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March 11, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-11

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To Illini TeamjOfCnenc
Eleven en Leaxe For Evanton lit11i o\V score. Coach Farrell, however, is 4 naIll'ParThe1(.Da iis'; ClgmassKa.p:p Dla.Chivs.Phi Ch ill i'sAggregation Lacks Ii fo
Farrell; Ten Nore To Go' confidlent, that his squad will onCchacsfrago hwn te Class B. 8: 30. Phi Delta Epsion BIG___1.V dtiaN1iniSUu
Tomtorrow muore down Gill's great team. all Conference indoor rack mteet vs. Delta Tau Ulpsilon. W i t
I Mihign's greatest hope for victory riday and l attnrday at Chicagoo Society League. 5:30. Paragons vs.II , Pet. tisI
FEAR ILLINOIS SQUAD) will lie in idividual performers while 'been brightened considerably by the'Arkons; Mtl. Clemens Club ivs.Plotahilce ( .~
__ number of the other mlen are expect-i return to the squad of Dan i {s4 9:15,Pletcher Hall vs. Dental Society i Iai~ PURPLE FAVORED tali
0(1 to hell) out with second and third WoIasbenineinbliuti helat 4rue6.6____71
Eleven nmeniers of 11me Michigan whabeneiileutltelstPrue6-1irs
trc emadCahSeeFrelplaces. Captain Jim lBrooker ought few cays. .IVOLLEY-BALL FOIL TONIGHT, rc emadCahSeeFrel. ohv ieDnsi h oevutMihig'anii16 5r .:iivichiafs swiming team vil a
pilebr o vntn lios ndwt enIrwel i nVrvl Kinsey, who is world's champion I7 :00--Phi Kappa Tau vs. Tau Epsi- ? C}iast 6 fi tl(!i leave this afternoon at. 2:30 o'clock for ya
wil emar fo EvnsonIllnos, nd wtha ivBrowntelin the ole rvaltinthe indoor 75 yard ow hurdles, is In Ph; 17hi Mu Delta vs. Sigma Phi
the Indoor Conference meet at 11:42 ineligible for the meet, Hubbard and alotjrant ada estoe7 5-Api h iiIow 5 7 .j 61 C(hcago, where they will tale part iswi
ths vein, enoter o te qudLo amot erai t lndatlesto e !psilon.r:4-lh RoCivsaipe
t1seeintnotesostesu iILaWittman are as fast as any men I frst at the big event iet ha~s been Phi Sigmia Kapa.8:30-:Phi Clii vs.Cinii31 7 1fl n the preliminaries of the Big Tenpe
planingn the onerence inthedashes andt working out regularly with the rst Delta Upsilon. 9:15-Theta Cli vs t'1it1si J 1 " 'Hsimn etwihaet ehl
the same time. Due to the occupan- 1 the formuer ought to be able to mnakei of the squadl in order to keep) in con- Kappa Nu ; Beta Phi Delta vs. )eta i i10 o 9 tomorrow niht. he, team. will ar- I' i
cy of the field house by the automobile1 a strong fight for first place in the edition, with the result that he is Sigma Phi. I____________________
show for the remainder of the week hihhrlsagans hebrliat-i- - rive in Chicago at 7 o'clock toniglit, a ln;
the authorities decided to give the ray~o~ nohsfvrt vn t h ukyshv u oe gei and t lie (li vrs wili]old a short work- ct
adtoadyort5oprc iOid )C1Chica go with every chancy of victory. VOLLYMALI. FOL THURSDIAY out then thle t her minmlers of the
tieminadtenalgy eore the ofriat-ls gile for competition. Sterling Two more men camne back to the 7 0-Gim igm s lh a-with Wisconsin remainng on theirtewl lmeKuiooro ongr
mray also be able to get a place in the squadl when thme scholastic bars were jIa Linbd(a; Delta Chi vs Phi Sigma schedule andl whether they win or in ;
Frdaw i ht. Thetfnalsoh et(ahs hri ~ik nigyhetbl raised from Earle and Johnston. Earle Delt a. 7:45-Sigma Phi vs. Phi Pi ; lose this contest will have no hearing Coach Mann is takngI nary all ofi so
willhe hld Sturdy nihtto take another indoor Conference asiinor oevute fTa
The squad leaving tonight will be l,,-i"_iils racepandmDickprlebeauliseisof greatg 1 Delta TCaw Upsilon vs. Phi Beta Delta. n their camto thechminip isrogeonterpadasoes C
bal ie aead ikFeyegspromise, while Johnston will try to ;8:30--Theta Deta Chi vs. 'au Epsi- !aii of. olsh p acinrtgesuoptelith tandihas .opes
compiosed of Captain Jim Brooker,: practically as good. Hicks, IHorn- fill up the lplace in the distance evejis d fl Phi Lambda Kapp.atvs.BiHer-n.l'ichgnhsntls ettn
DikFebrHbad iiIe-berger, andl ;Jung are certain of get- left '4dcant by Joe Maeevr, whose' n~~e Illiiois was handedl another set, asn hligvictories oe hc.
stin, Nate Feinsinger, Naeller, Ohl- ing t least one place in the mile i'h r ruln ' iae tsaohodn vrCie-Mi
htair, Northrup, Sterling, Les Witt I h'hetrigs,'ial Clahn-re , o. Idiaa <and Vvisconsin. The Wo]- c a
ruian. and Charlie',sindkealThenmariiDe* 1 Brownell, brilliant Ilini pole The following mnshudieor tthe Wisconsin quintet. The Badgers vne ilmk hi i o lcin
her havngtoorrw iili ui~er oth oo btsin oe t~o i'e.vaulter, Koonz andl Smuts are still Waterman gymnasium aiy afternoon Igave theformer league leaders the'ir in the racing events, being btter n 1)
the guidanice of Doe Herrick, track Mu!i lotcrti fa es on the ineligible list. The(, absence of after 3 o'clock this week, to play off os eeto the desn evigte(ashes andl distances than they 1ed
niaage, illbethird inl the shot put andl Voelkter may (Koonz and Smuts leaves the 440 de- the final round of the all-campus foul' them at the short end of a 24-9 score.' are in the( fancy (ive or in thec plunge,.t
lnCochran, HaMut, HBrigg, CJ-unagl.o gpi a Pitsi heIartient in sadI shape, shooting tounament. This round must This game put the Suckers into a ti'I'h; ichgan relay tranm which will c
halrHetJn.Hurdles. The(se three men, especially Brown- be played not later than Friday,Mac for second place,atex h h otwstr n i-I
(iotcsnbewlrgraivin Evaerston'^-- el, old bo ;cert~in of points in the (14 ). Weiss, J. Freedman, J. Elkin, Indiana or Illinois will undoubted- cosin quartets for first place, will be (ev
dhetamritswllaivte indepantone 4 le FIan agers big meet were they able to enter. Kin-1,1Saw C. Doerge, J. Goldsmith, W. ly finish tiedh for secondl in the race composed at Samson, Dunakin, John-1an
from Ann Arbor and will have work- .- sey will be handicapped by the fact Stern, S. Shepard, Al. Godhorner, J. for Purdue, their only rival for han.- so, and (yow. This quartet havef of
outs in Patten gym on the day of ar- For Balsket Team that there will be no low hurdles on1 Kruger, Jacob, J. Rigelhaupt, I. Olian. ors, has bit one game remaining, been working well all season, and are Dia
ria.ii___ the program, but his chances in the ___ which will not change theprsnpiiefothCneeceha in- i
The Wolverine teamn, fresh from its' takpWae 2 a pon high barriet evet are excellent. VOLLEY-BALL FOR WED)NESDAY,I standing. shins, as are the other contendingII
great performance in the Illinois e- i a)Ir fte]2 Mcia ARCH llhl There are but three games remain- - - - - i__________
lay two weeks ago, will go intoti edmngro the196 Mcia Budapest, Mar. 10.-The Hungarian 7:00-Phi Kappa Tan vs. Tau p- ing on the Conference chedle and games reumaining are tonight, North- i an
m t with a well founded hope of re- basketball team according to an ai- government has drafted a bill cret-, silon Phi; -Phi Mu Delta vs. Sigma the outcome of any of these will have western at Chicago, WViscnsin at cam
gaining the indoor 'Big Ten track ti- nouncement issued from the Athletic ing ap upper house to replace the for- Phi Epsilon; 7 :4-Phi Delta Theta no weight in the matter of determin- Purdue; tnorow night: Wisconsin lay
tie, lost last year to the whirlwnd association yesterday afternoon. mer hamber of Magnates. (Continued on Page Sven) ing the standing of the leaders. The 'at .Ohio State. she
Illinois tea. Illinois wiii again be Fuasstn managers were chos- --.- -
testrongest opponent for the Mihi- Fu sisat

rs, so that a Conference irecord is
ely in this event.
In the fancy dlive, Coach Mann is
ing three candidates, Papenguth,
iphlant, and1 Starrett. Starrett ranks-
st, with Papenguth and Oliphant
possible place .winners. In the. 40
d free style, Gov and ohnson will
im for Michigan. Gow has been
forming well all season and should
sh Manovitz, Breyer, and HowellsI of
a-thwestern, and Herschberger of
.sconisini, hard in the short race. Gow
d Johnson will also be the Michigan
tries in the century swim. Whitt-
haim and Mayer will compete in the
maststrcke, withi Whittinghain favor-.
to place second to Faricey of Minn-
d)ta in this mace.
.aptain, Kerr and Halsted of Mich-
in will mieet up with some stiff op-
sition in the backstroke,, Hill of
nnesota, Gilbreath, of Wisconsin,
d Moore of Indliana all ranking high
swimming circles. Seidnian wvill
the only Michigan plunger enter-
in the meet, and is not counted on
place better than fourth. 3
Samson and. Dunakin will be the
)lvemine entries in the distanice
ents, taking part in both the 220
d 440 yardl races. Both are capable
doing the 220 in under 2:35, and
nakin rates high in the quarter-
le race.
The Michigan team, while it lacks
lividlual performers, has a well tbal-
.ceed, team, and if the (livers can
ime through for places and the re-
yteam places first or second it
ould place second to Northwestern


gan squadl while Wisconsin is el-j en at rhe samie time. in assistant
pectedl to pile up a large nuniber of managers for the coming season w~il
points. Michigan's performance at the be William A. Day, '26E~, Alvin C.
Illinois meet a week ago will not beI Graham, '28, Frank F. Graham, '27,
much of a criterion of what they wvilli and Edmund S. Cummings, '27.
(10 in Saturday's finals because of the
fact that there will be no broad jump, Berlin, Mar. 10.-A nonstop flight
low, hurdles, or two mile relay in; of 385 miles from Friedrichshafen to
xvhich Michigan is particularly strong. j Berlin was niade by a Dornier alil-
As a result the Illini will have a good 1 metal airplane in three and one-
chance of holding the Wolverines to a fourth hours, said to be a record.






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