I P'AGE FOUR ______THE 'MICHIGAN DAIL Y 14 ______________ TTESPA1Y, MARC~TT 10, 192:i OVER APPREHFNSION officers burst into the room. There SA rather typical instance of the di- you are: you findi an army chaplain ference between the Abfglish and the M1U I CD con amore with a ver' homo lady, en p duig h niesiyyarty h oadinS.thn4n w a deoa Published every morning' except Monday French attitude on national and inter- AD dishabille... there you area m " ghow Y ded ea Control of Student P'ublications. national affairs may be seen in the ;' R A M Athe little newling Jews back in their comments of the press of these two Boda offices must have snicered t u a g i a l s n y Member of Western ConferenceEdtra countries on President Coolidge's in-j as they sent that seelne on the road to d ____________________-augural address. steal is peep-show dollars from the The Associated Press is exclusively en-, The Morning Post of London char- "FOOT-LOOSE" icoutry oafs! titled to the use for republicationi of all news dispatche§ credited to it. or not othermse acterized the speech as the utterance A review, by Robert Henderson. ' It was all very stupid and dunll. I credited in this paper and the local news pub- of a practical man who "rightly indi lished therein.atdthtHhefrsrutyo usgo-every actress, Ethel Barry- jFortunately, however, for (nce a £ atdtathfrsduyohigo-more, Mrs. Fiske, Mrs. Leslie Gre prohey went wrong: the theatre vv is1LIlW Entered at the postoffice. at Ann Arbor, erment is the prosperity and securityCatr not soldi out,,Ithere was not a sngle ___ uI w Mihian po stag e crnd cbys tr .AS ist a t es- o t iie s. ~~ a c etrabove all Sarah Bernhardt in her fi- 1 ofaster. Gpotgreneral. e yThr sisatPs- fisciies" Th aceseBrfesri headeceadvr Subscription° by carrier,. 3.50; by mail,i Guardian paid tribute to the reel ties turnedl to dem-monde, the woman professor i h ulee m ey0T~~ H NA $4.00.' dent's "level-headedness" and his re- with a past for her final characteriza- I* L . B Offices;. Ann Arbor Press Building, May- eilIete y ~ ui tions. Margaret Anglin in "Foot- nard Street. fusal to be used _either__bybig___ui-______________________ ness, 960.,wierssor fisltons.I Stephanie, the Marquise de Mvokri-4 A review, by Robert Henderson. - wider ortof iolaionit.'Appa- Ivart-coarse, Irritating, with a nerv- 1 "Runnin' Wild," the two "Shuffle; EDITOIAL STAFF ently, the new executive madeC a hit osIauhand a raucous, selfish will.I Alongs" the New York "Plantationr Tepo18 ad76M with the English. ou ag INDENISCHI7TT Al 2414 .n 7- As the curtain rises she stalks im- Days" with Florence Mills, and "Ini ______Not so with the French press, how- pudently into a Roman villa, into thej Baiville," all negro musical comedies,L MANAGING EDIT0fl ever, which rather caustically criti- lives of two sisters with whom her wr h ietrve aeee PHILIP M. WAGNER weeth ins eve IhveTe ANN ARBOR'S LEFADING ized Mr. Coolidge for his attitude onj fortune has become admixed by an! seen. They had speed to extinction, j.No' Editor---------John G. Garhinghouse disarmament and defense. The Temps ironic twist of a marriage law; now News Editor.......Robert G. Ramsay mmyblesnsythfapraI City E io . . donami th he calliopte cont ralt ,a"E c u i -B t N t : dio.... Mann uewthof Paris says: "The United States as she approaches the iplumpness and 1 otatab d Niseghtac Editorliitaionofmiddle-age with its wrinkles ad do e oein htwrefnyb-j2 M I George W. Davis Harold A. Moore wihspaeadth iiaino lasse charities, she is determined to 1dzncmdasthtwr fnybe 0 .M I Thomas P.Henry' Fredk. Y. Sarrow, Jr. armaments. But the President intendsI attain afohl ncnetonl Ias hywrfrs.iterfed n Kenneth C.- Keller Norman R. 'ha to maintain for the United States mil- aristocratic society. a pony ingenue that shivered and ! ie yo ani estate ou Sports Editor...... Willam H. Stoneman Thrysaslto o h.soy etrn Sunday Editor-------Rooert S. Mansfield itary and naval forces fitting the se-shmidtltehoelvdhrca byne Music andl Drama"". Rob"" ert B.Hendrson curity and dignity of a great people. nearly melodramatic but very skill- to adessFTeseweerngres Telegraph Editor.Willmiam J Walthour this is a healthy conception of things furl and adroitly artistic: she is turn- thtwstegnu1ntei ao-A Lf nuac Assistantsprthatd wasisthelgeniusothin theird favor-nto te strees of arassee!STEIN-.BLOCH {MICH Louise Bary len S. Ramsay prvddiisapidtotesa'eagiinohetetsfapse but they became the craze of New estate is created by n Marion Barlow Regina Richmaanf well as to one's self." decadence to journey the long, slow York principally because they offered; small tax and Is .100SmrClte Leslie S. Bnnet Marie Reed rodt\h oilolvo fa ge e etpof mr lte alue-I J.WlSmithd C roady Jr. Edmar eiie Sc hi ahier o Quite obviously the French journal ra otescalolvo fa ge inenegr matrial WaeieLB. CDavbie Crder .Stevets is insinuating that any program of ing harlot. But that is scarcely the genu fiunegro eatei..I If you l enieL1D ve . rh S ee nspoint: M argaret Anglin with W illiama Buy your estate to - H igh Grd-F r i oph 0 . ertnrcberg Mfiory Setdisarmament will probably be :aimed 'P.agegnIteisedifsultcohxpain.evue befou tseph .Grtnei- He~ian Wise Fave rsham as the philanderer grown: day. Iainin¢ Housewortk Eugene IL. Gutekunt at cutting down her defensive forces __reofhifoot-oosemoursadethlocal"Planation__ys"_wlla_ Eiabth S. Ker~nned Setly. Crtongatth matter from the, one renew their faith in the theatre. pear novel and novel; in any case,__________________________ Winfield: . Line Leonard C. Hall French viewpoint and recognizing her The entire cast, even to the butler, excepting New York alone, it is vast- I______________________ Ciam . Piaero Thomfas . Kogner extremely precarious position as a was carefully, thoroughly finished, the lyinteesting, save only where at pat nation hemmed in by such countries setting was a wonder of freshness doctor has injected the conventional BUJSINESS STAFF as Russia, Germany, and Austria ! and solidity for the road, the cost-I traditic ns of* a\Winter Garden fashion I r ~~Telephone 80 there may be a very logical explana- umes, the properties, everything was parade. infrtsattueAsenfom(c bndinapfraceuhas***s_ BUSINESS MANAGER i one almost never sees now on the' WM. D. ROESSER als efs nlteFec vr stage. It fitted the legends the T'ILE ':SJANSl PLAY apprehension is to be deplored. Advertise.ng--...............---E. L. Dunne ____________I younger generation hears of the La Sociedad Iispanica will present !__________"""'_________ Advertismn................. RT. C. Winter-I good, very old days when the theatrej as the annual S4panish play the first Advertising....................H. A. Marks .' Advertising .............. ,.... B. W. Parker The medical prescription of a spirit wsntagmln os o n rdcini mrc fDnJa Acnt............ H. M. Rockwell .:, 'irculationi...... .. . .... ... ......John (Conlin recently ease, the pain of an English-! steady realtors and watchful phili- Eutgenjo llartzenbush's "Juan do las"s ' i<.?> Publication.....................R. D. Martin man suffering from sleeping sickness. stines to pander our movie taste: it Via, Ioeyo h lsi ra Asitnsbecame aVinysnd"aavscomedyarofsthe "classic" tra- APW.srols.W.L.ulis There are thousands of Americans:ajyadaviino rit P.rmmle Wy ArnoldsW.prejMuiciss dition, tomorrow eveningin Sarah W. . Ardssi K. . Mast who wuld pay good money for pre- 1 unissAli gedebyhbusines peudice s ell Angellhall. Ther is little L. M. Alving H. L. Newman' -isAnlngv ha'nadeceCuelAgelhi.Ter sltl Irving Berman T. D. Olmstead sriptions of spirits, exet fteAgi-harc nyto 1)esaidi of it unless you know'/ -A/ Rudolph Bostelman R. M. Prentis occasionally unconvincing. iVr. Fa- Spanish: it concerns;' complications, CAKELIK 111. ". Cark . C.Pu~c J. C. Conroe 1. D. Ryanosnwi The United Stages district attorney vershamn similary played in his Than- the heroine, the swetheart, the ,fAM0MOTa E ; We are pleased to offer this new hoc J. R. Dent. NT foer~ei New Yr City is pann to pad- eiedpten father, srl perverse,an a happy (fSEP It is an ENGLISH COTAG, and tlorog Ceor ge C. Johnson M. L. Schiff lock a thousand blind pigs. Aha! Personally,1th0 most consistent, ending. i r , 'AI Fsto Xastna Fl . .JKenJr. 1. . Schenfl another, attorney with an eye to busi- unique characterization of the Con-" Lot 50 x 12. Com -ness-for the Yale Lock company. pany was interpreted by Edith Camp- _________________ bell W alker as the e lder sister, Alice I F is st floor ftlravatory All l f iiWtrThe House expects that railroamd( Veriiey. In a remarkable way she plc- 'iebt aa TUSAIIR: 0 95I . h ru, itrytaicr- Grading completed PassPi, TUESDAY MARCH 0, 192 pronblers will be a big part of theItudth prdlttryrai o- Tebthlie com ing session. This is nothing new. st ai t oftaoond E glst p Ie Night Editor-THOS. P, HE~NRY, JR:l~hyawy ae be alodn picture was unbending, even in her NBy Appdnitrner - hll7N FRENSHP Theyawashvgbesriradn!momenits of sincerest affection; she I ' J2ti :rr REDHPtrug oges stood aloof as acoldl, inarticulate pre-. Wi el~LT_________ nce, as determined to winl her Puritan!SuetofMcia artoa ttAmainfasbrIlniita oitathCasnrgigMr- " . be asked to extend 'the hndof frtend-j smatch to see if his radiator was fi- quse tas !ditiguiheAPi( OOf_________"j f ship to thousands w~f young men an (V n It ;wasn't. constant taets 'ase p-tSphiecL IA L S ~ women studying in the universities n(hj_ . a-."* * * RANDMA'fseup t'th cetrlEuoe.-Alghttkj . TI)Fpes ONET at cake she's ever seen: RE~ALTOR centralEurope "Alt~ogh th ok 9'IE FA(.1TV Ct3CFR'i'And (Iandtina ought to know-she25FisNaonlBn of international good 4feeling t* esthr i 8MPtJ$;0PINION1 A review, by Wil1Iam J3romnw. looks bak over her years of coo- hns 1-5 21FisNaonlTn lomo ianilcnrb tionit Anonymous communications will be A lctre-recital by Charles S. Siul~-aindi(, h oe otecnljPoe 35, means much more than mere money.. disregarded. The namnes of coi mui- tnemild"m gsco "eAmr inta tl atyi hruhy Imaeposbetefudtoofa ants will. howeve, be t"rnttld"Te rded ie Aie-as good. Enoy Grandma's choice- cordalepsle h onation ewen thetma confidential anon rejuest ican Indian" was offered as a number order today. - = Iodia ofattheetweFaculty 'o tConcert CncetSerieslst! lastINIIIeIIDeliver. PhoneII 33111i0-JI11i111 bled nations and the United States. PLAY THlE (DAME Sunday afternoon in Hill Auditorium. W eie.Poe31- The people aided by the money raised To the Editor:j Mr. Skilton's accomplishments are( in tie University and in other insti-: I attended the Chicago-Michigan many; le llayedl tunes on an aborig-s, t)s tutions throughout the Ncountry are I basketball game Saturday eventng, I inal flute, on a modern piano, bat anv those who will be powerful influences 1 and was unfavorably impressed, like Indian drum, sang, and letuedI in the near future. many others, with the unsportsmnan- thereby contributing to our scant arc c4;, Ns j . There can be no doubt concerning t like conduct of Cherry, who subjected knowledge of the people who trod a'lRA ® the fundamental worth or the real his opponents, especially, Alyea to an! ills anti fields before the advent of I. F~ ON motives of the Student Friendship an unmerciful panning. He did not the old-world compositions anti our ..u N1ey A D 1.lBY _EE 12 H G I1E R S wo'.Apoetwihhstebc-confine his efforts to razzing, for once own modern jazz. --c---i ua (ola ig o uhmna ebr ovr he gave the ball to Alya to show hissI Mr. Silton presented in his schol-! Presidents Lowell of Harvard, Bu- cntempt for the Chicago team. Cherry Iany manner the history of early in-j The cst wxill include Douglas~e tnof Chicago n many others of the hasshw this sm lack of slcn vestigations into the amazingly em Whittemore and Masal evy Who Li eable"n Styl most prominent ,educators of the na-: trol in other games this season. His!ilplicated collection of tribal chants,! both had parts in last yoar's prodlc- . tion, cannot be questioned. A great stunt of bouncing the ball in the In- introducing the work of Cadman, tion, "Donna Clarines," and Maud w t j ( a t7 deal has already been accomplished. dana game will be rememnbered lby Lieurance, Macowve, hsascit7ry'h'a i h hou fth -~ It remains for respgn o osibili te nostnMihi aits. oreees a Preyr, and others, of whose work he, Jt nior Girls' play, "Thank You, =Fabrilcs n isuntknin cryn onthe Kersosblt h otMcia ons gave typical examples. He also x-,I Madame" The entire performance isIa hs unlraehi iv am not criticizing Cherry as a plained the more outstanding features under tie direction of ArEP. A. Mer- .Talri r = The element of compulsion will not, player for he is probably the best, of Indian: harmony, the six-tone scale, cado of the Spanish department with " hday k Only. IWALK PFEL &Co. CLOTHIERS xpensive. ff. AELS-STERN First Clothes ;ings NIN ROOMS (East of Wslterriw) use for your consideration, lily moderni in e very detail. screens detely decoratedl 'uprovemnrt s ;d ntler $20,000 ession at once it Only [nt with ik r3ldg TEvenings 78~ -AA 1.1Y enter into the campaign on the cam- guard in the conference, but this does the development of a theme by reit the assistance of Professor Kenyon, a pus. Each student. however, must not justify his conduct. College sport tion, and illustrated the confusing! and the title translated, they say, The j Ad m i red! consider his position as a member of has no, place for his childish and rhythmic arrangement which car- f means "John of the Vineyards." Th yr a great fraternity of those seeking to grandstand displays as in the Chicago' acterizes native compositions. s t' *_ prn promote the better things in life and and other games. Seven additional numbers, arrange-1 AQE-'j r as such assume his respobsility. Chicago had' to develop practically ments of Indian . melodies for the The first of a series of rograms b a new team this year and although piano and violin, were presented by1 Masques will be presented Wednes- = Clothes = (PUNISHING INSURGENCY lacking the ability of the Michigan Mr. Sklton and Edward F. Kurtz, a I day, March 25, in Sarah Caswell An-, The American party system of gov- players, they played a clean and hard violinist who accompanied him. These gell all. The bill will include Ernest ement, in spite of the fact that it game and deserved every considera- I selections, though leaving something Dawson's fantasy, "The P'ierrot of the= Our line of clothes is talored seems to be about the best way of get- tion from their opponents as well as to be desired in the way of technical MVinute" under the direction of Phyl- URforousgbyaEdeheimeriSteinhCo ting along, often displays consider- the spectators. To their credit, they, execution, were well received by the lis Luhton, Christopher Morley's so5ca orsodneo able weakness. According to its laws aid no attention to Cherry's cseiute on- audience. It seems a bit strange that ,.T he Rehearsal" under the direction I ooa sti odeiute hy are the last word in style the Republican leaders are completelyI stant chaffing, we should not have known something I of Nellie Rittenhouse, and Hortense( Lillian Eichler, author of thean th fbrc usd reo te justif ed in punishing Senator La Michigan has always stood for glean about the music of the American In- lexner's "Voics" under the direction hwsewoeti aosbo et Follette and ha± three fellow insur- sport and if one of her athletes gos dian before this; and the lecture-re- of iMinerva :Miller. The first is a slight entirely with Corona, says: gents by depriving them of their astray, there is no reason why lie ital by Mr. Skilton is to be appreciat- masterpiece of poetic drama, the sec- "yBo fEiute nor seniority rank on Senate committees. should not be censured. Coach M~ather ed as a step in such a direction. land a slap-stick farce with Cristo- "Mys 'Books of tieteterfour- =Te wae fhIF R The argument of the administrationi is to 1)0 commended for his action mi* * lpher Morley's usual broomstick1 social correspondence" . - C O H S i die h that the four renegade senators for- ejecting Cherry froum the game. i "S1310N CALLED PETER" I subtlety, and the last a soul-twisting * * * . fetedl their rights as Republicans In conclusion, I offer this adivice A review, by Robert Henderson. ;discussion of Jene(IArc--veryv arty. It is abreach of etiquette to allow letters best-circles. Come in and see when they supported the third prarty to Cherry, "P'lay up, Play up, play tie There was not a single male role . Tie cast will hey announcedto g manwrdomanwfin sent oebuseyou nw le f 'cn and opposedl President. Coolidge is game." or three of the women's mno oa id lnyo xue u e parts in shortly. for potponing the tiresome task. Wt pelfectlyl logical whatever else It may!I Yours truly, "Simon Called Peter" that James i* *x Corona at your elbow, letter~writing = Topcoats. be. R. C. Simonskoy, '2 Ed. Dresbach, myself, or the dozen moem- I TLE FI{ESIEflAN 1AL~'I CLUB many people of social prominence why As Senator Borah has pointed out, - - - -- hers of Comedy Club could not havel The following memi were admnitted to Corona for all their correspondence.. however, the real basis" for considera- To the Editor: I improved up)on with a six dlays' n-. the Fr~eshman (liee club after try-outs leble thaing h asr t n mot$ tion should be the wisdom not the I Referring to your headlines in to- hearsal. Tie point is this: when at under the direction of Willard Span-I T'2 justice of the move. The leaders d- day's "Daily": "German hatred andi melodrama that frankly drags in all agel and . C. Koch: term s if desired. tCall or phumc for =SUT clare that they are demoting the in- mistrust blocks peave move, says I the current illusions on sex and its D . . Apps, M1W. 0Blurneson, W. C.' demontaion I suigents as a safety first measure toI Eddy," I beg leave to inform you that modern unmoraltyiswl acted, s in! Cowell, R. N. Detzer, H. J. Eichen- ,~ avoid the possibility of a future hold- German and French hatred and mis-i "White Cargo" or 'Rain," it its very hofer, C. It. Fraser, C. G iersbach, J. I T p)f C ATSL. . up on any important bills. This mo- trust are mutual. I makie this state- very good, but whenm it is interprretedl Iogle, L Kauffman, A. awka, 1 . F. tive will hardly suffice when, it is e- jment as the result o' observations with bowery, William Brady finesse it Knoepp. N. Kuijarla, F. Mcllonld, C. , 0%. D. M ORRILL membered that even Senator La Fol- made during my recent stay in France becomes flatly, pathetically simon Mlihar. N. . Miller, P. E. 1\iili, I17 Nickels Arcade- ltte, who holds the most important and Germany. In addition to my own pure nielodramer.I W. II. Nelson, . lloertsonn, M. Ryan, position of any member of the group, observations, I refer you to an article The sight of the vor' homo lady C. K. estok, 1 M1\. Shoemraker. it. W. namely, the chairmanship of the inter- in "The New Republic" of February with the black velevt gown andtITs Shier, J.1.vanlionkl, and &I. A. Wn- w = state commrce commission would, 4. 1925: "The State of M intl of the Countess knee-dlep split might 'be geru L..f.A.~ AO w w w w - w Y Y w / w w w Y a w w r w awr Y h w t w Y Y Y 5 Y Y Y Y w _. w w w w w w w w Y 'RA Y w t w wr Y _ Y w w Y -10 w '2 5 wo to 35 Y w Y w w w w w w - w w Y Y w