WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1925 TI IE MICHTGAN DAILY ______- -- } WkA I) t , 'COMPLETE PLANS FOR SENIOR SUPPER Senior Women Will Appear9 and G town at Annuial Event ill Cal) HIONOR GUESTS AT PLAY Songs and stunts instead of the usual speeches will form the enter- Stainment at this year's Senior supper, according to Elsa Ohlmacher, '25, general chairman of the committee in ,charge' of the., supper. The supper ~will be given- at '6 o'clock Tuesday, Mlarch 17, at a place to be announced later. The Senior supper is an annual af- fair for all graduating women of the University, and is held on the even- ing- of the opening performance of _. the Junior Girls' play, to which the V seniors go after the supper, as the guests of the junior women. Following the tradition, the senior i - women, in caps and gowns, will form iin line and mnarch from the supper to s the Whitney theater. To avoid rush- ing, theater marshals have been ap- * pointed to see that a. regular line is "l'ept, and the doors wil not be opened until the first of he procession of sen- f ors have arrived at the theater. SThe price of the tickets will he $1. They will go on sale with the tickets for the Junior Girls' playr at Uni- Vversity hail and at the book stores. The chirmen of committees for the 'supper include: Edna Kadow, '25, fi- nance "committee; Edith Bishop, '25, ;,decoration; Ethel Schroeder, '25, song ~committee;- Sally Walser, '25, pro- V.gram; Margaret Townsend. '25, 're- 'freshments; Mary Stuart, '25, line of R march committee. Give Distribution [I 1M I~lfrI~piceSuet 1Of Michigan Women;r JIVII VIII' W ill Entertain Of the 1,859 undergraduate women Japanese U stuLdents".clulb are gv distribution of housing has been rec- E(_I 'loc:k Yriday at Lane hall. More orded at the office of the dean of wo- than 150 guests are expected to be 13 oen ilApernAnullmen: League houses, 61.6; sororities, , ,.mnWi , eirIi iiiilpresent. including members of the fa- 381;dormtores, 33; nn rborwo-culty, Amerikan friends, and friends men, 312; unorganized houses, 217. frmohrcutre.Te etr iMany of these women work for pa rt prwogram is not being revealed as it is of their board and room, some for AN NOUNCE COMMITTEES" desired that the guests shall not know both room and hoard. Tfhese statis- - what. unusual presentations their Ja- tics are taken from records of the Freshman women held their second harlese friends are planning. Dean distribution mnade since February metnyodsusteFeha John 11. Effinger of the Literary school 195 wetn odsusteFeha '-1«ill 'give an addlress, and Miss Yoe _____________________ geant plans yesterday in Universityj Tanaka will play a typical Japanese hall. Mary L. Murray, vice-president 1)iaiio selectLion composed by a Japan- iiA flII ITID 'of the class and Mary White, general ' se. The entertainment is given to VOUTON1 L[TUH[ chirmn, r. i I It as nouc;_'xp ess the friendly relations between p e e a he Oriental students on the campus. SRnIESTOOPNnr ODAY dta 153_ women are eligible to S~flL~ I U~LI 111111 take part in the pageant. 13y unani- mous vote it was decided to tax chese fFFfD TEI l women $1 each to aid in financing the PROFUESSOR TlILLSOF Prof. Emil Lorch of the architec- project. The finance committee is as tural college and Miss Marjorie P~ort- follows: Betty Nutt, chairman, Louise TREAfMIVLU er, a member of the staff of the De- Briggs, Margaret Funk, Matilda Sum- Vocational Guidance talks at 4: 15 o'- Wedeincyer. clock today. Professor Lorch will Publicity is to be taken care of by Prof. Arthur S. Aiton of the history I speak at B~etsy Barbour house and a committee consisting of Mary L. depart ment., pointed out to the mnem- Miss Porter at 1009 Angell hall.. Murray~~ chairnman, Josephine For- hr fteWmnscu tter I"Decorative Design as a field for sythe, Esther Merrick, and Dorothy higuar eeting yesterday afternoon Moehus.islth tomn reuredi Lane hall that "tales of the mar-1 Women ' i esubject about which i"ornos. Al.hewomn reuredrtedi aV(1' area~f5~t inlfluence inI Women who wish to enroll in the rifle class to be held from 4 to 61 o'clock, Mondays, should sign up with Miss McCormick in Barbour gymnnas-' ium 'as soon as. possible. Women who have already enrolled in a rifle class will be dropped unless they attend regularly. Students' who studied folk dancing under Elizabeth Burchenal iiiay ob- tain a list of dances and their .Victor records by applying at Barbour gymi- nasium. Senior society:' Schedules for drivel Iwill be as arranged from 9 to 4: the, 8 o'clock hour should be shifted in each case to, 4 o'clock for the samef day. Table will be in the Library. Act 1 of. the Junior play will re- [hearse at 7 ' o'clock tonight at the Mimes theater, othior rehearsals today will be held iit harbour gyhiasium as follows: 3 at 4 o'clock, 4' and G at 5 o'clock. NOTICES WOMEN ARE UK6EO TO ATTEND CONFERENCE Vocational conferences are for the purpose of giving information rather! than guidance~ according to Mrs. A. ' S. Hobart, assistant to the dean of wonen. These conferences offer in- teresting suggestions of fields of em- ployment for women. To many wo- men on the Michigan campus ;teach- ing offers attractive possibilities and in those conferences held for the wo- men* on warning and probation it was discovered that most of the, freshman and sophomore women stated teach- ing as their choice of a vocation. To those to whom teaching does not ap- peal there are many other fields. Michigan woi~n are invited to take advantage of vocational conferences and inquire into other professions. Members of the publicity committee of the Y. M. C. A. will have a meet- ing at 4:15 o'clock today in Newberry hall.I Dion't delay-Pay your Subscriptioni I ' i r t Professor Lorch will speak. In this to k suggestions for publicity Ih al xlrtin fNrhad will be included interior decorating, ideas. ot mr. " Acrig~oPo commnercia~l art, and fui'niture design- The poriAitonlexpefortaocontest hord ing. Miss Porter will discuss the op- posters and program covers will be fse io xeitosxeehl portunities for women in newspaper( given out at a later. date. The post- with finno expectation of finding a. wor. jem's committee is as follows: Katlier- fountain o youth, a copper king, an Both Professor Lurch and Miss Por-! ine Ferguson, chairman, M\argaret Aaoiqen ado inmno a palc of soid gold. ter' will explain what preparation isI Hawkins, Mary Quarton, Phyllis Rich- i"Tre xpdtos eahd he1 needed for' their resp~ective fields, as ards, Helen Vos, and Marian Welles., , t ~lCiif5 ece h i rmd the rog'ram committee consists ; erritory ascribed to be El Dorado well as how and where to get this I ' CIn Ftuitaneouisly." Western explora- training and where to apply for posi- o etaRnicarmn ayI:oIa ncuae yteeagr tions. Among the other factors to be jomn li MraCls ate l talos of the :Indians while Call- Low- spoken of in connection with each ofI Smith, Janet Trenibley, Mairgaret Lo oxnawtouhtt b n sln, Io the subjects are: Qualities necessary ; ,agrtDaonadHlnVo-its' ntame from a mythiceal stoi'y of an for success in the work. general atti- tonsland ruled by the Queen of Caliph. Hieof the applicant, an salaries. The costumes. are in charge of Eve- ' d at"Tr1'ie E explorei . , commllented Pro-! Following each talk there will be an lyn Pratt; "chairman, Nancy B~rooks, l essoir Aite n,' "manifested a trait that opprtuit fo inoima~ di('sslliMary~ E. Brown, Louisa Butler, Aurel otpwictuiyrimeth formn wssiov n Fwe.HlnIhakn.Grad is nmost endluredi in human beings,,,the at wichtim th woen illhav anlogg, Marion Stearns, and Marion ;trait (of cred~ul ity'.~ op~portunity to ask questions.nTy. Mrs. D~el ''oro) of the educational The next talks in the series will be The p~roperties committee consists depaxmtient had charge of the after- given March 18. The details of this of the following women: Jean Green- I nons rogram. stviibanonelar.shields, chairman, D~orothy Guipper,. __ , . Goods 'IE famous Pat" line of w on sale in is departmej "Princess toilet goods our Toilet nit. 'Face Jt , SENIORS AND JUNIORS VICTORS IN CLSS 6AMES ; _r _ *'Upperclassmen triumphed over+ their undeirclass opponents in the in- terclass basketball games which were ~:played yesterday in Barbour gymnas- ium. IIn the first game the senior team ran up a score of 30 to the freshmant 7~19. The line-ups were as follows: -Senior Freslinutu Crouse .........F.......IE. Ogborn(1 Boorman .......F..........Child -< Dixon......... C........... Appelt Adams........ S.C ....... Johnson * King...........G .......... Potter *McKay .........G.......Unsworth1 Substitutions: Parker for E. Og- born, Beaumont for Child. Porter foi' Johnson, E. Ogborn for Porter, McDo- nald for Potter. Field goals: Crouse 2 12, Boorman 2, Ogborn 1, Parker 2, Child 3, Beaumont 3. Free throws, C rouse 1. Olive McKay and Charlotte King de- serve special mention. In the second game the Juniors won from the freshmen by a score of 18 to 14. The line up was as follows: Junior Sophomore Olson ........... F.......... Foster D. Ogborn ....... F......... McNally, Lawless ......... C.......... Felskce Wilson ........S.C..........DRoster I *Clark ..........G........ Johnson i Barlow ..........G..........FieldI * Substitutions: H-askins for Olson, Eastcott for Willson, Roberts for Clark, Kent for Eastcott, Allshouse jfor McNally, Foster for Allshouse, Doster for Finsterwald. Field goals. Ogborn 1, Olson 8, Allshouse 1, Fost- e r 6. Free baskets: Ogborn 1, Fost-F er 1.I CLUB TO GIVE LUNCHEON The Cosmopolitan Club luncheon which will be held at the Haunted Oaks Tavern at 12 o'clock Saturday is open to all guests who wish to at- tend. Oriental wonmen are especially ask-, edl to remember to be present and to bring any guests whom they believe interested in the Cosmopolitan club. Lighting fixtures fox' use in the newv Medical building are being designed by building committee draftsmen. The busy housewife will find us ever ready in emer- gencies. Just remember 3059-W. 22Nickels Arcade Phone 3(059-W Kathryn Kyer, Dorothy McGonigal andl Florence Widmnaier, and the music I °I B committee of Mai'y White, chairman, I Wilma Nower, Susan Stoirke, Mary F Carlisle, and Elizabeth Downie. 4:0 Tryouts for actual participation will I Velez probably be held next week. There 5:0 will be tiry-outs for acting parts. for '(I llk dancing and for chorus work. ' I No AShETBALTL SCHEDULE Today 00 P. 'MN.: Delta Gamina vs. :: Newberr'y. 00 1P. M.: Kappa Delta vs. egiate Sor'osis. intex'lass gamies tomorrow. cream, skin cleanser, face powder, astringent,. talc, lip- stick 'and rouge. Keeps the skin clean and beautiful. 59c to $1.75. MAIN FLOOR GOO0D YEAR'S 124 SOUTH MAIN " "~~1 lr^ _ o the day or dig aoknd har.l t ii ' '_,:tI1u1tiaiutuIm,uaauIm~uuuu~Inmru..uuru Varsity' Serves meals by iv eek. IEx'ellentl mniools Imsic. (611 ('ii . i The Smart Set of Dresses, Break Into'Print I Hair Comb Thispleaingrefrshin Nt analoil rrase At drug counters and barber shops everywhere. GLO- CO(GosCm) -- - - - - _280 - - w _ YouadaCanI -a 281 aq. i - Or chestra a ar q _ a - a - a ar - a a _ a - A STFFLE T - PHONO SHOPS 616 E. Liberty 110 E. Washington $19.75 t; *A Popular Price Featuring New Modes IN's ~f _ w Prints, prints, prints: The latest word in Fashion's vocabulary anid the one most often used. P'rinted crepes fash.- coned -with _godets, with lpleats, pith unexpected fullness, with long sleeves, with petite sleeves. Prints of variant colors, all ready to costume thie colleg' womnm smartly for afternoon affairs. Anid featured at thme popular price, $19.705, (MACK'S SECOND FLOOR) 11 I I! I I