~FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 19 25 TH MICHIGAN DAILY PAG~E THRlEE I SHOOLMASTERHS Seek Oil Chief rrviltvaYhiruns~i iistaii VILL MElii I1LI LU'U.A I IUIILU U N I L - *,rn i Sate (Conferenc e l lannif or y3 '. s:" ;.;iiW'trlt in N evwRepublic Objects tlo Apriil; i''acd( 1I3ti uiber 4on "1'mploye" as Definition of °r Iea1;,ITr,, i inI irt~ PI' ofeS'~io MEIKLFJOHN T0 TALKECAL LSIT BUJREA~U(:RATIC Sc hoolmaisters d(ill), numberiing, in Is a scholar an employee7 asks its memb~ershi1p high school teac hers <'' '': ,:;"- an editorial writer in the latestin itn- 'c;hool administrative officers~, and co)l- be f h ewRnblcragz loge and university professors from t {and adds, "h .. >: andadds,"Thecolleges and univor-' the whole state, wil meet here Aprilsiesoth Uned tasarnw 2, 3 an 4. ' io zginsforall he:::=being asked, by a conference which ~ctins 1 ie clb hve ot yt ieei Irepresents the beaureaucratic peak of completed; it is planned that by;~u dctoa yset ceta mean ofthe arius goupmeetngsfinal the definition of the university many problems of interest can be d roesora a eplye. c ussed. 'I (uch ae definition, the writerstt, 'Thursday, April 2, an opening re- j utlg h eesso chlrhp S ception andl banquet will be given at "As educational employes, their duty, ; #h Union for conerence mneimbers. is to Believe All and to Live in Right- Ann rborhig schol 5li~~'ii ~ .eousness. As scholars they are subject ' to -present the comic opera, "The M~ik- to but one standard of judgment the, N adlo," later that evening at the Ma- Federal authorities are seeking Rob-! 4;potency of their ideas. The first duty ~ sni tepl fo t~ 'ntrtanmntert #W Stewart of Chicago, chairman and prerogative of 'scholarship isI ef hevi~tos.of the boards of the Standard Oil coin- I dubt. The scholar who is comm it- Dr. Alexander Meiklejohn, former t ed to everything in advance is simply Spresident of Amherst, will address theE pany, of Indiana, who is wantedl by the school men Friday at Hill auditorium, government as a witness in the Tea-notascor. i s subject has not been announced. pot Doane. trial in Cheyenne, XVVyomi ecneec mnindaoe Y T n Unted tate marhalshavewas that called last month by the Am-I Prol'. Charles 1I. Judd of the Univer- irg. ntdSae asas hv rcnCuclo dcto ogte city of Chicago is to speak Friday also been unable to locate him.ercnCuiloEdatntoghr --_________________representatives of the Association ofj upon the, subject, "More Intensive American Colleges, the Association of S Work for High School Students." Franklin B. Shull of the zoology de- AmrcnUiesteteAeian ^? Faculties of various schools and col-! partment; will present a paper. "CO-AsoitnofUveiyPresr, S leges of the University are represent- operation between Public Schools and and oather bodies of similar character. edi on the -program. Myron B. Chapin! Church in Religious Education" is will address the art conference on I the subject of an address totb1e given q "Theory andh Practice of IBatilk." Dr. by Prof. J. B. Edmnonson of the School-- P. 1-1. Hadley of the Medical school of Education. W. W. Bishop, tUniver- S will speak on "Recent D~evelopment s sity librarfin, will speak on "Adult inBacteriological Research." Prof.; Education in Libraries." I Q iTY "This conference," the writer explains, "unaimoslyadopted two sets of I'cnvetios'formulated by a com- mittee of its members, resolving fur- ther to' recommend 'the adoption of f these conventions, in the form here 'suggested, by the several bodies rep- resented in this conference and by American colleges and universities'." iCommenting on the above "convey- lions" he says, "The terms of this bargain are perfectly clear, the pro- fessor is absolutely free to do what he I r The Campus zr J Credo Today's question : What do you HIerbert Deuman, '26.-"To most or ithe students May 30 is just an extra; SE NIOR SIT' recess. Starting exams on May 29: Cliff Allen's will sooner bring the greater vacation furnish the i -I believe it good." Ii fr supper ne: Howard L. Davidson, '27.-"Memor- I'supper 'will be lal day should be kept as a holiday to: this year inste show due respect to those who have; gymnasium. '1 made the supreme sacrifice. Michigan ; gle today at should not belittle the day by not 0o)- at the price 01 serving it." ________ t Bernard Solar, '27.-"Rather unwise. -_______ [ER PLKNNE D ovchestra wil iusic for 'the Sen_ xt Tuesday. 'The held at the Union eadl of at Barbour Tickets will go oin if $1. j I 'is employed to do." thnkniiof tihe leans' plan which in- The Ujniversity curriculum is not so In conclusion, "The American Coun- eludes Memorial dlay in the exam-, crowded but that a single day may be ciel on Education has dlone a great deal ntopeid set aside in respect for 'those woR a theXW ant Ad of excellent work . . . . But one! Where asked: Engiiieering Arch. here gave their lives that the nation thing these self-constituted national The answers: Hesper Hertz, '28.-; might live'." councils cannot do. They cannot Uni- ,"Memorial day has come to be con- I;" tertake to formulate programs and sidlered an almost religious national IuIhI9119Ji1 1fifl llhl hIIIIIlil~II IIIIIIh hIII 41lIll~iII fll~' . tIIIIIIfltlP establish standa'rds. The moment they holiday. It is the one day of the year =i- take a step in that direction the cloven on which the memory of our dead - hoof of bureaucracy is instantly re- Heroes is honored and I think it would THIS AFTERNOON 2:15- vealed. Whena bureaucratic confer- be wrong to include that day ton-our once defines a professor it dlefines him ( examination schedule." as an emloye by some mysterious Louis Goldstein, '25.-"I do not be- r -- logic peculiar to the soul of the insti- lieve that it makes much difference.= tution. In dealing with such a con- Memorial day, as a rule, is not ob- I I Nh~ N E Terence let the professor note that 'the seirved by most students. It would- precise terms should be stated Iu probably be used as day of study any -I writing'. way, so why not use it as an exam- j ination day if it will facilitate mat- 1- fThe following men should report at( ters ?"_ Watrmaingmaimany atrno after :i o'clock this week, to play off ______________________ the final round of the all-campus foul shooting tournament. This round must' Thle finest kind of a deco-a- i be played not later than Friday, March ' tto o ay romI* 14: D. Weiss, J. Freedman, J. Elin, autful,'ray room isat J. Shaw, C. Doerge, J. Goldsmith, bea.iul, frgrant plant Stern, S. Shepard, M. Gxoldh'orner, J.. _________________ Kruger, Jacob, J. Rigelhaupt, 1. Olian. HAVE YOU SUBSCRIBED YETI h n 1 Cousin1s c& Hall0 Tiokets at Theatre 611 E. University s We take a personal inter- SValue est in every order we receive. w Prompt and courteous atten- Coreyo'?abukTe"hP2 kL OFFER tio i asued Newps From 4 Other Colleges 'II ' u A SPEIP The Latest, McGill.-In a debate Tuesday even- ' Kansas.--Degrees of Ph.D. will be ring with the St. James 'Literary so- granted in the English department, ceyon the subject, "Resolved, Tl~at jlbeginning with the academic year cfrty ie I1925-26, in the University of Kansas. te arts would flourish under a social-j The committee on graduate work of isi tate," the McGill university do-t the English department has drawn up ,haters emerged victorious. The de-j a set of conditions under which a de- J)) pte was judlged by Professor Brunt gree may be obtained, hut they have ,,of MacDonald college, Principlal Smyth niot been voted upon yet. !ff Wesleyan college, and Mr. Scott of -- lie Gzette Kansas.- Under the leadership of Doctor Nelson, the University of Kani- ~Wisconsin.-Sen. G. E. Cashman, re- sas is building a new $35,000 club ,,,ent of Wisconsin university, appear- building. It will embody some of thej ,d before the joint finance commit-C most modern features in the recrea- ee of the Wisconsin legislature Fri- 1 tional department where billiards and _ay to plead for more liberal appro- bowling will be available for their piirations for the Badger institution. ! guests. Al large (dining room will oc- ~'"New and adequate structures must cupy most of the first floor, and there apace the many ol(d buildings beyond i will he a dozen guest rooms on 'the 'pofitable. repair," the senator said. floors above. 1 Dartmouth.-The expedition of I ew- tors of the Dartmouth Outing club,_____________________ who in a tour 01 five days climbed Mlt. Washington and scaled the head- Redh X atjd Jx wall of Tuckerman's Ravine, returned!;" ' J nC to H'anover' today. Twenty students a ~-- - mnade the trip. d b English Ct: dii TWO PANTS SUITS $35, $44) and $45 Fine Knit Wool Slip-Over Sweaters $6andi Vp1 SH1IRTS-Blroadcloth, Oxford and Swazette An Unusual Assortmnt of Ties NOW $1.00 BUS' A $50 TUX FOR $17.541 413 East. Liberty Ole,1tm 213 East "Liberty 'I f t :I __.._._ i I° i a,' Today and Saturday., 2:00-3:30-7 :00-8 :30) 35e-25c-lIOc ni"r t~t amairdta rmann mow in j fi; -' -WI LLIMFOX4 - presents[r nlnonI tas&iina HusnBnhmi t .G.DYST NEproduto I JACK DEMPS Y r 'the Fastest Aggregation of' Entertainers on tiro Stage Today DAYS" 25 WITH KEITH STARS FEA4TURING~ JONES .& JONES SC OT'T, ALLEN & LEE- FARRELL & CHADWICK THE FIVE CRACKERJACKS AND 8 PEPPER GIRLS - ON THlE SCREEN Rutpert Hughes, Rollicking Berth Control Comedy " E X CU SE ME"s D)ATA MATINEES 1DAILY Features at- . ..2:00 Acts at .. .. .. ....3:00 feature repeats at . . . 4:10 Balcony .. .. ....)c Alain Floor. .. ....0c NIG4HTS Fist Show. .. .....6:50 Second Slow. .. ...8:50 Balcony..... .....0c fain Floor, admission . .. 6Sc Plus Tfax, totals.......75c :; '- K (. , A° .w --NEXT -WEEFK- "if I Marry Again"s l M I DORIS KENtYONt _____ ____ _____ 1101 ANNA Q. NILSSON RART BOSWORTHI I I u I