PAaE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1925 _ Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student publications.. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for rcpublicatiomi of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherw~se credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master (;eneral. Subscription by carrier, $3.50; by mail, $4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Street. Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; busi- ness, 96o. EDITORIAL STAIF - Telephones 2414 pnd 176-I- MANAGING EDITOR PHILIP M. WAGNER editor.............John G. Garlinghouse News Editor........Robert G. Ramsay City E~ditor........... Manning HIouseworth Night Editors George W. Davis H-arold A. Moore Thomas P. l lenry Fredk. Y. Sp arrow, Jr. Kenneth C. Keller Norman R. Thal Sports Editor......... William I1. Stonemnan Sunday Editor.......... Rooert S. Mansfield Women's Editor.............. Vernea Mbran Telegraph I~ditor.. Williamri J. Waithour Assistants Louist Bar-y Helen S. Ramsay Marion Barlow Regina Reichmann Leslie S. Bennete Marie Reed Smith Cady Jr. Edmarie Schrauder Willard B. CrosbT Frederick Hi. Shillito Valentine L. Davies C. Arthur Stevens James W. Fernamberg Marjory Sweet Joseph 0. Gartner Berman Wise IMIa,~ing ousewortk Eugene H-. Gutekunst Elizabeth S. Kennedy Robert T. l)eVore. 'Elizabeth Liebernmann htanley C. Crighton Winfield 11. Line Leonard C. Mall Carl E. Ohlinacher Thomas V. Koykka Withjam C. Pattersou Lillias K. Wagner BUSINESS STAFF 'telephone 960 BUSINESS MANAGER WM. D. ROESSER Advcrti;Tiii.....................E. L. Dunne Ad1vcilIs .....................R. C. Winter Advertis ing. ..................II. A. Marks Adverb: ing........:.......B. W. Parker Accounis ...................H. M. Rockwell ( "ciilati.............John (Conlin P~ublicat ion..................... R. D. Martin Assistants P. W. Arnold W. L,. Mullins WV. F. Ardussi K. F. Mast 1..AI. Alving H. L., Newmann Irving Berman T. D. Olmstead IRudolph, Bostelman R. M. Prentiss 11, f. Clark W. C. Pusch J. C. Corisroe J. D. Ryan F. R. Den t N. Rosenz-weig J. R. De'uy AT. E. Sandberg (George C. Johnson M. L. Schiff 0. A. Jose, Jr. F. K. Schoenfeld K. K. Klein 1. 3. Wineman FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1925 Night Editor-GEORGE W. DAVIS ANN ARBOR'S "SEASON" ! state through the years. of its exist- once aidcd both bly criginal thought T LM and by the contributions 5of older M U I European systems. frAND The plan of optional I at tcndance 'II)1 whichi has ltM'ii adop~ted roer'nt at~ 1E1)DI( EI DR A M A j Olivet college, all ough srnalcewha t of°i WLAi1 RO a new departure in Arnierican highaer, educational circle;., is -,n old thing ;:1.Pyososntw nonci- TIS A FI'E N00N: Mrs. Richard with the Germans, ws Dean Whlitnelry r lHryor does not, we announceain- high" dicat e any particular admiration of 1I1ielU w$(ShIigsHg pointed out in an imt. ei < Again that is scarcely the beginn- ing: the. stage with its eye-tearing, obvious c riide-ti -raw i ohtinz vthat )r i L' l . _II 1 _) s tG ®.. ...... houses the p~lays: its Victorian slope that eliminates the use of flats andi makes necessary the wrinkled con- stant green curtains. But the argu- ment goes still further: the pointit s that no attempt will ever' be mtade to~ gloss over .such unfortunate errors-- Iblack curtains. say, or grey, or even a clever use of the eternal green. Mira- cles of illusion can easily be created 1with' tdraped curtains, if the director has a sense of scenic skill, if the di- rector has a sense of scenic skill.... Then the priod uctions them selves; properties are missing, Pierrot ap- pears in golf knickers, Cupid str-ugglesI with Mr. MVullison's riding boots, cur-I tains are invariably ill-timed, lines are frankly forgotten, anti cues are picked uip only after careful consid- eration. The diction becomes alter- na tely amazing aind ridiculous, the six foot poet grows lyric through his nose, while the good Frau rises to dis- traction through a plethora of middle- western r's. With the exception --fortunately there miust always be, exccptions----of the lrincess and tiele mother in "The Far-Away Princess" every respective actor usedl the for- mulated gestur-es of an elementary public-speaking class, and the subtle interplay bet ween characters that gives an actionl unity and power was necessarily lacking andl lacking. The tendency, in other wor-ds, which as each semester passe:; is b~ecoming more and more traditional, is a(cool indifference towardi such blunders. In a Play Production program anything will (10: the accurate, careful (detail that after all are the touchstone to every finished performance are frank- ly- ruled off thze books. Somehow the{ d (irectors can not jsense the vital im- portance-in amateur acting, espec-' ially-.of every atmospheric virtue to support the players. Lighting an(I am- tistic setting seemi sup~erficial to them, unnecessary: and every final plroduc- tion fearfully illustrates their theory. Occasionally there will be a skill- ful individual performance, jangling to IHeaven wvith tile surrounding en- semble, but a consistently rounded! performance is flatly unheard of. Perhaps this is the wrong attitude; perhaps the work of the Play Pro- duction classes should only be con-1 sidered as stumbling, experimental recitations, where, as in all university courses, finish anid confidence are not to b)e expected. In such a case-and of course, such is the case-the pro- grams do not deserve a comparative' review. Y * a .... .. .. . itNAEand ADDRESS w 200 Sheets. $ t.00- 100 Envelopes. a 1ostpad . i Your name and addresein three lines with- < or w ithout College eal or ore t o ! en y i- National Social Fraternity printed in deeo digoiled blank inY on 200 sheets. 8z7 in., heavy kid Sieh 24-lb. Bond and1,As and goondawth Si1.00 bill or Sil 0 If wast ofrDenver f COLLEGIATE STATIONERY CO. 304 S. Dearborn St. Chicago. Illinois j European ToursEWekFam = For College Men and Women ,SPIA SUMMER 1925 64 Days "~__ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ $35and up I ___________ C o lle g e c re d it u p to 8 h o u rs g i e s r d[ r i d; a y a n d S a t u r d a y Ol]Fr f u l p r i u ar d r s NEW YORK UNIVER6T osDiisi Ii. East 4234 St sst treet, ew York C. a rn a n o n*s, o n q j u i s l uis , AM T.. .per dozen c 1~ -.del ivere d- Look at Your Hat-ITh s spca va es n - Everyone Else Does T eeaeseia ausa1 . We have the Latest Colors-Pearl, Silver, Radium, London Lavender1 extra fine quality s t-ck, f resh etc., etc. Save a Dollar or More w at Our Store fr m o ro n-re h ue We also do high. class work in-fo u w re h ue Cleaning and Reblocking nats of all'°A kinds(15. FACTORY HIAT STORE FLO'WERS BY WIRE 617r Packard St. Phone 179 (Where D. U. R. Stops at Stae ANYWHERE, ANYTIME Sf20o~ Ann Arborl Floral.I Ifyuare going to need a gift or picture you better -- take advantage of our won- derful reduction on our en-Cm &a Only a few days more. I LEADING FLORISTS- j0%ff Store 122 East Liberty St. Phone 1630. 207a off - Greenhouses 1021 Matidcn Lane. Phone 2190.; APPLIED ARTOPNEEIG ADSU AS- - 2 Nickels ArcadeOPNEEIG A DSU AY Opposite Substation . j 1lttitttiti[ittittt itt~itt[tl itlt itbittttttitllit[~ttftti There "is a certain glamor and fas- ; of ermnany (d0es novt densanti any con- cination about the stage that holds cessions on the plart of an organiza- forever any who become intimately tion like the League. Those who enter associated wt t Especially is this into this fellowship must be ready to trute of those who have attained to take the position assigned to theia that rea:lm known as stardom. Even{ and assume thme aeconipanyioag re- though they may for awhile be cut off sponsibilities. from I this premiang pseo Ther-e is in the Germta n at itprdmnudgphs fe a their- acitvity, the real figures of thej certain arrogance which can come theater always retain the hope that; only from prosperity.It is almiost some day, somehow, they may return ; analagous to the self-center spirit: of to their chosen profession. many Americans whose warcry is: It is this spirit, coupled with the "The League of Nations is all right enterprise of Miss Jessie Bonstelle of but ." When the assumption bly Detroit,' the local chapter of the the United States of an acivo u-le and American Association of University! a full responsibility is proposed they Women and the Michigan Theater are prone, to remark th1at. we, the league, that is responsible for the ap- greatest nation in the world, need pearance this afternoon at the Whit- bow our knee to nio one, that our sov- ney of the distinguished actress, Mrs. reignty will be endangered if we be- Robert Mansfid, with a compahy come an active member, andl~ that if from the Bonstelle playhouse, Do- the League wants our part icipation let troit, playing "The Goose Hangs them make special concessions Nigh." The career of this remark-!.--- able woman is a veritable epitome of 11 GOOD OLD I) lI~AtE'' this feeling. Years ago she was!' The United States ism still a young known in the theatrical world as the nation in comparison with the ancient leading lady of a Shakespearian actor countries of. Egypt, (china, and even who later became her husband. A longI those of Europe. Because of tis there From an issue of the Ann Arbor >Times News of recent date: I TIVES -NEWS ADOPTS SCIENTIFIC AURANtGEMUN'T OF CLASSIFIED t ADS i - Today's, classified advertising sec.- tion of the 'Ann Arbor Times News is" rpresented in a new dress-a scientific make-up that is the result of 20 years of research by advertising experts, andl which is regarded as the last word . i convenience for advertisers and l readers. The ads themselves not only I are arranged, but are written and set up in accordance with the basic prin= l _ '! t i , t X f i ciple s of advertising. Uniform in appearance and con- vcnient in form those pages, The imes130 News blieves, offer a happy re-! lief to the eye and are pleasing to the senses. *! !Aesthetics in' business again! If' you're tiredI reading the ugly news stories just turn to the classified aids and feast your eyes for a while! 0 tempora, 0 mnores! 0 piffle! _. .. __,er.._._, c retirement has now been broken by is being manifest eth evemywhuere by * * * THROIII.,- THE MlI, IAIL: her emxinently successful appearance various hovers of the "g-ood old days"I From the report of Manager James I "Under the auspices of the local' at iss ,,Bonstelle's theater. TIhe stage a sentiment in favor of preserving I lelsden of the Arcade rTheater on the Matinee Musicale the Michigan Fed- hast rclaiined one of its lost lights. wvhat few traditions siwx has.{ picture "3o 1Big," to his chief, as con- oration of Music Clubs will hold their Of even greater significance locally, It is just suclh a motive flatt promplt- Tied to the public in an advertisement! annual convent ion in Ann Arbor however-, is the fact that Miss Bon- ed Congress in its last session to in Tuesday's Daily: March 16 to 19, Monday, Tuesday, sitelle is; bringing her company to authorize the restoration of the old "The action moves with lightning Wednesday and rTiursohay of nextI augmecnt Ann Arbor's too limited the- frigate Constituitioni of thme War of rapidity and the picture, e stays close week. seasron. The performance this 1812. Secr'etary of the Navy Wilbur,( to the story. Will say that any of the "usa eeigatet o'clock afternoon brings with it the hope that wvho is in charge of (lhe work, reported boys playing this picture on the cir- in the recital hall (If the University ,some arrangem!.ent can be cozisuniniat, the other day that he had r'eceived tIme cut should feel hionored to present School of Music artists representing ed by which a regular Ann Arbor sea- first private contribution 01' once dollar1 to their audiences such an achieve- various clubs1) in the state will present son can b~e assured. There is little from an old Civil war veteran of Bos- merent of entertainment in this day of a program including the Adrian Can- quest5ionl that it would be supported. ton. , public demand." zonet Chorus in a performance of a Much has been accomplished by the Secretary Wilburs suggestion that * Song Cycle of the Seasons with lyrics agencies responsible in making pox- the amount requireud be, apportionedl Same facts, as they would be me-*!by Harriet Gray and music by James sible Mrs. Mansfield's appearance I among the forty-eighit states is, a 'gotod ported by R. B. Henderson, of the d~e- Spencel-. Solos by Beth H-amilton, here. It remains only to make perma- one. The whole nation should he in- ptart mnt contiguous: violinist, of Battle ('reek, Mrs. Hlenry venoutthe relation thus established. terested in pr-eser'ving suhlla momr- The action imoves very very Overly, soprano, of Kalamazoo, Mrs. ___________________orial tradition of her early straggles.i fast-- very very very very fast. Lucille Jolly, pianist, Flint, Mrs. Earl AN DEA__NAUOT_ _-~°-~- ----- The tempo, the tem po is excellent. Chase, contralto, IDetroit, and M rs. FclanIdA N UT "RELIABLE CAP" I Thie picture stays close-oh so Charles Wismnetr, pianist, Grand Rap - Fulyadgroup~s of students ap- . As the (lays go by with Calvin Cool - !olot-e-- to the story story. Any ids, will complete the (conclert. T(r red lhe iimpIortancie of the driveconow being da he headnoft, m I'mt o dly trt{ n ueanag'm- should be glad of the recital will be comnplimentary and ca rried on for the benefit of foreign government no ny I Ito fitoly ro(oted ('line to hookc Mrs. Mansfield in j open to the public. studcnts. T[heyaefsfilnthr old Republicans but also manny of biis this p~icture--becaus~e it is. at its "Ann.Arbor citizens and University quota,. This is only the natural re- oiia poetthe h7enucrats, best, pure theatre. Pure theatre. Istudlents ar-c also invited to hear an ut fognztoadtesne-o r ople oaii hti i n nqemsclpori ob ie resonibiit whchaccompanies it. spectacular, businesslilke Way thie re arks nyesteratemoN er.'Wednesday evening again at eight! repniiiywihPresident is carrying out one ofth rmakyeedy afrno wre o'clock and again in the recital hall therel piitbehndth wol jsanest programs ever pti over- by any (vigoroims oand provoking. (That is the. of the University ;school of Music. project is; to he fulfilled, however, in- oc~at fteWieIare dividuals on the cainpus must assume ocuatftieWte108. first sentence in The Daily editorial , Mrs. Guty Bevier Williams of D~etroit, ther ortiee o te ppotuityofer A recent antnouncemnt fromn Wash- that woud have been written about itI soprano, w~ill present Americ~anpleu.- their por ion of tenopportuitytoffer ingtu ht &jt endcs to appoint if' any of the editorial boardl had gone iods through three groups of songs,' dfo'pouoigadticlwotyDemocrats ;as well was;Republicans,-) to t >the lctutre.) acohpanied by achange (If costume' oeause. A "Student Frienship" fund - the I \Velhanyway, as one Soviet worker for eachproand remarks relativ' in the bNit sense is one that repre o- untedry i u, ddgei evmogidence of lilt> gents every element of the University Ecountry icls u adeSiens-c o is to rittltrdnWhathave You been'to the io nc.iMscl and hstoCricl bpak- community. That this ideal, as well leo-eddes ica eealdintaylrlnrI as he inacia qutamaybe eahz- prloit onotiy Rpubicas lav Pardnem-: MeI bin workin on de a chiarming gr-oup of Chopin numbers, asdth eachcstlmduntaholdacnsie r ei- been appiointed, thtis attitulde oft'te' railroad All de livelong day, too. i and the trio consisting of Sanmuel P. Inte-President is an inidicationi that hie he- Certainly aiu tired. paitm Lockwood, violinist. Ora Lartha rd, atrcarefully.I lieves that the Federal Jud~iciaruy*** violincehlist, and Mauid Okkelberg, -should 1)0 kept cut imely free from p)o1i- On mty honor- I have neither given I init will impart_ to the programJ Spring Fabrics and New Haven, Custom Tailored Clothes N EVER have we seen designs so exception ally attractive: and originaul as these new Spring importations. Their novel stripes and pastel shades' enhance the individuality of the college man's clo~hcs. For more than a generation, the New Haven type of tailo rin- h-as bvenj.fav- ored by University men. A few years -ago, Ann Arbor was added to the list of western cities visited by our representative, and in this short time a large patronage among Michigan men has been developed. Come in and sec the new Spring and Sumner fabrics. - Representative JERRY COAN At HOE'ALEEMonday, March 16 IHE ?NL -.. 4~it r, f '! :1 , U 11