PAGE-1EIGHT _____THlE MICHIGAN IDAILY D Ai[LY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to th. President until 8:30 p.,,m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday. .Volume 6S iV4E1NESDAY, lMARICHI11, 192) Numbel~r I119 . t To the Deans: There will be a Conference of the Deans on Wednesday, March 11, at 10 o'clock in the President's office. A. H. Lloyd. Notice to all Members of the University: * Mail addressed'as follows: "care or the University of Michigan" has 'been delivered to the office of the Secretary, Room 3, University Hall. It will be held until March 16 and should be called for at once, giving date of this publication, f. e March 11. This list will not be reprinted. MAIL SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO STREET AND NUMBER. Mary Atherton (2) Derek Van Osenbruggen Larkin Bailey George Rich John Burrows Nell Royer 'Victoriao D. Carpio Jane Skllen Ruth K. Y. Cheng (2) M. A. Swan Benny Freidman Tau Beta Pi Secretary Paul Thompson Frank Healy Elizabeth Van Valkenbergh Howard Kiehn Grace Webb Alan Loose Frank Whitehouse Harry Willert Grace E. Manson Geo. A. Wilson J. C. Maxtel LeRoy Wilson David E. MElven Luella Wilson Harry A. Mitchell Marion Olive Wood John Michener Action of Administrative Board: The Administrative Board of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts has voted to suspend for the current semester Mr. G. G. Thorne, Jr. for dishonesty in the final examination In English 45; and Mr. Harry Ra- binowitz for dishonesty in a written quiz in Geology 1. W1F. IHumphreys. The fifth freshmen lecture in Hygiene for men, will be given in Water- man Gymnasium, Thursday and Friday, March 12 and 1, at 3-4 and 5 P. M. Geo. A. May. Sumter Session : The Complete Announcement of the Summer. Session may be obtained beginning today in the offices of the Summer Session and of the Registrar, and beginning Friday, March 13, in the registration offices of the various Schools and Colleges. T. E. Rankin. Telephone Lectures:t "Traffic Engineering" will be the sulbjet of a lecture by Mr. 11. W. Benedict, General Traffic Superintendent of the Michigan Bell Telephone Company, to be delivered Wednesday, March 11, at eleven o'clock in Room 248 Wet Engineering Building. This is the third of the series by officials of the Michigan Bell Telephone Company, delivered in connection with the course in Principles of Communication. The duty of the Traffic Depart- ment is to furnish service to subscribers, and the human element and engineering problems involved will be discussed. All interested are ivitedl to attend. 11. L. Eerit. Senilors, School of Education: There will be a meeting of the Seniors of the School of Education hi room 203 Tappan H-all at 5 o'clock, Wednesday, March 11. Matters pertain- ing to the Party and the Michigan Alumnus will be considered. 11. LH. Strong, President. ELeCtricafi Engineers: M. 11. Lloyd, 25E, will read a General Electric Co. lecture given uinder the auspices of the A. I. E. E. on "A. C. Generators and Synchronous Mo- tors" in Room 1042 East Engineering Bldg., Thursday, March 12, at 4:15 P. M. The lecture will be illustrated with 69 slides. J. B. Johnson. Senior Mechanical anid Electrical Engineers: Mr. C. S. Coler and Mr. G. M. Eaton, o the Westinghouse Electric &+ Mfg. Company, will be here on March 16 and 17 for the purpose o employ- ing men for their graduate engineer course. In order that those interested might be further informed regarding the nature of the work the Westing- house Company has sent Mr. E. L. Emens, '24E, here to tell abotit his ex-j periences on this course during the past year and to schedule interviews for those who wish to talk to Messrs. Coler and Eaton next week. Mr. Emens will be in Room 244 West Engineering Building every day this week. Hf. C. Anderson. Joseph H. Cano. . Instructors of Freshmni Engieers: Please fill out the mentor cards which have been sent to you and return them at once'to the Assistant Dean's office. J. C. Brier. j F'reshimen Engineers: The regular weekly assembly will be held Wednesday, March 11, in Room 348 Engineering Building at 11 :00. Professor 11. C. Anderson will talk to the class. J. C. Brier. Cosnmopolitan Club: The Saturday luncheon of the Cosmopolitan Club will lbe held in ae Hall Inn on Saturday, March 14th, at 12 o'clock. If you plan to attend, notify J. J Schwartz, 2100 M. before Thursday night. 1Ednecalion I1)125: Beginning with Thursday, March 12, this class hereafter ill meet in Room 1035 of the New Literary College Building. O)rlanido W Stephenson. Freneh 20*2, 201, and Ilalian 1M.; I will niot beC able to meeit my cla ses today Wetlne" day) John lV. RI nhard, 1ilosophy, Bourse 37 (11istory of Ph ilosophyv of I1eligioin): A. make-up examination willI be held on Friday, March 13t1, at 13:} P. M\. in Room 106, M~ason hall. .11. 31. ii'enley. I Seifor loitii: Senior supper tickewt isale.,anid .Junfior i ls FlayPh 1ichet distribution toj seniors--Thursday, March 12, from 2:4(JOtot. 5:04 o'clock in University Hall. Eilitaat1 ido, (haairnaa. )fleinbaers of 'the F 3riy f1 ic Iiiga iBand: The band wvill play from 7:00 to 9:00 tonight at the opening of the Au0o- miobile show in Yost field house. The individual memnbers must he ready to siound off at 7:40 o'clock sharp. Omit capes. Arrang;ements have been made to care for instruments at the field house during the four days which the show is to run. Absences will be checked. Robert; T. Halsey, 1). HI._ Scabbard and Blade Fraiter iiily : The regular monthly smoker of, the Scabbard and Blade will be heldI at the Michigan Union, Wednesday evening at 7:15 P. M. Captain William C. Loulselle, assistant professor of Military Science antd Tactics will speak on 'Tanks' and the part they play in modern warfare. Because of Captain Louiselle's wide experience during the late war, and his knowledge of the most recent developments in that ield,the lecture will prove both interest- ing as well as instructive. Discussion, refreshments, and a short business meeting will complete the evening's program. All students and faculty interested are very welcome to attend. Mil1ton Ml. IHaddin. Military Ball Comimittee: 'There will be a meeting of thelvMilit ary Ball Committee in Rhoom 306 Michigan Union at 7:15 P. M. March 11th. _ 31l10 O~phant. ' ercde Francaise Lecture: The fourth lecture on the Cercle Francaise series will be given Thurs- day at 4:00 o'clock, Room 203 Tap pan Hall, by Mr. Warner F. Patterson,I instructor in the Department of Romance ILanguages. Subj ect-"Furetiere et le Roman Blourgeois'." The lecture wvill be in French. Admission byf ticket. Robert V. Fiuiicy, Director. j U. 5.-lavaal Veserne Force:1 The regular weekly meeting of the University Unit will be held Wednes-1 dlay, March 11th, at 7: 30 P. M. in the 11. 0. T. C. Drill Hall. Lt. L. C. Leei-er. 1021 Educat ion : There w~ill be an important meeting of the Junior Education Class Wedl- nesday at 5:00 P. M. in Room 205 T1. :II. G~eerge 1. H acker, President. IRepublican ('l0b D~r. Randolph G. Adams. custodhian of William L. Clement's Library, will address the Republican Club at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Room 304 of the Union. The subject of his lecture will be "Tihe Foreign Policy of the Re- publican Party." Anyone interested i - invited to attend. Ha~rold . A. harks. t I l I 1 I WIL No'tices, be }efti pr,)vid, (I 0cock II'S GOING ON to appear in this columrn "ust in the box at the IDafy office Ifor 'nat purpose before 4 P ecceclinr, te day of issue. i I..__ .__ __. ____. ;. WYEDIN ESDA) Y The FOUNTAIN PEN INK for ALL PENS 11 aft}--lI. I1. Benedicet lecture'(s oil "Traffic: Engineering" in room 248. West Engin eering building. ii :1O-Prof. It. (C. Andtersoni speah's Ito freshmen engineers in room 348, Engineer-ng building. 4:15--Dr. C. Beniedicks speaks in room 1042, East Engineering building. 1,:1,--Miss If. Porter speaks la room j1009, Angell1 hall. 4 :15--L. S. Baisdell speaks on "The Va~hlity. of Crystal Determinations'' in room 1041, new Physics building.I S :10--Jn nior educamt ion cia ss meets 111j room 205, Ta~plan hall. 5 :00-Seniors it School of Education meet in room 203, Tappan Bail. I 7 :00-Evaniigel ical Stutdent club mieets at Lane hall. 7: 15-Scabbard and Blade smnoker' at the Union. 7:5341tr Ball coIImittee meets in room 306, Union. 7:30-U. S. Naval Reserve Force Imeets in R. 0. T. C. drill hall. 17:0-D. It. tG. Adams lectures ont Trhle Foreign Policy of the Repub- lican Party" in room 304, Union. 7 :-15-Freshnen Glee club tryouts !in room 808, Union. 7 :45-Deffolay meets at Harris hll. S :00--GAradumte English cluib meets ]in room 302, Union. I 8:00- Ill Lambda Theta meets at! Betsy Barhourr. 11S:15-Spanishi play Ipresed t Su 8r. ah Caswell Angell hail. 1 TIII7hISIAY 3:1;1--S. fNearliig slwaks on "[Idus- trial Chaos" in N. S. auditorium. 3:00-4:00-lDr. G. A. Mtay lectures to! freshmen in Waterman gymnasium.I 4 :00-W. F. Patterson lec'tures on "Furetiere et le 'Roman Bougeois" in room 203, Tappan hall. d4:15-Jt. IH. Lloyd lectures on "A. C. Generators and Synchronous Mot- ors" in room 1042, Eabt Engineering building. 5 :00k-Cong'egatiomial choir rehears- al at the church. j ':00-1)r. (G. A. M1ay lectures to fresh. men in Waterman gymansium. U-i1OTICE The Inmlander will receive manuscripts for the familiar essay contest, for which a ten dollar prize is offered. A until March 15 at the Press build - ing, when they will be forwarded to Christophier Morley, who is to Judge them. If manuscript is to bet returnedl a. stlf addressed, stamped' envelope should 1)e enclosed. You H it th'e Right Place When you comle here for your meals. We have the food imade In "1the (differ'ent way:' Our regul~ar breakfasts, diii- ners and suppers mike It a pleasure for you to dine (out. We have the coldl dishes ni salads that you wrant for thme ii arm ii esther. GOODEATS CAFET ERI A 609 E. William 3ANFORYDS' Fountain Pen Ink! IT'S PERMANENT Read the Want .Ads, This Year You Can Go to EUROPE F) CENr T reductions in Tourist Third Class steamship fares .I ake it possible for practicallyeveryone to afford a Europ-. ean trip. Round trip rates between New York and England are E$155 to $167; between NewYork and Cherbourg $162 and $175. °-- Make your reservations now (for one of these sailings: S. S. Leviathan . . June 13th ' ~S. S. Geo. Washington July *8th S. S. Republic,,.,.,' July' 15th iExclusive Tourist Third Class on these ships is' an assur. ance of- a comfortable and delightful voyage at lowest cost. Enjoy light, airy and spotlessly clean staterooms for 2, 4 or 6 persons; attractively appointed public rooms; large, bright dining rooms and excellent food. Daily concerts, dances and sports on broad, sunny decks contribute to joyous days at sea. It Ask the United States Lines' representative on your campus for full particulars and illustrated literature, including a a Princeton Professor's account of his trip last summer: Prac- tical itineraries and itemized costs of a variety of European tours are contained in this 32-page booklet. United states Lines 45 Broadway New York City Marnaging Operators for UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD E. S. Ifuebler, 601 East Huron St., Anun Arbor fI ; I r j 4 A New Place to Eat After the show, the, dance or any other occasion--try our new Restaurant. Clean, wholesome, appetiz- ing foods served at all hours. Twenty - four hour service Try our Special Sunday Dinner-Chop Suey or Chicken You'll like it. All home cooked dishes WE DO OUR BEST TO SATISFY TUTTLE' S LUNCH ROOM 338 Maynard loam Have You Read- "AR OWSMITIJ" !11, Li an( Read incoln Hotel d Restaurant East Huron 11 DANINGTONIGHT AT GRA NG ER'S And every Wednesday, Friday and Satuldayv Nights Music by Bill Watkins and His Granger ". r -..1. i i by Sinclair Lewis A Satire oan University Life SLTr I -- 1 11 1 a *Light ' the Want Ads.. 1 i J. J. Schwartz. ( OPEN LECTURE SERIES Vocational Guidance lectures will begin at 4:15 o'clock Wed- nesday afternoon March 11. Miss Marjorie Porter, a member of the staff of the Detroit News, will talk, about "Newspaper Work for Women." Miss Por- ter will speak in room 1009 An- gel hall. The other talk for that same afternoon will be giv- en by Prof. Emil Lorch, dean of the school of Architecture. Pro- fessor Lorch will discuss "Dec- orative Design as a Field for Women.", This talk will be giv- at Betsy Barbour house. '! f ...uu............. I......................................... I; I : .1: I i ffi i i ({ Ik (# 1 ,: *Eat more Ice Cream but be sure~ it comes from tlhe Ann Arbor Dairy. PHONE 423=I AN ARBOR DAIRY CO. f i'HOME OF PURE MILK .=,I. I I e f . - ------ --_ , .. i soon owUEE aUUEUEEo NoPnEUUaE amEUa aaE a a a aa amv Barg-wains in * a M ICH IGAN I' ) I ry m % p"- " f-k^W-m"- "W-. .rMH I