WE+D I-:11DAY, . MTARCHI 11, 192 THE MICHIGAN DATLY Parr SE'VI"N AT3P.. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. WA T Z 4SPACE OAiLV , Ih ESAIIL'O Th 5isa. i- sn sfa orbe iand youl iieIr~lt aada lae of these(HOI.Jhni 1he glad to ,belp ypm find your lost articles, t ltoll st!,yea slk el' buy t ra tis miii ni. Colt the Press building where you will bhe givenl iauhili ttC and efficient ser vice. HAVE YOiU BOUGHT, SOLD OR M/1OVF'D } nrX( ' li i ll ) g advtise'pll.I* MR.~~ I1 ( i.,i '~e y~ C. I-OUTS ANDRE W;3 68T itF: . 9.ll iSI GLVC A 7j S !James Comments On Coolidge 't Award In Chile-PHeru Dispute F'rosident Co(,idge's arhitral dlecis- handed dowvn by the President because ion in the long stanini~ifg controversy his plan for settling the dispute is betwv~een Chive and -'ci u over the pos- practically the same p~lan which Peru, session of acna-Arica, which is to-' and Chile agreed upon in 1884 to c ,edt on the west coast of South ,em- settle the ownership of the land in o'rica andl( is used by the Chilians as a question. ,flowever, at the time the fortification against invasion of theirI tw'o countries could not carry out valuable nitrate fields, is practicallyl their plan because a dispute arose as a concession of the disputed territory l to who should have the right. to vote to Chile. in the on)in ion of Prof. Pres-! in the p~lebiscite. Since President ton E. Jaynes, of the. geography de- Coolidge rendered the decision that partment. While making a tour of! the disputed territory should determ-'. South America in 1921, Professor, ine its own nationality by a pleb~is- James visitedI the territory in 1.I cite, Professor Jamnes believes that in M~ute and studliedl the economic and all probability the election will be; social conditions as well as acquaint- j onducted under the auspices of the ing himself with the history of thej United States. The territory will un- loxnd in dispute. doubtedly go to Chile for it has been : SThe professor statedl yesterday that Chilianize .. ite1 -isminonovelty in the dlecision "Thei awardl of Tarata to Peru by the President is of no- real signific- ance," stated Professor James, "Tar-' ata is but a small area in the north-* ci n nai t of the inrovince of Tacna-Ari- en adljoining Pere. "The long controversy- which is ex- pecte'd to 1,e settled l)y the op~inioni 1'.anded (down by President. Coolidge (dite~ back: to the middle of the loth ("ilmi y. and at various tin es Bolivia has entered into the (lismute with Peru rind Chile. The United States had long- viewed the struggle with conedn and, in the year 1922 Sec. Charles E. Hughes asked the Peruvian and Chil- ian governments to senid representa- tives to a. meeting where an attemp~t would be made to settle the wrangle. M'r. Hughes was successful in his plans and the final outcdmne of the metn a nareetbtenthe two South American countries to his final decision, which he submitted to the ambassadors of both countries "The territory of Tacna-Arica is of no gtreat agricultural or commewrciail Iipoi Lance, and is as, other territory along the coast in that vicinity, a c'.lilpletely di y and desert region. There is no nitrate in this territory, but it forms a military base for the protection of the Chilian nitrate fieldsg. Chile wants to keep this territory for n'ilitaiy ?purposes, Perui wants it for purely sentimental reasons, and Bol- ivia would like to acquire it because is wouldI provide them an outlet to the sea. It is probable that should Chile acquire tthe territory by tha contemrplated blebiscite it will turn ever a portion of the land to Bolivia for agn outlet to the 'sea, since the two countries made a gentleman's agree- NOTICE C' I-I El ~HOTEL Weost TAILORS A T-IAILIR.AI)E SUIT IWill satisfy your taste, and fit 'you best. WILD THE ITAILOR 113 South Main St. F FOR RENT t}i ;, , ''RY OUR Hot They :are deli( tain. F'OR I'.INT-Garage, cement floor . Phone 7.)v.I 1319 Wells, ne'ar Forest, 1716-M. IntraflluYr tI t ems OtWa enI1 nia- Ia In AUT SIIOPPE11s __________________________________________ (Continued from Page Six) Toased Sndwihes. Three expert marcellers. Shingle vs. Alpha Cli Rho; Alpha 'io Chi vs. cios. rbo ou- ,trims. Soft water used at all times.! Phi Sigmia Kappa, ; 8: 81) Ni Sigmia ~ios. rbo Fon- iiMATlTIA BEAUTY SIIOPPE N u vs. Delta Nappa Epsilon; Phbi Chii (Above Gushing's) I!vs. Delt a 11si loll; 9:15-Theta. (1i vs. ices mke it ossibh -~ --Kapipa Nnl; Bc Ul- Phi0IVolt a vs. Dlt Ia riesT~a~~viI' d. t c~~~sib lllie~icB1LUE BIRD) HAIR SHIOP na h. submit the matter to the decision of 'ment to that effect some time ago, thbe President of the United States. Sin cc that time the President has em- Don't delay-Pay your Subscrlptlon ployed expert men to help him. render today. Our moderate pri GROWN FLOWERS. ANN ARBOR FLORAL CO. ' 422 E. Liberty. Phone 1630 Card tables--high grade substanilI mahogany finish-green lea theretter 'op-$2 .85. Rridge lamps,, wrough:t iron, comzx- plete with decorated shade---$3.45. lo il & IIENN>E 5INICKEL'S ARCAD)E-316i8 Permanent Waving and Marcealling MACK AND ,CO. 3rd Floor Main St. IISCELLIA-N EOV1S TRY OUR New Way Toasted Sand- i chces. Best you ever ate. Arbor IFountain T YPE WRITERS BASKETBAL!L FOR TSONK I'T Due to thle close cor]npe)tit loll be- tween the tgroups, it will be necessary to plaitanother round of lirelinma r- ies before the finals can btu played. This a(litiortai roundt will be contest- ed Wednesdad~y nighit:, March 11 at 8 :30 P. M. The following #.t cas are schie- duled0( at that time: Group 1 vs.. Group 4; Group 5 vs. Group 7 ; roup3 vs.! Group #i. Read the Want AdsI #, N0o S. 'Mvain. Phiole 50 Rugs shtnnpoo)0e,( or lust cleaned. TYPEWRITERS Splendid machines. Ann Arbor Carpet Cleaning Works. IBIest makes for rent or for sale. Phone .)0. 1 'hee 382-RI. ..........lll AT S.-.l 77' hITAMILT"ON TBITSIXESS COLLEGE P~resh 'every Friday. T ice's, 119i E. Liberty.I FOIE. SAXLEI FOR rSALE-Four-door Ford Sedan. Spare tire, Gabriel snubbers, wind- shieldl wiper, s.peedometer, spotI light. Call 1278-1R. FOR SALE-Home site. Combine. k adlvantages of large lot, good resi- Sf dence section, moderate cost, -with lconveniencee to bits andl school. All . city improvements. Phione 5>1-R 4 _ , ..ese . ,, .- i ' _ i I i f t 1 4 !, FOR SALE-Buescher B-flat tenorI sax 4 years old. Very little used.j nearly god. as new. Chance to sav( $75 on a first class sax. $10t1. Terms. Call Geo. Greene, 3595-Ji after 6:00 P. M. 1008 CornwelIP1. FOR SAL E-Ah excellent six ro house with first floor entirely in oaK._ French dloors and fireplace avid excellent decorations. Near The camphus. Only $8,200.00. Tis is a sacrifice. Call 24138. REFINED MIDDLE aged Anr Arbor lady desires lady companion to tour England, Holland, France, etc. this June and July. Entire expenses less than $500. Write box 67, Michigan Daily, for intervi"'w. WANTED-Students to sec our typle-I writer bargains. Good machines for sale or rent. S A. Moran, 711 N. University Ave., Roomn 2. WA NTED- VornaI1 student who can drive Ford or man and wife to ox- 1 change some services for room and board. Call 7168-F-15. WANTED--Students washing to do at home. Phone 2390-R. WANTED-Studlents andl family wash-j ings. Phone 28-F'-1-M.E LOST-Saturday night between the Union and Washttenaw, a striandl of red- beads. Did not belong to wearer. Please call 1325. f TLo et Business:JDirect Us LonglDistance THE PO]KEN '.WORD BRIN BEST, RESULTS ALong Dis ance cal -always _ ets' preferred at ntion _from. the busy business man I t always gets a" hearing from the person. with. omyou wish,,o speak. =' It is given 7the c nslderation. of y1 face-to-face conver ation. your whole story acr ss, reinforced Sby your personality. The- saving of timeran.-money to producer, wholesalers an retailer is' reflected in ,they - the .z n !sumer.- Use LongiDist aice ad herebyi multiply, contacts'sid-con cts., fi "MICHIGAN BEL[JTELEPHONE .-Co. One po11cj One System Universal Service] LOST-Smiall leather notebook and one brown glove. Retui'n to J. A. Arnter, 607 E. Liberty St. Reward. Gj .j s .s LOST-Fancy Dunhill pipe. N. S. auditorium Tuesday A. Mv., heredit y lecture. Reward. Call W. 0. I-1- debrand at Wahr's Book Store. Phone 926. i .. LOST-An Alpha Xi Delta Sorority pin." Namve of owner on back. Find- er please call 1387. I ., . r; t i i , LOST-Pair of glasses in black case. Call 1029-J. LOST-Gold Conklin fountain pen. Call Miss Ryan, 2570. LOST-Ladies gold wristwatch, Ma- jestic theater or vicinity. Reward. 90lEast Washington, 2129-W. LOST-Large cloth cove red notebook containing Dental notes. Reward.! Phone Thompson, 922-R., UTSEI)CAUS 1920 Ford Sedan........... $160. 1521 Ford Sedan...........150. 1922 Fold Touring.......... 85.j 1921 Ford R oad~cter......... 125.p 3124120) E. Huron. . ---- C. e Li ; Thousands Made Happy Studio1 AL LZ191 L 'cie