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March 13, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-13

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Republieawt ,Leaders Are Generally
hopeful; Rejectiml
Washington, March 12.--(By A. P.).
--President Coolidge forced the issue
with the Senate today on the question
of his selection of Chiarles B_ War n

Lansing, March 12.-(By A. P.).-
Capital punishment went down to de-
feat in a blaze of oratory in the low-
er branch of the legislature today.
After more than three hours of debate, ,
embellished with the narration of hor-j
rible crimes andtthree quotations from
the Scriptures, the house voted down
the McEachron bill 54-46. Packed
galleries witnessed the struggle. and'
applause frequently caused the speak-
er to rap sharply for order.
Sixteen of the house orators plead-
6d, seven for and nine against the mea-
sure. Representative John T. Espie
and Milton R. Palmer, Detroit, led the
forces marshalled against the electric
chair proposal. Representative Char-
les Reed, of Genesee, made the out-
standing address in favor of its
adoption. When the roll was called

1. By means of the Student Friendship fund, thousands of Russian university stu-
dents have been permitted to continue their schooling. lerbert Hoover, a member of tlie
advisory committee of the fund, has stated that the fund is necessary, and has given it his
unqualified support. The fund has reached 225,000 students and professors in 200 uni-
versities, in 19 countries.
II. The Student Friendship fund transforms $i.,o of your noney into the living
of a Russian student for one month. Last year, the $4,000 of the University maintained

every member was present. a kitchen in Kiev, where
of Michigan to be his attorney gener- According to. leaders of the group
al. favoring capital punshient, no effort the average meal costing fiv
Disregarding the advise of adminis- will be made to reconsider the vote
tration leaders in the Senate, he re- by which it was defeated. The book II. The fund, beside
submitted the nomination after he is closed, they said until the next ses-
hiad conferred with Mr. Wtren, who sion of the legislature. of dozens of countries. H
arrived early today from his home in . .
Detroit and is now a White House educational decline in Russ
guest. T DH O HMS
The decision of the executive came IV. The worth of th
as a surprise to Republican leaders
and caused a flurry in their ranks as have placed their relief wo
wel as in those of the opposition, who HG aT DaNCE
had assumedwthat the question had ganizations, realizing the e
been settled with the rejection of the I___anatosrelzgth e
nomination Tuesday by a tie vote and Machnes of Many Types On Display have found it a splendid ou
the laying on the table of the motion Including The Famous l
for recommendations. Mihilonth Ford T .a.n
As the nomination was referred ilrV.he fnd is adminis
again to the judiciary committee which
is to meet tomorrow to consider it, BAND ENTERTAINS race, religion, or political aff
field marshals on both sides began
lining up their forces anew. Republi- Enthusiasm over the fine quality VI. The advisory com
can leaders generally were hopeful and completeness of the displays at
but not over-sanguine, while oppon- h L. Burton, now is comprise
ents predicted they would be able to I the auto show was expressed repeat-
muster a clear majority against con- edly by the severjal thousand specta- Comstock, president of Sm
firmation. tors who attended the exhibit yester-
After Mr. Coolidge had returned the day afternoon and evening. The show, President Livingston Farrar
nomination to thve Senate without com- which is being held at Yost field
mnent when it reconvened at noon, he house, successfully completed its sec-
summoned Senator Curtis, of Kansas, ond day and will open again at 10
the Republican floor leader, to the o'clock this morning to continue until
White House for a conference with the closing at 11 o'clock Saturday
himself and Mr: Warren. The meet- night.E*
ing lasted an hour and the whole sit- The University bnd, which is to re-Es
uation in the Senate was carefully ceive the entire proceeds of the show. PeaceProtocol
canvassed. presented another concert last night
Upon leaving the White House,. It is hoped that sufficient funds will
Senator Curtis said he believed the be realized from the enterprise to Geneva, March 12.-(By A. P.)-The
nomination could be confirmed. Other meet all expenses of the band for the impression that international disarma-~
Republican leaders did not share his current year, in order that it will not ment had received a set back was
optimism, however, Senator Reed, of be necessary to hold tag days or solicit shining forth like some sinister bea-
Pennsylvania, who made the motion aid from the merchants and business con at Geneva tonight as a sequence
Tuesday for reconsideration, saying men of the city as has been done in of today's memorable meeting of the
that be was afraid the appointment the past. council of the League of Nations, at
would be rejected again by three or Approval was given by the visitors which England and all her dominions,
four votes. Some of the other Sena- on all the displays and all shared except Ireland, rejected the Geneva
tors who had advised the president alike in popularity. A type of car to peace protocol. This protocol was
against resubmitting the nomination meet the requirements of everyone erected to achieve disarmament by
expressed a like apprehension. fI can be found in the 20 or more booths, establishing in the world the reign of
for sedans, touring cars, broughams, compulsory arbitration and security.
Orators Contend coupes, roadsters and trucks are in- Dr. Benes, the Czecho-Slovakian
r +O cluded in the exhibit. The dealers foreign minister, who is the official re-
F ial peakingave arranged the cars to gainathe porter of the council of the protocol,
Ibest. results and each of the 115 auto- informed the Associated. Press that he
Honors Tonigh tmobiles has received its share of the will introduce a resolution tomorrow
attention, that the entire problem of interna-
A number of features have been se- tional peace and disarmament be re-
Finals in the University Oratorical cured from out of town to make the ferred to the next assembly of the
contest will be held at 8 o'clock to- showT League This examination by the as-
night in University hall. From the show as interesting as possible. The Ly heai nat by a-
fiv ca~liate copetngthewinerseveral cut-a-way motors and chasses sembly, lie said, should naturally in-
ie cbndidates competing, the winner have proved especially interesting to Glude a study of Mr. Chamberlain's
wil beselcte torepeset Mchianthe spectators. They are electrically recommendations, made today, that the
league contest which is to be held operated and illuminated, in order to League covenant be supplemented by
}May 1 at North-western university.demonstrate the workings of the special defensive treaties between na-
Those qualifying for the finals in- mechanism. Two of the motors will tions whose differences might lead to
onude two seniors, two junior, hand be given to the automotive school of a renewal of war, treaties whose sole
one sophomore, who were chosen the University when the show is object would be the maintenances of
from the class preliminaries'fended unbroken peace.
Geneva Wheeler, '26,willspeakupon The "one-millionth Ford," which re- Great Britain today not only threw
the subject, "The High Cost of Low
Living." "Roosevelt, the Man on ceived so much comment because of the protocol overboard, but declared It
Horseback," will be the subject of 1 its trip across the country from New was hopeless to try to rescue it with
Horseback," wil , theh sec ondH.York to San Francisco, is also sit- the idea of successful revision.
F. Wahrenbrock, '27L, the second uated in one of the booths. The acces-
sory displays are unusually complete S
speaker, Philip N. Krasne, '27, is'and have received considerable in- E
"Emancipation of the Twentieth Cen- anhave co abin-
tury Slave." W. A. Dahlberg, '25, will pero wfthie fithe speedboatinoacte FOR M A INEE
speak upon the subject, "The Inherentm
Right of the Filipinos." The subject Members of the Ann Arbor Automo- UN ION DAN CE
of the fifth speaker, M. C. Lippman, bile Dealers association, the organiza-
'26, is "Tirhe True Sanctuary of Human- tion sponsoring the show, have ex--
ity." pressed their satisfaction at the man- Tickets are now on sale at the main
Judge Charles C. Simons, of D- nr in which the students and resi- desk of the Union for the matinee
troit, Uni ted States district judge, willds 11h ninfrth aie
be the prsiding oatessr.t dgdents of Ann Arbor are receiving the oance tomorrow afternoon, all pro-
he the presiding officer. . exhibit, and they expect that still
The winner of the contest, besides larger crowds will visit the field house coeds of which will be delivered into
being Michigan's representative in the today and tomorrow. the hands of the Student Friendship
league, will be awarded the Chicago _ _ _-fund committee. The dance, for which
Alumni medal and $100 as the, Paul
Gray testimonial. The candidate Honorary Order $1 for each couple is charged, will
awarded second place will receive the F last from 2:30 until 5:30 o'clock.
Paul Gray testimonial of $50. i For Journa ststags will be admitted.
FulleZ v*e Full decorations will be employed at
Ottawa, Mcarch 12.--The senate yes- the dance, and will include those
terday ratified the treaty for the sup-! from tne Fresh Frolic tonight. The
prssioii of smuggling along the in-1 At a dinner and meeting held at the recently installed system for lighting
terational border.g Union last night, five men were initiat- effects in the main ballroom will also
_____atina_______r.ced into Pi Delta Epsilon, national be placed in use.
Ihonorary journalistic fraternity. Prof. Special entertainment has been se-
E. R. Sunderland of the Law school cured for the afternoon, in addition to
O urweathermas gave the principal address, Wilfred B. the several novelty features which are
Shaw, '04, also speaing to the mem- being worked up by the regular Union
, I -bers. dance orchestra. This organization
The men initiated were Joseph H. was heralded by a Donald MMeans,
,fA. Bradley, '25, Lucien Lane, '27L., Fred whose business entails the visitation
Phelps, '26, Fred Sturmer, '26, and of every campus in the country an-

2,200 Russian students were fed for more than three months,

s its material aid, is building tip the international good will
elping thousands o f Russian students is not only preventing an
ia, but is developing international friendship.
e cause is attested by the fact that many large organizations
ork in the hands of the Student Friendship fund. These or-
fficiency and integrity with which the relief is administered,
tered absolutely impartially--without restriction for nationality,
iliation. The sole requirement for help is that of proven need.
mittee of the drive, which included the late President Marion
d of such prominent citizens as Herbert Hoover; Miss Ada
ith college ; President Ernest D. nurton of Chicago university ;
nd of Cornell university.

Washington, March 12.-The one-
man filibuster conducted by Senator
Copeland, Democrat, New York,
against ratification of the treaty for-
mally recognizing Cuba's sovereignty
over the Isle of Pines was broken in
the Senate, and the Senate agreed to
vote on the Isle of Pines treaty with
Cuba not later than 3 o'clock tomor-
Beginning soon this afternoon, when
the Senate met, Mr. Copeland contin-
ued speaking until 8 o'clock, when he
yielded to Senator Shipstead,, Farmer
Laborer, Minnesota, another oppon-
ent of the treaty, who began a speech
he had estimated would take up less
than an hour.
Declaring he had made his fight
"solely on priciple" for protection of
the rights of American citizens who
have settled on the island, Senator
Copeland conceded that the treaty,
which has been pending more than 20
years, would be ratified when brought
to a vote.
Republicans Defer Decision on World
Court Following
Washington, March 12.-(By A. P.).
-Developments today with respect to
the world court issue, the Isle of
Pines treaty, and the Warren nomina-
tion, were believed generally at the
capitol to have upset plans of Repub-
lican leaders to end the special ses-
sion of the Senate Saturday night.
The World court question was dis-
cussed at a conference both of Demo-
crats and Republicans, with the lat-
ter deferring decision as to their
course, and the former agreeing tol
insist that the Senate make this mat-
ter a special order in the first session
of the new Congress.
The resubmission of the nomination
of Charles B. Warren to be attorney
general was not discussed at either
conference, it was stated, but leaders
on both sides were agreed that, with

Introduces Miss Jessie Bonstelle and
Her Company; Success WEL
Insure Return
As an introduction of Miss Jessie
Bonstelle and her distinguished com-
pany of players to Ann Arbor, the
American Association of University
Women with the ,co-operation of the
Michigan Theatre League are present-
ing Mrs. Richard Mansfield, widow
of the famous American actor, Rich-
ard Mansfield, in Lewis Beach's com-
edy of college manners, "The Goose
Hangs High," this afternoon at 2:15
o'clock in the Whitney theatre.
The production will be absolutely
identical with the performance now
being presented at the Bonstelle Pfay-
house, Detroit, where the play has
been held over for a three weeks'
run. Miss Bonstelle is also bringing
out the trio of musicians she uses in
Detroit, so that the exact atmosphere
may be reproduced.
Mrs. Mansfield is playing the role
of the mother, not, as was once in-
correctly reported, the more minor
part of the grandmother. Unitl her re-
tirement some years ago, Mrs. Mans-
field was known on the stage as her
husband's leading lady under the
name of Beatrice Cameron, having ap-
peared with him in the first produc-
tions in America of Isben's "Peer
Gynt," Shaw's "Arms and the Man,"
and "The Devil's Desciple," as well
as numerous Shakespearian revivals.
The curtain will rise promptly at
2:15 o'clock, as the company are pre-
senting the play tonight in Detroit as
well. Miss Bonstelle, however, will
remain in Ann Arbor to address the
American Association of University
Women at their meeting tonight in the
home of Mr. E. C. Goddard,. at 1212
Hill street.
It is understood that the Bonstelle
company will be engaged for a series
of productions next fall, should the
engagement this afternoon prove suc-
cessful. In this connection the local
committee announces that the box-
office sale has been most satisfactory,
although desirable seats are still
available at the Whitney theatre. Tick-
ets are priced at $1, $1.50, and $2.
Article In Nation
Ridicules College
Military Training

At High Spots.
In Teapot Case
Cheyenne, Wyo., March 12.-(By A.
PEACE CONFERENC P.).-Hitting the high spots for the
first time sincethe trial began, attor-
Praises Work Doge at Versailles'neys in the Teapot Dome lease annul-
Describes Work of s ment case brought out the "pivotalr
Conference litigation" and then wound up the
_neeccase in such a tangle of objection,I
F-~Ctechnicalities, and contentions, that !
OFFICIALLY CONNECTED Judge Kennedy abruptly adjourned
court in the middle of the afternoon
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his- to give government lawyers time to
tory department addressed a combined get a fresh start.
The question of admitting bank ac-;
meeting of the Alpha Nu and Portia count records of Albert B. Fall, for-I
Debating societies last night in Angell mer Secretary of the Interior, who
hall on "Personal Reminiscences of leased Teapot Dome to Harry F. Sin-'
Versailles." clair, prominent oil man, to show an
Professor Slosson was officially con- exchange of Liberty bonds between
Sinclair and Fall was taken under
nettod with the Peace conference and advisement by Judge Kennedy.
the League of Nations. He had vari- -dvsmntby _dgKney.
ous roles, among them that of editor We take it that these discussions at
of the secret minutes of the Council the Round Table club go round and
of Ten, assistant librarian, file clerk, round again, world without end.
examiner of propaganda, and personal
secretary of Professor Schotwell, la-
bor expert of Columbia university. Scott 1 earing Ca
The discussion of the Peace confer-
once was divided into three heads, the "BaCkw ash Of
first considering the organization of " a k a h o
the conference. Thedfirst few plenary Ioud Prase
sessions were found to be far too',C
large for much actual work to be ac-
complished. The great powers thenj
sent two of their delegates to what "We are the backwash of civilization
was known as the Council of Ten. our culture is archaic, we are not the
Even this group was found to be too
bulky to be handled with ease, and it center of civilization but the tail of
finally simmered down to the famous it. We are not progressive, we are the{
Council of Four. This group contin- moss, reactionary." In this startlingI
"ed throughout the meeting to be the manner Scott Nearing, who lectured
deciding factors on all points. There i under the aus ices of the Round TabhleI



this fight reopened, the Senate would
be unable to conclude the business
for which it was called in special ses-
sion, 'within the next two days.
While the World court discussion
occupied much of the time of the Re-
publican conference, its chief decision
was against the proposal to reduce
the patronage of the four insurgents

read out of the party council: Ladd Paul Blanshard arraigns compuls
and Frazier of North Dakota, and .}ory military training in American col-
Brookhart of Iowa. leges, in a recent article in The Na-
tion. Mr. Blanshard, who is field
New Orleans, March 12.-The pe- secretary of the League for Indus-
tition for a re-hearing filed by Dr. trial Democracy, visited Ann Arbor
Frederick A. Cook, was denied in last fall.
United States Circuit Court of Ap- Discussing particularly the situation
peals here yesterday. existing at the Universities of Nebras-
ka, Wisconsin and Iillinois, Mr. Blan-
shard says, "The propoganda which
is A merica sustains military training in the col-
leges is one part genuine desire for
CzvzIzation" In national safety and five parts bunk."
1 Enlarging upon the latter statement
Yf Russian Soviet he says, "There is not a line in the
act (Morril Land Grand Act) which
makes it obligatory upon any Stat
legislature or board of regents to de-
to workers and non-workers, social- Imand that all students at the land-
ized productive machinery, a scienti-s
fic concept of economic life, and a grant institutionshall take any one
guaranteed livelihood to every member course of study."
The writer further states that the
of the community." value of the physical training afford-
In commenting upon the experiment j ed is greatly exaggerated. Of the his-
Mr. Nearing stated that it is the great- toric-patriotic appeal, he comments,
est experiment in human lifea a tre- "The military instructors in our col-
mendously powerful human machine leges are ardent nropogandists for the
- ---41---tar4ardent,- 4-4o_1d1-4s for-th

was then a large array of committeesI
for the formulation and detailed c n-

club yesterday in Natural Science au-

sideration of all matters. Many of culture and civilization of the United social direction to the people. "And military point of view," strongly fos-
the men on these committees wereI States. If it is successful a new social order tering a militaristic tendency. The
stsen who had never had any official Tracing the various standards of will be established in the world, an- stronger appeal, he calls Sex Bunk,
status, but they were the best experts civilization and the development of other stage in cultural history add- roy, "The female wor-
in their various lines that the world culture, Mr. Nearing demonstrated In ed," he continued. "The day of the shipping her protector." Finally, he
could offer. clue r ern eosrtdi d ecniud hedyo h
Profesm Slosson next considered outline form the transitions that have radical has come, the lid has blown mentions "Success Bunk," the most
th ai ftetet.PeietXi-undermined "the civilizationweaeofadearlingnascet subtle and successful form of military
the basis of the treaty. President Wil- re oian we living In a society propoganda in our colleges. "The
son's fourteen points were one of the; leaving behind." Formerly the ordi- i which is to be. American college student loves above
three main basis. The next were the nary range of cultural history was I Mr. Nearing enumerated the eco- all else the big man on the campus.
secret treaties, which were the result that of savagery, barbarism, and civil- nomic possibilities of Russia and He yearns to be a big man himself."
of negotiations between England,' ization, pointed out the speaker. pointed to the progress that she al- Mr. Blanshard concludes his ar
France, Italy, and Japan during the "But we are rounding a corner, en- ready has made. As a result of the I wr. "hr cones hi r-
closing dlays of the ar, and those tering upon a new culture, a new so- organization of the United States So- tile with, "The movement for the
preceding the actual convening of the cial order," continued Mr. Nearing. cial Soviet Republic, Russia controls abolition of conscription in the col-
conference. The last and, according With reference to the situation in Rus- Persian policy and with, it one-third logos waits upond te action of par-
to Professor Slosson, the most import- sia, socially ard economically, 'the of the world's oil supply. Russia has ents, alumni, and state legislatures.
ant, was the actual and existing poli- lecturer declared that "they are work- ,joined with China and Japan in con- The opposition which is beginning to
tical and military situation whickh ing toward certain objectives, new structing a barrier against Western develop Is not based on pacifism in
icouldnot have, with any negotiation, !ways of approaching life, and the re- !aggression and this, with reference most cases. It is based on the stu-
been passed over. salts are quite significant." The basic to the control of the Chinese eastern dents conviction that he is an adult
In summing up the conference, Pro- division in Russia differs from the railway and the subsequent opening mind capable of choosing his col-
fessor Slosson mentioned the fact that old classification in that it is an eco- of unlimited resources to Russian ex- lege curriculum for himself. He is
this conference accomplished far more nomic one not a political one, he said. ploitation, was done under the very an American and he wants the same
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