anl the remaining tickets fying to President Coolidge, but not may be purchased for $1 at the main so the action in putting over until Ticket sale for the Junior Girls' Cold wave W ith desk today, or at the door during the the next session consideration of the play, "Castles in Spain," which opens, . dance. Lausanne convention. Tuesday night at the Whitney theater, S3flOU) Iedtied Decorations from the Frosh Frolic will be held in the box office of Hill ---- last night are being held over to add Lansing, March 13.-State regula- auditorium from 9 to 5 o'clock today Poets of spring and the vernal to the color of the dance, and the new tion of finance companies was propos- and from 2 to 5 o'clock on Monday. greenness will have to wait. This, I system for lighting effects will be used o in a bill introduced in the senate After that the remaining seats may be in effect, was the edict of the weather 1 throughout the afternoon. Thrsay ,I procured at the theater. bureau late yesterday. Those present will be entertained In spite of rumors to that effect, de- After several days of almost sum- ,with novelty numbers by the union Geneva, March 13.--The impression finite announcement has been made mier temperature the meroury dropped dance orchestra, which is donating its that Enternational disarmament has by Norma Bicknel, the general chair to around 30 degrees Fahrenheit yes- services for the occasion. This or- received a setback was shining like a man, that the play will not be given terday and is expected to reach 10 cestra is a new addition to the beacon at Geneva today in Detroit. In spite of many such tonight. A steady drop was predict- Union's dancing section, having been i "Castles in Spain" will ed for today with rain turning into recently chosen, because of the high sg nssnow by night. quality of its music, to play at the not be presented anywhere outside of nt.rbpsnthte nyhrnItArbor. i Heavy snowfall yesterday followed regular dances of the Union for the An a sudden storm in the northwest rest of the year. The nrices of the seats are: $ 2 fo r parts of thie country and Canada This dance, specially arranged to ofntr trhealcny; $ for r moving southward. Tempeatures as aid the Friendship fund, was decided four rows ofIthen palc vy,$" fr! low as 20 below zero were reported upon following the success of matinee Mrs. Richard Mansfield The famous actress who played in "The Goose Hangs High" which was presented yesterday at the Wh-itney theater, was actively engaged in re- lief work in Poland during the year 1922 to 1923. As a result of her ex- perience she praises the work which is being carried on by the Student Friendship fund. FROSH FROLI1C HELD IN UNION BALLROOM' Goldkette's and Wilson's Orchestras Furnish Husle for First Year Men 260 COUPLES ATTEND Freshmen of the class of '28 crowded the ballroom of the Union last night for their first University class dance, the annual Frosh Frolic. Jean Gold- kette's Orange Blossom orchitra of Detroit, alternating with Paul Wil- son's Wolverines; furnished continu- ous music for more than 260 couples that attended. Harry Grinnell, '28E, general chair- nan of the Frolic committee, with Miss Helen White, of Amherstburg, Ontario, led the grand march to the traditional tune off "The Victors," played by Goldkette's orchestra, short- ly after 10:30 o'clock. The snow, turning to a cold rain, did not cut down the attendance, although many of the freshmen with their scanty "pots" longed for the more protective headgear of the upper classmen who were present. men who were present. The Union ballroom was transform- cd for the occasion by a committee under Henry Nelly, '28E. Palms were placed around the orchestra stands at both ends of the room, and a multi- tude ot varicolored baloons were sus- pended over the heads of the dancers. Japanese lanterns furnished the only means of illumination, with the exception of two large spotlights, that swept the floor. In the center of the room was a fountain banked with flowers. At one end of the ballroom was a large wreath, of flowers, denot- ing the numerals, '28.1 The color and splendor of the dance was heightened by the vivid gowns of the girls. Miss White wore a gown of dark pink, trimmed with silver bro- cade, with a silver bandeau and silver slippers. Assisting Harry Grinnell, '28, in giving the dance, were: Margaret Dea- con. '28, Harry Nelly, '28E, Dorothy MeGonigal, '28, Fred Beaman, '28E, Katy Gerow, '28, Matilda Sommerfield, '28, Mary Karpinski, '28, Vera John- son, '28, Clifford Crimi, '28E, Jean Greenshields, '28, Marvin Stanton, '28E. Detroit, March 13.-The Detroit United Lines, which went under re- ceivers, Monday, may be back under private control within a few months. Mrs. Mansfield Lauds Efforts Of Relief Work "I cannot say too much in favor of the Student Friendship fund," declar- e4 Mrs. Richard Mansfield yesterday afternoon, following the matinee per- formance of "The Goose Hangs High." Mrs. Mansfield, who received a tre- mendous ovation for her part in the production, was an active participant in relief work in Poland in 1922-23, and was engaged in work th'at brought her into intimate contact with the activities of the European Student re- lief. "There is not a vestige of propa- ganda or partiality connected with this relief work." Mrs. Mansfield ad- ded, "and it has undoubtedly been a wonderful means of building up in- ternational understanding. I am deeply sorry that I cannot actively as- sist your present drive to furnish funds for this admirable enterprise." Mrs. Mansfield's work in Poland was concerned with the relief of woman students, such as the building of dormitories. She acted purely upon her own interest in the work, serving under the European Student relief, off which the Student Friendship is the American branch. "You may quote me in any manner as entirely favorable to the Student Friendship fund, for I know by eT- perience what remarkable work this organization is carried on," was her final remark. Burton Praised In Second Issue of Publication These two large gifts, coupled with faculty and local contributions, more than balanced the decrease in receipts at campus booths, a decrease which was largely due to unfavorable weath- er. Today the matinee dance at the Union, all proceeds of which will be tendered to the campus drive, is ex- pected to add a considerable sum, while contributions Dy mail are steadily arriving. The average dona- tion received by mail is well over $5. Personal solicitation, mrather than general canvassing, will be the method employed by the student committees today and the successive days of the drive. Calls will be made upon those who have not yet contributed to ex- plain the purpose and activities of the fund. By this means the commit- tee hopes to reach the quota for the University. That the full $4,000 will be raised is expected by the committee, as to date the progress of the drive is ahead of that for the same period in the 1924 campaign. Last year, final receipts exceeded those of any one day of the drive, and the same procedure is an- ticipated in the present drive. Remittances by check should be ad- dressed to the Student Friendship fund at either The Daily, in the Press building, or to the Michigan Union. Special check blanks may be secured at the Union, if desired. As soon as the quota is reached, the University's contribution to the nation- al Student Friendship fund will be sent to the national headquarters, and from there will be used for operation of the student kitchen at Kiev. The University maintained this kitchen for three months la'st year, feeding more than 2,000 students daily, and the de- sired $4,000 will enable the same oper- ation this year. Emphasizing another phase of the fund, Pres. Henry N. MacCracken of Vassar has pointed out that idealism among studenits of today is indicated by their assistance in relief work. He declares that "the story of the Euro- innrliP fwhose acetivities are al- Tipeasneio ate resient ario rea e , "I Tribute to late President Marion most entirely in the hands of young L. Burton is paid by the 'B and G American or British students, is an News,' the publication of the Build- outstanding instance of the higher ?ngs and Grounds department, in its idealism of the students of today. It :second issue which appeared yester- would have been unthinkable a genera- day afternoon. tion ago. If the national public opin- "The death of our President, before ion in each counrty represented were the completion of the first lap of the only identical with the student work- comprehensive building program, is ers in this humanitarian enterprise, particularly sad. We realize that the the world would be a better place." new buildings and equipment there- in, were considered merely as the tools through which a new plane of hgher education might be reached. D I BULL "'Tothose of us whose privilege it has been to assist in the erection and equipment of these buildings, the I PLIUAIONS U ESUU Y untimely passing of our President is a particularly hard blow, for a few With the selection of two of the short months more would h'ave three orchestras which will furnish brought to a close the most import- the 'music for the 1925 Military ball, Fnt building 'program this institution April 24, distribution of the applica- has ever known. Thanks to the faith tions for tickets will commence Tues- and prestige inspired by his leader- day and Wednesday afternoons from ship, the Michigan legislature voted 1 to 5 o'clock at tme Union 1 $23,500,000, the largest grant ever T 65 icket be aloted on made to any college. The 50 ti s wil e a "The construction of the New Phy- the basis of the preference list form- sics building, Angell hall, Medical ulated by the members of the ball building, power plant extension,; and committee. The preference is R. 0. the completion of the new Hospital T. C. and Naval Reserve members, 1 has been a task of the first magni- Veterans of Foreign Wars, ex-service tude. There remains only two months men, and others who have been con- work in finishing the new Hospital nected with the military affairs on building to see the first lap of the the campus and elsewhere. program successfully completed. The two orchestras which have been "The success of the program is due chosen to play are Al Turks' Frater- entirely to the constant checking up nity Favorites of Chicago who have ! and enforcement of the law laid down played for several large dances at at the beginning of the work by the Northwestern and other Big Ten uni- President, that while it was vital that versities as well as at the Drake and the work was done, it was of the Blackstone hotels. The other orcheg- greatest importance that the faith of tra is Jordan's of Louisville, Ky., who the University with the legislature be played here for the 1924 J-Hop and not broken by the costs exceeding the the Frosh Frolic and are rated as one funds allotted. Everyonedofusw of the best colored orchestras of the " Everyone of us can show our ap- !oth. preciation of the laudable undertak- south. ing of our late President Burton by Several well known bands are being I ....of-.. ." rby;cnsidelred as the third one to play SENIOR LITS i i i All men of the senior literary class should report to Moe's as soon as possible to be measured for caps and gowns. They will cost $7.50, with a rebate of $3.00 when turned in. I