THURSDAY, MARCIh 12, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ _. ._.._.. . +..-. u,. v.a as w..,ra as a_+ ,r THE MCI-IOAN AILYPAGE SEfVEN WESTERN NORMALSHDUP, COLUM NSES ICOLU N ' N O N E P A O T S in cas51h as i)Cl fl OJrCdlb h \s MA-Y BE CANADIAN GOVERNOR -- Y lmx L/te y . .... ' ' U n ' ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ t N 112lit a nYC .3!' 3gi foier oir IOIIclita, uilyoul 'ti.e t j-:, d oU) ah"' e dvantaE 0ofthese teolunuzs', . jiuie will be glaad ti 11011) you limI4 your lost atie~s, to 11 (alla yoti sel or dm y hrua this niedinin. Calli at 1Fetp;ess iildigwheree you iwill be givren incvdiatcand efhicient sere Vice TOR 'N 1, IFO(R SALE rn Statc Normal '5C;irool;the play miust consist of but one a'(:; contestants' namies must accorr 1jany inms crvt:, inn a.sealed n ''.lope. The winnin tplay will he selected by a committee of the faculty of the aiiove namedl school, and -will 1)=, pui;h lv prioduced b,, the Wester'n NormalI Players. BULTN ISE P 5 u M E l S E B e g V 'u'niaonjfly oan Display at Guy WV6oolfolk & Co. :t;sorth State Street Ault Arbor, .Michi. fists and Pattrns exclusives our ownt desirrn ~OI13~~#RPHY ~WHi2 WH I T E HOUSE & HARD t NCOR PORATZD "BROADWAY AT 4Th STREET 144 WEST 42N0 5STREET METROPOUTAN OPERA HioiSE BLDG. KNICKERBOCKER BUILDINQ3 84 BROADWAY-AT WALL STREET writer bargains. sale or rent. S University Ave., AGood machinos for Room 2. WANTrED--At enc:, Cxim cice(I girl for general office work. Dickaphuone experience (desrable- snot csn O Box 75. Iif I :I,'#C C}RConilete snnosess;ion hbu lictins, resTuc:sday, will be distributed t()- ^""__________________________ day and t.}oorrow at the Summer Ses-. sion and the Regist va;'s offieces in I a- FOR REINT versil y hall, tan ]ida v bulletints wiil _- also be available at the offices of all V't)f 1 1 IT-- Ca ac, cement floor. other schools anid colleges. 1:319 Wells, near Forest, 1716i-b1 Aside from general announcement-, the 206 pages of the bullet in give cont- 't 11ri'T Om' fron~t Ili te for tw-o. M)ete descriptions of the Various Private lavatr~rx. (Oie large t rout° courses. which will be offered dluring cCI ciii for v, steam heat. Near? the summer session. Ani informnal 081, pS.Very chieap. 337 Thoni registration blank is also included. LO.)ST---Satu rday ligt between I1lie Union and '",aslitellaw, a ,sltand 0of red beards. Did not helon' to S;wearer. Please call 1'325. LOST-Fancy Duinlill ipi. N. S. auditorium T1uesd~ayA. M\., fI ie'city lecture. Reward. Call W. 0. liii- debrand at Wxah 's Book Store. Phone 926. ~LOST-Ladies gold wrist ivatchi, Ma- Sjestic theater or vicinity. Rewardl. S 9OlEast Washington, 2129-W. I.LOST-Ladies wxhite golcd octagwa 4 shaped Waltham 'watch. About three weeks ago.- Monograi 1-. L. S Liberal reward. No questions ask- 9d.. Phone 843-M. LOST-In January, circular mnosamie breast-pin, three dlove design.;ll fil igree border. Reward. Phone 526-M. '721 Forest. ~ USED CARS S 1920 Ford Sedan.........$16 '0. S 1921 Ford Sedain.......... 150. 1922 Ford Touring.......... 85. q 1J21 Ford Rtoacdster......... 125. JQRD SALES & SERVXICE 312-320 jE. hTuroi. TAILORIS A TAILOR-MADE SUIT, S Will satisfy your taste, and fit - -WILD) THE TAILOR 113 South Main St. s ~ NOTICE j fiOur mioderate prices make it possible Ifor all to have FRESH IROMEI GROWL' FLOWERS. jANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. s122 E. Liberty. Phone 1630 MARTHA WAS11lN GTON* CANDY SFresh every Fridlay. Tice's, 119 E. S Liberty. MELL GILLESPIE, Soloist and teach- Ser, thirty years experience. Man-3 dolin, guitar, banjo, and chord a construction Telephone 1791-M. SNEW 51111-NV lPARTY DI)IIESSES y for wee girls two to six years. Splen- (lid designs and colors. PIU('ES $.24 117039 The duality as good as the p rice. GET E~ASTER 13ONNETS AND HATS Lx.EARLY. WE HIAVE TilEILF THE DE LAN) SHIOP, Meckels' Arrade f son. _ __.,..___ BEA 11TY SIIOIP.ES IThroeeexpert niarcelle-rs. S ingl~e PEDMISSION 1GBA TED FO trims. Soft water used at all times. nrc QV i IIINATTIAREAUTY SIOPPE goo.HIS,81 1 (Above Cushing's) j BLU1E IRI) hAIR 81101' Permission has 'een given by the ' 3NICI EL'S ARC(A)E-31 8 1Board of Regents to the RBound Table club for the use of lill auditorium 'Permanent Waving and Mar(.Allag fo a speech to be given by Roberts MACE ANDI C). La Follette, senator from Wisconsin, 3rd Floor Main St. during the last of April if arrange-s __---- _._._.__ __ments can be madle by the senator,. Shirley W. Smith, secretary of the VARSTY SIMMES RADY nivesit, announced yesterday. i ~FOR CO'.FFE ECE MEIT La Foliette has corresponded with - ~Douglas Clephane, '271_, presidlent ofr (Cnine fo PgSSx the Round Table club, and has notified , ktrrtt and Papenguth. O'Brien of himt of his intention of making a Illinois also is listed among the topi- speaking tour in April and if l)ossible notchers while Minnesota boasts a o i ln ovstAnAbr pair of excellent springboard men in Fortier and Barnacle. The Michigan F s ~ C o e divers will have an advantage in hav-IFr shme (l.fle inp, already competed on the Chicago For Annual Debate' board once this season, while Papen- guth has appeared there on two pre-I vious occasions.i Alpha Nui and Adelphi will hold their annual Freshman Debate ,April hIAVE YOU SUBSCRrnEI, YETI I25 on the question, ":Resolved that J Judges of the State Courts should be, EMPLOYMENIT FOR STUDENTS;_________ THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY If you intend to work during the summer'I~ onsD A N C IImonths, it will pay you to investigate our prop. osition AT ONCE, This work is of a religiousI and educational nature for which you are spe -___________________ cialty fitted. Students employed by us need n'ave no further worries concernmn< finances for the next college year. Our guarantee as-Ler t surcs you of a minimum of $30000nitho dance. Start nowv. Open opportunity of earning several times thisi daily, 10 a.nm. to 10 p). m. Adult class amount. Many of our student representatives! every iXpondiy and Friday. Fit Cmi earned1 from $500.00 to $1000.00 last summer. NoacapitaI or experience necessary. Write, 1-hour lessons, for $5.00. Eni oll nw. toay f full particular; and organizations7E~ A E G R1E Universal Book and Bible House DANING STUiO College Department ioio Arch Street Philadelphia, Pa.! 22 Wuerthi Arcade Phone 241-Ii - - --Have your noon lunch. 'T E at GREY "THE GREY SHOP" u*h R R jW w r _ tmi ui Dueo tel(ehstvle- Wt FRDYATRONwL Ticketsn, $10HA 0M $1.50, $2.00 axcl asuplaaigu;iat heoBtheellinneryhofztimee ro- P-ofea the p y i tuen of thi nnigas ytter'stieofiate. oha-wle =F IAYA TR NO N O . d Riead The W~oanDths;adsrRa Te.aly"Casiie"15~u Canada nnay have a new governor Baron I yng, Whose terms is dute to et sidering res igimig. It is believed tha other titles), is mosit, ikely to succeed showvn above. appointed by the Governor ,rathler than'etdbthPop."Tefs- mcmn chosen to mrepresent Adeiplii a me 'V. C. B~ishiop, W. N. Clall. and R. T. Savage wvho will uphold the affirm- at ive side ante representatives of Al-' plea 111 choserw to presenit the negative Side are H.- . 1-hu llnter, Ellis Merr'y,j amid Roland Sargent. . _ __J 7%.- N.O', A %,%A i6a X A % # .a i a 'It 3 See Our New SILK SPORT SC-XIWS $1.75 and upl THlE QUALITY S11O1 303 South Main Street TYPEWRITERS SHOP 600 E. LIBERTY Salads, Hot Specials and F~ountain Service On State Street or! k any other street1 in Ann Arbor. There is some one who has what you want to trade or sell or from whom you. woulid like to - buy. You may reach this - person most effectively through the w r ~~Classifieds ( M,1 The Michigan Dailyj f 0 J I I - I TYPEWVRITE~RS Splendid machines. Best mnakes for rent or for sale. Phone 342-R. 1-AMILTOMN -USINES2 COLL~EGE _.,.. . Do YuWork? for confirming our ideas about what you wanted in the matter of taxi service. We have always believed that the public wanted courteous service, clean looking cabs, efficient drivers, and a low rate. We give you all of these. Our rate is 35c per person for any place in Agn Arbor. For real taxi service call D~o You think~? Do you (1o alvthilng to evan'. moime) ? The on ranlifto is of value and : holod b(o adlequtatehvly= insure. i1 11 % 1 I