TT-17FS hA, ARCTT 10. 192
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice tou all members of
the University.. Copy received by the Assistant to thoeF'-e'dent until
3:30 y. in. (11:30,a. mn. Saturdaus
volume 6 TiTESDAY, MARCH 10, 192:)5 1nuber 118
To the Deanes:
There will be a Conference of the Deans on Wednesday, March 11, at. 10
o'clock, in the President's office.. A. N. Lloyd.
Notice to all Members of the University :
i Mall addressed as follows: "care of the University of Michigan" has
been delivered to the office of the Secretary, Room 3, University Hall. It
will be held until March 14 and should be called for at once, giving date of
this publication, I. e, March 10. This list will not be reprinted. MAIL
Howard F. Adam Paul Kaufman
American Carbon c Machine ~ Arden Kirschner
Thrissa= Anderson Douglas W. Klefain
Clarence Archambeau
Richard Barker.
Laurence S. Bartell
Arthur Beaudry
Mrs. Lucie Bluin
L. Lawrence
S. P. Lee
Ed2(ward Littlefield
Christian Science Society
Bill Coleman
Charles W. Creaser
H1.!S. Diehl
Ule E. Emery
Burton Floyd
J. D. Malnight (^)
Grace E. Mauson
A. Y. Martinez
John R. Mersereau
J. Van Ossenbrugen
Charles Oakman
D. G. Patterson
E. A. Piester
Thomas Ramfrez
A. J. Rorich
M. Slaughter
Dionisio D. Talento
Russell Wood
Mrs. March Wordell
~Junior' Engineers:
j Assembly this morning at 10 o'clock in Room 348.
A. 0. Lee,ClsMetr
Eniglisli 3-PuL; is Sleaddug for Engineers:
Asseilihly at 7 P. M., Thursday, Tvrrch 12, in Room 248 of *the West En-
gineering Bldg. Chairman, R. K. C'happell, Speakers, Shantz, W. M. Mac-
Arthur, W. 1R. Thompson, 0. 1). Moshe.-, G. . Fl Maty,-b, V. B. MNetcalf. S. G.
SReddy. I.IL Lindeniilder.
First session of (discussion classes in Religion-Lane Hall, 7:30n P. M.
IFive different classes open to all nmenbers of' the Un'fiversit y under leader-
ship of faculty men and women. Lioniel Crocker.
Play Produel n lalys:
The following series of public lplays will be presented during the pres-
ent semester by the classes in Play Prodluction:
March 12, "The Maker of Dreams" by Oliphant Down,
1 "The Subjection of Kezia" by Mrs. Havelock Ellis,
"The Far-away Princess" by Hermann Suderman ;
April 8, Goldsmith's "She Stoops To Conquer:"
May 1, "The Death of Tintagiles" by Maurice Maeterlinck,
Two one-act plays;
May 14, "The Passing of The, Third Floor Back" by Jerome K. Jerome.
Tese plays will be given in University Hall at 8 o'clock in the evening.
The usual nominal charge will be made for t he:;eries.
Physics Colloquiumn:
Because of Prof'. Carl B~enedicks' lecture at 4'1.5 P. M. Tuesday the
Physics Colloquium announced for that time will be p~ostponed1 for one week.
11. It. Randall.
Mathiematical t'lub:
Regular meeting will be held in Room 3003 Angell Hall, on Tuesday,
March 10, at 8 P. M. Dr. James A. Shohlat will present "General Properties
and .Applications of Orthogonal (Tchebycheff) Polynomials." All p~ersona
interested are invitedl to attendl the meetings of the Club.
IV. 11. lDenton, Secy.
Stuidents antd Faciul y :
The Stud(ent-F'aculty Mixer, under the auspices of the l14iciigan Union,
will take place at 8 o'clock tonight in the assembly room of the Union.
Rfereslhmen ts, enterta inme'nt, andi speeche's will take place and all faculty
andl stuident: members of thle Un ion are invit ed to attend.
T'imnias ('a aangh, Pres., Mihligan U nion.
Pi Lambda Theta will bold an imp~ortant meeting at 8 o'clock Wednes-
P day at Betsy Parbour. 'At this time, Mr. Howard Y. iMcClusky, instructor
in edlucational p~sychology, will speak cn the subject, "Apptlication of Psy-
chology to a Teacher's Personality.'" All members are requestedl to be
present. Aluiriel IFox, President.
(~radunai1e EnglisNh '1ub :
'The G raduiat e Englis~h ('lib will meet Wednesday evening, March 11,
in Room 302 of tie Michigan Union at: 8 o'clock. Dr. IH.ID. Wiled will read
on "'Scholarship anid the Nat ional Dift in American Literatuare.''
P'aul Mtiesehae, Presiem.
!J The programi preyviously announced has been post poned. The meeting
j tonighit will be of interest, to ineirbers only, and will be devoted to the se-
*I._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Owen 'Rice Gordon
Herman Guikema
Adeline E. Gurd
Margaret Hanable
Norris Montague Hjardisty
Icetion of the Freshman debating team. There are several important items
of business to be0 considered. It is important that all members be present.
Richard 1Ford.
I i ngo-ienl Stud ietCl'hub :
The Evangelical student club will hold its regular monthly meeting
!W/edn~esday, March 11, ac. 7:00 P. IM. at Lane Hall. Mr. Harold Coffman,
Executive Secretary of the S. C. A., will speak.
Cha fracter S idlied
Spanlish (I'llb:
'f'ie next mc'eting of the c'onversation class of the Spanish society will
be tonight at 7 o'clock in Rom301 of the Library.I
Rommne(Clumb Dinner:
Romance (Chu) dinner Tuesday, March 10, at 6:00 o'clock, Mlichigan
Union. Please notify Professor Kenyon, telephone 3427, if you cannot be
Noies to appear in this column muist
be left in the box at the Daly office
pro~vided for 'nat purpose before 4
o'clock< Lrecee~liing the day of issue.
10:00-Junnior engineers assemble in
room 348, Engineering building.
4:00-Executive board of the Grnm.dii-
ate school meets.
4:00}---Cmedy club Inei s In XNew-
berry ball.
4:Uv-Dr. Carl Blenedicks lectures in
room 1042 East Engineering build-
4:15--Physics _colloqul-um mtis in
room 1041, new Physics building.
4 :30-Rlapheal Zon lectures ini roolma
Z-214, N. S. building.
5:(I.-31ais meceting for freshinmal
girls' pageant held in I:nIversity
1 0:00t-R-oniance club dinnter at Union.
7 :00-Spanish club hmeetcls in room
301, Library.
7 :00-C'ercle iFraacais 'nmeets in 202
South Wing.
7 :15-Athaenaa and Portia, met in
Athena rooms.
7 :340-Ir. 6. C. lii er Speaks in the
west ampihtheater of the Medial
, :00--Mathe4nnatical ('lub meets in
room 3003, Angell hall.
5 :00l---Sftlet aci~l y mixer takes
p~lace in the~ asaibly room of the
11.1 D . 'Ilenedicks speaks inl room
1042, WEasst.Engineering building.
41:1:>---)is :11. P~orter ;peaks in room
1009, Angell hall.
5:.00-Seniors in School of Education
Mmeet in room 203, Tappan hall.
7 :OOEvangelciitl Student club mseets
{at Lane hall.
7 :45--1)e~olay meets at Harris hall.
59:00-Graduate English club meets in
room 302, Union.
The Inlander will receive manuscripts I
for the familiar essay contest, for '
which a ten dollar prize is offered.
Iuntil March 15 at the Press build-
1 ing, when they will be forwarded'!
to Christopher Morley, who is to
judge them. If manuscript is to be
returned a self addressed, stamped
envelope should be enclosed.
W. R. Jones
Lieut. Col. Ian Dennistoun, whose'
pre 'ent wife is the widow of, the late
Lord Carnarvon, discoverer of King.
Tut's tomb, is busy denying charges
made by his first wife in a suit in
London for recovery of an alleged
loan of $4,000. She says that Den-
nistoun encouraged her in her con-
duct with Sir John Cowans, former
quartermaster-general of the British
army, because of his desire for mil-
itary preferment.
Executive Board Graduate Sectool:
There will be a meeting of the Executive Board on Tuesday, March 10,
at 'four o'clock. A. l1. Lloyd.
Freshman Girls' Pageant:
The second Mass Meeting to consider plans for the Freshman Girls'
Pageant will be held in University Hall, Tuesday, March 10th, at 5: 00 o'clock.
Pageant committees will 'be announced at this time.
Jean Jiamilton, Dean of Women.
University LecturesI:
Dr. Carl Benedicita, Director of the Metallographic Institute of Stock-
holm, Sweden, will speak Tuesday, March 10, and Wednesday, March 11, at
4:,15. P. M. in. Room 1042 East Engineering Building. His subjects will be:
Tuesday--"Some Points of Viewv on 'the Kinetic Constitution of Solid
Wednesday-"On -the Theory of Hig~h Speed Steel."
The public is invited. A. IE. White.
.AijZha Omega MlOM Lecture:
Dr. G, Carl Huber, Professor of Anatomy andl Director of the Anatomical
Laboratories of the Medical School, will give the next lecture in the Alpha
Omega Alpha series of lectures on medical history, at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday
evening; March 10th, in the west amphitheatre of the medical building. Dr.
HIuber will speak. on "Vesalius, the Founder of Modern Anatomy." The
lecture will be illustrated, with lantern slides. While this course of (ex-
tramural lectures was instituted primarily for medical students, they con-
tain mach of interest to premedical students and the pubolic at large.
Medical students and physicians are reminded that the lecture by Dr.
Wade H-. Brown, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, of New
York City, on "Chemotherapy and the Treatment of Syphilis," will take
place on Thursday evening, March 19th, at 8 o'clock, in the Natural Science
Auditorium. Walter l. Simpson, President.
Forestry Lecture:
Mr. Raphael Zon, Director of the .ake States Forest Experiment Sta-
tion, U. S. Forest Service, will deliver a lecture on "The Forest as a Plant
Community" in Room F214, Natural Science, Tuesday, M~arch 10, at 4: 30
o'clock. This lecture is designed to appeal to the general public, as well as
to students of botany and forestry. All those interested are invited to at-
tend. L. J. Younlg.
Senior MNebauleal and Electrical Engineers:
Mt. C. S. Coler and Mr. G. M. Eaton, of the Westinghouse Electric&
Mfg. Company, will be here on March 16 and 17 for the purpose of employ-
ing men for their graduate engineer course. In order that those interested
mnight be further inform~ed regarding the nature of the work the Westing-
hiouse Company has sent Mr. E. L. Emens, '24E, here to tell about his ex-
periences on this cour'se during the 'past' year and to schedule interviews
for those who wish to talk to Messrs. Coler and Eaton next week. Mr.
Emens will be in Room 244 West Engineering Building every day this week.
Hf. C. 'Anderson.
~Joseph It. Cannion.
Seniors, School of Education :
There' will be a meeting of the Seniors of the School of Education in
Room 203 Tappan IHall at 5 o'clock, Wednesday, March 11. Matters pertain-
ing to the Party and the Michigan Alumnus will be, considered.
W. It. Strong, Presidenit.
Don't delay-Pay your Subscription today.
Just as long as we do
cleaning- and pressing
will have a smile on
y oulr
f ace.
Quick Service
Goodh Work
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Read the Want Ads~
And every Wednesday,
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Music by
Bill Watkins and His Granger
For Walking Trips and Hikes
The Best Cameras at Reduced Prices
fiSouth University Ave. Ionc 110-
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You will want to take your
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i Arrange for a sitting today.
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"Passing of the Third Floor Back"
Six Shorter Plays
for the Series
i Now Selling at Stores and tml
the Campus
o ® ® me o r r N ® o NO NE w n ® si
Barg-,,ai~ns in°
..,mmm.,,,....,........., U *uENONEEU UEa
F'' ',
The Warcli edition of the Gar-
goyle will be placed on sale on
the campus tomnorrow. Due to
an unavoidable. delay, the staff
was unable to offer the mnag-
azine -for sale last Wednesday
as planned. '
~Experimnental '
N Wo rk of
SAll, Kinds..
- Microtomne Knives
Did Those Twenty-five-Dollar Values Take?
We'll say they did.
First lot nearly sold ump.
week Wednesday.
E~xpect ing
another shipment
to arrive this
If you missed out on the first showing lbe sure to see this next.
Do n~t forget though that we are also showing the same relative vales
in the better gradles.