P~AGE TWO THE MICHIGAN ,DAILY . NATEDNt, . x " M. T .HE MIC .H ....GAN... r-rAi. ... _.Y W1uTh'flfA A TTi I9i.J,* f~4'.*.*,* 11,01J.11, , . -M2AdLt rl 11, IU-10 WENLEY CHOSEN NEW COMMITIEES 1' FOR SPEECH A T;BNO HR ______ [ OY Prof. Robert M. Wenley, head of the Slandig' Bodies ill (G'Ive Report o philosophy department, will address Memorials and 'senate (urrt! the convention of the Michigan "Pion-, Procedure (Changes c er and Historical society, to be held in the auditorium of the B~enton H-ar- CHAIRMEN APPOINTED bor high school June 4 and 5, on tlbc, Jsubject, "Is a New Era Upon IN?" Committees to report on matters ofi George N. Fuller, secretary of the business to he considered at the bi- Michigan Historical commission, has monthly meeting of th 1 ~ent .coun 1been gvncag farneet cil which will be held Marc-h 2'3, have gvncag farneet been appointed by Acting President an a ikdanubro diin A. H. Lloyd~ al speakers for the event. Among Pro. 0 J.CamnbclIQi he nglshthose scheduled to date are: Mr. Amn-.I department, has been appointed ebaI&- old Muidler, novelist and journalist,j ronof the committee on nominations whose subject will be "The :Romance ! man th ebr fte or nwn of Western Michigan"; Mr. 17. IT, fo thevemembersaofztheseBoararinofot- trot of Athletics. The other mt-mbers Sees aaaosceayo h of this committee are Prof. H. C. Car- state archeological society; lHon. G. vein ofthe athmatcs dparmen M. 'Valentine, St. Joseph; Miss Anne and Prof. R. W. Bunting cf the ,Dental;I Pollard of the Grand Rapids public college. library; and Prof. Sidney Mitchell, The committee on nominations for I Benton~ Harbor. the members of the board of govern- A pageant representing the first 100 ors of the Union is headed by prof., years of the history of the St. Joseph Evans Holbrook, of the Law school.' river valley, is to be staged in con- Prof. 0. J. Campbell, of the English nection with the convention in the department, and Prof. B. T. Bailey, high school stadium. Data for the of the Engineering college, complete portrayal of the episodes is being this committee.I gathered by Surpt. S. C. Mitchell front The committees on memorials are all parts of the valley. expected to report at the meeting of On the forenoon of June b a pole and the council. The committee on a mein-I flag raising will be staged in Morton orial for Registrar A. G. Hall who died( park in honor of the old soldiers and January 11, is composed of Prof. F. Pioneers with an addrness by Hon. Wil- N. Scott, of the rhetoric department, liam Alden Smith, Grand Rapids. This shairman; Dean M. L~. Ward, of the part of the program is being directed Dental college; and Dean E. IT. by Mr. L. A. Merchant, St. Joseph. KrausA of the Pharmacy college. The Benton Harbor Chamber ofi A committee on the revision of Commerce, which is backing the event, t rules guiding the proceedure of the is in general charge of local arrange- council will also report at the next ments.1 meeting. This committee is composedI of Acting President A. H. Lloyd, j.uniai n. ,chairman; Prof. J. H. Bradshaw, of ,i~I the mathematics department; and Dr. il~ JL JUEIi IUmE j - - i v i . T inn n rr n an d Dr. Margaret S. Carhart, '99, who Blame 4nmerican For Panama Indian UI a! w. pofssr Eglshintht ULLT L.LULubiverstY of California, Southern N PERTninrH190nranch, irsnliving in Pasadena. rME:w F~iIIflIl________ Harry M. Tichnor, J9~, has b~een elected _pj esident of th-e Pasadena, California, Tou rnament of Roses as-' s ociationi, according to word receive(] from the coa st by the Alumnus. This association is the organization that for 6t years has staged the famous thew Year's Day rose pageant. In 1902, when for the first time an intersectional f'ootball game was held in connection with th-e tournanment, Michigan, representing the East, over-' whelined Leland Stanford, repIresent- ing the West, by ai score of 49-0. ! Michigan is well represented -with other alumni in Pasadena. H arvey M. Porter, '92L, is president of the ('REASE IDANCE Men, Avfose application for ticet:; to the Crease dance, h eve been acceptedl may receive Itickets and subpoenas from Rob- ert Snodgrass, ':ESL, and harry (>runly, '26L.; March 13, 1.4 or 15 , A limtited numbher of tickets now remain and law students may secure them from members of the Crease committee or from Rasn0. iMarsh, '26L,:W. -Bis (liles, '25L, .and William W. in,'27L. Sot aaeaBado dcton IV VI IB4RBPTT The Complee bojct for Mhe Standar'd Oil Building New York City C:ARRIRE and HASTINGS Architects An American engineer and e plorer, Richard 0. Marsh, is blamed by the government of Panama for the uprising of 2,000 well-armed San Bias Indians, who are threatening to massacre settlers in the San Bias coun- try. A force of ~50 government soldiers, armed with machine guns, is on their trail. Marsh (left) recently took. "White Indians" of the San Ilas tribe to New York for study by scientists. He is now with his Indian friends preparing to. repel the govi-n wont forces. Sonmc of the "white IndIians" and a map locating the trouble area- are shown. F. E. Robbins, assistant to the Pres- ident. Dean E. E. Day, of the School of Business Administration, has been ap- pointed to take the place, of Prof. J. S. Reeves, of the political science de- . partment, on the advi~ory committee of the Extension division. Professor Reeves asked to be relieved from ser- ving on this commiittee.. HUMIDITY AIMAGE LOIN IIIROOMS1_PLAN CHANGE Air in University buildings is "too dry," according to tests which have been completed under thre supervision of I. WV. Truettner of the buildings andl grounds department'. "Practically all rooms show a hu- midity percentage of 30 to 35." Mr. Truettner said1, "whereas for the best living conditions, it should be any- where from 40 to a high as 60) per cent." E'. C. Pardon, superintendent of the buildings and grounds department, now has under consideration several (evices to be installed in the ventilat- iug system to incr7ease the supply of moisture in the air. Such equipment will be installed, but it will probably be several weeks before it is in opera- tic n. The hutnidity teats were made after ecimplaiat lby several faculty men that air, in many of the rooms is "dry." Doctors Will Try x For Appointments Lieut.-Col. Frederick A. Colic -, pro- fessor of surgery, Capt. Herber;: W. Emerson, Professor of bacteriology, and Capt. Ion C. IHolm, U. S. cavalr-y, have been detailed as members: of the board of officers at Ann Arbor to ex- amnine the following men for ap- pointment to the Medical Officers ite- serve corps of the U. S. army: Doc- tors 'Carl L+. Badgiey, Trheodore~ I. Batter, William L4. Bettison, Carlon R. Hills, Carlton B. Pierce, Ralph 0. fEy- chener, Angus C. Goetz, and Edwin P. Russell, all o1f the University h'os- pital. Read the Want A WAIGTNTO FLORIDA~ jReports from Washington indicate that an effort is now being made by Congressmen from the southern states 'to have Congress provide for a na- tional highway running from Wash- ington D. C., to Florida along the: ridge of the Appalachian mountains. The proposed highway would be one of great scenic beauty at an altitude of 3200 feet above sea level. Engineer- ing estimates indicate that the cost of*'osrcinwudb oprtvl small. Comnmenting upon the proposed leg- islation,. Prof. A. FA. Blanchard of the highway engineering department de- clared that there has been a decided tendency lately at Washington to pro- vide for national highways. " A con- tinuous series of legislative moves," Professor Blanchard pointed out,j "have gradually tendled to make pro- visions for highways to be controlled by national authorities and it is probable that definite move will be taken in this direction in the near, future." Ann Arbor Has First Thunder Storm OFYear Spring's first electrical storm rumbled around and finall y half-ma- teralizedi in Ann Arbor yesterday af- ternoon. It was preceded by a sud- den burst of rain which drenched the streets still damp, from an early ' morning drizzl-e. The first sight of rain this morn- ing sent State street clothiers to their display' windows with slickers and rubber footwear. During the day hun- direds forseeing April showers bought every sornt of cover from umbrellas to overshoes, they report. With the advent_ of spring storms insurance and fire prevention organ- izations have issued warnings to the' mrillions of radio owners throughout the country to take proper precau- tions against injury from lightning. All sets should be properly grounded on the outside with a vacuum resist-I ance tube in series with the set. E No lightning damages were report- ed yesterday. READ THE MflIIGAN DAILY I i l i ,.i t , Union Announces .BilliardP ri z e More than 30 men have entorod lthe b~illiardl tournament: which k, i conducted by th( Union and am~u! lu~g off their matches every dlay. E~n- tries were r'e:eivedl in. hoth Ii ,a igh , rail and three cushion bili a rd-,, prizes ''to be given to the winners :n both Prof. A. E. White of the metallurg- vcents. iical engineering department will ad- A billiard cite, upon which will be; dress the Detroit Rotary club this inscrib~ed the name of the winner and noon. tl) lace of thIe tournament, will be , i vcr as the prize in each event . Senj eit orml who have not yet I~layeQ (c.f i('ir fir st match shouldl(I)do sout once. Si~ri;efor The 1icliigaa Daily IF/PUT . , I II Furniture Have that odd chair re- modeled to the style of the room at P. B. Harding 248-E Iuion St. Phone :381-IV 0 . E ±..CO ror . . "Thbe New Architecture" I $P to work.. Let it take you Abroad and back! New Tourist Third Cabin Colllege Specials - Entire Third Cabin accommodation reserved exclusively for stu- dents, educators and congenial people. Neat, comfortable staterooms. Good table and service. Broad decks for games and lounging. Comnmodiou~s, well,- appointed public rooms. Seven sailings between June 18 and July 3 from New York, Boston and Montreal to England, France and Belgium, with direct connection for all other European countries. Other sailings earlier and later. Complete choice of dates for departure and return. These, and other great ships to choose from : A DISTINCTLY new tendency is apparent ins architectural ,jthought and design today. Architects are designing in masses -the great silhouette, the profile of the building has become of far greater importance than its detail. There is a new vigor and ruggedness evcn in buildings which are conven- tionlally classic in their detail. Masses mount upward, supporting the tower, accentuating its height. The new architecture is tending toward greaj. struc- tares rather than multiplicity of detail. Certainly mnodern invention-modern engineering skid~ and organization, will prove more than equal to the demands of the architecture of the future. OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY' Offices in ali"Principal Cities o the Worldy It's not a hard matter to Ii attract crowds here daily. We merely adhere rigidly to an extremely simple formula --finest foods, lowest prices. This advertisement MAJESTIC (World's Largest Ship) is appearing H MEIiThn:p fSledr Yale Daily News R (:(hShpoSledr Caliornan ELGENLAND PITTSBURGH Micliigan.,Daily Round Trip Rates, $SY'S-S17; Cornell Sa according to steamer Vassar News The Unique and in other lead. MINNEKARJDA T7,220 ton liner ing college publi. Only ship devoted exclusively to Tourist cations throughout Third Cabin. No other passengers carried. tine country. You have free run of all decks. S180 Round Triv $4pply for antractil'e booklets and complete information to 214 97aiestir Building, Detroit, Cadillac 7665-7666, or any authorized sleamnslip agent II 1! , ~ i :_ i w M . '1vH ITE STAR..,UNC Ii f 1 If I w Upstairs, Cafeteria JNic kels Areade r _ __ - _~ . , r i tit .I«P"./,Y.®".1. , +t'". I'",/ '1ld/".d "J« "~, ", .A. , .I".r rIlw0". rC//./'~.1"a/" %".r /./. I ".Y. F. W. GROSS 309 South Main Presenting the Hats of Extra Quality $5 Super- Quality $6 Unexampled Smartness. a~ Ai ri fi fiti The Wallory aristocrat Hlat $7