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March 13, 1925 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-13

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FRIDAY, llARTCIT1 1",1925


Publication in the bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by y We Assistant to tfi,11-e; ent until
3:30,p. mn. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays
Volume $ FRIDAY, MIAR.CH 13, 192 Numbier I1
WQ(iee. to all Members of the University:
Mail addressed as follows: "care of the University of Michigan" has
been delivered to the office of the Secretary, Room 3, University Hall. It
will be held until March .18 and should be called for at once, giving (date of
this publication, i. e March 13. This list wil not be relprinted. MAIL.
David 4. Bears E. C. Mason
Donald Booth
John P. Brady It. K. Nichols

W 'ew German Envoy And Famni

ly In ' ashington

Tho name of the organization is
happily chosen, he thinks. A worldISE ORLT
student community though practically EIR ITI
unorganized may be able to crystallize Al All men of the senior literary
Iclass should report to Moe 's as
the sentiments of humanity and de- ; soon as nossible to be measured
velop an international opinion sup-( for caps andl gowns. They wvill
porting cooperation. In the Univer- 1 cost $7.50, with a rebate of $3.00
jsity community here, set apart as it is 1 when turned in.r
from economic and large social con-
tacts with other peoples of the world, The senior literary class
the movement is a forceful examplej canes can be ordered now ati
of what we might do toward consol- Wagner's clothing store. It is
idating world friendship. necessary that the orders be
___________________-taken at once to insure deliv-
Bloomington, Ind., March 12.-That ery. The price of the cane is $3.
only about one-half of Indiana stu- ;
jdents use their activities coupons for _____ ______________
musical events is shown by recent
statistics compiled by the bursar's of-' Peking, March 12.-(13y A. P.)-Dr.
Tice. Trhe average number of concert Sun Yat Seln, the south China leader,
patrons is about 1,548. died thlis morning.

_. _. ... .


Frederic Dalin
Eftt M. Ferguson
Catherinle Floyd
1. 1-. Friedmian
uobert F. Hague (2)
Homer C. Hockett
Chas B. Hoyt
Reuben L. Humbert
Edgar Hunting

E. R. Phelps


Edward Rommnel
Jamie Ryan

M-erman D. Scaruechia
Robert Inman Sealby
Walter 1R. Shafer, Jr.
Milton Shultz
Charles R. Smith
Clifford A. Swanson
C. K. Tan
Paul Thompson
Frank M. Townsend, Jr.

Tano _Jodai

J. E. :Kirkpatrick


Rachel F: Leder Ray Washkewich
Robert Leopold R1. E. Wertz, Jr.
Ritter Levinson 4Leo B. S. Wolff
Helen Martin - ,{ f'°l "
Faculy, Colege of Literature,' Science, acid the Arts:
Cards are being prepared, and will soon be distributed, for the report-
ing of. absences under the plan recently adopted by the faculty.
Meanwhile, instructors are requested to use the old blanks, and to re-
port to my office, through the Dean's messenger service, students who have
been absent three consecutive timhes, and others whose absences hlave beer,
excessive. Dates should be given in each case. AV. R..Ilumphireys.
Sophomonirte ETngineers:;
There will be an asselurbly of the class in Room 348, Engineering Build-
an, t 9 o'clock; on Friday, March 13th. E. 3Y.-Bragg, Mlentor.
Zoolog~y 1:
Seat assignments for the lecture are posted in corridor near the door to
Room Z-234, Natural Science Building. Please keel) a record of your null-
ber,- and- then go to the lecture room long before the next lecture to ascertain
just where theseat is'. Otherwise there. will be much confusion at the be-
ginning of the lecture., The seating list will be taken down ten mninutes be-
fore 8 o'clock on Tuesday. A. Frani~in Shiull,
31athemautics: Cllege of Literature, Sclce, and the Arty::
Th~e Mathematics Staff will meet in Roomi 3010 Angell Ijall oil Friday,
March 18, at 4"P.' M. Joseph L. Muarlley.
,Aemblers of thme University of M1rilhgan BWind:
Th e regular evening concert will be held at the Yost field house tonight,
nmemnbers to'be present for R. C. at 7:15. Omit capes.
Rob~er'tV. lI:i seyt. 1.1
Players Club:
Tryouts for, the Players Club Annual Play will 1be held( Monday and
Tuesday, March 16 and 17, from 4:00 to 5:00 in Newberry Hall Auditorium.
Several' copies of the play "Not So Long Ago," which will be given this
year, are now on reserve in the Lowver Student Study Hall of the Library.
homer Strong, Pre,~.
Polonlui Literary Circle:
Regular meeting of the Polonia Literary Circle will 1)e held tonight in
Lane 'Hall at 7:30 P. M. An interesting program has been arranged for the
occasion. J. W. Kimek, Vice-P're'4.

An optimistic view of affairs i n Germafly is taken by Baron von Ma ltzan, who has just. arrived in Wash-
ington as the new amnbassador for B erlin to the United States. He is see n with his wife, the. Baroness von
Maltzan, and their daughter1, Edith.


Favors University

Radio Broadcasting Stationl

IF-riendship Fund
Seen As Agency
j To Prevent War;




When qjuestioned concerning his at- would have to be (done at night, on
11(1e toward a University radio 0br*)od-a ccount of the limited( reach of the
asting station, 1Prof. It.hf. (>'tt s radio during the dlay. H owever, nighti
b~road~csting of edlucational pr'ograms!
thle astronomy dlepartment exrss wouldI reachl those wvho would pr1ofitt
1 an opinlion that such1 an adidition ; by it most---those who usually attend!,
ould be0 a benefit to the Iniversity~ ni ght. schools, those who work dur-
iJndottbtedly," Professor Curtiss do i nslthc (lay, the school teachers, anld
the like.
fared, "the IUiveity wivl 5(l ecr a;: t
'oaicatin sttio ia Ilin. A110in 'AUniversity broadcasting station
r of universities iiirouglout the is ,inevitable,'' Professor C(urtiss conl-
)untry are now operating good,. high- ehluded, "'anld wil1l, I feel, be a de~cidi-
DweoI'd stationis withii evident success, ed1 addiitionl to the tUniversity's m odern'
nId it is 0obvious1 that a, stationl at equipment, when the admiinistrativAe
ichigan cou11( accomjlihi rniuchi."1 authorities see fit to secure one."
People ar0 ebemingJi 'tired of the
sel zzichsta rgrm" hat't~edte X n d
,ev he~I1 ar ver Ithe radfio."' Pro(fesso(r R a h a tY d

"Student Friendlship shlouldl set an
effective brake upon that severe typeI
(of competition which leads to war,''
Prof. Arthlur P. Wood of the sociology
department b~elieves. Hie declares that
any agency which can broadcast a
inutually helpful sp~irit throughloutI
thie world is of the uitmlost importance
at this time, when national andi rac-
ial aimiosities a-re just beginning to
die down.
The immediate results of the drive1
going on now are of the greatest ac-;
teal valuse. Profess5or Wood says. '"We
are making it poibile that men anti
women ill Russia live and study; as
Michigan men anld women we must
nlot do less."

A step in,

advanice--distinctly colic giae, giving

(Curtiss continuned,''andl it is ny opin -
ion that they would be interested in
an1(I wouldl profit by pr'o ramlls such as
the University would broadcast. I
"'It is rather l'unftortuiinate thatl I lc- i
ees.sful broadcarsting eover a I 1argo ,field
Plan Competition
For Plwrmicists
Competitive examination for t in
Rho Chi scholastic prize, which is ana-
nually awarded to a znici:11(r Of the
freshman pharmacy class, will be hielil
April 4, accordilng to an annlouincemen1tI
issued yesterday by 1-. It. Wagoner of!
the pharmacy dIepa rtment..
Bleside thme compet)it ive exainaiiftionl
which will be based on bofth a hunowi-
edge; of first year phiarnmacy work and
a -general knowledge of other sull)
lects, tihe grades for the first year of
work will inf Bence the Judges inI
awarding the prize.

thatI well groomed appearance to the foot and
iLESI the thing to go with your new light suit.
Made of a light tan imported Russian Calf.
p $10

E and Return
$155 and up



m- Artists

This special 1925 excursion rate, offered to travelcrs in our
improved third class (lTourist Section), New York to South-
ampton and return, places an enjoyable and profitable trip to
Europe within the reach of all. For a few dollars additional,
passengers may proceed via Cherbourg or Hamburg. Person-
ally conducted tours in England, Ireland, France, Germany,
Belgium, Holland, Switzerland and Italy at inclusive rates
of $325 upward may be arranged.
~Investigate now! Make your reservations early!
For further information apply to
17? North 31iehi-im Ave., Ciiemigo, 111.
- AjoiM NeINE)wl

ID m (




Noulpes 'to appear in This column miust
be 4lcft in' the box at the Osa ly office
providled for nst purpose before 4
o'clsck preceedizi tie day of issue.

IChicago, March 12.-Chlicago ended
It I1925 basketball cseason tonight with

Champaign. Marech 1.2.- -Danma e:
tile extent of $800 were suffteredi

1) V




9:99Sopiomoe eginers ssebleundisputed possession of the basemnent
in room 8i4$, Engineering building. !in the Big Ten standings, being defeat-
3:00.4:0O4:00-:~Dr. G. 'A. Mtay lee. led 17-16 by Northwestern on Chicago's
ture8 to freshrmen in Waterman gym- floor.
uasiiim. I Northwestern made only four bas-
4:30"-Auction of articles left from the; kets during the entire game, out of
Wome's. League bazaar in Barbour!uwr of two score attemlpts.
'1:00-athmeniatles staff, literary co.: Lawrence, Kans.,Mac1 Act
lege, 'meets in room 3010, Angell alog published by the University of
hall. " Kansas states the sums which may he
Music-metwatn the School of usc.egitimnately spent by students during
Musi met atthe Schol f vusi. ;the college year. Forty dollarsa
7:15-Band gives concert at Yost' month in cash or earning capacity is
field house. held to be the minimum, whereas
7:30-Polomla Literary circle meets tn more than $80 a month is considered
Lane hall.. detrimental.
7 :30-Miss8 J. Bonstelle speaks mim ______
"Dramatics" before the American $ nnn't delay-Pay your Subscription
Association of Women. today.
5:00-St. Patrick's day p~arty' for nurs-,
es theld at the N'urses' dormitory.. 1

tile Orphieum 1thi(aitre- WhenI a11101) of N M LR ~ I. N LN
2,000 attemnpted to rush it. __________________________________________________




tc argains in



- -w++



.Acid Decay, re-
suit from foods


I which


F A M M U OM Na ®m a u m M®u ® m n N ® ® W ®


Cross-section of a
tooth, showing Acid
Decay at The Danger
Line. '

and ferment
in those tiny
V-shaped crev-


ices where gums meet teeth..



8:00--apanese Student club give In- ;
formal at Lane hall.
8 :00-Student social party in W1esley
S :U¢--Final selection of debaters for
thq Northern Oratorical league in
University. hall.
S iO0-Congreglaional Student dance
in' Nickels' Arcade hall.
8:00-Sirt G. Pals h speaks on "Cocop-,
eration for Peace and Progress" at:
the Women's City club.
S:00-"Box S'ocilL" at First Presby-
terian church.
12 :00--Cosmopolitan chub lumntcheon
at the Haunted Oaks tavern. j
1 :31-Congregational ramlile start s
from the church.
.,3' 30--Za-nion diance at the Uniom.
Tihe Inlander wvill receive manuscripits1
for the familiar essay contest, for
whlch a ten dollar prize is offered.',
until March 15 at the Press. build-
ing,. when they will bo forwarded


w,. ., . "f

The Danger Line.



II - ..-.

We Are tDomr a,- Fine Busincss in Our
T..Is Spring
'111d Service
If you 'want your st it bufo re Spring Vacation mace .Your orct'yr N(O)W
have it ready for Icelivery ®n lime. W~e will be sgladl to hold your suit
three or cyen1 four weeks, whatever tirme you say.
J1ust get your orders i1.1 ear ly and not he disappointed.
Ylou know \we guiarantee. satisfaction.

Dental Cream, made with


Milk of


t p

safely- and promptly neutrat.
izes these dangerous acids
safeguards your teeth from
;Acid Decay and relieves sen-

e 1t


Use it regularly,



At druggists,

Theic'rsk is entirely ours. If our garments coo not lit they ar ie ours, not






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