THURSDAY, MARCHII 12, 1925 THE MICH-IG AN DAILY T'.1 i :.. 111 FtT , i O0FFER HYGIENE IN' SUMMERCURRICULA' MULTIDES 1TNESS INVA UG IA TI Nl CLASSUNITE 'I* ae, OUt fHarmony TO GIVE flANUE With His Poicy, cp .'_i of a position in''thle bn1 by Jn- averse vote of ti! Senate, cy UsyStanb~lerry', C1O, flamed b7 d(iftealod by Senatle vote. 1-b ft previously served antd resign jtince J~(~Ext ensive Instruict ion Phys~j.~ica E(I11I al 1)11a -. INCLUDE 153 COURSES III .k? tenl ive okil ienepublic::(~S-::~~" 'ht, ltl, antd phsic al etucalion, will r 'sq" < . r t~k ' di h u~lI :~~~iti r. 'The currNeiluni will comprise r k' courses, (ivided into six groups, S trhluding six courses in hygiene and s "pI'klic health, 2 in athletic coachn I4 ajc'Atlihnursing, xvc in lphysical d- ? n" ,yY~a ioi'r c ,nine inilphysical edu- e AatioIL for wome, and 15 for publc( I lnalth-w~orkers, r1 Twenty-six instructors and l roes- > sors, including 24 of the regular Un-, - Vrsity staff, Dr. A. W. Freeman of {4j'fAns-IHopkins university, and Dr. WV * :' v Decon.,director of ti.e 1ureall U it itlstatistPics, state 1boardl of health} r I hll ( irect the work in these (delart- 4 zlonts ,. 1 Saxcourss will be off redi n hy- . k" gien "rid l lic alth,micluding ig trei al hygpnc subjects, history andl i{Aindamen tals of physical education, °and cumninunity play and recreation,1 SomeO ieaUof the sie of tie th ={ n of ul] o td flPoe sni , x Ij v' .Iunder the Direction of Dr. George A1 Presiden't ofIthe United St rtes cn bbeo 'nd 1 r". I0 0.,.p oo. - Iw v ' e1 lMay Dr Warren E. Forsythe, anti! iverin hs address. 3 i~of. E. D. IMitchll. _________ __________________ _______ The most extensive program will(" 1 cluini.Ti g, licl e1"Cy ,,in14~1 (t(~t it.t ~ o.aA l tuinggeneral sanitation, iirui anorled c i I,.' >i:, iii (iihli 1A n ± '2 +h@ 7 ,- a hiualth administration, vital statist cs, Of Wo rid Figures i qte.' i "C''< I ofublic health administration, pren- tg ;oni,(Ui'~'''i(t(i~~ il 9 1lbn and control of communicable di- m%,, ases, epidemiology, applied nutri- jCnjont eventiis secure mre Inter- on ro ~ () ..l. vc ci rt le' ,ca o3 sIli eents,l 1-"tail chemistry of food and nutrition, est. from eolee men 1hen1 from c l'Oe LineAX(o5"sltiiei I xs tei ln'. u c n coera ~ n Vmethods and materials in health edu- le~e women, or at T~easi 1 !(' \omen o l (ii)hfire c(l'itocr e I'e.. dionly cation, tuberculosis, degenerative di- Xi> sseases, principles and patieof need- oke) ' WIvtsdn nhitt-L's.xl Citf (I i.1( i prcietes as (do the, opposites. Thris on-;now more or K ss aithOyIt ." he aver- ical social ase work and delinquencyI clsicn has been made ats te result ae rcevcd by both the n ei anti r public health law, and. mental hygiene of an swers g 'nt us oar i~wmna hcg eepoi and psychiatry. gvn10 qetoa tlwmnutCca poi f On the staff will be Professors A llreparecl and circulated by he Dilyjma'rely 15 prent, sonev chec higer M.eEret . . 1Jr m n , F . (cnecn in[ neson s of inter nation al th en that here. yWloL. H. Nevbergh. H. B. Lewis, ~iOiht~~.Teqnionar lslsdmn n WisoOut of the 12 q rie.t~ohs whch Wae re It i ilig andO unusual bls of mnor- Do)'ctors W. J. V. Deacon and A. W. asked th men answered 5 ecn mtc.I wsfud-htDa Pr~ean~ nd nstrctos Nahancore'ctly whil the woen were oly 'i anion is the dean of te Irish 'S~ai MrgretS.Gila, P L Mrs, able to obtain n average o 49 per-! Thc oie l semin arythai< aiiapin Il AI and Dorothy Ketcham. . cent. The samte ustions were ask- is Cir e Tong ceder. Ilia _°J. E. i Coach Fielding H. Yost and his _____________________ __________________ corps of assistants including all those on the reguiar coaching staff, will (Ii- rect the work to be offered in athletic coaching andl administration. This -will include 12 courses, such as or- ; ganized play and' recreation, football, rIN14bsblp yia ex mnto s ndQ -MAI N c Cofrective exercise, first aid, practical\.G E N 3REF? I N );~iene,'. athletic training and con- lcho 12-1 :30 fl (itiol, basketball, and track athletics./ t rThe work in public health nursing1 Dinner, 5 :30-7 :00 will include theoretical work, princi- I A 8. pies of public health nursing, py!-.pccal A ctrnoon Tea Menu chiology, sociology, hygiene and sani- I 3:00L5:00 " Cation, public speaking, and princi- t pes of teaching. Afternoon and Evening Parties Physical education for men will 1)e und~er the supervision of Dr. GeorgeI Saltd Nuts for~ Sale -A. May, and that for women under igf Dr. argaet Bll.Orders Taken for Cakes and Candies Le g e o sies205 South' State St. 1 306-R German Admission, Geneva, March 11.- (By A.P.) - - Lloyd George's epigrammatic warningm at the general conference that an angry German should not be driven' into the arms of a hungry Russian hadr -a sequence at Geneva this afternoon.i 'when the council of' the League of Nations under the presidency of Aus- Stin Chamberlain, British secretary STARTING TO"D AYfrfrinafis pithusa secret meeting in discussing ow to 2 :003 :i. 0-7.0.:30 'e-c- 1(f handle the German note concerning Germany's admission to the League. gii< or~ "'"~ The meeting which was attended O rueg~f JJY Sonly by members of the council antio Sir Eric 1rummond, secretary general started from the fundamental idea that / German csiymtrebership p ine he Leaguei:' ~i jon in Europe. H-ence the dhsirer- _ -ot ofall, but especially. England, to - ~ '" adopt no attitudle towards the Ger- ninu demands for a priviliged position /"- candidate, the covenant which would n\ lt #e the effect of driving Germnany farther away from the League than tR"ards it, and thereby increasing/ theechances that Germany would turn-y dd~nitely' towards Bolshevik Russia 7 and remain coldly indifferent to con- tinental Rlussia. i anir ud Senuior Education Students (Compleate Preplaration14- For _";:'Comi)ned Ball ti E r1 MARCH 27 AS DATE 111 fi11 iins held yesterday after- ,":-:":;:-